The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 24

by Madelaine Grant

  Blushing, she turned her head away. Then she decided that seemed cowardly. “Okay, you win.”

  The saleswoman led her into a private dressing room, hung the nightgown and peignoir on a hook, and then left. Kate slid her hands over the silky fabric, feeling its softness. She liked the simple yet classy style of the set, not too many embellishments – just enough to make it interesting. In a few moments she’d shed her outer clothes and the long underwear and slipped into the nightgown. The bodice was stitched so that it fit snugly over her breasts and then flowed down to her ankles. She turned and noted the low back in the mirror. Very sexy, too, she thought with an inner smile. Dan had good taste. Wearing the peignoir over the gown she left the dressing room and glided out to model it for him.

  Dan knew the moment he saw her that he’d been right on target. The color was perfect as was the design. “What do you think?” He asked. “I love it, but I want you to love it too.”

  Seeing the admiration in his eyes she couldn’t be churlish. “It does fit well and the material is really soft to wear.”

  “Then we’ll take it.” He came closer and said softly, “You can model it for me the next time we spend a weekend alone.”

  Seeing the sensual look in his eyes, warmth filled her. “You have excellent taste.”

  “I think so.” Cupping her chin he gave her a light kiss. “Can’t wait for that weekend.”

  Waldorf Salad

  1 cup shredded cabbage

  1 carrot, grated

  1 rib celery, diced

  ½ apple, diced

  4 dates, chopped

  ¼ cup raw cashews

  Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Top with Raw Goddess Dressing.

  ¼ cup tahini

  1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

  1 tablespoon lemon juice

  1 tablespoon water

  1 tablespoon sweetener (such as maple syrup, agave or coconut nectar)

  3 tablespoons oil (I use grapeseed oil)

  ¼ teaspoon sea salt

  1 teaspoon minced parsley

  Mix in blender everything except parsley. Add parsley to garnish.

  Chapter 24

  The sound of Dan’s phone ringing woke Kate early Friday morning. Opening one eye she glanced at the bedside clock. Who could be phoning this early? It was only 6:45 a.m.

  Dan stirred next to her. He sat on the edge of the bed and reached for his cell. For a few minutes there was silence and then he said, “Kate’s still sleeping. Let me wake her and she’ll call you right back.”

  By this time Kate was already wide awake. “Who was calling? Is it anything important?” A sense of foreboding washed over her as she struggled to sit up.

  Turning towards her, Dan said in a somber tone, “Your brother, Greg, phoned to let us know your dad is in the hospital. He had a heart attack during the night. They have him stabilized and will probably do heart surgery later today.” He moved closer to her and put his arm around her shoulders. “I’m sorry to give you bad news. Let me make arrangements for us to fly back later this morning. I need to call my pilot and also arrange for car service to the airport.”

  Kate felt her stomach coil into a tight knot while her eyes flooded with tears. “I’d better call Greg right back.” Pausing a moment she added, “The boys will be disappointed we’re cutting their vacation short.”

  Nodding, Dan said, “Let me phone my parents and see if Doug and Sophie are staying with them. My mother mentioned the possibility before we left. If so, perhaps they’d like to fly out here and have a day or two on the slopes while we return to Florida. That way the boys can get some extra time skiing.”

  While Kate spoke with her brother about her father’s condition, Dan was busy on his cell. He verified arrangements with his brother, Doug, to fly out to Aspen, phoned his pilot with the changes and called the car service to pick them up. “My brother is calling the hotel to see if they can stay Saturday night as well and return on Sunday. My parents will babysit Natasha. That way they’ll have a mini vacation and I’ll be free to be with you over the weekend.”

  Throwing her arms around his neck, Kate murmured, “Thank you so much. My mind’s a complete blank. All I can think of is my father and what he’s going through. And my poor mother, too. She must be a mess. I need to be there and see how I can help.”

  Holding her close Dan said, “Remember, I’ll be there to give you support, so don’t panic. I’m sure your brother has things under control. He sounded confident when I spoke with him. But I can understand your feelings.” He stroked her back reassuringly and was pleased to sense the tension leaving her body.

  Taking a deep breath, Kate relished the warmth of Dan’s embrace. Knowing he’d be with her through this difficult situation was comforting. “I’d better take a shower and get dressed. We still have packing to do.”

  At the breakfast table Dan told Ethan and Oliver about the change in plans. He downplayed the seriousness of Kate’s father’s illness. There was no need to upset his son and nephew. When Oliver heard his parents were coming, he was overjoyed.

  “Wait till you see how fast my dad can ski,” Oliver boasted to Ethan. “He’s practically a pro. I’ll bet he’s as good as any of our ski instructors.”

  “My dad can ski fast, too,” Ethan asserted, crunching on his corn flakes. “I’ll bet he could beat your dad anytime.”

  “Now boys, don’t argue,” Dan said laughing. “We both ski well and I’ve heard the two of you are pretty advanced in your age groups. Before you leave for ski school, I want you to straighten up your rooms and put stuff away.” Looking at Ethan he added, “I don’t want Uncle Doug and Aunt Sophie to see any messes around. And I want you to be on your best behavior. After all, you’re getting to stay an extra day.”

  Dan arranged for special food to take along on the trip. “You won’t have any time to find the things you enjoy,” he explained to Kate. “My pilot will be too busy to provide lunch for us and I know we’ll be hurrying to the hospital when we arrive at the airport. As I recall, hospital food is not very appetizing. I’m taking along a container of the parsnip and carrot soup you enjoyed plus a veggie salad. You’ll need your strength for the evening ahead.”

  Tears flooded Kate’s eyes. “You think of everything,” she murmured. “Thank you.”

  Smiling at her he said, “There are many ways to thank me. I’ll remind you of them when we’re alone.” Watching her cheeks flush, he added, “I see you have a naughty imagination, just like me.” Then he laughed as her face turned scarlet.

  “You do have an evil mind,” she retorted.

  Pleased he’d turned her thoughts to something besides her father’s illness, Dan said, “We’ll have to compare notes on our fantasies one of these nights. But first let’s pack our things so we’re ready when the car service gets here.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “I’m glad we had time to talk with your brother and his wife,” Kate mentioned to Dan as they flew back to Florida.

  He nodded. “So am I. Doug and Sophie were excited to get away for the weekend. At least the food we left will be eaten. And the boys will have an extra day of skiing.” Then, studying her expression, he asked, “Feeling calmer now that we’re on our way?”

  Taking a quick, indrawn breath she said, “Yes, I am. Having you with me makes things easier, for some reason.”

  Dan smiled. “I’m pleased to hear that. I know you told Greg we’d check in with him as soon as we land. By that time you’ll get some idea of how things are at the hospital. The operation may still be under way, you know.” He wanted her to face the reality of her father’s illness.

  “I know. From what Greg told me this morning, these bypass procedures take several hours. I only hope my dad comes out of it okay.” There were so many awful possibilities. Kate was
afraid to let her mind drift onto any of them. She had to remain upbeat, especially around her mom.

  “I know your ex is a cardiologist. Do you expect him to be there?” Dan wasn’t sure if Kate wanted to see Jared but she should be prepared for the possibility.

  “God, I hope not,” she said shaking her head in annoyance. “But you’re right. Greg probably phoned him and, since they’re close friends, he might very well drop by.” Maybe she’d get lucky and arrive at the hospital after Jared had visited. Then again, Jared knew what was happening in the operating room and could fill in the details for the family. She’d have to keep her personal feelings to herself.

  After landing, Dan make record time driving to Briarwood Memorial Hospital. Kate spoke with her brother who filled her in on their father’s condition.

  “They’ll probably be in the middle of the operation,” Kate told Dan. “But the staff are giving the family updates. Guess we have to be prepared for a long night ahead.” Was it fair to drag Dan into this painful situation? He hardly knew her father. “Dan,” she said hesitantly, “Are you sure you want to spend a Saturday night waiting around in a hospital? I have to be there but I feel guilty about pushing you into my family’s crisis.”

  “Not a problem,” he replied quietly. Placing a hand on her thigh he added, “My first concern is you. If I’m with you I can provide support and keep you in tolerable spirits. Something like this is difficult to go through. I want to be there for you, Kate.”

  His caring words brought tears to Kate’s eyes. She blinked them away and said, “I appreciate your company, I’ve never seen my dad this ill before. It’s scary.” She took a calming breath as she tried to will away her fears.

  “I know,” he replied. “We always expect our parents to be strong. They’re the ones we’ve counted on to protect us all our lives. All of a sudden they’re older and their frailties begin to show. It’s hard to face the reality of their aging and someday not being here for us.”

  “You’re so right,” she said softly. She put her hand over his and held on, hoping some of his strength would flow into her.

  It was close to five-thirty in the afternoon when Kate and Dan reached the hospital. After parking Dan said, “I’m going to take your food with us. You’ll probably be hungry soon and as I mentioned earlier, there’s little you can eat here. I can make do with whatever is around.”

  “Right now I can’t even think of food. Maybe later I’ll get an appetite.”

  Entering the sanitized hallways of the large hospital brought a crush of reality to Kate. The last time she’d been here, Jacob had come into the world and everyone was celebrating. There’d be nothing like that atmosphere tonight.

  The nurse in the cardiology wing directed them to a nearby waiting room. Two sofas faced each other with a large coffee table in between holding magazines and newspapers. Several white plastic chairs were placed against one wall. Stacy, Jack, and Greg were seated on one of the sofas. Her brother rose at their arrival and hurried over. He gave Kate a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then he turned to Dan and said, “Thanks for coming. I know you interrupted your vacation to return early and I appreciate it.” Turning to Kate he added, “Mom’s talking to one of dad’s doctors. She’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “How is she holding up?” Kate asked anxiously.

  He sighed. “Like we all are. Waiting is difficult. So far reports are encouraging but it’s hard to know until the final outcome.” Then he added, “Jared was here earlier and he’ll probably return later in the evening. He’s been a big help today.”

  “That’s good,” Kate replied carefully. “I’m glad he’s able to be of assistance.”

  “Patty’s too uncomfortable to be here. She’s watching Jacob and the girls tonight.” Greg explained. “Come and have a seat.” He started heading back to the others.

  Stacy stood and walked towards them. Ignoring Kate she said in a tight voice to her brother, “Why is he here? He doesn’t even know our father.” Looking straight at Dan she added, “You don’t belong here. You’re not related to anyone.” Glancing at Kate with a venomous look she said, “I’m surprised you brought your date with you to the hospital. I’d think you’d have more sense than that.”

  “Hey, stop it,” Greg ordered, putting a hand on Stacy’s shoulder. “That’s downright rude, Stacy. I can’t believe you said that. It was generous of Dan to drive Kate here tonight.”

  Stacy’s hands curled into fists at her side and her face reddened with anger. “Well, I don’t agree with you. He doesn’t even know our father. Only close relatives should be here, not strangers.”

  Up to this point Kate had allowed her brother to handle the situation, but now a spurt of pure anger nudged her forward. Trying to keep control she looked directly at her sister. “Stacy, you’re not the one making the rules around here. I’m growing tired of your disagreeable behavior. Dan has gone to a great deal of trouble to get me here. I’d expect my family to appreciate that fact.”

  At that moment Marge Bromley came into the waiting area. Stacy immediately ran over to her, tears streaming down her face. “Mom, Kate’s being nasty. Tell her to go away and leave us alone.” Deep sobs emanated from her as she clutched onto her mother.

  Marge hugged her daughter close, her eyes darting around the room. “What’s going on here? Why is Stacy crying?”

  Kate was ready to scream in frustration at her sister’s words. Only Dan’s hand on her shoulder and his warning look kept her quiet. Leaning toward her he whispered, “Let your brother handle this. Stay out of it.”

  Greg walked over to his mother and sister. “Stacy was very rude just now to Dan and Kate. She needs to apologize to them.” Staring directly at his mother he added, “By condoning her behavior, you’ll only encourage her to keep acting that way.”

  Still holding onto her crying daughter, Marge said, “Please, Greg. I don’t need any kind of commotion right now. Your father is on the operating table. The least you can do is keep everything together for me.” Then patting Stacy’s back she said, “Now now, dear, try to calm yourself. We’ll work everything out later. You must be exhausted by this whole terrible ordeal.”

  Throwing up his hands in disgust, Greg turned to Kate and Dan. “Please excuse my sister’s words. Dan, can I get you something to drink? Coffee or soda? There’s a machine right down the hall.”

  Taking Kate’s hand in his Dan said, “That’s sounds like a good idea. We’ll take a break and join you.”

  They walked down a long hallway to an area with several vending machines, a small table, and four chairs. Greg took a handful of change out of his pocket. “Do you take your coffee black?” he asked Dan.

  “Black’s fine. No sugar. Thanks, Greg.”

  “I know I can’t get you anything, Kate. Oh, how about some bottled water?” Greg turned to his sister.

  “Water’s okay.” She sat down at the table, still shaken by the scene with Stacy, and the way her mother reacted. How could her sister become so unhinged? Of course she was stressed from this whole ordeal.

  When the two men were seated at the table Kate said, “Greg, thanks for trying to make things right. I can’t understand how Stacy could be so rude. And Jack didn’t say one word to restrain her. What’s going on with her? And how could mom be so blind?”

  Greg took a long gulp of coffee and let out a frustrated sigh. “Jack is a man whose only desire in life is to please his wife. He goes out of his way to keep her happy. Believe me, it’s annoying sometimes. As far as mom is concerned, Stacy’s always been her baby whether we like it or not. She’s spoiled Stacy and doesn’t even realize it. I don’t think now is a good time to confront her with that fact though. Dad’s fragile condition calls for restraint on our part. We’ll have to ignore Stacy’s moods, at least until dad is out of danger.”

  Dan spoke up. “I ag
ree with Greg. This is not the time to do anything, Kate. Just try to be patient. We’ll have to overlook your sister’s moods until things improve for your father. Don’t worry on my account. I already know how to discount whatever she says.”

  “Thank God for that,” Kate murmured. “Wish I could be as objective as you are.”

  Dan put a hand over hers. “Don’t forget, I’m not related to her. It’s easier for me to distance myself. Thanks for trying to defend me, but you don’t need to do that.”

  “I couldn’t help it,” she retorted. “Stacy makes me so angry sometimes. And you’re right about Jack,” she said to her brother. “I’ve never seen him reprimand her in any way. She gets away with murder and he ignores it.”

  Nodding in agreement Greg said, “I think he’s afraid of her. She has a mean temper and can yell her head off. He’s a really nice guy but a complete milquetoast. I’ve never seen him get angry in all the years I’ve known him.”

  “That’s why she gets away with it,” Dan agreed. “They’re not equals which makes for a lopsided marriage. Not a good combination of temperaments.”

  Greg nodded his agreement. “I’ve never known Patty to be rude to anyone or have a temper tantrum. Fortunately she’s more even-tempered. That doesn’t mean we don’t have arguments from time to time. But that’s natural in any relationship.”

  Kate recalled her failed marriage to Jared. They hadn’t really discussed things. Jared made decisions and expected her to go along with his views. Perhaps if she’d been more outspoken about her needs, he might have understood. Then again, he rarely had time to listen to her side of a situation. With his non-stop schooling and hospital chores and her long work day, they were both exhausted. But that was all water under the bridge. Looking at Dan she smiled and said, “Maybe we have to have more arguments, but I’m not sure what to argue about.”


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