The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 19

by Madelaine Grant

  “No, but I should heat things. The table in the greenhouse is already set. We just have to bring everything out.”

  A devilish thought struck him as he considered her words. “I’ll let you up if you promise to dine with me in the nude.”

  “What?” Kate’s startled look and words caused Dan to burst out laughing.

  “Haven’t you ever done that before?” he inquired.

  “No,” she retorted. “And I don’t intend to start now.”

  “Maybe I’ll let you wear panties and an apron.” He could picture her in that scanty costume and his groin hardened with desire.

  “Pervert,” she scoffed as her face flushed pink. The idea was tantalizing.

  Leaning up on an elbow he brushed the side of one breast and let his hand slide down her waist and bottom to that warm, moist spot between her thighs. “Turned you on a bit, I see.” Before she could protest his mouth covered hers for a long, passionate kiss.

  When she finally surfaced to take a breath her heart was beating fast and tingles were running up and down her spine.

  Forget dinner, Dan decided as he lifted her leg over his thigh and slowly joined with her. This time was slower but even more satisfying than the first.

  “Guess I wasn’t hard to persuade,” Kate whispered with half-closed eyes, a smile on her lips. Caressing the rough hairs of his chest she breathed in the potent scent of sex and warm, satisfied male.

  “Don’t think you’re easy,” he growled in mock annoyance. “Maybe you figure I’ve been patient so long that it’s time to reward me.” Then he laughed at her surprised expression. “Just teasing.”

  They rested in compatible comfort for several minutes, enjoying the afterglow of their lovemaking. Dan broke the silence. “I’ll call you tomorrow evening around nine and check to see how your father’s feeling. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  “I hope so,” Kate sighed. “My mom seems to think it’s just overwork.”

  “She’s probably right, so there’s no use worrying,” he said firmly. “You know the following weekend is Ethan’s birthday. His whole class is coming for a birthday lunch complete with a magician. Fortunately the event planner we use is handling everything. My parents are attending and will take him afterwards, which means we’ll have some private time together.” He ran his hand down the side of her cheek. “I’m mentioning this because we’re leaving for Colorado the week after.” He sent her a pointed look but remained silent. No use nagging about letting her parents know she was going away with him.

  Kate instinctively knew what he was implying. Making a sudden decision she said, “Then it’s probably a good idea for you to meet my family this coming weekend.” Once she’d spoken the words aloud she couldn’t take them back. That would be cowardly. But flutters of nervousness coursed through her stomach. She wasn’t looking forward to the encounter.

  “Kate, it won’t be that bad.” Dan’s tone was soothing. He could tell from the brief flash of fear in her eyes that she was tense. The lovely rose flush was gone from her cheeks, too. He drew her close for a long kiss, trusting that bodily contact would restore her equilibrium.

  Relaxing against him she murmured, “Maybe you’re right.” Then she made another quick decision. “I’m going to cancel my mall demo this Sunday. I need to spend more time with my dad. With my crazy schedule that’s difficult to plan. Are you available for a few hours on Sunday? I can arrange something with my mom if I know you’ll be free.”

  “I’ll make time,” he assured her. At least that issue was settled. After several more minutes of delicious cuddling Dan said, “Let’s have dinner or we’ll never get to it. You can wear a robe, if you like.”

  “Thanks a bunch,” Kate chuckled. “I’m very hungry too.”

  “I wonder why.” Dan noted with satisfaction that her cheeks were pink again. Rising, he headed for the bathroom. “If we had time we could shower together. But I think that might lead to more than we bargained for.”

  Watching him leave, Kate admired the solidity of his naked form, especially that tight butt and long, muscled legs. He was in great shape even though he wasn’t an athlete. Grabbing her white terry bathrobe, she pulled it around her and tied the sash. Pushing back her hair she tried to put it in some kind of order but it refused to cooperate. She gave up and made her way into the kitchen to heat the sweet potato and lentil casserole Dan brought. The salad went into a bowl and she added extra avocado at the last minute. As she brought everything out to the greenhouse she reflected on the two decisions she’d made and realized she’d done the right thing. Procrastination only made matters worse. Better to face the music and get it over with. What was the worst that could happen? Stacy making a scene? She’d gone through those temper tantrums before and survived. She owed it to Dan and to her parents to come clean.

  Dan left shortly after dinner. “It’s close to your bedtime. Remember, I’ll call you tomorrow evening and we can plan our weekend. I’ll have Ethan with me Friday night. If you wouldn’t mind, I could bring a picnic supper along – sushi and miso soup – and we could go to the pier. Besides picnic tables, there are several food trucks parked and Ethan loves the taco truck. If I remember correctly, they even make a veggie taco. There’s also a small playground and a strip of beach for him to run around.”

  “Sounds fine,” she replied. “What time is good for you?”

  “How’s six? That should give you a chance to run.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  He drew her close for one more kiss and then headed to his car. Driving home he reflected on the past several hours while a smile played around his mouth. That was one hot evening. Having Kate instigate their lovemaking was more than satisfying. Dan was pleased he’d been patient all these weeks. He’d known instinctively that it would be up to her to lead. She needed to feel comfortable and secure before intimacy could begin. Now there was no doubt in his mind that she’d share a bedroom with him on their Colorado vacation. At least that issue was laid to rest. And the fact that she wanted him to meet her family on Sunday boded well for their future. As far as tensions with her sister, Stacy, he’d be there to act as a buffer should things get out of hand. All in all, a very productive evening.

  Kate was too keyed up to sleep after Dan left, although she was pleasantly exhausted. Putting on some mellow music, she stretched out on a yoga mat and did a few poses. That usually helped but tonight her mind was on overdrive. She thought back over the night’s happenings with a contented grin. That had been one sexy encounter.

  A memory intruded and, as much as Kate tried, refused to go away. Since Jared was involved she wanted to erase it from her thoughts. Finally caving in, she relived the moment she became a person of interest to Jared Wilson. A few months past her sixteenth birthday she’d realized she needed a new bathing suit. Summer was approaching and last year’s suits didn’t fit. Her body had finally blossomed and the scrawny fifteen-year-old had turned into a curvaceous young woman. Throwing caution to the winds she’d gone shopping on her own and purchased a revealing black bikini. With her mom sitting on a chair in the living room, Kate decided to model it for her.

  First though, she adjusted the atmosphere. Putting on a mellow country music ballad and planning her entrance, she told her mother to imagine the length of the room as a model’s walkway. “Make believe I’m a professional model and you’re in the audience.” To add height, she found a pair of black high heels and then brushed her long, blonde hair out and let it hang loose. Adding a little makeup and spraying cologne in strategic places, she finally slipped into the shiny black bikini. Before heading to the living room, she took a long look in the mirror. Not bad. Not bad at all.

  Taking a deep breath for courage, Kate entered the living room and began a model’s strut. Before her mother could say a word, the front door opened and her brother and Jared strode into th
e foyer and stopped at the entrance to the living room. She was halfway down the room when she glanced their way and saw Jared’s mouth drop open. His hazel eyes had that dazed look and he just stood there, stock still, staring at her as if he’d never seen her before.

  “Well, well,” Greg intoned. “That’s some sexy outfit you’re wearing, little sister.” Turning to his mother he asked, “Are you going to let her out in public in that thing?” His voice was angry and sarcastic at the same time.

  “Of course not,” his mother snapped. “This is the first time I’ve seen Kate in this bathing suit. She can wear it when she’s sunbathing on our deck but definitely not anywhere else.”

  Jared finally found his voice. “I think Kate looks pretty terrific in that bikini.” He walked closer to her and said in a low tone, “You can wear that anytime for me, Kate. In fact, I’d like to invite you out when I take my boat for a spin on the weekend.”

  “That sounds like fun,” Kate replied trying to sound nonchalant. Inside she was ecstatic at the prospect of being with Jared. Her mother’s words of caution went in one ear and out the other. This was her life and she was going to live it just the way she wanted to.

  Thinking back to that moment Kate sighed with regret. That had been the beginning of her involvement with Jared and her life had never been the same. She’d wanted to impress him with her new figure and catch his attention. Her ploy had worked better than she could’ve imagined, much to her parents’ dismay. By summer’s end she’d lost her virginity and gained a steady boyfriend.

  Coming back to the present moment, Kate tried to put her past in perspective. She’d been so young and inexperienced and Jared’s attentions had meant the world to her. Now that she was older she could look back at that young girl and realize how little she’d known about men and their intentions. Married the following June, she’d had to grow up quickly – much too quickly, she thought, remembering the crushing pace of her day-to-day work and home schedule. But she’d managed to survive and now she could pick and choose what she wanted to do with her life.

  At this last thought Kate grew pensive. What would her life be like involved with Dan? She knew the sex would be great but what about other things? Would it curtail her freedom too much and leave her feeling smothered? She loved her home and the thought of ever living somewhere else was difficult to visualize. Sighing, she decided to call it a night and head to bed. Nothing would be solved by brooding about the situation.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate phoned her mother late Thursday afternoon. “How did everything go today?”

  “The doctor thought it was overwork too,” her mom explained. “But just to be sure he’s scheduled a series of tests. Meanwhile, I’m trying to keep a leash on your father so he doesn’t plunge back into that long work day. He’s threatening dire consequences if he’s forced to stay home, such as taking charge of my kitchen.”

  Hearing her mother laugh, Kate relaxed. “Maybe dad needs a hobby, like stamp collecting or something quiet. I don’t know if cooking is his thing. The last meal he prepared, if I remember correctly, I was ten or so and you had the flu. He tried putting a casserole together and the results were not edible.” It was her turn to laugh.

  “I’m trying to encourage him to read more and take long walks with me in the evenings when its cooler. We’ll see how that goes. Your father can be stubborn when it comes to his business.”

  “Isn’t Greg taking on more responsibility? I thought that was the plan.”

  Heaving a long sigh, her mother replied, “That’s what I thought too. Evidently there are some areas of work which your father claims are his domain alone. He doesn’t trust anyone to do as good a job as he does.”

  “Keep working at it,” Kate said with a serious tone. “He’s close to seventy and should be thinking of retiring. I’m sure Greg is more than capable of handling things, but I can understand why he doesn’t want to encroach on dad’s territory.” A ticklish issue, she thought, but her mother was the diplomat in the family. If anyone could persuade her father to slow down, she was the one to do it. “Listen, I’d like to bring someone over to meet you and dad on Sunday, if that’s good for you.”

  “Oh? And who would that be?” her mother asked in a surprised tone. “Aren’t you usually doing a mall demo or something? Of course we’ll make time. Brunch is usually a good idea. Is this person male or female?”

  Kate was tempted to tell her to wait and see but opted for frankness. “His name is Dan Brookhouse and I met him about five weeks ago when I was doing a demonstration at the new mall. He owns some restaurants and asked me to do a demo for his staff of the desserts I created that afternoon. We became good friends and, since I’ve met his family, I decided he should meet mine.” No point in getting into all the details at this stage. She could almost imagine her mother’s hopeful expression at the other end of the phone. “I don’t know where this friendship is going so don’t get any rash ideas,” she warned.

  “I didn’t say a word,” her mother countered. “It’s your life, Kate, and as you’ve told me so many times, you’re going to live it on your own terms.”

  Hearing her own words flung back at her, Kate wondered why she was so rebellious. Was she afraid of losing her independence if she followed anyone’s advice? Not sure about her reasons, she decided to leave that issue alone. “I’ll bring some appetizers along. Is noon a good time for you?”

  “Noon’s fine. I’ll ask Greg and Stacy to come over, too. We might as well have everyone here to meet your friend. Is he a vegetarian?”

  “Not at all. Whatever you serve will be okay. See you then.” After the conversation ended Kate sat for several minutes, thinking about the possible consequences of bringing Dan to meet her family. The more she thought about the situation, the tenser she became. If it were just her mom and dad, that would’ve been easier. But with Greg and his family plus Stacy and her crew, there was bound to be problems. But what choice did she have? She couldn’t tell her parents not to invite their other children. With a frustrated sigh she tried to put the matter to rest. No point stewing over it. Besides, she had preparations to make for her class on Saturday. She’d spend Friday night with Dan and Ethan leaving little time for getting everything together. She’d already printed out recipes for the class. They’d be concentrating on salads as a main course this week, using unusual ingredients in different combinations. Hopefully she’d find time Saturday morning to measure everything and get organized. Life was definitely getting complicated.

  Sweet Potato and Lentil Stew

  2 sweet potatoes, cut into half inch cubes

  1 onion, chopped

  1 carrot, chopped

  1 leek, sliced

  1 bay leaf

  2 tablespoons olive oil

  ½ cup lentils

  3 cups vegetable stock

  1 tablespoon fresh chopped sage

  Sea salt to taste

  Gently sauté sweet potatoes, onion, carrot, leek, and bay leaf in olive oil for five minutes. Stir lentils, veggie stock, and sage and simmer for twenty minutes or until lentils are tender. Season with sea salt, remove bay leaf, and serve.

  Chapter 20

  Dan phoned Kate shortly after nine Thursday night. “I’ll bet you’re already in bed. Just wanted to know how your dad’s doing and check on the weekend’s plans.”

  Pushing two pillows under her head, Kate leaned against the headboard. Hearing his voice brought her wide awake. Tingles of awareness coursed through her whole body. The memory of all that had happened between them flashed through her mind, but she was determined to stick to the topic. “You’re right. I was reading in bed waiting for your call. About my dad, the doctor thinks it’s just overwork, as my mother thought, but he’s ordering some tests just to check. My mother’s relieved, but she’s having a difficult time keeping him at home. I wish my father had
a hobby to keep busy.” Kate sighed with frustration.

  “Maybe he just needs to cut down on his hours. My father recently decided to take a few afternoons off every week to relax at home and catch up with accounting details. Everyone needs to make adjustments as they get older. Anyway, I’m glad the doctor agrees with your mom and doesn’t see anything serious. Tomorrow evening I’ll bring Ethan over with me around six. On Saturday I’ll spend the day with him and my parents will pick him up that evening. Since you’re not doing a demo on Sunday, how about spending time at my place? You mentioned seeing your folks on Sunday. Did you discuss this with them?” He hoped she wasn’t going to procrastinate.

  “It’s all set. We’ll be going there for brunch around twelve. I’ll bring appetizers. My mother’s inviting my brother and sister and their families as well. I would’ve preferred introducing you to my parents alone, but that’s not to be.”

  Dan heard the irritation in Kate’s voice. “Don’t worry. I can hold my own with whoever is there. Stacy will probably be on her best behavior. If she isn’t, I’m sure someone will keep her in check.” His tone grew intimate. “How did you sleep last night?”

  “Once I finally settled down I slept like a log,” she admitted. The husky timbre of his voice brought a warm flush to her cheeks.

  “I wonder why,” he teased. “I slept unusually well, too. Knowing you’re ready to doze off, I’ll say goodnight. See you tomorrow at six.”

  “I’ll look forward to it,” she said softly.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Can you come to my birthday party? Can you? We’re having a magician and lots of desserts, too.” Ethan half-ran, half-skipped down the length of Kate’s hallway and into the living room. “Can you come?”

  “Ethan,” Dan said in a warning tone. “I told you Kate’s busy that day.” Turning to Kate he added, “I know you have classes all afternoon on Saturdays. I explained that to Ethan earlier.”


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