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The Sweet Touch

Page 8

by Madelaine Grant

  Still cocooned in his strong arms, Kate was tempted to give in to whatever he proposed. Friday evening seemed a long way off. “That sounds great.” What happened to her strong resolve not to date anyone? Somehow she’d managed to shed that particular idea, much to her chagrin. “Did you have a business matter you wanted to discuss?” If she could keep their relationship on a more professional level, she’d have a fighting chance.

  “Business matter?” He looked puzzled at her query. Then he smiled down at her. “Oh I see, you need a reason for us to get together. All right then, we could discuss your next presentation for my staff or even some ideas about redecorating my home. I’ll leave the subject matter up to you. How’s that?”

  Relieved, she nodded. “Thanks for understanding. I know it sounds ridiculous but I’m still not comfortable with the idea of dating.”

  With a solemn expression he said, “As far as I’m concerned, all our encounters can be business related. If we run out of ideas, we can always concoct some type of scheme to keep your conscience clear. Does that help? I don’t want you to feel guilty and stay up all night worrying about this.”

  Kate had the distinct feeling that he was inwardly laughing at her. She couldn’t be completely sure but he was trying hard to keep his mouth from quirking at one corner. Not wanting to harp on the subject she said, “Thanks Dan. You’re a very considerate man. And I did enjoy spending time with you.”

  “Same here.” He released her and led her to the front door. Giving her one last brief kiss, he said, “Sleep well tonight. I’ll give you a call tomorrow evening just to hear your voice, if that’s okay with you.”

  “I’ll look forward to it.” She put the key in the lock and opened her door.

  Once safely inside she leaned back against the door and heaved a heavy sigh. At least she’d had the good sense not to invite him in. But it had been a battle. She didn’t want to leave him. It was as simple as that.

  Before going to bed, Kate prepared for her demonstration the next afternoon at one of the busy malls in the area. Better to get everything ready now than wait until Sunday morning. She still had work to do planning her classes for the week.

  As she went about measuring ingredients, packing her equipment and printing copies of recipes to hand out, she thought about Dan and their time together. Last Saturday night she hadn’t even met the guy, she realized. And now she couldn’t get him out of her mind. They’d spent almost fourteen hours together today and the time had just flown. What did that signify, she wondered? The answer coming back at her was not reassuring. She’d enjoyed his company much more than she could’ve believed possible. To top it off, she was already looking forward to hearing his voice Sunday night when he’d promised to phone. Shaking her head in dismay, she headed to bed.

  Driving back to his home Dan reflected on the day’s happenings. He smiled when he thought about Kate’s desperate efforts to keep their meetings on a business-like footing. Who was she kidding? From the moment she’d responded to him in the greenhouse Friday evening, she’d left the door wide open for a more intimate relationship to develop. Didn’t she realize that?

  She probably did know how absurd her actions were alongside her resolution to keep things between them strictly platonic. If it made her feel more in control, he’d go along with it. Kate had to be the one to set the parameters for any real relationship to bloom. Fortunately he’d played it cool this evening and she’d agreed to much more than he would’ve dreamed possible. Redecorating his living room would take plenty of planning and time and give them something concrete to work on together. It would be fun too. He was looking forward to shopping for new furniture with her. The idea of reupholstering his present furnishings could be cost effective but buying the type of furniture he’d enjoy was more important.

  Who knows? By the time she redid the whole place they might be more involved than she could imagine. This last thought pleased him.

  ~ ~ ~

  When the phone rang Sunday evening, Kate hoped it was Dan calling. Instead, Reid McAllister was on the other end. Trying to stifle her annoyance, she said, “Hi Reid. What’s doing?” She already knew he called to plan their exercise routine for the week. But did she want to continue doing all those activities with him? And if not, how could she diplomatically terminate some of their time together? It wouldn’t be easy.

  “Well I thought we could plan our dinner out for Wednesday or Thursday night, whichever works for you. Also, let’s do our runs on Monday and Wednesday and cycle on Tuesday and Thursday. We’ll save Friday for our swimming outing. Actually, if you prefer eating out Friday night, that would be fine with me.”

  “Friday won’t work,” she answered, thinking of Dan’s invitation to have dinner with him. How much should she reveal to Reid? Probably nothing at the moment. “Let’s make it Wednesday night for that Thai restaurant.” She needed to have a one-on-one talk with Reid and Wednesday evening out with him would be the perfect time.

  “What’s wrong with Friday, if you don’t mind my asking? You can’t have another business meeting planned.”

  Taking a long, indrawn breath, she said, “I prefer Wednesday night. I’m usually too tired Friday evenings. I’d rather relax at home and catch up with stuff I don’t have time for during the week.” Reid was starting to demand too much from her. Their relationship had to change quickly, no doubt about it.

  “All right then,” he said with a resigned tone. “You’re tired because you’re doing too much. Why can’t you cut out some of your weekend activities?”

  “Reid, I like the things I do on the weekend and I’d really prefer it if you didn’t intrude on my private life. I don’t ask you what you’re doing or tell you you’re doing too much of anything. Let’s keep things less personal.” She hadn’t meant to tell him off like that but he’d definitely crossed the line with her.

  There was silence for several long moments. “If you feel that way, maybe we shouldn’t be seeing each other so much. I thought you enjoyed my company. I was under the impression that everything was good between us. Now you sound like you don’t want me in your life at all.”

  “I’m not saying that,” she exclaimed. “We can exercise together after school but I have the feeling you want more from me than I’m willing to give. I only want to be friends with you. Nothing more. But you can’t seem to accept that.”

  “Friends go out together and do things together. You’re never available except for our training sessions. I don’t think that’s fair.”

  This conversation was going nowhere fast, she thought. “Let’s table this discussion for Wednesday night. Okay?”

  “Fine with me.”

  He sounded surly and Kate wondered if she was handling things the right way. Then again, was there any right way to resolve these thorny issues? After the call ended she ruminated about the pros and cons of continuing any kind of relationship with Reid. Finally the phone rang again.

  It was Dan. Relief flowed through her at the sound of his voice as well as some other strong feelings she didn’t want to investigate. “Hi Dan. Good to hear from you. Hope you had a wonderful day with your son.” He’d planned to spend time with his parents and Ethan at the zoo.

  “It’s always fun to visit the zoo. Ethan loves seeing all the animals and I have to admit I enjoy it too. One of these days you’ll have to join us. How was your day? Did you get a good crowd for your demo?”

  “That worked out fine. Several people inquired about my classes so I might get a few signups. By the way, I’ve been looking through a few home furnishing magazines to get ideas for colors and styles. When I see you next, we can discuss some possibilities.” Friday evening seemed so far away. Kate wished she could see him sooner. What was happening to her well-ordered life? She shook her head in consternation.

  “Good. I’m glad you’re on board for this project. It me
ans a lot to me.”

  Dan sounded sincere which pleased her no end. They chatted about the new restaurants he’d be adding to the Brookhouse chain. Then he said something that threw her into a maelstrom of emotions.

  “Kate, I know this sounds implausible right now but I want you to give it some thought. I’m taking Ethan to Colorado on spring break at the end of March. I’d like you to join us for the trip. We’ll be staying at a ski resort in Aspen and I usually get a suite of rooms with a full kitchen. You could have your own space, if you wish, and we’d have lots of time to get to know each other better. Don’t give me an answer now. Just think about it.”

  For a moment she was speechless. A trip to Colorado? With Dan and his son? Would she want to do something like that? She hadn’t made any plans for that week except for attending a triathlon competition with Reid, but that could be easily cancelled. “Dan, this is pretty extraordinary. I mean, I’ve known you only a week. How do you know it would work? And wouldn’t your son resent me for taking attention away from him?”

  “I’m not worried about us working out. I trust my gut reaction and it tells me we’d be good together, whatever we do. Ethan will be so busy with ski school every day, he won’t be a problem. There are sitters available for evenings in case we want to have dinner out or do some grown-up things.” He laughed as he said the last few words.

  She did want to be with him. It was as simple as that. But going away on a trip together was a pretty big step. Still he’d said he’d wait for her answer. “It’s very tempting,” she admitted in a low tone. “Let me think about it.”

  “That’s what I want you to do. Do you ski? I’m assuming you do but in case you don’t, there are plenty of instructors to help. Or we could spend most of our time swimming. They’ve great facilities at this resort.”

  “I can ski, although I haven’t been skiing for several years now. I should be able to keep up with you unless you’re really fast.” Skiing had been one of her favorite sports when she was growing up. After she married Jared there hadn’t been time or money for skiing. For her thirtieth birthday she’d given herself a treat and headed to Switzerland for ten days of skiing with a close friend. It’d been wonderful. She would love to ski again.

  “Great. I had a feeling skiing wouldn’t be a problem for you. As I said, think it over and we’ll discuss it at length when I see you next Friday evening. I’ll phone Thursday night to confirm and set a convenient time. And remember to have your run before I pick you up.”

  Now it was her turn to laugh. “I guess I’d better take care of that task or else I won’t sleep well. It’s amazing how exercise chases all the cobwebs out of one’s mind.”

  “There are other ways to have a good night’s sleep but I won’t go into that subject over the phone,” he said in an intimate tone.

  Kate knew exactly what he meant but she wasn’t about to broach the subject. It was fortunate he couldn’t see her flushed face or know how her body hummed with awareness. And she’d have to wait almost a week before she saw him again.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate pulled into the Briarwood Elementary School parking area at seven thirty Monday morning. Exiting her van she noted Laura Frazer’s sporty red convertible headed her way. Waving at Laura, Kate waited a few moments until they could walk in together. She was a tall, willowy dark-haired young woman with a cheerful presence. They’d met in graduate school six years earlier and been fast friends since then. Laura had been married at a young age and divorced several years later. Having that experience in common had solidified the relationship.

  “Hi Kate. I thought I’d be earlier than you but you beat me.” Laura laughed as she exited her car. Coming closer she said, “You’re looking chipper. Must have had a fun weekend. You’ve that rosy glow.”

  Laura was much too perceptive, Kate thought. She’d already picked up on something happening. “You’re right. I did have a good weekend. What about you? Did Tony have time for anything besides work?” Laura’s boyfriend was a project manager at a busy construction firm and she often complained he had too much going on and not enough time for her.

  “We managed one dinner out and a movie, which was a treat. I spent Sunday on my own but since I had lots to catch up with it was fine. Let’s try to have lunch together later today. We’re both so busy we hardly see each other anymore.”

  “I know and since I’m only here Mondays and Tuesdays, it’s difficult to find time,” Kate said. Her remaining weekdays were divided between two other elementary schools in the area.

  “How are your training sessions with Reid? Are you still seeing him every day after classes?” Laura asked as they entered the school building.

  Kate nodded. “I do spend a lot of time with him but that may be changing. Reid’s becoming too possessive and I’m not happy about that. I wish he’d find a girlfriend.”

  Laura started laughing. “We’ve all been wondering when the two of you would hook up. Now it seems you’re not as interested as he is. Poor Reid.”

  Kate halted, her eyes wide with surprise. “Everyone thinks we’re a couple? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Well you’re always with him and you have so much in common. Besides, he’s really cute.”

  “And much younger, too,” Kate replied with a grimace.

  “Oh, that wouldn’t bother me,” Laura exclaimed. “You look good together and there’s only a few years difference. Listen, I have to run and set up art supplies for my first class. I’ll meet you in the faculty lounge later.” She waved goodbye and headed down the hallway to her classroom.

  Shaking her head in annoyance, Kate proceeded to the school cafeteria to get ready for her nutrition classes. That conversation with Reid on Wednesday evening would be a rough one. She’d have to make it crystal clear to him that they’d either proceed with their training schedule on a strictly platonic basis or go their separate ways. And the sooner he started dating someone, the better.

  ~ ~ ~

  “So tell me what’s going on,” Laura said as she bit into a chicken salad sandwich in the teacher’s lounge at lunch. “You have that sparkly look about you.”

  Kate forked a spear of cucumber and dipped it into raw cashew hummus while she decided how much to confide. “I was asked to do a demo for the Brookhouse restaurant chain last Saturday. It went really well and I may be doing more presentations for them.” It was a partial truth anyway.

  Laura’s hazel eyes lit up with interest. “That’s a wonderful contact. How did you manage to snag their interest? Tony and I have had dinner there several times. The food is always good, especially their steaks.” She started laughing. “I know we tend to eat too much red meat but every once in a while Tony gets a yen for a thick filet mignon. What can I do?”

  “Laura, I’m not condemning you for eating steak. Do whatever you want. I happen to enjoy fruits and veggies. I wish people wouldn’t see me as some kind of food guru.” She popped a cherry tomato into her mouth and chewed thoughtfully. There was a downside to being a nutritionist. People tended to feel guilty around her if they weren’t eating healthy things.

  “But you are,” Laura protested. “Anyway, I’m excited for you. That’s a good contact. Did someone introduce you to management or did you just phone them on your own?”

  “Not exactly,” Kate hedged. “The owner of the chain happened to see me demonstrating at the mall the weekend before last. I was preparing that chocolate pudding made with avocados you love. Well, he really enjoyed it too and asked if I’d do a presentation for his staff. So I did.”

  Tilting her head to one side, Laura sent her an appraising glance. “Why do I think you’re leaving something out? I mean it’s great that you have a new client, but I’ve a feeling there’s more to the story.”

  When Kate remained silent she added, “I won’t press you, though. When you’re ready to tell
me, you will.”

  Relieved, Kate sent her friend a grateful look. That was one reason she was close to Laura. “There might be more but I’m not ready to talk about it just yet. Now tell me all about your dinner and movie date with Tony.” She settled back, ready to enjoy their brief time together.

  Raw Cashew Hummus

  1 ¼ cups raw cashews

  2 tablespoons tahini

  Two lemons

  ¼ cup olive oil

  ½ teaspoon onion powder

  ½ teaspoon garlic powder

  Pinch sea salt

  Soak raw cashews in water for two hours. Drain and place in blender or food processer. Add tahini, juice of two lemons, olive oil, onion powder, garlic powder, and sea salt. Process to smooth paste. Add some water gradually to adjust consistency. Transfer to small dish and serve with a dusting of paprika and, if you like it spicy, a drizzle of chili oil.

  Chapter 9

  When Kate and Reid ran after school on Monday at a nearby county park, he appeared more laid-back. He didn’t bring up any unpleasant issues and kept his attention on mundane matters. Kate was relieved. Maybe her words of warning were enough to keep him in line.

  After they finished their run Reid said, “Kate, our triathlon competition is only five weeks away at the end of March. We should put in some training time on the weekends. What do you think?” He leaned against his red Subaru Forrester and sent her a questioning glance.

  Kate didn’t know how to respond. If she planned to accompany Dan and his son to Colorado for spring break, she wouldn’t need more training sessions. “Let me think about it. Right now I have too much going on to add more sessions.” She saw Reid’s mouth tighten into a thin line but he didn’t immediately reply.


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