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The Sweet Touch

Page 6

by Madelaine Grant

  He pointed a stern finger in the direction of her bedroom. “Go change and do your run. That way we’ll make it to the hot tub a lot sooner.”

  “Who says I’m joining you?” she retorted heading in the direction he’d indicated.

  He laughed and didn’t bother to reply.

  Quickly changing into running gear, Kate reappeared in the kitchen to retrieve her water bottle from the refrigerator. “I’ll be gone about an hour,” she announced before heading to the front door.

  Scarcely looking up Dan replied, “Take your time. I’ve plenty to keep me occupied.”

  Kate emptied her mind of everything as she began her brisk run toward the nearby park. Almost at once the sheer exuberance of running put her in an altered state. She loved this feeling of weightlessness, of complete inner quiet. It was such a contrast to the busyness of her life. She did enjoy her teaching and gardening classes but she needed to expend the nervous energy that built up over the course of her day.

  She noticed the leafy branches of oak trees making lacy patterns against the clear cerulean sky. Overhead, several large birds dipped their wings as they caught the wind’s current and gracefully glided along. Reaching the park she began her usual jog around the small lake. Several egrets and a lone heron were busy searching for their dinner as she sped by.

  After the first quarter hour of running Kate began processing the day’s events. Now her mind was ready to grapple with all the conflicted feelings she experienced in Dan’s presence. He’d been a big help with the presentation at the Brookhouse restaurant. She gave him credit for making everything easy for her. But she’d felt mortified when the head chef found her in Dan’s arms while it didn’t seem to bother him at all. Later, during the class, he’d blended in nicely with the other students. And now he was doing the entire cleanup while she had her run.

  The big question remained. Could she trust herself to keep everything on a friendly basis? Or would her attraction to the man lead her into an involvement she’d vowed never to venture? Realizing she was in no position to come to a conclusion, she decided to see how things worked out when she spent the evening with him. This would be the test.

  ~ ~ ~

  While Dan cleaned the cooking equipment he thought about the evening ahead. Knowing Kate’s reluctance to become involved, he’d have to play it cool and allow her to make any advances. Which wouldn’t be easy. He was used to calling the shots. Frowning, he wondered if he could control his strong desire for her. He’d have to be very patient and understanding of her feelings.

  A knock on the front door caught him by surprise. It couldn’t be Kate returning so early. Besides, she’d probably taken a key along. Wiping his hands on a dish towel, he strode to the door and opened it. A young woman with short, dark hair wearing a denim jacket and black pants accompanied by a small child were standing on the other side. She held a package in her hands. “Hello. Can I help you?” Dan inquired.

  “Who are you?” The young woman peered at him with a puzzled expression. “Is Kate here?”

  “Kate’s gone for a run. She’ll be back in about an hour.” He wasn’t sure how much information to give out.

  “Oh, I see,” she said. “And are you house-sitting for her?”

  There was something sarcastic in the woman’s tone of voice. “I took her cooking class earlier and offered to do the cleanup. Do you want to leave Kate a message?”

  The little boy pulled on the woman’s arm. “I wanna see Auntie Kate,” he cried.

  “She’s not home,” the woman told the child. Then turning to Dan, she said, “I have a package for her from our mother. Just tell her to call Stacy when she gets back.”

  This was Kate’s sister, he realized. “I’ll give her your message.”

  She thrust the package at him and flounced away, dragging the little boy along toward a white BMW convertible.

  Returning to his cleaning chores, Dan pondered the relationship between Kate and her sister. He usually trusted his gut reaction to a person. Stacy either had a chip on her shoulder about something or simply had a difficult personality. Compared to Kate’s easy-going warmth, Stacy was a cold fish. He’d wait and see Kate’s reaction when he related the encounter.

  Later, after the kitchen and all equipment were spotless, he settled into a comfortable chair in the living room to make his calls. The first one was to his parents. He needed to confirm they’d pick up Ethan and keep him overnight. With that out of the way, he could concentrate on his business calls.

  Kate returned home to find Dan on his cell deep in conversation. He paced the floor as he talked and didn’t look up until she was next to him. He smiled when he saw her and his eyes gleamed with approval at her athletic figure in form-fitting black running gear. She heard him bring the call to a quick end.

  “I didn’t hear you come in,” he said in a husky tone. Holding out a hand he drew her closer. “The run must’ve been a good one. You’ve that healthy glow and you look more alive.”

  Taking a quick breath, she nodded. “I always enjoy my runs. They’re rejuvenating. But I do feel guilty leaving you with that mess.”

  He laughed at her concern. “Don’t worry. I’ll think of some way you can compensate for all my hard work.” Then noting her heightened color he added, “Just teasing. It was actually pretty relaxing. Why don’t you change while I make another business call? Then we can head to my place. Don’t forget to bring a suit along.”

  Remembering the package left by Stacy, he added, “Oh, you did have a visitor. Your sister, Stacy, stopped by with a package. She said it was from your mother.” He waited to see her reaction.

  She grimaced at the news. “It’s just like my sister to stop by without phoning first.” She shook her head in annoyance.

  His instincts were right on, he realized. “I don’t know what your relationship is with her but she didn’t impress me. I was careful not to give her any information except that I’d been in your cooking class and was cleaning up while you had a run. She doesn’t even know my name.”

  Kate let out a relieved breath. “Good. The less she knows about my life, the better. Stacy’s three years younger and we’ve never been close. For some reason we’ve always competed, whether for grades in school or for my parents’ attention. I’m much closer to Greg, my brother. He’s five years older and has always stood by me.”

  “I put the package in your bedroom. Stacy asked that you phone her when you returned.”

  “I may forget you ever gave me that message,” she replied with a grin. “Instead, I’ll phone my mother. The package probably contains a sweater she was working on the last several months. It was supposed to be for my birthday but wasn’t done in time.” Changing the subject, she added, “I’ll take a quick shower and change into something casual. I won’t be long.”

  “If you’re too long I may come looking for you.” His deep blue eyes held a hint of mischief.

  Backing away from him, she shook her head. “I don’t think so.” And then she was gone.

  After her shower Kate dried her hair and brushed it out. It looked pretty hanging around her shoulders, she thought. Then again, she didn’t want to look sexy. Better to pull it all back in a high ponytail. Deciding what to wear was easy. Kate chose comfortable jeans and a long-sleeved white jersey. She packed her suit, cap, and goggles. Opening her mother’s package, she took out a lovely taupe knitted sweater. How would it work with her outfit? Glancing at her image in the bathroom mirror, she was pleased. Her mom had done a great job. Which reminded her to call and let her mother know she’d received the sweater. She picked up the phone and dialed. Keeping the conversation short, she returned to the living room to find Dan finished with his calls. He was standing in front of several photos placed on top of a bookshelf.

  Kate walked over to him. “Those were taken years ago on vacation in
Hawaii. We’d had a great trip visiting one of my mother’s close friends who lived there. I must’ve been seven or eight at the time.”

  “You were cute even then,” Dan declared. Turning toward her he drew her close for a quick hug. “Let’s get going. I’m in the mood for a swim.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “How did you get into the restaurant business?” Kate asked Dan as they drove to his home. She was curious about his background and his goals in life.

  He glanced at her for a brief moment, a nostalgic smile on his face. “My Dad and his older brother owned a restaurant in Tampa. I started working there when I was about twelve. I’d arrive right after school, do my homework in the office, and then I could help out wherever they needed me. Sometimes I’d fill shakers of salt and sugar or fold napkins. There was always something to do. I enjoyed being there, maybe because it was a busy place with people coming and going. I’m a people person, as you probably figured out.” He paused as if thinking back to those long-ago times. “I majored in business when I attended college. I figured I’d need to know something about management and finance if I wanted to expand my Dad’s business. He was content to own just one restaurant, but I wanted more.”

  Kate reflected on his words. “You wouldn’t have been happy with one place. Is that it?”

  “You could say that. We had a thriving restaurant. I felt we could expand the same model into other areas of Florida. I think what drove me was the challenge. I still get excited when we open a new place. We have two new restaurants opening in the next month and I can’t wait to see how they work out.”

  She heard the exhilaration in his voice and smiled. “You sound like me when I find a new recipe and work out all the kinks. Guess we both need challenges to make life interesting.”

  His hand rested lightly on her thigh. “There are other ways to be stirred in life. I’m starting to realize that as I get older.” He squeezed her thigh and then placed his hand back on the wheel.

  Kate’s breath caught in her throat as tension flowed between them. No way was she going to ask what those other ways meant. Her imagination could easily fill in the blanks.

  Dan drove up the long driveway leading to his home. Kate’s silence after his last remark spoke volumes. But he wasn’t going to probe. She’d been jittery enough about the prospect of spending time alone with him. He’d have to remember to keep things light. “My housekeeper and her husband live in an apartment over the garage. I asked her to shop for lots of salad stuff for our dinner tonight plus some raw cheeses and gluten-free crackers. Hopefully that will be enough.”

  “I’m sure we won’t starve.” Her mood lifted at his change of topic.

  Dan parked his car in front of the ranch-style home and came around to open her door. It was relaxing to be here just with Kate. The whole evening ahead would be peaceful. Without his son’s constant chatter and movement, he could thoroughly unwind.

  Looking about, Kate noted the long length of the house and the well-landscaped areas on all sides. Outdoor lighting glowed in the evening darkness, revealing fieldstone and dark wood exterior materials. Large expanses of glass and a vaulted roof gave the place a modern appearance. A bright red front door relieved the muted shades of stone and wood. “Did you design your home?” she asked as they walked to the entrance.

  “Mostly, although I did have an architect friend help. Building it was another great challenge. It’s still a work in progress though.” He wanted her to know there was room for her input should a relationship develop. If Kate sensed his meaning, she didn’t say a word. But then again he didn’t expect her to respond. He’d wanted to plant a seed in her mind and see what happened.

  “First let’s swim,” Dan told her as they entered his home. “I can’t wait to get into that pool. You’ve had your run but I’m in need of exercise. Those desserts we created in your class weren’t exactly calorie-free. But they were delicious.”

  He led her through a large foyer with rooms on either side. “I’ll give you the official tour later,” he mentioned, continuing on to the rear of the home. “There’s an entrance from the family room into the pool. I have a suit in the cabana so we can head there now.”

  The pool was much larger than the one Kate had in her backyard. It was almost Olympic size. After changing into her suit she sat on the edge of the pool while she pulled on a cap and adjusted her goggles. Slipping into the warm water she breathed a sigh of sheer pleasure. Turning onto her back she started swimming and saw Dan headed her way. She sucked in a deep breath at the sight of his tanned, muscular body. He had the lithe grace of a panther, she thought, watching him stride toward the pool. Why couldn’t he have a pot belly or something gross? Why did he look so appealing?

  A feeling of well-being swept through Dan as he started a vigorous swim. He wasn’t trying to compete with Kate or anything, he just needed a fast pace for the first several minutes. He’d noted her suit wasn’t one of those bikini-style outfits Melissa used to wear. Slim-fitting, it molded her curves and emphasized the long length of her legs. After doing several laps, Dan was content to slow his pace and simply enjoy the luxury of a quiet atmosphere.

  Kate usually did at least an hour of swimming but she paused midway to see if Dan was finished. He was floating on his back, eyes closed with a serene expression on his face. She swam closer and was reluctant to interrupt his meditative interlude.

  Sensing her presence, his eyes snapped open. “Ah, there you are,” he murmured. “I’m taking a break but if you want to do more laps, go right ahead. We’ve plenty of time.”

  “I usually do another half hour.”

  “No problem. I’ll eventually do more laps too.”

  Kate appreciated his easy-going comment. There was something relaxing about spending time with him. If only she could keep things that way.

  After a warm shower in the spacious bathroom, Kate changed into her clothes. Coming out onto the deck she found Dan waiting for her. Seated on a nearby lounge, he patted the adjacent lounge.

  “Let’s sit a few moments,” he suggested.

  Settling onto her own comfortable chaise, Kate stretched out with a sigh of contentment. “You’ve a wonderful pool. If I had one like this I’d probably spend half my life in it. I think I was born half-fish.”

  He laughed at her words. “I sensed you were part mermaid from the moment we met. Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night and come out here for a swim. It helps me fall back to sleep when I have stuff on my mind.”

  “I’d probably do the same thing.” She wondered if he skinny–dipped. She often swam nude in her own pool on a warm night. But she didn’t voice those thoughts.

  “Guess we should go in and put dinner together,” he said sitting up.

  “Mmmm,” she sighed, not eager to move. “I feel really lazy.”

  “Tell you what. I’ll fix a salad and bring it out here. We can eat dinner at the patio table. Would you like that?”

  She gazed at him with half-closed eyes. “I should never have stretched out on this lounge.”

  He smiled, stood up, and sat on the edge of her chaise. “You can take a short nap while I prepare everything. After the long day you’ve had I can see why you’d be tired.” He leaned over and placed a light kiss on her mouth and then he was gone.

  Chocolate Cupcakes

  1 cup oats – I used quick oats sold in health food stores

  1 cup dates, chopped

  2 tablespoons cacao powder

  1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1 cup raw cashews

  1 lemon

  ¼ cup filtered water

  1-2 tablespoons coconut nectar

  2 tablespoons melted coconut oil

  1 tablespoon cacao powder

  1 tablespoon coconut nectar

  This recipe has three parts and yields si
x cupcakes.

  For base of the cupcakes pulse the oats in food processor until flour-like. Add dates(make sure they are moist or soak in water), cacao powder, and vanilla extract. Mixture should stick together. Press into lined cupcake tins and indent a thumb print in the middle for the vanilla cream. Put in refrigerator while you make the other parts.

  To make the vanilla cream, blend together raw cashews, juice of one lemon, filtered water, coconut nectar, and vanilla extract. Place a spoonful into each indent of the cupcakes and return to refrigerator.

  For the chocolate frosting that goes on top, mix together melted coconut oil, cacao powder, and coconut nectar (or other sweetener). Let it re-solidify until it is frosting consistency and frost the tops of the cupcakes.

  Chapter 7

  After preparing a large salad and adding cheese and crackers to another dish, Dan put everything on a tray and carried it out to the pool. Setting it down on a glass patio table, he sauntered over to check on Kate. She’d turned onto her side and was fast asleep. He sat down next to her hip and watched for several long minutes. She must’ve been exhausted, he thought.

  Noting the tendrils of dark blonde hair curling around her face, he gently pushed several strands back revealing the fresh color of her cheek. Without a lick of makeup, Kate still looked beautiful. She had a natural, wholesome quality that appealed to him. Bending his head, he kissed her lightly. It was probably the only time he’d make that kind of move tonight. Knowing how skittish she was about venturing into his home, he’d have to play it cool.

  Kate stirred and rolled onto her back. Her eyes opened slightly and then widened as she saw Dan’s face very close to hers. What in the world was going on in her head? Was she dreaming?

  “Well, you’re awake.” Dan smiled down at her. “I have our dinner ready but didn’t want to interrupt your sleep.”


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