The Sweet Touch

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The Sweet Touch Page 25

by Madelaine Grant

  He laughed and gave her a quick hug. “We’re bound to find something. Let’s enjoy this courtship stage.”

  Greg watched the interaction and chimed in. “That’s one of the most joyful parts, before the kids come along. You have time for each other. How was the skiing? Haven’t had time to do that in years.” He shrugged with a rueful expression.

  “Don’t wait too long for a vacation,” Dan warned. “Every couple needs to get away once in a while to recharge and enjoy each other.”

  “You’re right on that score. After Patty’s delivered our third child, I might just plan something special for us to look forward to. Her parents will help out, I’m sure of it.”

  “Maybe we should get back,” Kate suggested. “We still haven’t heard mom’s report from dad’s doctor.”

  Greg stood and tossed his empty coffee cup into the trash. “You’re right. Let’s return to reality.” Turning to Dan he added, “Again, I want to thank you for bringing Kate here and apologize for Stacy’s lack of manners. I know when my dad’s able to see visitors, you’ll be most welcome to come.”

  “Thanks, Greg,” Dan said, as he stood, ready to join Kate and her brother.

  Carrot, Parsnip, Potato Soup

  1 onion, chopped

  1 tablespoon olive oil

  ½ cup chopped celery

  2 cups sliced carrots

  2 cups sliced parsnips

  2 small Yukon Gold potatoes, chopped

  6 cups water

  2 veggie bouillon cubes

  1 teaspoon garlic powder

  ½ teaspoon sea salt

  2 teaspoons paprika

  Sauté onion in olive oil until softened. Add celery, carrots, parsnips, and Yukon Gold potatoes, plus water and veggie bouillon cubes. Add garlic powder, sea salt, and paprika. Cook until veggies are soft and mixture has thickened. Blend with immersion blender or in batches in regular blender.

  Chapter 25

  It was after eight p.m. before word came that the heart operation was over. The doctor in charge walked into the waiting room to reassure the Bromley family that all went well. “He’s in recovery now,” he told Marge Bromley.

  The relief in the room was palpable. Dan put his arms around Kate’s shoulders and held her close. “Now you can start to relax a little.” Up to this point she’d been a bundle of nerves. They’d spent the last few hours walking the nearby hallway. Sitting near Stacy for longer than a few minutes made her edgy.

  Greg held onto his mother who looked ready to burst into tears. “Thank God,” she murmured. “When can I see him?”

  “It will be a while,” the doctor cautioned. “He’ll be in intensive care overnight. I suggest you go home and get a good night’s sleep and come in tomorrow morning.”

  After the doctor left Jack said to Stacy, “Let’s pick up Jacob and go home. It’s been a long day.”

  She looked ready to refuse until Greg added, “Yes, that’s a great idea. Patty needs her rest.” Looking at his mom he said, “Let me drive you home, unless you’d rather stay with us tonight. What do you think?”

  Letting out a long sigh, his mother replied, “I’m probably better off at my own place but I appreciate the offer. If you could pick me up tomorrow morning?”

  “Of course,” he assured her. Turning to Kate and Dan he added, “Thanks again for returning from your vacation. I appreciate it.” He didn’t bother glancing at Stacy for agreement. She still had a sulky look on her face.

  Marge approached Kate and Dan. “I’m pleased you were able to be here. If you have plans of your own for tomorrow . . .” her voice trailed off.

  “I’ll be here,” Kate affirmed. “I hope we’ll be able to see him, even for a few minutes.”

  Before her mom could reply Stacy interrupted. “Only close family can see dad. That’s the rule.” Tight-lipped she waited for anyone to contradict her.

  “I know that,” Kate said wearily. She went over to her mother and gave her a hug and a kiss. “Rest well tonight. If you need anything, just call me.”

  Dan shook hands with Greg and Jack and said a few words of comfort to Marge Bromley. He didn’t bother conversing with Stacy. There was no point.

  They were just about to leave the waiting area when Jared Wilson walked in. “Sorry I couldn’t make it sooner,” he said as he approached Greg and the others. “I checked earlier and things seemed to have gone smoothly.”

  “Yes, Dr. Lawler was just in to let us know everything went well and my father is in recovery,” Greg said. “But thanks for coming by. We’re all pretty tired and just about to leave.”

  Marge Bromley came over to Jared and gave him a hug and a kiss. “Thanks for all you’ve done, Jared. It’s been a comfort to know we could count on you for information.”

  For a minute Kate wasn’t sure what to do but common sense demanded a response. “Yes, I’m pleased you could help my family at this very stressful time.” She didn’t bother introducing him to Dan again. There was no need.

  Picking up on her mood, Dan took her hand in his and they left the waiting room without another word. Once outside, Kate drew in a lungful of cool night air. “At least that ordeal is over.”

  “Maybe you’ll be relaxed enough to eat the dinner I’ve been dragging around,” he said with a smile.

  “I just couldn’t swallow anything,” she admitted. “Once I’m home it’ll be another story. My appetite will return. At least you, Greg, and Jack had some dinner.”

  “If you could call it that,” he laughed as he opened the car door. “Why hospital food has to be so mediocre I’ll never know. Someone should start a catering service just for hospitals.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate was able to spend a few minutes with her dad on Saturday. Although there were tubes everywhere and he was very pale, he knew her and could say a few words. Not wanting to tire him, she was just happy to know he’d survived and that the prognosis was good. Rather than spend the whole day in the waiting room, Kate decided they needed fresh air and exercise in between her short visits to the intensive care unit. In the evening they went out to one of Dan’s restaurants for dinner.

  “This is a nice change,” Kate declared, looking around. “Tomorrow I know you have to pick up Ethan and visit with your folks. I’ll probably spend a little time at the hospital and then get busy planning the week ahead.” Taking his hand in hers she added, “I loved going to Aspen with you. It was like a fantasy come true. Thank you so much.” The memory of that wonderful vacation would be with her for a long time.

  “It was wonderful for me, too,” he told her. “Now we have to start thinking about our next vacation. Ethan will start summer camp after school ends in June. My housekeeper and her husband can stay at the house for a week or so. I’d like the next trip to be just for the two of us. How does that sound?” He hoped she’d look forward to a vacation just with him.

  Kate looked at Dan’s warm blue eyes and made an instant decision. “It sounds fantastic.” And she meant it.

  ~ ~ ~

  Before Dan left on Sunday, he and Kate visited with her father for a short time in his own room. Without Stacy around, the dynamics were very different.

  “Thank you for bringing Kate back,” Paul Bromley said to Dan.

  “There was no other decision. Kate needed to be here with her family,” Dan replied.

  “I appreciate that very much,” the older man answered. Looking at his daughter he added, “You’re looking good. All that time on the slopes must have been a great refresher for you.”

  Kate smiled. “I remember all the times you took us skiing in New England during our Christmas break from school. That was so much fun. At least I got to see snow at an early age.”

  “Your mom and I loved skiing and wanted our children to get a taste of winter sports.
” He gave a wistful sigh at the memory. “Those were good years for all of us.”

  When they left the hospital, Kate said, “My father’s a sweet man. He really tried to give us a taste of the things he loved. But I realize now he and my mother never understood the dynamics in the family. Maybe they didn’t want to discuss anything that wasn’t harmonious. Were your parents that way? Or did they get into stuff that wasn’t really pleasant at times?”

  Dan grew thoughtful. “My parents were loving but very firm. I didn’t get away with anything, believe me. And they didn’t put up with any bullying or laziness. I had to toe the line, get my homework done, and do chores around the house. Now I’m grateful for the discipline. There were times I resented it though. As far as getting things into the open, my mother was good at that. She wouldn’t put up with underlying tension.”

  “You were lucky. I realize now how much my parents babied Stacy. She really did get away with murder. Greg and I had to do chores but she never had those tasks. She was always a whiny kid, especially when she didn’t get what she wanted.” She shook her head in annoyance.

  “Is that why you didn’t return home after your divorce?” Dan asked. “It would have been easier for you to live there and go to college full time instead of working and taking so many years to finish.” He’d wondered about that.

  She was silent a few minutes thinking about what he’d implied. “I never really gave it much thought,” she admitted. “But I never even considered going home. Once I was living on my own, I couldn’t return to my parents’ home. Maybe it did have something to do with the way Stacy behaved and the fact that we always argued. It was not very pleasant but my parents never tried to discipline her. She’d been sickly when she was very young. Maybe that had something to do with it. As Greg mentioned, she was the baby and they caved in to whatever she wanted.”

  “She’s lucky to have found an easy-going guy like Jack. Not too many men would put up with her tantrums. I worry sometimes about Ethan being an only child,” Dan said thoughtfully. “I don’t want to spoil him. It will only make his life more difficult later on.”

  “Ethan’s a sweet boy,” Kate reassured him. “I’m sure you’re doing the best job you can.” She saw the worry in his eyes and wanted to comfort him.

  He heaved a heavy sigh. “It’s hard to handle child-rearing and work sometimes. I don’t know how mothers who work full time can do it.”

  “Since I’ve never had to manage both, I can’t help you there.”

  He drew her into his arms and held her close. “I appreciate all the time you spend with Ethan when we’re together. He’s much calmer around you.”

  She didn’t say anything for a few long moments, thinking about his comments. How would it be living with Dan and Ethan? As that thought whirled around in her head, she realized she wasn’t ready yet for that kind of commitment. Would she ever be? That was a question she couldn’t even begin to answer.

  ~ ~ ~

  Driving into the parking lot at Briarwood Elementary School on Monday, Kate caught up with her good friend, Laura.

  “Well, you’re looking like you had a fabulous vacation,” Laura commented as they walked to the school. “I took an unexpected trip too.”

  “Really? Where did you go? I thought Tony had to work,” Kate replied.

  “Not exactly a vacation. I flew to Arizona to visit my parents for a few days. They were so happy to see me. I have to do that more often.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Then Kate turned serious. “We had to come back earlier than expected. My father had a heart attack and needed bypass surgery. The last few days have been difficult but I think he’s on the mend. It will take time though.”

  Laura stopped, her expression grave. “That must have been terrifying. I can imagine how you felt when you heard the news.”

  “Thank goodness Dan was with me. He kept my spirits up, believe me.” They entered the school and Kate added, “Let’s catch up during lunch break today.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Laura hurried to her classroom.

  Kate and Laura had a chance for a more leisurely talk at lunch. “With my dad in the hospital I’m going to be extra busy these next couple of weeks. I’ve already cancelled my demos on Sundays and my Saturday classes are winding down.” Sighing, she took a spoonful of avocado and spinach soup. “Forget about working on my book. I may have to ask for an extension from the publisher.”

  “Guess Dan is keeping you pretty busy, too,” Laura replied with a sly look. She took a bite of her chicken salad sandwich and chewed thoughtfully. “The photos for the book won’t take long once I get started on them. I’ve already made several designs for the cover. Why don’t I bring them in tomorrow and you can take a look?”

  “That would be great. It might give me the incentive to push myself more. With all these family issues I haven’t had much time for anything extra.” Kate munched thoughtfully on a carrot stick dipped into hummus. “Also, my mom’s surprise birthday party is coming up in three weeks. I don’t think my dad will be ready for a celebration so soon after his surgery. We’ll either have to postpone it or make it a quiet affair just with the immediate family. She’ll be sixty, which is a big milestone.”

  “Probably something quiet would be best,” Laura agreed. “My parents are in their early seventies and look pretty good. But I know they’re dealing with several health challenges, which will only get worse as they age. I’d better prepare to make more trips there as time goes by. Lucky for me my older sister lives close and helps when she can.”

  An image of Dan’s face came to Kate’s mind. He’d been such a great help over the last few difficult days. No matter what crises she’d ever face, she knew for certain Dan would be at her side. With this realization, something shifted in her psyche. Maybe it wasn’t so hard to imagine a life with him. She just wasn’t ready to move on that assumption yet.

  When school finished Kate drove to the hospital. She planned to stay for a while and then take her run. Her mom was glad to see her.

  “Hi Kate. I’m pleased you could stop by. As you can see your father is making excellent progress. They have him walking already.”

  “Why don’t you take a break while I’m here?” Kate suggested. Dark rings circled her mother’s eyes. “You could take a walk outside or go out for a snack. I’ll stay until you return.”

  Her mom looked conflicted. It was her father who made the decision. “Marge, you need to get some fresh air. Kate’s right. I’m perfectly comfortable on my own, you know. I’ve a call button if I need anything.”

  “Oh, all right. I won’t be long though.”

  Kate sat on a chair next to her father. “You’re looking much better than yesterday,” she told him. “Must be the great food they serve here.”

  His laugh was a bit rusty. “You’ve a great sense of humor. The food’s terrible. The only thing decent is breakfast. How bad can they make scrambled eggs and toast?”

  “Maybe I can bring you something tomorrow, like one of my homemade soups. Does the doctor have you on a special diet?”

  “I’m on one of those light diets – no heavy food yet. They did give me vegetable soup for lunch and Jell-O. But it wasn’t very flavorful, if you know what I mean,” he muttered. “Not like your mom’s cooking.”

  “I’ll bring you some of my tomato basil soup tomorrow,” she promised. “Has Greg been in yet today?”

  “He stopped by this morning and will be here later. Work is piling up at the office,” he sighed.

  “Don’t even think about it,” she exclaimed. “You need to rest and heal – no stress at all.”

  “I don’t think it’s related to work. My mother had a heart condition. It’s probably in my genes.”

  “Still, you need to cut down,” she replied softly. She didn’t want to belabor the point. Her mother w
ould have to be the one to do that. She wanted to get his opinion on postponing her mother’s sixtieth birthday celebration but hesitated to broach a subject that might be problematic. Better to call Greg later and discuss it with him.

  After her run Kate phoned her brother. “Greg, we need to discuss postponing mom’s birthday celebration until dad’s better. Or maybe we can just have a quiet affair at their house. What do you think?” No point in getting Stacy involved until she and Greg were on the same page.

  “I know. I’ve been thinking about that very thing. We could put it off and combine it with Mother’s Day in May. Dad should be almost back to normal by then.” He paused a moment and then added, “If we did have it at the house, could Dan’s restaurant cater the affair? I don’t want any work for mom, if you know what I mean. This is supposed to be her day and it should be relaxing for her.”

  “Let me ask him and get back to you. We still have a little time. I know the invitations have gone out already, but our family and close friends will understand the situation, I’m sure of it. We just have to decide what’s best and I don’t want to bother at this point. He doesn’t need to worry about any problems while he’s recuperating.”

  “I agree with you there. Call me after you’ve spoken to Dan. I don’t even know if they have a catering division,” Greg said.

  Kate didn’t know either. “I’ll call you as soon as I find out,” she promised.

  ~ ~ ~

  Kate waited until nine at night to phone Dan. He picked up after a few rings. “Hi Dan. Hope I’m not interrupting your time with Ethan.”

  “No. I just finished reading to him and I hope he’s asleep.” Dan let out a tired sigh. “I had a hard time settling him down tonight. Guess sitting in school all day for the first time after a skiing trip had him itching for exercise. I’ll have to get him involved in some after school activities that will tire him out.”


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