The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 16

by Madelaine Grant

  “That’s quite an ambitious plan,” Dan said. “With my traveling schedule it wouldn’t work. I’d need someone else to run it.” Hesitating a moment, he added with a smile, “Maybe it could become a reality one of these days.” As he said this he linked his hand with hers. “Of course that someone would need quite a background to manage the place. It could be an experimental farm growing new strains of lettuce, for example. Or maybe heirloom tomatoes, which are one of my favorites.”

  He gazed at her with a speculative expression, Kate realized, as her heart sped up. What a challenge that could be, she thought, with an inner sense of excitement. Her imagination took off as she visualized rows of veggies growing as far as the eye could see. She’d always dreamed of an enterprise like that, especially the experimental part. In graduate school she’d taken a course in growing unusual types of veggies. She’d need further study to understand recent developments in the field, but the idea definitely stirred her creative juices.

  “I see I’ve caught your interest,” Dan said. “I’ve planted a seed which could grow into something much more than just an ordinary vegetable garden, although there’s nothing wrong with that concept.”

  Continuing with the tour, Dan showed her the pond with a small waterfall at one end. “Fred built the whole thing,” he explained. “I have several types of fish living here and a few turtles. Ethan enjoys feeding them. They seem to know when he’s around since they come to the surface to greet him.”

  “Any time you can encourage him to be outdoors is a plus,” Kate declared. “Children nowadays spend too much time indoors looking at screens. My advice is to keep tight control of video games and other electronic gadgets and do more things in nature. Parents can’t forbid television or games but they can influence their children to a healthier lifestyle by being outdoors doing things with their kids.”

  Kate was right, Dan thought, feeling guilty for the many times he’d used television as a baby-sitter for Ethan to distract him when he had phone calls to make. He needed to take hikes with his son at nearby nature centers or bring him to the beach more often. If only he had more time for those things. Still, his son’s mental and physical health was at stake. He’d have to make time.

  ~ ~ ~

  Back at Kate’s home, Dan helped with the preparations for her class. “I can see why this is so time consuming. Everything needs to be measured accurately for each student. I’m wondering whether you could just have bulk amounts available and allow the students to do their own measuring. What do you think?”

  Kate was silent as she pondered his suggestion. “That could work for some ingredients. Others might be difficult. But it is a good idea. I’ve often wanted an assistant for this part.” Sending him a mischievous glance, she added, “Now I’ve acquired one.”

  He laughed and drew her close. “I may insist on some type of compensation for all my hard work.” His dark blue eyes danced with mischief.

  “Is that so?” she retorted, enjoying the banter. “You’re getting a free class. That should be enough.”

  “Maybe yes and maybe no,” he said softly as he bent his head to give her a long kiss.

  Kate’s body automatically molded itself to his as her arms encircled his neck. Tingles of awareness flowed from her core to all those parts that yearned for his touch. For a few blissful moments she savored the firmness of his broad chest and the strength of his muscled thighs. The jangle of the phone brought her out of the intoxicating spell.

  Easing away from Dan she glanced at the caller ID. “It’s my brother,” she murmured picking up the phone. “Hi Greg. What’s up?” He rarely phoned during the day. Was there something wrong?

  “Glad I found you home. I tried last night several times but you must’ve been out. Hope you were having fun.”

  Kate heard him chuckling at the other end. Should she confide exactly where she’d been? Probably not. “I was visiting a friend.” That was a partial truth. Looking at Dan she noted the amused expression in his eyes.

  “Anyway I’m calling to see if you can join Stacy and me for a brainstorming session. We need to buy mom something special for her birthday. I checked with dad and he had several suggestions that we can explore. Stacy thought we could meet at your place as it would be quieter. I know this is short notice, but would 6:00 tonight be a possibility? As I said, this would be a short meeting to discuss our options. If tonight isn’t convenient, how about Sunday night around the same time?”

  Kate inhaled sharply. Her first reaction was to nix the whole idea. She didn’t want to discuss anything with her sister. But she did want to buy her mom something special for this important birthday. A war raged within as she tried to decide what to say to her brother. “Tonight wouldn’t work for me.” Glancing at Dan she saw him nod in agreement. “Sunday night might work, however I do need time to plan my classes for the week. If you could make it promptly at six and we could finish by seven or earlier, that’s a possibility.”

  “Fine. Sunday it is. Don’t bother with food or anything. I’ll bring something along to munch on. Jack’s watching Jacob and Patty said she’d take the kids out for pizza while we meet. See you tomorrow night then.”

  Kate shook her head in annoyance. “My brother and sister want to discuss a present for my mother’s birthday. We’ll all chip in, of course. They’re coming over tomorrow evening.”

  “That makes sense,” Dan said. He reached for her hand and drew her close. “I can tell you’re not enthused about the idea but maybe it won’t be as difficult as you imagine. I’m pleased you made it tomorrow evening instead of tonight. I thought after cleanup we might take a walk on the beach and catch a sunset. Afterwards there’s a small sushi place in town that I’ve been eager to try.” He held her close while his lips found hers for another long kiss.

  Secure in his arms Kate’s mood shifted from annoyance to pleasure. “Sounds good to me.” Dan could be right. She shouldn’t assume things would get out of hand Sunday evening. Greg would be there to moderate Stacy’s erratic behavior. She wouldn’t be alone with her sister.

  After Kate’s class ended she took her run while Dan cleaned the equipment. He didn’t mind getting his hands in warm, soapy water and doing mindless stuff like washing blenders and food processors. It was actually relaxing. His mind drifted to thoughts of the upcoming skiing holiday in Colorado. With Oliver keeping Ethan company, he and Kate could spend their days together enjoying all the amenities of the resort. Would she insist on her own room? That was a loaded question which he decided not to explore. In time she’d come to him if he was patient. No point in rushing things when they had years ahead of them. He had to keep that thought in mind. Kate stirred something in him he hadn’t found before, even in his marriage to Melissa. He’d sensed the attraction and the connection from the first moments they were together.

  While Kate ran around the small park near her home she reflected on Dan’s assistance with her class. He’d been a big help today. His suggestion of putting out bulk quantities of certain ingredients and allowing the students to measure things themselves had turned out to be a great idea. It taught the students how to measure accurately and relieved her of the extra preparations. Both the corn chowder and pea soup turned out well and the salad dressings were fun to make. She’d encouraged her class to experiment with various spices and herbs so they could vary the recipes whenever they chose. This flexibility was important so that individual tastes could be satisfied. Thinking about the idea of an experimental farm on Dan’s property was mind-blowing. But she didn’t want to dwell on anything like that happening. This was still a very new relationship. She couldn’t be sure of anything except for the fact that she loved being with him. If only she could get over her fear of commitment. That was a very big hurdle.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Which beach are we going to?” Kate asked Dan as they headed out the door.

p; “It’s a small, private beach on one of the barrier islands. A friend owns a hotel located right on the water. Tonight should be perfect for viewing a sunset.”

  “You know lots of people in high places,” Kate said with a laugh.

  “Just in the restaurant and hotel business. I meet people at conferences who are in the same field. I’m sure you connect with others in your line of work.”

  Kate thought about that for a moment. His words made her remember Laura’s invitation to get together socially. “You’re probably right. Anyway, that brings up another subject. The art teacher at Briarwood Elementary where I teach twice a week is one of my best friends. Laura and I met in graduate school about six years ago. She asked if we’d like to have dinner together some weekend. Her boyfriend, Tony Manzini, is a project manager at a construction firm. She invited us to her home for appetizers and drinks first. What do you think?” They were at Dan’s car and she turned to him with a questioning look.

  “That’s fine with me.” Dan was pleased she’d suggested the idea. Now if she’d only introduce him to her family—that would make things even better.

  “I never get tired of watching sunsets,” Kate confided to Dan as they walked along the water’s edge. “Those lavender, peach, and gold tones are gorgeous. Lots of clouds make the colors even more spectacular.” They’d left their shoes in the car and the cool sand was refreshing.

  “It’s one of the pluses of where we live,” he said. “I can’t imagine living anyplace else. Of course getting away occasionally to places like Colorado or Vermont are wonderful escapes. Even a trip to Italy or Greece would be a fun experience.” Especially with someone like Kate.

  “I’ve never done much traveling. After my marriage ended I spent the next eight years getting an education at night while working during the day. There was no time for vacations.” Thinking back to those difficult years Kate wondered how she’d been able to do all those things. She’d been determined to live on her own and needed to work to pay expenses.

  “That’s quite a feat,” Dan said in an admiring tone. “I had the luxury of going to college during the day but I did help out at the family restaurant on weekends. I have a feeling that when you want something enough, you have the persistence to go for it.” He paused and drew her closer.” Am I right?”

  Looking up at him she replied, “I definitely was motivated to finish my schooling. Maybe my ex-husband’s patronizing views goaded me. Or it could’ve been my sister’s superior attitude. When I started as a mere freshman she was already a junior. I guess we were always competitive.”

  “That can happen in families. I was lucky to be the oldest son. My brothers were so much younger they could never catch up.” Dan smiled thinking about the dynamics in his family. “Maybe that’s why I’m close to Doug and Derek. Being much older does have its advantages.”

  “You’re right. Greg’s five years older than I am and eight years older than Stacy. He’s always been the adored older brother. He had our parents all to himself for five years too—something Stacy and I never had.” She hadn’t thought about that aspect of her family until that moment. Maybe that had contributed to her brother’s easy-going nature.

  Later, after their leisurely beach walk, they headed towards a small hotel situated on higher ground. The two-story building faced the beach with a grassy area adjoining the sand. A long, rectangular pool and a tiki bar were placed in front of the building. Dan led Kate to a row of comfortable dark-blue chaises located in front of the pool area. “This will make for comfortable sunset viewing.” Stretching out on one of the chaises he beckoned her to sit next to him. Except for a few people at the tiki bar, they were alone.

  Very cozy, Kate thought, wondering whether this was such a good idea. Still, it was tempting. Giving in to the temptation she snuggled against him. She felt his arm move to gather her closer. The warmth from his body was a heady turn-on. Her thoughts wandered to how it would feel waking up in his arms after a night of passionate lovemaking. Not a safe place for her mind to be exploring, she decided, trying to curtail her erotic fantasies.

  “Comfortable?” Dan asked softly. It felt so natural holding Kate this way. Was she enjoying the closeness as much as he was? He had a hunch this arrangement was agreeable. The whole side of her body was pressed against his and her head rested easily on his chest.

  “Very,” she said softly. “I don’t know if I’ll ever want to get up.”

  He laughed at her comment. “That’s flattering but I’m sure you’ll be hungry for dinner before long.”

  “Maybe yes and maybe no,” she said echoing his remark earlier in the day.

  He laughed again. “You’re getting pretty impudent, imitating me that way.”

  “Well you’ll just have to bear with it,” she retorted.

  “Maybe yes and maybe no,” he teased placing a kiss on the top of her head. Her hair had that fragrant flowery scent and her skin felt soft under his touch. It didn’t take much to fire his imagination. In his mind’s eye he saw the two of them snuggled close under the warmth of a down comforter. They’d had a full day of skiing and a sumptuous meal. Now, without a stitch of clothing on, their bodies close together, they were enjoying the intimacy and warmth of the closeness that comes after great sex. Sighing at this last thought, Dan came back to reality. Perhaps that time was not far off. Maybe yes and maybe no, he added with an inner grin.

  Later, Dan took Kate to the small sushi restaurant. “It opened recently and has had several good reviews. I phoned beforehand and discovered they can prepare practically any type of sushi we want.”

  “That’s very accommodating,” she replied.

  Although tiny in comparison with the other places Dan had taken her, the décor was lovely. Tapestries of Japanese scenes were hung on red-painted walls and the tables were set with colorful bamboo placemats, chopsticks, and napkins. A jar with fresh flowers graced each table. A smiling waitress in a kimono came to take their order. True to Dan’s phone call they were able to custom order several different types of sushi plus bowls of miso soup.

  “Will that be enough for you?” Dan inquired. He wasn’t sure he’d be satisfied after the soup and sushi meal.

  “More than enough,” she assured him. Then tilting her head to one side she said, “If you need something extra, go ahead and order it. You might enjoy a tempura dish or one of their other specialties.”

  “Nah, I’ll manage. I can always have one of my super-duper chocolate ice cream sundaes when I get home.”

  “I forgot how much you love chocolate. I’ll have to hustle up some of my chocolate brownies or chocolate chip cookies for you when I find the time.”

  Placing his hand over hers with a beatific smile, he replied, “You know the way to my heart.”

  When Dan took Kate home he said, “Tomorrow I’ll be at my parents’ place. Doug is heading back to Jacksonville right after lunch. I want to spend some time with him and the family. We’ll probably take the kids to the zoo in the morning. I’d like to phone you Sunday night, maybe around nine or so. Is that good for you?”

  “That’s fine. I’ll be done with my planning by then. Hopefully the meeting with Greg and Stacy won’t last long.”

  “I’m sure everything will go smoothly.”

  “Maybe yes and maybe no,” she replied with an impish grin.

  He threw back his head and laughed. “That phrase will be the death of me.” Drawing her close he kissed her goodnight. “Sleep well. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  Split Pea Soup

  1 sweet or white onion diced

  1 clove garlic, diced

  2 cups sliced carrots

  2 cups russet or red potatoes, diced

  1 lb dried split peas, rinsed

  8 cups water

  2 vegetable bouillon cubes

  1 teaspoon
sea salt

  ½ teaspoon dried oregano

  Steam fry onion and garlic (steam fry means to cook in a small amount of water instead of frying in oil) until onion is translucent. Add carrots, potatoes, peas, water, and bouillon cubes. Add sea salt and oregano. Cook until split peas are soft, approximately 45 – 60 minutes. Season to taste. I use an immersion blender to blend the soup but it can be left chunky according to your taste.

  Chapter 17

  Kate decided not to sleep in Sunday morning. There was too much to do. Besides cleaning the house, she had to do laundry and begin creating lesson plans for the upcoming school week. Preparations for her afternoon demonstration at a new health food store had to be factored in. She couldn’t count on Dan’s help with that activity, as he’d be busy with his family. In addition, she needed to cultivate a positive frame of mind for the upcoming meeting with Greg and Stacy at six.

  After a hearty breakfast of fruit salad, yogurt, and a fruit smoothie, she turned the radio on to a jazz music station and got to work. By noon she’d accomplished most of her chores and was ready to measure out ingredients for the demo. After loading her van with all the equipment required, she took a break for a leisurely lunch in the greenhouse. Munching on a salad of raw veggies with cheese and crackers on the side, she thought about Dan’s idea of an experimental farm. What an exciting project that could be! But it was just a dream. Still, she couldn’t help imagining all the possibilities it offered. That thought led invariably to what a life with Dan would be like. The minute that idea came into her mind, she shook her head in annoyance. What was she thinking? She’d only known the man a short time and she was already planning a future with him. Thoroughly irritated, she vowed to leave that topic alone.


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