The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 15

by Madelaine Grant

  Taken aback by his suggestion, she replied, “Maybe another time. Tomorrow I need my rest. It’s been a very long day and I have to be in good shape for my class. Hope you understand.”

  Leaning over he gave her a quick kiss and said. “Kate, I was just teasing. Sleep until noon if you like. I always have work to do, so don’t worry about keeping me company. As I mentioned before, I’m not the possessive type and I can manage very well on my own. Is there anything else on your mind before we take that relaxing swim I’ve been waiting for all day?”

  She thought about mentioning separate bedrooms but decided not to bother. He’d already said she could sleep in one of the guest rooms. “I can’t think of anything.”

  “Good. Let’s head for the pool.”

  After swimming for a while, Kate floated on her back enjoying the warm water and the tranquility. Dan floated nearby, his eyes closed, a look of contentment on his face. Neither had spoken a word once they hit the pool. He needed this quiet time, Kate thought. With a busy life and a hyperactive child, peaceful interludes were a necessity. She needed it too. Thinking about her schedule of full-time teaching, training sessions, weekend classes, presentations, and the upcoming book she needed to finish, Kate wondered if she was doing too much. But what could she cut out? While she ruminated on this difficult question, she noticed Dan heading for the hot tub. Not a bad idea, she decided.

  “Ah, so you followed me,” Dan said as she slipped in next to him.

  “This tub’s big enough for two,” she retorted. “Unless you want it all to yourself.”

  He laughed and pulled her closer. “I don’t know about you but this is the best part of my day. Actually, of my week. I can’t wait till our Colorado vacation. I need some down time.”

  She leaned against his shoulder, enjoying the feel of his warm skin and the firmness of his broad chest. “I’ve been thinking the same thing. My days are too busy. I’d like to cut out some of the stuff I’m doing, but I can’t decide how to do that. Guess I need help with time management or something.”

  “Nah, nothing like that. We’re both people who like to be involved and enjoy challenges. We just have to build in times to unwind.”

  Remembering Reid’s constant nagging about cutting down on what she did, Kate appreciated Dan’s positive comments. Maybe she could do everything if she gave herself these small slices of calm. “I like your reasoning. I do love all the things I’m doing.”

  “Then continue to do them. We’ll just have to get away every now and then for breaks from our complicated lives. Our Colorado trip can be the first of many such vacations.”

  From Kate’s perspective that sounded pretty darn good.

  After spending time in the hot tub, Dan suggested a late night snack before heading to bed. “My mom made a great meal but it seems like hours ago. Did you get enough to eat? I was so busy talking to my brother about business I didn’t check out your dinner.”

  “Absolutely. She makes the best split pea soup and the salad she prepared for me was huge. It was very satisfactory.”

  “She’s always been a marvelous cook. That’s one of the reasons the restaurant they started was so successful. My dad’s good too, but it was my mother’s recipes that really clicked with the public,” he confided. “How about I put together fruit salad with yogurt for us?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  After showering and changing, Kate ventured into the kitchen to find Dan preparing their late-night snack.

  He looked up as she entered. “Before I forget, Fred painted several shades of off-white on the dark paneling in the living room. Tomorrow morning when the light’s better, I want you to check them out and choose the best one. He’s already taken some of the furniture for their apartment and the rest will be given to charity. Once he finishes the painting, he’ll remove the carpeting. You mentioned pale oak flooring, if I remember correctly. We’ll have to look around at some samples.” Dan sliced strawberries and placed them on top of other fruit.

  “Can I help?” she asked.

  He pointed a finger at one of the stools placed around the granite island. “Relax. I’ll take care of all the cooking and snacks. I like fussing around with food. I don’t get enough of this hands-on stuff during the week. Remember, tomorrow I’ll help with your classes. What dishes are you preparing?”

  “We’re into soups this week—corn chowder and a split pea soup. Also we’ll prepare a few salad dressings.”

  “That sounds like fun.” He brought the fruit salad and yogurt to the counter. “I need a few crackers and cheese to go with this. How about you?”

  “This will be enough. It looks delicious. I love having other people prepare things for me.”

  “Then I’m your man.”

  After finishing their snack Dan said, “I’ll escort you to one of the guest bedrooms. That’s where you’d like to sleep, right?” He paused and waited for her reply, his deep blue eyes warm and inviting.

  He was giving her a choice. Kate sucked in a long breath. Part of her was tempted while the sensible section of her brain was urging caution.

  Attuned to her as he was, Dan made the decision. “Let’s go with the guest bedroom, much as I’d love your company.”

  He was looking out for her welfare, Kate thought. If he’d been more persuasive, she might’ve yielded. But recalling his recent words about wanting a wholehearted response, she understood. So why did she feel disappointed? Shaking off that surprising feeling, she said, “You’re probably right.”

  He took her hand and walked her to the guest room his housekeeper had prepared earlier. “That doesn’t mean I don’t want you in my bed. I’m giving you time to think things over and make the move. Believe me, this isn’t my usual style. I just get the feeling you’re not ready to make that total commitment so I’m not rushing. Besides, it’ll be more fun if you’re the one to chase me around the bed.”

  “Don’t hold your breath,” she retorted. “I’ve never chased anyone before.” Thinking of her obsession with Jared since she was ten, she amended her statement. “Actually, that’s not completely true.”

  When she didn’t elaborate he inquired, “Exactly what does that mean?”

  They reached the guest bedroom. Standing in front of the door Kate wondered how much to reveal. It sounded so foolish looking back. “Um, I was pretty young when Jared entered my life and for the first five years I followed him around like a lovesick puppy. Pretty stupid, huh?” She shook her head with a bemused expression. “I never want to do that again.”

  He drew her into his arms. “Kate, don’t beat yourself up over the past. We’ve all done dumb things, myself included. We’ll both know when the time’s right. Trust me on this.” He gave her a tender kiss and then eased away. “Sleep well. If you haven’t emerged from the bedroom by noon, I’ll come and wake you. The bathroom has fresh towels and if you need anything else, let me know.”

  “I’m sure I won’t need anything and I’ll be up way before noon,” she assured him. “I have preparations to make before my class.” It was hard leaving him standing there. With a resolute air she entered the bedroom and closed her door.

  ~ ~ ~

  It should’ve been easy to fall asleep. Kate was tired from the long day and the time spent swimming had been relaxing. But her mind refused to shut down. Was it the fact that she’d spent time with Dan’s family? She’d met his brother, Doug and his wife, Sophie, both welcoming people. His nephew, Oliver, was a handsome boy with blond hair like his mom. They had another child, Natasha, who was three—a very lovely family. So what was her problem?

  After tossing and turning another half hour, Kate rose and padded over to the large windows on one side of the spacious bedroom. Looking out she saw a full moon casting an eerie light on the lawn and shrubbery. Maybe it was the strange bed and room, she decided. She was
used to her own bed and surroundings. She thought of Dan sleeping right down the hall and had the impulse to climb in with him. Shaking her head in annoyance, she decided against the idea.

  If she had a good book with her, she could read a while. Usually that put her to sleep. Maybe the upcoming trip to Colorado was on her mind. Thinking it over she realized it wasn’t the trip itself that nagged at her. Informing her parents, and consequently her sister, about this meant she’d have to reveal her relationship with Dan. She could just imagine Stacy’s sneering comments. Taking a deep breath, Kate paced up and down the room trying to come to terms with her sister’s attitude.

  As she walked a memory was triggered. She’d been fourteen at the time, her sister eleven. After pursuing Jared for the last four years without any success, she’d been determined to forget him and concentrate on the boys in high school. Besides, Jared had a gorgeous new girlfriend, Lynette, whom he’d brought around several times. Lynette was tall and curvy in all the right places. With long black hair and blue eyes, she looked like a model. Every time Kate looked at her, she felt inadequate and terribly young. To make up for this, she encouraged one of the boys in school, Kenny Marshall, to take her out. He was sixteen and had recently started driving. He asked her to go to a movie. Checking in with her parents she was told that she was too young and he was too inexperienced a driver.

  Annoyed at this turn of events, she invited Kenny to her home one weekend afternoon. Her parents were out doing errands. Greg and Jared had gone for a drive with their girlfriends. She was supposed to keep an eye on Stacy, who was being a real pest and wouldn’t leave Kenny and her alone. Finally Kate told her sister to get lost. While Stacy went crying to her room, Kate took Kenny outside. There was a storage shed at the edge of their property. Often when she wanted to get away from her younger sister’s prying eyes, she and her girlfriends used the shed. Now she headed there with Kenny. Besides shelves holding gardening equipment and a lawn mower, there were outside chairs stored. Kate pulled out two cushions used for chaise lounges and settled them on the floor.

  “At least we’ll have some privacy without Stacy around,” she told Kenny.

  “Yeah, your kid sister’s a pain in the ass,” he grumbled.

  Within a few moments they were sprawled on the cushions. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, he was on top of her tugging her tee shirt off. “Hey Kenny, what’re you doing?” she asked. She wanted to appear grown-up and experienced but she hadn’t expected him to be so aggressive.

  “What d’ya think I’m doin’?” Kenny pressed his mouth against hers and started pushing his hips into her. His hands were busy fumbling with her bra.

  Heart pounding and panic setting in, Kate cried, “Not so fast.”

  He lifted his head and looked at her. “Are you a tease or somethin’? It was your idea to come here.”

  He was right. She couldn’t deny that. “Could you go a little slower? I mean, I don’t mind kissing and fooling around . . .” Her voice trailed off as she watched his expression harden.

  Before he could answer there was a commotion outside the shed. Raised voices were heard, one of them Greg’s and the other Jared’s. What were they doing here? Kate bolted upright, knocking Kenny off. Her tee shirt was wadded into a ball and her hair was in a mess. Grabbing the shirt, she tried to cover herself.

  The door to the shed opened suddenly sending bright sunlight into the small enclosure. “I told you she was in there with a boy.” Stacy’s voice sounded triumphant.

  Greg and Jared stood there looking at the two of them. Lynette and Patty were right behind the guys. Kate heard the two girls giggling. “What’s going on?” Jared exclaimed. Greg was quiet but his expression was murderous. Turning to Kenny, Jared said, “I want you out of here right now. Do you hear me?” He pointed a stern finger at the boy’s chest. “This girl’s underage. She’s fourteen years old. Now get the hell out of here before I drag you out myself.”

  Greg found his voice. “Kate, I can’t believe you’d do something like this. Now get yourself dressed. Do you hear me?”

  Kenny scurried to his feet and slipped past Jared who glared at him. “I don’t want to see you or that banged-up car of yours around these parts. Am I making myself clear?”

  Nodding, Kenny hurried away while Kate pulled the tee shirt over her head.

  “As for you,” Jared looked directly at Kate, “I can’t believe you’d have such bad taste. If I hadn’t intervened do you know what could’ve happened? Do you?”

  This was the first time Jared had ever paid that much attention to her. Kate couldn’t help feeling pleased but she knew enough not to show it. Standing with as much dignity as she could muster, she said, “I can handle things.” Then, looking at Stacy’s gloating face she added, “You’re a brat and love making trouble, don’t you? Well, I hope you’re satisfied. Now you know why I don’t want you around when my friends are over. You could never keep a secret if it killed you.”

  “That’s enough, Kate,” Greg commanded. “I don’t want to see that kid around here again. Do you understand me?”

  “Yeah, sure,” she muttered. With downcast eyes she hurried away to her room and privacy, knowing full well Stacy would tell her parents the minute they came home. She didn’t care one bit, she assured herself.

  Kate’s heart was pounding as if she was still the fourteen-year-old in that situation. She’d known then she couldn’t trust Stacy just as she knew it now. Letting out a frustrated breath, Kate decided there was nothing she could do except tough it out. At least she’d discovered what had been preying on her mind. Now all she had to do was vanquish those annoying thoughts and get some much-needed sleep.

  True to her word Kate woke just before nine. After her usual morning exercises, she dressed and went in search of Dan. Checking the kitchen, she noticed a note on the counter. “Help yourself to breakfast. I’m in my office. You can interrupt me any time.”

  Smiling at his cheerful message, she put together a simple plate of cut up oranges and raw cashews. Then she headed to Dan’s office.

  He was at his desk talking on the phone. Catching sight of her, he motioned her in. Bringing the call to an end, he said, “Glad to see you up bright and early.” He stood and walked toward her. Bringing her close, he kissed her. “Sleep well?”

  Should she tell a small fib? “Not exactly,” she finally admitted. “It took me a while to settle down. Maybe it was the strange bed and room, although it probably had more to do with telling my parents about our upcoming trip.” Still enclosed in his arms she leaned against him. “Guess I’m a coward.”

  “Kate, don’t procrastinate. It’s probably not going to be as dire as you think. What’s the worst that could happen?” Stroking her back he attempted to reassure her.

  “It’s not my parents that worry me. Stacy’s bound to make nasty comments. It’s always been this way. You’d think by now I’d be able to ignore her. But for some reason, I can’t.” She looked up at him. “Pretty stupid of me. Right?”

  He studied her for several moments. “She’s your Achilles heel, that’s for sure. You’ll have to figure out a way to defuse her influence. If I can help, let me know.”

  Stepping away from him, she said, “Thanks, Dan. Now I’d like to forget all about that subject. Why don’t we look at those paint samples for the living room? Then I’d love to get a tour of your gardens. Last night they seemed magical under a full moon.”

  “I’ll go along with that but don’t wait too long, Kate. Our trip is coming up very soon.”

  Dan was right. But just for today she wanted to relax and enjoy being with him without the stress of dysfunctional family issues. “I’ll let them know soon,” she promised.

  Corn and Potato Chowder

  1 tablespoon unsalted butter

  2 sweet or white onions, chopped

  3 cl
oves garlic, chopped (or 3 teaspoon garlic powder)

  2 cups Yukon Gold potatoes, cut into one inch chunks

  4 cups vegetable stock

  ½ teaspoon dried thyme

  ½ teaspoon sea salt

  1 ½ cups frozen corn

  1 cup almond milk (or any non-dairy milk)

  Salt and pepper to taste

  Sauté butter in soup pot with onions and garlic until soft. Add potatoes and continue sautéing for a few minutes. Then add four cups of vegetable stock, thyme, and sea salt. Bring to a low boil and cook until potatoes are soft. Add frozen corn and almond milk. Cook for a few minutes and taste for seasonings.

  Chapter 16

  “Well, what do you think?” Dan looked at the paint swatches taped to his living room wall. “Which shade would be best for this room?”

  Kate stepped back a few feet to get a better view. “The champagne white would be a good choice. It has a sunnier feel than the others and will give the room a cheery presence.”

  Nodding in agreement, he took the paint swatch down. “I’ll give it to Fred. At least that decision didn’t take long.” Checking his watch he added, “Do we have time for a quick tour of the grounds? It’s almost ten.”

  “I’d love to see the outside of your house. And since you’ll be helping me prepare for my class this afternoon, I won’t need as much time.”

  A few moments later they were walking around the perimeter. “I’m trying to decide the best place for the greenhouse,” Dan said. “I’d like it to have easy access from the house. Maybe it could be situated next to the pool? Fred could build a walkway from the pool to the greenhouse with a covered awning in case of bad weather.”

  Having a talented carpenter and fixit man on staff was a real plus, Kate thought. It gave Dan lots of options. “That sounds like a great idea.” Looking around at the expanse of lawn on his property, she added, “You’ve tons of room for an outdoor vegetable garden. You could grow most of your own organic produce here.” If she had that much space she’d fill it with rows of every type of produce imaginable, from lettuce and tomatoes to corn and eggplant. Dan had enough acreage for a small farm. Feeling a twinge of envy, she reminded herself that she did have her own greenhouse which produced quite a lot of edible plants. Besides, she had enough to do with all the other activities in her life.


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