Book Read Free

The Sweet Touch

Page 11

by Madelaine Grant

  “We go back a long time,” Dan said with a reminiscent smile. “I met Matt in fifth grade and we’ve been close friends ever since.”

  “That is a long time.”

  “Want to take a beach walk?” Dan asked.

  “I’d love that,” Kate replied. Anything they did together was fun.

  Dan asked for his bill and the waiter shook his head. “It’s on the house.”

  “Okay, please thank Matt for me.” Dan rose and reached a hand to Kate. “Matt can be stubborn. I did host Andrea and Matt to a few dinners at my restaurants and now they won’t let me pay.”

  “I can understand their feelings. Thanks for a wonderful meal, Dan. I’ll have to cook something special for you one of these days.”

  “Really?” He smiled at her as they made their way down the stairs and onto the beach. “But don’t bother until you have more time.” He brought her close for a quick hug. “I know how swamped you are with all your projects. I’ll do the cooking for us until things ease up. How’s that?”

  “Thanks for understanding,” she murmured. Dan was one sweet guy. The more she saw of him, the more that fact was impressed on her.

  Carrot Tops and Basil Pesto

  1 cup cut carrot tops

  ½ cup basil leaves

  ¼ cup toasted walnuts or pine nuts

  1 teaspoon lemon juice

  Lemon zest- about one teaspoon.

  ½ cup olive oil

  Combine basil, garlic, nuts, lemon juice and lemon zest in food processor and blend for a minute or so. Add olive oil in a thin stream to mixture. Can be used on steamed veggies.

  Chapter 11

  After a busy day chauffeuring Ethan to his martial arts class, lunch out and then a horseback riding lesson, Dan was ready to hand him over to his parents. He missed spending time with Kate and was feeling guilty at this thought. Meanwhile, Ethan talked almost non-stop about his upcoming birthday party.

  “Did you find a magician, Daddy?” he asked, tugging on Dan’s hand as they left the car and entered the house.

  “I have two leads and I’m investigating both magicians that were recommended,” Dan assured the youngster. “Don’t worry, we’ll have a magician by the time your birthday’s here.”

  “I’m inviting everyone in my class,” Ethan informed him. He skipped down the hall heading for the kitchen. “I want ice cream. We didn’t have dessert.”

  “Fine. Wait for me and I’ll scoop some for you.” Dan hurried to keep up. If Ethan tried to help himself, there was usually a mess to clean afterwards.

  Seated at the breakfast nook with a bowl of chocolate chip and butter crunch ice cream in front of him, Ethan was quiet for a few blessed minutes.

  Relaxing for the first time in the last hour, Dan helped himself to the chocolate chip ice cream. It was close to five o’clock. Was Kate taking her run? Probably. His folks would arrive soon to pick up Ethan for the night. Then he’d have time to shower and change for the evening. He planned to cook dinner for Kate. He’d purchased the ingredients and would attempt to create one of the soups he’d seen her demonstrate to his staff, plus a mock tuna salad on greens.

  “Daddy,” Ethan exclaimed, glancing at him from his half-finished dessert. “Nana told Gramps you have a girlfriend. I heard her. She didn’t know I was listening. Is she nice? Is she going to be my new mommy? Sammy says his mommy’s getting married. He’s getting a new daddy.” He squirmed in his seat and sent Dan a poignant glance. “Is my mommy coming back to see me sometime? Maybe she’s coming for my birthday. I miss her. I want to talk to her on the phone. Can I, Daddy? Maybe for my birthday? Do you think she’ll send me something?”

  After this rapid-fire barrage of information and questions, Ethan settled down to finish his ice cream while Dan tried to sort through his son’s questions. Feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt combined with sadness at Melissa’s continued indifference to her own son, he said, “Your mom’s moved to California. Let’s wait until your birthday and we’ll see about phoning.” Ethan would probably be so busy at his birthday party he’d forget about calling his mother, which was just as well. As far as Ethan’s overhearing his mother and father talking about his new girlfriend, he’d leave that subject alone for the time being. One of these days he’d introduce Kate to Ethan. He wasn’t looking forward to that encounter.

  Promptly at six-thirty the doorbell rang. Kate knew it was Dan and hurried to open the door. “C’mon in. I’m almost ready to leave. Just have to get my swim bag and some magazines.”

  “Magazines?” He questioned stepping inside.

  “Those home furnishing magazines I forgot to tell you about last night. I’ve been researching that decorating project,” she said heading to retrieve her gear.

  “Oh, that project.” He smiled, pleased she was following up on his suggestion.

  Glancing around at her living room, he tried to figure out what made the ambiance so pleasing. The colors were soft and tropical-looking while the furniture was light and cheerful. The whole package was just what he wanted for his home. He wondered if he could duplicate the way everything seemed to go together.

  Coming in, she noted his absorbed mood as he studied the room. Guessing at the direction of his thoughts, she said, “Don’t worry, we’ll find just the right furnishings for your living area.”

  “You must be a mind reader.” Then he brought her close for a long embrace. “This was one long day,” he confided. “I missed spending time with you. I’ve some ideas about Sunday which we can discuss later.”

  Easing away from him she said, “Sunday I have a crowded schedule. Besides my presentation at the Creekwood Mall at two, I’m expected at my sister’s home for brunch beforehand. My parents and my brother and his family will all be there.” She made a face. “Stacy’s always arranging things for her own convenience, but this time I’ve got to make an appearance.”

  “Let’s get going and we’ll talk about it,” he said reaching for her hand. “First I’m making us a gourmet raw food meal, under your direction. Then we can spend time in the hot tub and swim a while.”

  “That sounds wonderful.” She couldn’t imagine a more pleasant evening. For some reason she’d lost her fear of being alone with him. Was that a good thing? Maybe yes and maybe no. Time would tell.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Sit back and relax,” Dan ordered as he organized the ingredients for the tomato basil soup and mock tuna salad he was preparing in his kitchen. “That way you’ll stay awake longer than last week.” He laughed at her surprised expression as he chopped fresh tomatoes and scallions.

  “At least I slept in this morning,” she retorted. She started leafing through one of the magazines she’d brought along. “Your living space is very large. It could be broken up into smaller units, an area for conversation around the fireplace and one for leisure activities like playing games.”

  He nodded as he added seasonings into the bowl. “That makes sense. I had Fred, my housekeeper’s husband, pick up swatches of paint color. I’d like your opinion on which one to choose. He can start painting this week and then we can select something for the flooring.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. You’ll need an off-white tone for the walls and the flooring could be a light oak. Once you have those things in place, it won’t be difficult to find the right furniture.” She was looking forward to shopping with him. Decorating was a fun project.

  “I know you’re busy on Sunday but there’s a great store at the Creekwood Mall with modern furniture. I’d like to take a look at it with you. One of my friends manages a restaurant at the mall and could pick up that container you bring and clean all your equipment while we shop. What do you think?” Dan turned to her with a hopeful glance.

  Taken aback by his proposal, she was silent a moment. “I guess that would be okay. I do
have to get home early though.”

  “You’ll be home in time to take your run. I promise.”

  It was settled. Kate wondered why he’d gone to the trouble of arranging all this just to shop with her. But she didn’t want to delve too deeply into that issue. Better to keep things light and easy.

  They’d just finished dinner when Dan’s phone rang. Checking the ID he answered. He listened carefully with a serious expression. “Let me check with Ethan’s doctor and call you right back.” To Kate he said, “That was my mom calling. Ethan’s sick. He’s been vomiting for the last hour. I don’t want my parents to deal with him when he isn’t well. I’m going to call his doctor and see what he suggests.” Rising, he paced back and forth as he made his call.

  Kate saw the tension in his shoulders. Being a single parent wasn’t easy. The worry lines etched in his face made her heart ache for him. She wondered about Ethan’s mother and why she didn’t help with his care. Dan hadn’t said anything more about that situation and Kate didn’t want to pry.

  After another call to his mother, Dan said, “I have to pick him up. It’s probably just an upset stomach. My parents took him for pepperoni pizza this evening. Just before that he’d had a large bowl of ice cream. Maybe the combination didn’t sit right. I’ll take you home first and then drive to their place. Sorry we won’t be able to get that swim in,” he said ruefully.

  “Don’t worry about it.” She could see the disappointment on his face. He’d been looking forward to an evening with her. Before she could think things out, she said, “If I can help in any way with your son, I’d be happy to come along when you get him.”

  “You would?” Dan’s face lit up. “My parents live about a half hour north of here. Are you sure you’re ready to cope with a cranky, sick child?”

  She laughed at his words. “You forget I cope with children every day of the week. Sometimes they’re cranky or don’t feel well. That’s not a problem. You’ll probably need to take along a pillow and blanket in case he wants to lie down while you drive home. And maybe a towel and wet washcloth for his head. If he’s still throwing up, a bucket would be a good idea too.”

  He came close and cupped her chin with one hand. “You’re pretty wonderful.” Bending his head he kissed her hard and then went to grab those items she’d mentioned.

  “I brought his floppy rabbit along. He sleeps with it every night. It might soothe him.”

  “Good idea.” She nodded her approval.

  ~ ~ ~

  On the drive to his parent’s home Dan decided he’d better brief Kate on Ethan’s hyperactive nature. “My son will be seven next month and he’s a bright child. But he’s hyperactive. He can talk a mile a minute and will probably ask more questions than you can answer.” Sighing, he added, “I try to be patient with him but it’s not easy. I’m hoping he grows out of it and settles down. My ex-wife couldn’t handle the stress and decided to leave. She’s started a new life in California and doesn’t keep in touch with him, which is difficult for Ethan to accept.” With a troubled expression he waited for Kate’s reaction.

  “Dan, you won’t believe how many hyperactive children I deal with every day. I think one in five children is hyperactive these days. I’ve found that keeping them outside and involved in things like gardening is helpful. When they’re outside they seem calmer. That’s been my experience anyway.”

  He thought about that for a few moments. “That makes sense. Whenever Ethan’s outdoors gardening or doing sports, he’s pretty focused. That’s why taking him skiing works so well. He’s on the slopes all day and falls asleep in minutes. But he has a hard time sitting still and doing his lessons. He’s in private school which helps, as the classes are small and he gets more attention.”

  Dan turned off the highway and onto a narrow winding road heading west. “My parents love boating and fishing. They built their home with a view of the gulf and beach. That’s one of the reasons Ethan enjoys visiting them. I was tempted to build something similar but Melissa wasn’t a beach person.” That was another compromise he’d made to accommodate her and keep the peace.

  “You’re close to the beach where you live,” she replied. “I’m about ten minutes away and I often take an early morning run there. But I know what you mean. Waking to the sound of waves and breathing in the salty air is always refreshing. When I was younger my family would often rent a house right on the beach for family vacations. That was fun.”

  Turning onto another road he said, “We’ll be there in a minute. I really appreciate your company.”

  Putting a hand on his arm, she said, “I like being with you, whatever we’re doing.” It was true. Everything they did together took on an extra depth of feeling. Why this should be, she had no idea. It just was.

  Coming to a stop in front of a low-slung gray shingled ranch home with a wraparound deck, he turned to her. “My feelings exactly,” he said softly, running a hand down the side of her face.

  Hearing the sound of a door slamming, Dan climbed out of the car. Raising a hand he waved at the tall man approaching them. “Hi Dad. How’s Ethan doing? I brought someone along for you to meet.”

  Kate exited the car and joined him. For a moment she experienced a sense of anxiety. Would his parents like her? Then she banished the thought. She was just there to give Dan a hand with a sick child. Gazing at Dan’s father, it was easy to see the resemblance. The older man had salt and pepper hair and a stockier build, but they had the same rugged features and confident air.

  “Dad, this is Kate Bromley. Kate, this is Ed Brookhouse. She volunteered to give me a hand with Ethan, which I really appreciate.” He put an arm around Kate’s shoulders and brought her close.

  “Glad to meet you, Kate.” Dan’s father held out a hand to her. Turning to his son he added, “Ethan insisted on pizza tonight and you know how persistent he can be.” He shook his head and sighed. “I didn’t know about the ice cream earlier or we would’ve waited a while before having dinner.”

  “Don’t worry about it. His doctor thinks it’s just the usual stomach ache. I’ll watch him tonight and see if he has a fever. Dr. Peters lives nearby and can come over in the morning to check him out if necessary.”

  They walked up the stairs onto the deck. “What a great view,” Kate declared looking out at the water. A sailboat was moored on one side of a long dock while a motorboat was anchored on the other side. “The sunsets must be gorgeous.”

  “They are,” Dan said. “One of these days we’ll come by and see one.”

  Entering the house they were greeted by a short, plump woman with gray hair and a pleasant smile. “Dan, I’m sorry to interrupt your evening but I was afraid Ethan would never stop vomiting. He’s pretty pale and exhausted right now. I think he’ll sleep all the way home.”

  Dan bent to kiss his mother’s cheek. “Don’t worry about it.” Straightening, he said, “Mom, I want you to meet Kate Bromley, a good friend. Kate, this is my mother, Sue.”

  With a broad smile, Sue Brookhouse welcomed Kate. “That was so nice of you to come along.” Turning to Dan, she added, “Ethan’s in the den watching a cartoon. He’s been quiet the last ten minutes. I hope that’s the end of the throwing up.”

  “I hope so too,” Dan muttered, heading for the den.

  ~ ~ ~

  Driving back to Dan’s house Kate sat in the back with Ethan, his head on a pillow on her lap, a blanket around him and a wet washcloth on his head. He held the floppy rabbit close. Quieter than usual, he still had questions to ask Kate. “Are you going to stay with me? Can you come to my birthday party? Did you know I’m going to be seven soon? My mommy can’t come cause she lives in California. Can you come instead? We’re going to have a magician. Everyone in my class is coming.”

  Instead of trying to keep up with Ethan, Kate merely stroked his hair and tried to calm him. “We’ll
see,” was all she murmured from time to time. Taking care of Dan’s son provoked a strange mix of feelings. Up to this point in her life she hadn’t regretted being childless. She loved her freedom and didn’t plan on marrying again anyway. But for some odd reason she enjoyed caring for Ethan. Although he didn’t resemble Dan, she could see something of Dan’s essence in the boy. He had the lean, lithe look of his father. Even though he wasn’t well, there was a bright, curious air about him, much like Dan’s.

  By the time they reached the house, Ethan had fallen asleep. Dan picked him up and carried him inside while Kate followed.

  Settling him on his bed, Dan covered him gently. “I hope he sleeps through the night. Maybe his stomach’s settling down.” Turning to her he drew her close. “I can’t thank you enough for helping tonight. Guess our swim is still on hold though. I have a monitor in his room so I can hear if he wakes, but it might be difficult if we’re swimming.”

  “It’s too late for a swim, anyway,” she murmured as she rested her head against his chest.

  “Not really,” he said in a husky tone. Closing his eyes for a moment, he breathed in the flowery scent of her hair. He didn’t want to let her go. Reluctantly, he released her. “I’ll phone one of our car services to drive you home. I’d call my housekeeper but I don’t like to disturb her unless it’s an emergency. Tomorrow morning I’ll call and see if she can keep an eye on him for a few hours in the afternoon, if he’s feeling okay. Then we can still have time to shop at the mall. Why don’t I phone you around noon? I’ll know how things stand by that time.”

  Thinking about the brunch she had to attend, she said, “I’ll have to leave about noon for my sister’s house. I promised to show up, even for a short time.”


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