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Harem Reborn c1-297

Page 127

by Author:Magic_

  As Dave explained about the basement, and his new pet Jibber, Tequila took a look at her own system.

  Point Crafting was the System that Dave had given her, but she didn't know a lot about it. From what she had discovered, the System gave her points, and then she could give those points to people or objects.

  So far, she had only got one point and wasn't sure who it was going to work to get more. Even though she was no longer under the grip of Reginold, Tequila missed having access to all knowledge at an instant.

  Now, she actually had to figure things out, and it was almost like starting as a new player with a walkthrough. Yes, she could see what she could do and the different ways to do it, but these things were all just words and phrases.

  Dave was now trying to get a room, but the price Ma was asking seemed highly unreasonable. Dave was starting to get frustrated.

  "Five gold a night, sorry, nothing that I can do. This is a price set by the Dragon Lord, Dalzoro himself. I am sorry, I really wish there was something that we could do, you really seem like nice people. No one has ever asked our son's name and we heard you call him by it, very interesting," Ma said.

  She was eyeing Dave with a hand on her chin, with an expression that said she was trying to figure something out. Tequila spoke up in Dave's mind, she had just received a mission from her Class.

  'Dave, can I give Jigs one of my points? I just got a mission from my Class to change someone's view of something they believe strongly in,' Tequila said in Dave's mind.

  'That might be a good idea, but I don't know what kind of effect it will have. This is your System and Class so I want you to use your abilities as you see fit. I trust you and I believe in your judgment, and I think this is why you got this class, you've always been the driver for change,' Dave thought, remembering their fight to change the world and the lives of all the girls.

  Dave warned everyone as Tequila emerged from his body, and this time no one passed out. Once fully out, Tequila walked over, and placed a hand onto Jigs's chest, but then turned back to Ma.

  "Can I do something for your son?" Tequila asked.

  "Umm, sure, can't really do much worse, I guess," Ma said with a gentle smile that belied her callous words.

  It was easy to see that this was a sore subject for Ma, so Tequila turned back to Jigs and spoke.

  "I bestow a point to you to craft your potential. I will help you reach your dreams," Tequila said as her hand began to glow briefly, but then the light faded.

  "Did it work?" Dave asked in confusion, not seeing any physical changes, but the Jigs gave Tequila a big hug.

  The boy had tears coming from his eyes as Tequila patted his back. Dave didn't move, not sure how to react, but Jigs let go of Tequila right away and stepped back.

  The boy stood up straighter now, and his eyes were more focused and determined. The boy stepped back and bowed deeply and held it at a ninety-degree position.

  "Thank you from the bottom of my heart! You have lifted the form that I have lived under my entire life. I will forever be in your debt and I wish to help you in any way I can!" Jigs shouted with his head still bowed, and not looking up.

  "Maybe you could get us a deal on a room? I mean, I am sure we can figure out something…" Dave tried to say but was shoved out of the way as Ma rushed over to her son, grabbing his head in her hands and staring into his eyes.

  "How is this possible? You can break the Dragon Lords Miasma?" Ma asked, turning to Tequila, still holding her son's face in her hands.

  "I don't know what that is, but I can help improve people. I just wanted to help him, and I think the point that I gave was good for him, right?" Tequila asked.

  Ma turned back to her son who stood up straight and looked directly at his mother with a look that spoke of a thinking mind. Even his smile was genuine, and almost splitting his face.

  "Yes, you did, but no matter what, I still can't go against the Dalzoro. If I did that we would just end up getting sent to the mines, and would be never heard of again," Ma said with a sigh letting go of Jigs face, turning back to the two.

  "I have been thinking about that," Dave said, speaking up. "What if we stay in the cellar? We will take up part of it and you can use the rest to put your things? Jibber will keep the rats that come to fight in line, and we get a place to stay, right?" Dave asked hopefully.

  "That is a very good idea, Ma. They could keep the place usable for us, and Henry and I can move the stuff inside that's in the alley. We will also have the drive-through for the merchants that come opened up and they will stop complaining," Jigs explained to his mother.

  Ma put a hand to her chin thoughtfully looking back and forth from her son and the two strange people that had just entered her life. She knew that this was going to be trouble no matter how it was spun, but at least this would be in her favor.

  "We still need you to pull your weight and bring at least one Demonstrative Ticket a day. I think it's a good idea and maybe they can take Jigs with them if they are going out. If the boy has his head back he should be out earning a keep to make it easier on us," Pa said, walking out from the back kitchen.

  "I don't know…" Dave started to say, but Tequila cut him off with a glare, making Dave put his hands up at chest level and back off.

  "Yes, we can get Jigs to help up, but Dave is more of a soloist. I, on the other hand, will be fighting different kinds of monsters, so I will accept Jigs's help," Tequila said, still glaring at the now grinning Dave.

  "Thank you very much! I will help get a bed down for you two, but you will need to do as my father said. You will have to go get a Demonstrative Ticket from a monster bounty that you get from the Townhall," Jigs explained after bowing again.

  Tequila walked over and kissed Dave as she merged into him. She also petted Jibber, but then Dave had to catch him as the hand that was petting him disappeared into Dave's shoulder.

  Dave shook his head, walking out of the Inn holding the passed-out Jibber and listening to Tequila giggle frantically in his head.

  Chapter 296: Ch 6: Demonized Demons

  Dave walked out of the Inn and noticed that it was almost lunchtime and he had still not eaten. The streets were empty, but this time Dave did notice some shadowed faces in the windows.

  "Why do you think that they are all staring at us?" Dave asked Tequila who had merged from his shoulder.

  Jibber had been on that side but then moved to the other now that he was awake again. I could understand him like he was talking, but it was all through though, but translated from feelings.

  Right now Jibber was letting Dave know how strange he thought Tequila was and that she was unnatural. Jibber suggested that Dave just cut her off, but he shivered when Dave said she would just grow back.

  Jibber was fully convinced that Tequila was the Demon, and Dave was the one that was being held, as a prisoner. Dave wasn't about to disagree with Jibber, but Tequila reached a handout and smacked Dave.

  "Unnatural is the little black rat playing ninja on your shoulder!" Tequila growled, trying to send from Dave's neck, but Jibber jumped and dodged with ease.

  This only made her angrier and I started to get flashbacks from when Grace and Tequila came out of me in the previous world.

  "Alright, that's enough my love, Jibber was only joking. You need to stop being so handsy, and aggressive, or I will force you to stay inside. I love you, but I will not have you getting us killed because you don't like something that I said or a reference that I make," Dave said to Tequila as she slowly sunk into his shoulder in embarrassment.

  'I'm sorry,' Tequila said softly in Dave's mind as he walked up to the Town Hall.

  "I know it is good to be back in your former self, but you need to remember that we are still in a game. There are going to be plenty of things that will frustrate you and make you mad, but you're going to have to get past them. I love you, so please just try not to get too excited about things, and I won't make jokes at your expense anymore, okay?" Dave said to Tequila, o
pening the large weathered wooden door.

  'Thank you, I just got defensive and I think you're trying to actually bug me, but I know you're not. I am just trying to get used to having control of my feelings, so they come out too strong. I will work on getting myself and temper under control, just please treat me like I am the person that these memories say I am to you,' Tequila told Dave.

  There were inside not and the town hall was set up into three windowed booths. The conversation was not finished, so Dave just stepped off to the side before going up.

  'What do you mean by these memories? Love, those are our memories, I have spent countless years and lifetimes with you! There isn't a woman in any world or in any lifetime that I have ever loved as much as you,' Dave told her.

  'I know that you say that, and I can see the memories, but something in my head is making me question if anyone of this is even real. What if this is just all one big dream?' Tequila asked Dave.

  This was very troublesome, Dave had yet to run into this problem. It had always been him doubting the true purpose of him being in the game, but that was before he had gotten his memory back.

  Now, they both had their memories back, but it was Tequila that was questioning existence itself right now. How was he supposed to convince her that this was real?

  'I won't tell you this isn't a dream or an illusion constructed in your mind. What I can tell you is that I am here for you, and I always will be, just like those memories say. All I can do is to make sure that you know these things and show you how much I love you,' Dave told Tequila.

  Tequila was silent, and Dave stepped forward, feeling a bit heavy of heart. This could become a serious problem for more than just this single game.

  In Reborn, the mind was the most precious thing each player had. If they were to lose touch on reality like Tequila was starting to, the mind could break.

  The only way to save her would be to completely wipe her file. That would be talking over a thousand memories away from her, leaving Dave with them all.

  Dave clenched his fist and controlled his breathing as he walked up to one of the booths. Just the thought of having to do something like that gave him instant anxiety.

  "How can I help you?" Asked a covered female dressed all in black.

  Dave took a deep breath, and let it out. Getting stressed out and worked up about this was going to get him nowhere, and he needed to be strong for her.

  "I need a bounty, I am new in town, so I don't really know how this works," Dave said to the glass.

  "That's okay, we get that a lot. Pass me a Class Ticket, and I will select the appropriate bounty," The woman said, extending an orange paw-like hand to Dave.

  Dave pulled his card out and passed over his Class Ticket. The woman took the paper and put it on the counter in front of her.

  Next, she pulled out a long piece of glass blue glass and placed it over the top of the Class Ticket. The glass started to glow and then a razor-thin card-shaped section of the glass broke off.

  The woman in the black robe handed Dave back his Class Ticket and the glass card. When Dave took it in his hands, the card felt strong, and even though it was paper-thin, the edges were not sharp.

  "This card will direct you to the area that the monster will be in, and it will also show you a picture of your bounty. When you have progressed enough, you will start to see other stats about the monsters on the cards," the woman explained to Dave.

  "Thank you," Dave said as he looked at the card in his hand.

  There was a picture of a wolf, and there was a [x3] besides its name. Dave turned the transparent card over in his hand, and on the other side, there was nothing.

  Dave was about to turn the card back over in his hand, but then he noticed something. The left side of the card was glowing red softly.

  Dave was facing the door to go out, so he turned to the left and the glowing light moved around to the front of the card. This would act as a compass for him and make it easy to track his bounty.

  "Thank you," Dave said, waving to the covered women in the booth as he left out the door.

  The woman waved back, smiling under her hood. Then she reached down into her pocket, grabbing a hold of a pen that was very special to her.

  The woman hoped that this Dave would bring about some change, and that made her grip the pen tighter. Her mother had given her the pen just before she had been taken to the mines for being falsely accused of revealing her face by one of the worthless humans.

  This feeling was shared by many of the Demons. Humans were nothing more than lapdogs to the Dragons, and they would take any chance they could to turn the Demons in.

  There are parts of the world where there were some Demon Lords still ruling. In the eyes of the humans, the Demons were the scourge that needed to be eliminated, and the dragons were the saving race.

  The Dragon's would have killed all the Demons, but there wasn't enough human to beagle to keep the dragon's happy. So, the alternative was to enslave the Demon race, and now they weren't even allowed to show their faces.


  Dave stepped out of the building and took a deep breath in. There had been a weapons shop he had noticed on the way into town, and he would need some sort of weapon if he hoped to survive.

  Dave, head south, back down to the shop that was called Hot Iron Forging. Dave walked to the front door and then tried to open it. The door wouldn't budge, and Dave was about to know it, but there was the sound of metal sliding and then a clanging noise of metal hitting metal.

  "What do you want, Mouth Breather?" An angry voice asked from the other side of the door.

  "A weapon would be good, and maybe some kind of armor, maybe something in a rat's size?" I asked.

  "What size?" The male voice asked in confusion, and Jibber squeaked, meaning, yes.

  Chapter 297: Ch 7: I Got This

  The door opened up and the small man in a black robe that now had the hood up stepped back and out of the way. Once Dave was inside, the man closed the do and locked it, throwing the black hooded robe to the side.

  Underneath was a short and squat man covered in fur. He had a pointed and distended face with pointed ears and black and white fur covering his body.

  He looked more like one of the famous masked trash bandits known as a raccoon, but this one looked well fed.

  "So, what do you want? Did you come to look upon my beautiful physique? Hardly, now are you going to make a purchase or not?" The Racoon man snapped, he was not the type to be jerked around by window shoppers.

  "I need a sword, and some armor, but I only have ten gold, is there anything it can get for that much?" Dave asked.

  "Oh? I might be able to find something, just give me a minute! My name is Greaves, I am sorry for acting hostile. There are a lot of nosey people that like to come and just look around," Greaves said as he turned around and looked at a couple of the armor crates behind him.

  Tequila emerged from Dave and she held onto him, resting her head on his shoulder. She didn't seem her spunky self right at this moment, and Dave took her into his arms and held her close.

  Dave was worried about her mind, and if he would be able to help her get through this. The thought of losing Tequila gripped Dave's heart, but he promised himself that he would do everything in his power to prevent that.

  The love that he held for her could not be measured or even perceived. The two had spent millennia together, they were star-crossed lovers, and Dave would fight to hold onto that love.

  "Hey! Wait! Why is a human in here! What is this?! How did she get in here? Was this all a trick to get me tossed in the mines?!" Greaves shouted as the pair.

  "No, calm down. This is my beautiful wife, Tequila, and she will not report you or anything like that. In fact, we just go into town and are new to this whole demon-hate thing," Dave said quickly to pacify the man, but it also seemed to have the same effect on Tequila.

  "Good, but I still hope that you are telling the truth and not just trying to tr
ick me. Still, I guess you would have no reason to hide it from me at this point, but I have never seen a human and Demon pair like you two," Greaves said, relaxing once again.

  "Sorry, I tend to scare the locals, so I don't come out much. I just wanted to be close to him right now," Tequila said in a soft voice that hurt Dave's heart, leaving him with a heavy feeling in his chest.

  He pulled her closer to kiss her gently, and Greaves' expression softened a bit more.

  "Ah, You must be from one of the northern demon tribes. What would make you come all the way down here?" Greaves asked as he turned with a crate on older looking armor, but it was in good shape. "Here, now I will just grab your sword and you should be good. The armor isn't new, but a little wear is good, give the wearer some personality!"


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