The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 18

by Madelaine Grant

  “Hey, wait up,” Laura called out. She ran over to Kate with a big grin. “Guess what?”

  Kate did not like the teasing expression on her friend’s face. “What?” she asked guardedly.

  “Have you talked to Reid or Mark today?”

  “No. Have you?” Whatever Laura had to say she’d better share it.

  “I bumped into Mark just before lunch. He told me Dave Thorpe insisted that you join their activity group. Reid pulled out, saying he’d concentrate on a science activity instead. So you and Mark will be a team. What do you think of that?”

  Shrugging indifferently, Kate replied, “Sounds fine to me. I’ll play an advisory role, I’m sure. Besides, I have enough to do with the gardening activity. I want to include an actual greenhouse to be set up in the gymnasium that evening. I think I could get one free since the publicity would be worth it to the company. I’ll check with Dave first before I make inquiries.”

  “That sounds great, Kate. Now I’ll have to think of something spectacular to keep up with you,” she said laughing.

  Changing the subject Kate said, “I spoke with Dan about going out to dinner one evening. He was agreeable so we just have to set a date. Saturday nights are probably best.”

  “Let me check with Tony and get back to you. Can’t wait to meet the guy. He must be pretty terrific.”

  “He’s a nice guy and a good friend. I’m not sure where this relationship is going but I enjoy his company.” Kate didn’t want Laura to get the idea there was a hot romance going on.

  “C’mon Kate, you could sound a little more enthusiastic. I mean the fact that you’re actually dating again after such a long dry spell speaks for itself.”

  Kate wasn’t sure how to respond to Laura’s take on her situation. “I don’t think of those years as a dry spell. They were exciting years when I was learning new things and finding what I wanted to do with my life. I didn’t see any point in rushing into another relationship when there was so much more I wanted to accomplish.”

  Tilting her head to one side, Laura gave Kate a pointed look. “Learning new things is always useful but there’s no reason you can’t combine that with going out. One has nothing to do with the other.”

  “Maybe in your case it doesn’t,” Kate retorted. “In my situation I needed a long break. Don’t forget, I married at seventeen and worked like a dog for five long years putting Jared through medical school. Believe me, I deserved an extensive holiday from men.”

  “Well, if you put it that way,” Laura murmured. “My marriage to Gary was different but still stressful.”

  When she didn’t elaborate, Kate said, “In what way?” She’d often wondered about Laura’s situation.

  Laura shrugged. “Oh, you know, he had a wandering eye which I didn’t catch until after we were married. I mean, could you believe he actually propositioned my maid of honor? When I questioned him about it he just laughed and said he wasn’t serious, simply flirting with her. That escalated pretty quickly, let me tell you.”

  Searching Laura’s indignant expression, Kate had no doubt her friend had been through a traumatic experience. “Guess you went through a hard time, too. I don’t blame you for being cautious this time around. Why hurry into a relationship that might not work out?”

  “In my case I met Tony a few months after the divorce and we hit it off right away. Still, I’m not hurrying into a more permanent arrangement. We get along really well but there are days when I’m glad I have my own space and he has his. The only thing that could push me into marriage would be starting a family.”

  Nodding thoughtfully Kate said, “I’ve considered that possibility. I haven’t made up my mind if I want children. So far I don’t seem to have that maternal urge. Then again I’m with kids all week and I do enjoy them immensely. Maybe because I know when I get home I have time for myself.”

  “I know what you mean,” Laura replied. “We still have a few years to make up our minds. Some women have babies in their forties. I don’t know if I’d want to do that.” She shook her head ruefully. “By forty I wouldn’t have the energy to wake up with a crying baby at night.”

  Kate laughed. “You’re right on that count. Listen, I have to run now. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  After a vigorous bicycle ride, Kate headed home for dinner. She needed to finish her lesson plans for the week. She also wanted to prepare her handouts for the upcoming Saturday class and presentation at a nearby mall on Sunday. With those chores out of the way, she could concentrate on her proposal for the gardening activity she planned for the Homeless Fund event. Dave Thorpe wanted all proposals in by the end of the week. Since she only worked at Briarwood Mondays and Tuesdays, she needed to hand it in the next day.

  Greg phoned shortly before six. “My choice for mom’s gift is the series of ceramics classes. Stacy wants the Bahamas cruise. You’ll be the tie-breaker. Which do you prefer?”

  That was easy. “I’m with you. I think mom will enjoy exploring a new hobby like ceramics and it won’t break my budget. Stacy will probably throw a fit and accuse us of being misers, but I don’t care.”

  He laughed. “Don’t worry about Stacy. I’ll handle her and I’ll also make all the arrangements for the classes. Thanks for helping with this project. We’ll have to make up a guest list for the party and send out invitations soon. I know most of our parents’ friends so I’ll start the list and then ask you and Stacy to look it over. I might have forgotten someone important. Knowing how busy you are, I’ll see if Stacy can choose the invitations. Her secretary can probably organize sending them out.”

  “Sounds okay. Do you want me to get a menu from the restaurant so you can look over possible choices?”

  “Patty and I have had dinner there on several occasions and the food has always been excellent. I’ll google the restaurant and take another look at their menu.”

  “Great idea.” Things were coming together nicely for her mom’s big birthday bash, Kate thought as she ended the call.

  ~ ~ ~

  By Wednesday, Kate had managed to finalize plans for setting up a small greenhouse in the gymnasium. Dave Thorpe thought the idea was great. In addition she’d met with Mark and mentioned her role would essentially be an advisory one for the sports activities. He seemed more than okay with her decision. This was his area of expertise and he should be the one to decide on what to offer.

  Kate set the table in her greenhouse with place mats, silverware, and dishes. Dan would arrive in fifteen minutes with a vegetarian main dish and a salad. She decided to make a smoothie consisting of apples, banana, carrots, kale, and almond milk. Just as she finished pouring the mixture into a pitcher, the phone rang.

  Checking the ID she saw Stacy’s name. Why was her sister calling? Part of her wanted to let the answering machine pick up but she decided that wouldn’t be the right thing to do.

  “Hi Stacy, what’s up?” She sat down on a nearby chair hoping this would be a short chat.

  “Greg drove dad home from the office late this afternoon. He wasn’t feeling well after lunch and looked pale. Mom phoned dad’s doctor and made an appointment for a checkup tomorrow. She told me not to worry and that it was probably nothing serious but I thought you’d want to know.”

  A chill ran down Kate’s spine. Her father was a vigorous, active man who regularly played tennis and golf. She couldn’t begin to image anything wrong. “That’s upsetting news,” she said slowly. “I’ll give Mom a call and see if there’s anything I can do.”

  “Well, it’s probably nothing, but you know he’ll be sixty-eight in June.”

  “He looks younger than his age. I almost forget he’s getting on in years,” Kate replied. She needed to spend more time with her family. Before too long her parents would be in their seventies. The idea of someday not having them around was devastating. A lump formed in her
throat and her hand clenched the phone. At least Stacy wasn’t saying anything nasty for a change. Maybe she was having similar feelings. “Thanks for the call, Stacy. I’ll get in touch with mom.”

  Kate sat for a few long moments deep in thought. Her father had been the rock in her life, always there when she needed him and yet not interfering except for her impulsive decision to marry at seventeen. Kate knew her mom depended on her dad in so many ways. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if there was anything seriously wrong with him.

  Quickly she punched in her mom’s phone number. “Mom, Stacy just phoned to let me know dad wasn’t feeling well. Is there anything I can do?”

  “Everything’s fine, Kate. I think your father needs to cut down on his hours at work. He’s been putting in ten-hour days lately and it has to stop,” her mom replied.

  “I thought Greg was taking on more responsibilities. Dad shouldn’t be working that hard at his age.”

  “Tell that to him,” her mom retorted. “He won’t listen to me. Maybe the doctor can talk some sense into him. We’re headed there tomorrow for a check-up. I’ll keep you informed.”

  Kate sensed her mother’s exasperation but knew there was nothing she could do to help the situation. “Give dad my love and I’ll phone tomorrow evening.”

  Dan arrived promptly at six. Kate ran to open the door. She felt a rush of excitement at the sight of him. He had a large bag in one hand and a small bouquet in the other. He put both down to draw her into a close embrace. She nestled against him, feeling a strong sense of security in his arms. The news about her father’s possible ill health was unsettling. Dan’s arms offered comfort.

  As if he sensed her mood, Dan stroked her back reassuringly. Easing her away he gazed at her face. “Is everything okay?”

  “More or less,” she murmured. “I’ve been busy but that’s not the problem. Come and sit down a moment and I’ll fill you in.” She picked up the bag and bouquet. “The flowers are beautiful. Let me put them in water.”

  He followed her into the kitchen. “We just need to reheat the food for a few minutes. There’s also a salad, but the meal can wait.” He stood expectantly by her side as she placed the flowers in a glass vase.

  “Let’s sit a minute then,” she said moving towards the sofa and placing the flowers on the coffee table. When he sat next to her she turned to him with a serious look. “Stacy phoned to let me know my father wasn’t feeling well earlier today and my brother drove him home. I called my mother and she said not to be concerned, it was probably nothing. They’re going to the doctor tomorrow to check things out. He’ll be sixty-eight in June and he’s always been in great health. Now I’m starting to worry. I can’t imagine my life without him.” At that last thought her eyes misted and that lump formed in her throat.

  Dan reached out and tugged her close. “Your mother’s advice sounds like the right one. Don’t imagine things until you have all the facts. But I can understand your feelings.”

  Kate appreciated Dan’s words of comfort. “Maybe you’re right. It’s probably just overwork but until I know for sure, I’ll have this nagging sense of worry. But you’re a wonderful distraction.”

  “So I’m just a distraction now?” he teased.

  Laughing she gave him a kiss on the cheek. “A really good one though.” His presence put her mind at ease for some reason. Was it the sense of security she felt with him or just having someone to confide in? Whatever, it was a potent combination. Gazing into his warm blue eyes she drew in a quick breath and let it out slowly. A heightened awareness sizzled in the airwaves between them. Without realizing it she leaned closer as if a magnetic force pulled her into his orbit.

  Dan noted the sensual gleam in her eyes and the flush heating her cheeks. Slowly his hand moved to the nape of her neck. He stroked the smooth skin for several tantalizing moments. She was giving him all the signals he needed to know. Without hesitation he pulled her into his arms and stretched out with her on the comfortable sofa. “This is cozy,” he said softly enjoying the feel of her body resting against him. Dinner could wait.

  Kate breathed in his clean, freshly-showered scent and felt the firm contours of his well-muscled body – both potent turn-ons. Instinctively she knew she was playing with fire but for some reason she didn’t care. Pressing closer she relished the touch of his hand as he caressed her back. When his hand moved to cover her breast, she didn’t pull away. Instead she sighed with pleasure. This felt good – it felt right. Reaching out a finger she traced the shape of his firm lips.

  “Mmmm, you taste good,” Dan said taking that same finger into his mouth. “And you feel good, too.” His hand continued to fondle one breast and then the other. This was definitely progress. He wasn’t sure why Kate was responding to him so warmly but he wasn’t about to question these favorable circumstances. A faint idea of her lusty response had occurred to him. It might have something to do with her concern over her father’s health. Whatever the reason, he was taking full advantage of the situation.

  A surge of heat spread from Kate’s breasts to a point low in her belly as her aroused body moved closer. Her fingers found an opening in his shirt and she sighed with satisfaction. His hair-roughened skin added fuel to her fire. Moaning softly she opened several more buttons and put her mouth where her fingers had been.

  Dan sucked in a long breath. Keeping control was becoming increasingly difficult. It had been a long time since he’d wanted a woman the way he wanted Kate. “Kate, I think we need a comfortable bed,” he said in a husky tone. His hand wandered lower to slip onto one curvy thigh. She wore one of those short skirts that tended to ride up, which made it super easy to explore that enticing part of her anatomy.

  This was the moment. Kate knew it in a heartbeat. She looked up and noted the caring expression in Dan’s eyes and nodded. “I think you’re right.”

  “I know I’m right,” he replied as his mouth descended to hers for a long, passionate kiss.

  Within a few minutes they collapsed onto her comfortable, large bed. They’d shed their clothes, helping each other with buttons and zippers. Dan pulled Kate’s hair free of the ponytail she wore and ran his fingers through the lush, wavy mass. “I’ve always wondered how your hair would look and feel like,” he murmured. “I love the way it frames your face. You’ll have to wear it this way for me.”

  Kate had the most delectable body, Dan decided, letting his gaze wander from the top of her head to her toes. But then he’d known that from the beginning. The sight of those full, rounded breasts with their taut pink tips drew a ragged groan from his throat. His hands caressed them slowly as his body hardened in desire. He wanted this first time to last as long as possible but his raging hormones were being put to the test. “It’s been a while for me,” he confessed in a husky voice.

  Kate appreciated his honesty. “It’s been a very long time for me, too,” she whispered. Her body throbbed and swelled with excitement. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt this much anticipation. Jared’s lovemaking had been ardent at the beginning and then tapered off to a practiced routine, mostly for his satisfaction.

  Forcing himself to slow down, Dan’s fingers found the warm, wet spot between her thighs. He stroked and teased the tender flesh as he relished Kate’s sounds of pleasure. Her needs came first. His could wait.

  Apple, Carrot, Banana, Kale Smoothie

  1 cup almond milk

  1 small apple, peeled and diced

  1 cup kale

  ½ cup carrots, sliced

  1 banana, frozen

  Handful of ice cubes

  Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.

  Chapter 19

  “I told you we’d be good together.” Dan’s lips brushed the top of Kate’s head. Her body rested comfortably on top of his, a rosy glow flushing her cheeks.

sp; Sighing with contentment, Kate murmured, “Guess you were right. I don’t feel like ever moving again.” Cocooned in his arms, she smiled in satisfaction. He’d been a masterful lover, knowing just where to stroke and tease, attuned to her every need, exceeding all she’d fantasized about. Why had she waited so long? She thought about that for a few moments. Maybe it was better this way. Her fear of commitment had evaporated, at least for now. Snuggling closer, she closed her eyes while a sense of well-being filled her. At seventeen she’d been much too young to understand relationships. Now thirty-three, she was old enough to appreciate and relish all aspects of her connection to Dan.

  Remembering the meal he’d brought along, Dan was conflicted. He wanted to continue caressing and holding Kate, but his stomach started to growl with hunger. Lunch was a long time ago. “Kate, I don’t feel like moving but to be perfectly honest, I’m getting hungry. What about you?”

  Amused, she looked up at him. “How can you think of food at a time like this?”

  “Easy,” he muttered. Realizing she was teasing he added, “We can always get back into bed.” If this was a Friday or Saturday night he’d want to stay. Unfortunately he had meetings scheduled the next morning. And she probably rose early for school.

  Gently he eased her to one side. Nuzzling her neck he kissed his way up to her ear and across her cheek. “Your hair looks pretty this way. I wondered what it would look like when it was loose. Pretty, and sexy too.” Sighing with contentment Dan held her close. Kate felt so right in his arms. His gut instinct had recognized the attraction from the beginning.

  “What time is it?” Kate asked lifting her head a few inches.

  “Do you really want to know?”


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