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To Hell with Love: The Policeman

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by Tyra Hyde

  To Hell with Love: The Policeman

  Copyright 2013 Tyra Hyde

  Published by Tyra Hyde at Smashwords

  Smashwords Edition License Notes

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  This is a work of fiction. The characters and dialogues in this book are entirely imaginary and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Where did you learn that?" Cried Stanny, or Satan to you mere mortals, as I poked my head out from beneath the covers.

  "Well..." I could barely get the words out. My body was still quivering in the aftermath of our third shared orgasm of the night. "I may have possessed the body of a mortal again." Oh no, I thought to myself as Stan's expression changed from one of satisfaction to annoyance. He had never approved of my promiscuity.

  You see, being the devil's own wife has its perks. I exist outside of time and space, allowing me to do pretty much anything I want. Although Stanny has always forbade me from interfering with innocent lives, I enjoy nothing more than possessing young women and experiencing sex from their point of view.

  "But I did it for you Stanny baby!" He was having none of that. Stan tossed me aside and hopped out of bed, standing before me in all his glory. "Oh!" I giggled seductively. "Looks like little Stan is still excited!" My goodness that man is glorious. Tonight, he had taken on the form of a young Egyptian foot soldier to match my Cleopatra. He was completely naked, muscled from head to toe, athletic and lean, six feet of pure man. It looks even bigger now than before! I thought, catching sight of his member as it swayed menacingly from side to side. The damn thing was enormous even at half mast, hanging wild and untamed amongst a thicket of dense black hair. If all her soldiers were like this, I thought, then Mark Anthony must have been hung like a horse.

  Unfortunately, Stan's mind did not match up with his body. Our sex life had become laborious, a routine exercise in watered down pleasure. In fact, the entire relationship had gone stale these past few years- I had taken it upon myself to rectify that. Role play had rejuvenated our love for one another, even if Stanny didn't fully approve.

  In an instant, he was back to his old self again, all red and ominous looking. The man was gone; in his place stood a horned demon, complete with a spiked tail and little wings."I have people to condemn to eternal damnation, Angela." He said, firm and serious. He was back in work mode already.

  "You know I hate that name Stan. I prefer Tyra. Besides, what am I supposed to do? Visit the in-laws? Pray?" He hated it when I joked like this.

  "I don't care what you do, just give me some space!" He roared, flames engulfing the entirety of our quarters except for the bed. He grabbed his pitchfork and popped in his contact lenses before stomping off into the darkness, complaining all the while of my infidelity.

  Fine. If that's how you want it, Stan. And with a click of my fingers, I was gone too.


  It was always a shock when I landed in a mortal body. Momentarily I would forget who it was I had possessed. I found myself in a small but homely kitchen, decorated with pretty much floral everything. Judging by the weather, it was almost evening already. Good. The sooner I can get my fill the better.

  I caught my reflection in the window pane. I was... Not all that bad, actually. This time my hair was red, strawberry blonde in truth, long and flowing. My face was soft, freckled with cute little orange spots that ran across the bridge of my nose and dispersed along each cheek. My lips were large, luscious as could be, and capable of forming the cheekiest smirk of any human I had ever come across. The body was rather pleasant also, short but busty, skinny at the waist and wide at the hips.

  One big question hung heavy on my mind, however. Who was I going to shag?

  I ventured from the kitchen and found the stairs, right by the front door. Climbing the steps I spied a trio of pictures, each one of me (or my body at least) and a man, presumably my husband. I stopped to take a closer look. The picture was... Disappointing. This husband of mine was an oaf, or so it seemed. He had a thick moustache that dominated the entirety of his face, a fat little caterpillar of a thing. He had lost most of the hair on his head too. Maybe that's why he keeps the moustache.

  This simply would not do. He must have been a lovely man, truly, especially to bag a lady with a body like mine. In all of the pictures I was five, maybe ten years younger than I was now, and in each of them I looked utterly stunning. What had happened to this woman? She had gotten so old, so boring. Gone were the skimpy little mini skirts and the strapless tops, here I stood dressed in mum jeans and what appeared to be a men's hoodie. No more! I thought, as I reached the top of the stairs and marched straight for the open door to my bedroom.

  Just like the kitchen before, my bedroom was as flowery as a meadow. Curtains, wallpaper, bedspread, everything. I began to search the bedside tables, ripping out drawers and finding nothing. I made a move for the closet next. I had to get out of these ridiculous, unflattering clothes. Between unshapely tops and ill fitting trousers, this woman had absolutely no clothes designed for anything other than sitting around the house eating diet crisps and watching reruns of A Place in the Sun.

  Then I saw it. A chest, neatly tucked away at the bottom of the wardrobe, big enough for this body to curl up into probably. It was a lovely thing, oak trimmed with polished silver lining along the seams and a huge ornate buckle at the centre. I pulled it out and flicked it open.

  Well well well. Looks like someone has good taste after all. In the box was a little pinkish red dress that cut off just above the knee. The cut was low, very low, and the fabric felt delicate enough for a strong man to tear it apart with his bare hands. Underneath lay a pair of gorgeous black heels with an open toe, along with a much smaller box in the same style as the chest. Opening it up, I gasped in disbelief. A pair of dazzlingly bright diamond earrings and matching necklace fell out into my hands, exquisite little things that reflected light into a myriad of different colours.

  I just had to try it all on. Tearing off the drudgery of my old attire felt so liberating that I wandered around naked for a while just to take it all in. I looked far better without that ridiculous hoodie, unsurprisingly. What did surprise me however, is that I was indeed a natural redhead.

  Before I had the chance to try on my new outfit however, something caught my eye. The best bit was waiting for me at the bottom of the chest; a vibrator, so big in my dainty little hands that I could barely wrap my fingers around the entire circumference. Written along the side in now faded letters were the words 'BIG D'. Now we're talking. I fell backwards onto the bed and allowed Big D to work his magic.

  I was tight. Tighter than any girl I had ever played with, though I supposed that was to be expected considering that this woman barely scraped above five feet. I began to caress my nipples lightly, first the right, then the left, and then both at once for a while. The left was particularly sensitive. I let myself suffer for a moment, desperate for penetration, as I slowly but surely opened up down there. After a time, I pushed Big D in, just half an inch at first, then steadily up to full capacity. It felt amazing to completely fill my pussy, pushing D further and further until I could take no more. I was practically frothing at the mouth with anticipation, my mind itchi
ng all the while, begging my hands to start moving in and out. My nose caught scent of my own juices, and it was then that I realised I was well on my way.

  A knock at the door. Not just a faint tapping, but a real bang. What do they call it again? A policeman's knock! This was exciting. A man in uniform could always get my wheels turning.

  Another knock. "On my way!" I shouted, half singing the words. I tossed Big D aside and tried to wipe myself clean. My brow was caked in sweat, never mind the remnants of the small but very definite puddle Big D had induced upon me.

  I got half way down the stairs before I realised I was still naked. Quickly, I hopped back up the stairs and put on the old jeans and hoodie.

  I made my way over to the front door, a big brown thing with stained glass panels. Comparing the height of the letterbox to myself reminded me of just how tiny I was. I opened the door. Before me loomed a giant. He was easily six and a half feet tall, proportionately broad of shoulder and clad in a reflective green coat. Atop his head sat a big bowl hat, with a silver logo emblazoned upon it to signify his authority. As if he needs any more authority, I thought to myself.

  The giant spoke. "Hello, Mrs Alison Weathers? My name is PC Adams. I'm sorry, I have some terrible news. May I come in?" He flashed his badge and ID at me, as if to prove his authority.

  You certainly can. "Yes yes come in come in." I ushered him into the living room. Even that was floral. Considering the secret cache I had just discovered, this woman's more overt tastes were apparently nothing more than a very clear and structured mask.

  PC Adams seated himself in the chair at the far corner of the room. It barely looked big enough for him, a man clad in padded clothing and a stab proof vest that made him look even bigger than he already was. As he spoke, I had the chance to get a proper look at his face. He had a strong jawline, not square but powerful and manly. His cheekbones were just as prominent. Those eyes, though. They were something else, big blue circles as deep as oceans that softened him somehow. I could lose myself in those for days...

  And I would have, if the policemen had not interrupted. "I'm afraid he died, ma'am. Your husband... We did everything we could."

  Now this is interesting. I began to tear up as best I could, hoping the man would move over to comfort me. He did. It was so easy to manipulate a man in uniform. So long as they believe that they are in control, the fools will do almost anything. He sat down right next to me, dwarfing my short little frame and causing the sofa on which we sat to creak under his weight. I kept on crying as he placed a big, strong arm around my shoulders.

  I understand ma'am. I lost my own spouse some years ago too, Oh my, this is too perfect. "The pain never quite goes away." I looked up into his eyes. He was tearing up too. This was my chance. As I began to move my lips towards his however, he rose to his feet and left me to fall clumsily on top of where he had just been sitting. “I'm sorry ma'am. I'm still on duty. I have to be going now.”

  Before I could react, the policeman was heading for the door one long stride at a time. He was getting away! No. This is not how it ends! I chased after him, reaching the door before he could and placing myself between him and it. “Oh PC Adams, you've only been here all of half a minute! Is this how you normally do your house calls, hmm? My husband...” I started to sob once more, gently this time. “My husband is dead and you can't even stay an extra few minutes to keep me company?”

  The policeman was shocked. There was a sadness in that expression of his, placid but firm and tinged with darkness. He stuttered a moment, before eventually saying “I'm so sorry ma'am, but I have other duties to attend to. Although...”

  “Yes?” I asked, pouting and doing my best impression of a puppy dog.

  “My shift finishes at eight. I suppose I could stop by afterwards, if you really think that would be necessary?”

  “Oh that would be magnificent PC Adams! Thank you so much!” I leapt up and pecked him on the cheek, before stepping aside and allowing him to exit. I had clearly taken him by surprise. His nose twitched just a little, probably something he always did when he was caught off guard. Or maybe he caught a whiff of my pussy... “See you around eight...” I said, smiling wickedly as the giant left me for his car.

  The poor man couldn't even walk down my pathway without checking behind him. I stood in the doorway, my back pressed against the frame, trying to look upset and seductive at the same time. He's mine now, I thought to myself as I retreated indoors. I glanced at my watch- it was already half past six! That gave me barely an hour to get ready. I ran back upstairs and started to formulate a plan.


  PC Adams pulled up promptly on my driveway at ten past eight. He must have been eager, since he was still dressed in full police uniform.

  I on the other hand was no longer wearing those washed out, ill fitting jeans and that hideous, unshapely hoodie. No, I was now wearing the little pink dress and sexy stilettos I had found upstairs. The shoes shaped my body wonderfully. They really made my bum and boobs stand out; I looked the very definition of the hourglass figure. The matching earrings and necklace I had also found completed my outfit.

  A knock at the door, louder even than before. Let's hope this guy can bang as hard as he knocks. I dashed over from the kitchen, two tall glasses in one hand and a bottle of red wine I had procured from the fridge in the other. I opened the door to find PC Adams towering over me, in spite of the added height my heels could provide.

  “PC Adams, I'm so glad you came back. Please, do take a seat in the lounge, I'll be with in just a moment.” Without a word, he did as he was told. He seemed rather uptight, as though he knew he shouldn't really be here. Nothing a little Sauvignon Blanc can't fix. Soon after we were sipping wine together on the sofa, chatting somewhat awkwardly. The policeman was rather quiet, subdued almost. Perhaps he felt guilty over that pesky old husband of mine. More likely, he was too busy sneaking glances at my plunging cleavage. “You know, my husband and I- we never did communicate well with words.”

  “Oh really? That sounds just like me and Susan. We always used to-” No! Don't think about the ex! There's no better way to kill the buzz! “And even though I've had a few flings since, I've only ever thought about her. Hell, once I actually shouted out her name during sex with another woman. That did not go down well...”

  He was drinking an awful lot. In fact, he was helping himself to another glass right now. I couldn't hear any more about this bloody ex of his either. He was vulnerable- this was the perfect opportunity to pounce.

  I moved my lips towards his and pressed myself against him. He kissed like you would expect a man his size, his lips engulfing my own as my hands crept further and further down his huge, bulbous biceps. I could feel the damn things even through all those layers of police gear, bulging like cricket balls and threatening to burst through his shirt.

  I threw my left leg over his lap, straddling him but only just. It felt like I was mounting a horse, such was his size. We kissed again, longer this time, and his five o'clock shadow bristled against my milk white skin, sharp as a razor. Once more, my hands crept south, closer and closer to the ever growing prominence below the policeman's belt. Then, just as my fingers were barely an inch from the grand prize, he did something astonishing.

  PC Adams stood, still holding me in his arms, and took a firm hold of my ass. Oh my, I thought, mister policeman you are a devil!

  He kissed me again, all up and down the left side of my neck. I put my head over his shoulder and bit my lip. Who needs foreplay when you can role play, eh? He was so gentle, so delicate for such a big man. He planted kisses all up and down my neck and collar, occasionally stopping to nuzzle against my ear and clench his teeth. Every little touch was bliss, growing more and more passionate. We stayed like this for a time, before I eventually snapped out of my sexual paralysis- I needed to ask him something.

  "PC Adams," I did my best to sound as innocent as possible. "Are you sure we should be doing this? I mean, my husband... Your girlfriend
... And you're still on duty!"

  The policeman did not hesitate to respond. "Ma'am, you are clearly grieving. Let me make the decisions for a while, okay?" He smiled a devilish grin, sending a little jolt of happiness through my mind. I'm getting the best out of him tonight.

  "But the neighbours, they'll judge us for this. A widowed woman like me, vulnerable and alone, allowing herself to be whisked away by a man with power such as yourself. It's not right... It's... It's taboo!" I continued. This was it. He may have quite literally swept me off of my feet, but now it was my turn to start pulling the strings.

  "Not if they never find out."He growled. I looked into his eyes. Gone was the sadness that had been there before, replaced by a burning hunger that only I could satiate. And with that final comment, we made for the stairs.

  Once in my bedroom, PC Adams threw me down on the bed. Right before my eyes, he began to strip. First came the boots. Then the reflective jacket and that padded vest with his name on, shortly followed by his tight fitting polo shirt and trousers. Eventually, he was down to just his boxers and his police helmet. He stood to attention and allowed my eyes to take in the sight before me. He really was huge. Every part of him was well defined. It was clear that he put a lot of effort into his body. He had that special V shape to his abs, a rippling six pack resting just beneath two wide, glorious pecs. I twisted my finger around in the air, signalling for him to do me a twirl. Oh wow. Even his back was muscular. His shoulders bulged like two small footballs either side of his head. If I wasn't hot for him before, I was now.

  Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, my policeman stopped mid turn to face the wall. In one swift motion he tore off his boxers, ripping them in two and casting the bits of material aside. That ass! It was incredible. It was as if he had been moulded from clay by the master sculptors of old. I could barely restrain myself from lunging forward and rubbing my hands all over those gorgeous glutes.


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