counterinsurgency manual and
critics of
determination of
doctoral dissertation of
final letter to troops by
Gates’s offer of command to
House Foreign Affairs Committee testimony of
at insurgency manual conference
on Iraqi elections
Iraq team formed by
in “light infantry,”
local militias set up by
made head of Central Command
Maliki’s talks with
in meetings with Bush
Mosul campaign of
Obama’s meeting with
Petraeus, David (cont.)
Odierno’s relationship with
optimism of
personality of
on rumor of JAM deal
shooting of
surge and
timetables and
Petraeus, Holly
Petraeus, Sixtus
Phillips, Andrews
Poirier, David
Pomante, Vincent
Pool, Jeffrey S.
Porter, Patrick
Powell, Colin
Powell, James
Press, Elliott
“Producing Victory,”
Project for the New American Century
Quayle, Chad
Quds Force
Raeford Drop Zone
Raghavan, Sudarsan
Rahman, Abel
Rainey, James
Ramadi, Iraq
RAND Corporation
rapid decisive operations
Rapp, Bill
Rasheed, Mamoun Sami
Rayburn, Joel
Reagan, Ronald
Redacted (film)
Reed, Jack
Reese, Timothy
Reid, Harry
Remington, Frederic
Republican Guard
“revolt of the generals,”
Ribat, Khadem al-
Rice, Condoleezza
Riggs, John
Risha, Sittar albu-
Rodriguez, Robert
Rohrabacher, Dana
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Michael
Rove, Karl
Rubaie, Mowaffak al-
Rubin, Alissa
Rumsfeld, Donald
Keane’s meetings with
removal of
and “revolt of the generals,”
as wary of making changes
Ryndych, Yevgeniy
Sabah, Lt. Col.
Sab al-Bor, Iraq
Sadr, Moqtada al-
in Basra campaign
cease-fire declared by
Sadr, Muhammed Bakr
Sadr City (Baghdad neighborhood)
Salahuddin Provinces
Salem, Aisha
Salem, Safah Yunis
Salem, Zainab
Salih, Barham
Salmani, Abu Mohammed
Salman Pak, Iraq
Samarra, Iraq
Sanchez, Ricardo
Sassaman, Nathan
Saville, Jack
Scales, Robert, Jr.
Schmitt, Gary
School of Advanced Military Studies
Schoomaker, Peter
Scowcroft, Brent
Scranton, Deborah
“Security Now”
Senate, U.S.:
Armed Service Committee of
Foreign Relations Committee of
Sepp, Kalev
September 11 attacks
Sewall, Sarah
Shadid, Anthony
Shama, Hassan
Shammar tribe
Sharratt, Justin
Sheehan, John
Shelton, Hugh
Sherman, William T.
Shiite militias
Shiloh, battle of
Shining Path
Shinseki, Eric
Shorja market
Showman, Lee
Shultz, George
Silverman, Adam
Simon, Steven
Sistani, Ayatollah
Sky, Emma
Small Wars Journal
Smith, Gordon
Snowe, Olympia
Sons of Iraq
Southern Command
Stampede, The (Remington)
Stanton, Edwin
Stanton, Martin
Starr, Ann Exline
State Department, U.S.
Stavridis, James
Steele, Michael
Stone, Douglas
Strachan, Hew
Strader, Kent
Strmecki, Marin
Struck, Doug
Sunni Triangle
Supreme Command (Cohen)
surge, Iraq war
accomplishments of
AEI conference on
Biden on
council of colonels’ push for
counteroffensive against
five brigades for
future of
initiation of
Iraq military training in
Keane and
low point of
McCain’s support for
mental health of soldiers and
minisurge in
Odierno’s plans and principles for
Odierno’s pressing of
opposition to
Pace’s version of
pessimism about
Petraeus’s congressional testimony on
psychological impact of
“Security Now” plan for
as tactical success
Sutherland, David
Swan, Guy
Swannack, Charles
Tall Afar, Iraq
Tamariyah, Iraq
Tarmiyah, battle of
Tarsa, Mike
Tatum, Stephen
Tenet, George
Terrazas, Miguel
Tertulien, Yvenson
Thomson, J. T.
Thurman, James
Tikrit, Iraq
Together Forward
Together Forward
Tovo, Kenneth
Townsend, Steve
Triangle of Death
“Twenty-Eight Articles” (Kilcullen)
Umm Qasr, Iraq
United Iraqi Alliance
United Nations
Vang, Pao
Veterans of Foreign Wars
Vickers, Michael
Vietnam War
Visser, Reidar
Voinovich, George
Von Plinsky, Anthony
Voorhies, David
Wald, Charles
Wallace, Cassandra
Wallace, Cory
Wallace, William
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
War for America, The (Mackesy)
Ware, Michael
War Managers, The (Kinnard)
Warner, John
War Tapes, The (film)
War Within, The (Woodward)
Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Washington Post
Webb, James
Webb, Jimmy
Weber, Gregory
Weber, Vin
Webster, Nathan
West, Francis “Bing”
White, Jeffrey
White, Wayne
Whitney, Matt
Wicker, Roger
Wilbraham, Andy
Williams, Lee
Williamson, Dan
Williamson, Schuyler
Wilson, Austin
Wilson, Martin
Wink, Jay
Winnefeld, James “Sandy,” Jr.
Wisme, Sarhan Hassan
Wolfowitz, Paul
Woodward, Bob
Work, Robert
World W
ar I
World War II
Wright, Andrew
Wuterich, Frank
Yezidi people
Yingling, Paul
Yusifyah, Iraq
Zaganiyah, Iraq
Zarqawi, Abu Musab al-
Zawahiri, Ayman al-
Zelikow, Philip
Zinni, Anthony
Zobaie, Faisal Ismail al-
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