Book Read Free

The Sweet Touch

Page 28

by Madelaine Grant

  “I know. I’ll mix up all the pieces and put them back in the box. I’ll bet next time you try it you’ll remember where most of them belong.”

  “Okay,” he agreed, rising from his chair.

  Dan stood and said, “Thanks, Kate. We’ve had a wonderful time tonight, haven’t we?” He sent his son a pointed look.

  “I liked putting the seeds in the pots,” Ethan said. “Next time I come, can I put more seeds in? Can I?”

  “I’m sure you can. I enjoyed it too,” Kate affirmed as she walked with Ethan and Dan to the door.

  Dan gave her a quick kiss and then Ethan turned to her. “Can I kiss you too?”

  Kate bent down and hugged Ethan. “Absolutely.”

  He gave her a loud smack on her cheek and giggled. “Goodbye. See you soon.”

  Dan started laughing. “Chip off the old block. Goodnight, Kate. Talk to you soon.”

  Veggie Soup

  1 onion, chopped

  1 clove garlic, minced

  3 carrots, sliced

  1 large sweet potato, sliced

  2 ribs celery, sliced (use the tops as well as the stalks)

  ½ cup lentils (either brown or orange)

  8 cups water plus two vegetable bouillon cubes

  Herbs – (I use turmeric, cumin and sea salt to taste. Use any herbs you enjoy either fresh or dried, about 1 teaspoon of each.)

  You can either use a tablespoon of oil to soften the onion and garlic or steam fry them. Steam-fry means to use a small amount of water in the bottom of your soup pot to soften the onion and garlic first before tossing in the rest of the ingredients. If you like a tomato flavor to your veggie soup, add one 14 oz. can of diced tomatoes or a small can of tomato sauce. Cook until veggies are tender and soup has thickened. You can serve it that way or, if you prefer, use an immersion blender to blend the soup, leaving some chunks of veggies whole.

  Chapter 28

  “Daddy, I really like Kate. Is she going to be my new mommy? Is she?” Ethan looked at Dan with a poignant expression. “Grandma and Grandpa think so. They were talking about it last week when I was there. I heard them. I really did.”

  Dan wondered how to answer his son’s question. He was trying to put Ethan to sleep after their visit to Kate’s house. “It’s really late, Ethan. Let’s talk about that tomorrow. Okay?”

  Scrunching up his face, his son gazed back at him. “I miss having a mommy. Everyone in my class has one. You should hurry up and get one for me.”

  Almost laughing at his son’s advice for acquiring a mommy, Dan realized this was serious business. “I know you want one, but sometimes it takes time to find the right person. Trust me, I’m working on it. You have to be patient. Now how about one more story, and then you go to sleep?”

  “Read me the one about the boy who was a magician.” Ethan lay back against the pillow with an expectant air.

  Ever since his birthday party his son wanted stories about magical powers. Picking out the book he’d chosen, Dan read it through and was thankful to see Ethan’s eyes closing. Tiptoeing out of the room he retreated to his office to finish up several work-related projects. But his thoughts kept straying to Kate and how well she’d handled his child during the evening they’d spent with her. She was a natural with children. But would a steady diet of handling a hyperactive child be too stressful? It was one thing to see Ethan occasionally and quite another to live with him.

  Sitting back in his comfortable office chair, Dan tried to visualize how things might work out. After a few moments he gave up. He didn’t think Kate was ready for anything permanent yet. Some instinct told him to wait until she indicated more interest in something lasting – like marriage.

  He would enjoy more of her company though. If he involved her in this new project, the Brookhouse Bistro, they’d definitely spend extra time together. Besides, she had a creative mind and could help with not only the décor for this enterprise, but with the menu planning. With her experience talking to groups about food, she would know how to guide his chefs in preparing some of the lighter fare he planned to showcase. First though, he’d have to get his brothers and father on board. He hadn’t mentioned the new eatery to them. Also, he ought to confer with the industrial design firm he’d previously used when he began opening his first Brookhouse restaurants. There were many details to be ironed out.

  Thinking about explaining everything to Doug and Derek, he decided it might be fun to plan a weekend of brainstorming. There was a beachfront hotel not far from his parents’ home. They could stay there over a Saturday night. Of course he’d include Kate in the process. Considering her busy schedule, he’d probably wait until after her mom’s birthday party was over. Those Saturday afternoon classes would end soon as well. Yes, it was best to hold off until she had more time. Now that he had a plan, he could relax and turn his focus on work issues.

  ~ ~ ~

  The week passed quickly for Kate. With her father back home, it was easier to stop by the house and visit with him after school finished. So far she hadn’t run into her sister, which was a blessing. Her brother phoned Thursday evening to give Kate an update on her mom’s party.

  “I’ve phoned everyone on the invitation list and mentioned we would probably have the birthday party at my parents’ home. Since most of them had visited dad at the hospital, they were prepared for the change. Stacy thinks we should postpone the party and wait until dad feels better. What do you think?”

  For a moment Kate was nonplussed. Maybe her sister’s idea had some merit. “How do you feel?”

  He sighed. “To tell the truth it might be a good idea. I talked to dad privately when mom was out of the room. Although he said he felt up to it, I had the sense he was trying not to disappoint mom on her big day. But parties are not as important as his health. We can always give mom the gift certificate for the ceramics course and a note saying we’re taking her out to dinner as soon as dad’s able to celebrate.”

  “I’ll go along with that.” Kate was relieved the party was postponed. “I’ll phone Dan and tell him. I’m sure it’s fine with him.”

  “Thanks, Kate. Now I can relax,” her brother replied.

  When Kate phoned Dan later that evening, he wasn’t surprised at the change.

  “I think that makes good sense. Don’t worry about changing the date. I’ll always find room for your mom’s party at one of the local restaurants or else we’ll cater it at your parents’ home. How many more weeks will you be teaching on Saturday afternoons? I’d like to make plans for a brainstorming weekend at a beachfront hotel near my parents’ place.” He told her about broaching the idea of the Brookhouse Bistro to his brothers and parents at that weekend.

  “This coming Saturday will be my last for the season. I’m making it a longer session than usual and we’ll have a raw food meal after class ends.” She decided to cut back on her classes due to all the extra time she spent visiting her father. Family time was important and she didn’t want to be stressed out.

  “Do you want an assistant that day?” he asked.

  “What about Ethan? I thought you’d need to spend time with him on Saturday.”

  “I’ll take him to his martial arts class in the morning. My parents are free this Saturday night and can pick him up in the afternoon. I wouldn’t mind extra time with you. I’ll be your cleanup crew.”

  She heard him chuckle. “Believe me, I’d love that.” It was so much easier with Dan helping her. Besides, she loved being with him.

  “See you Saturday then. We’ll go out for dinner afterwards. Of course this is a business dinner,” he added in a serious tone.

  This time it was Kate who laughed. “Absolutely.”

  ~ ~ ~

  With his sleeves rolled up, Dan washed several blenders and a food processor at Kate’s home on Saturday afternoon
. “That was a great meal,” he told her. “The Waldorf salad with that dressing was delicious and those coconut wraps dipped in Asian sauce were excellent. I think everyone enjoyed them.”

  “I think so too. Now I can relax and concentrate on other things, like my book and spending more time with my dad.” She picked up a blender and began drying it with a dish towel. “And with you too, of course.”

  He smiled. “Glad you added that.” He placed the last of the blenders on a towel and rinsed out the sink. Turning to her and wiping his hands he said, “That was a pretty filling meal. It will be a while before I’m hungry again. Want to relax a bit at my place? We can always take in a swim and, later if we’re hungry, scrounge up a meal.” He pulled her into his arms and gave her a light kiss. “Or else we could spend time at your place. I know a particularly comfortable bed.”

  “That so?” Kate teased as she gazed into his warm blue eyes. As she watched, that blue darkened to a sizzling shade. She slid her arms up his firm chest and around his neck. “Wouldn’t mind spending time here.” She planted a kiss on his mouth and leaned in. “Since I had my run early this morning, we have plenty of free time.”

  “Let’s do it then. Are you expecting any visitors?”

  “Not really.” She frowned as she said this. “Except my sister is in the habit of stopping by occasionally. Maybe we’re better off at your place. More privacy there.”

  He thought about that for a second. Kate’s body molded itself to his and the thought of moving directly into her bedroom was much too tempting. “Let’s lock the front door or put up a do not disturb sign.” His tone was low and sensual.

  “Mmmm,” was her only answer as her lips met his for a heated kiss.

  Much later they relaxed in Kate’s comfy bed while Dan talked about upcoming plans for their next getaway. “I’d like to visit parts of Northern California for a week in June. There are several restaurants I want to check out that feature local produce. I met a few owners at a conference recently and figured it could be fun to combine business with pleasure. What do you think?” Dan turned onto his side while holding her close.

  Held in his warm embrace Kate was loath to focus on anything except how good she felt in his arms. “Guess that would work,” she murmured, her eyes half-closed.

  He chuckled as he studied her expression. “Still in another world?” he teased as his hands glided up and down her soft curves.

  “Probably.” She made an effort to concentrate and looked directly at him. “I’ve never really explored that part of California. It should be fun. I do have to spend time on my book, though. My friend Laura is going to help with the graphics part. One of these weekends we should get together with her and her boyfriend, Tony.”

  “Let’s make plans to go out to dinner with them.” He was ready to socialize with another couple. “About your book, I do have people on staff that might be helpful. Let me see what you’ve done already.”

  Kate wasn’t sure she wanted to involve Dan with her book. “I need time to organize things before I can show anyone what I want.”

  He heard the reluctance in her voice and decided to let that topic slide. “Okay then. Are you ready to pack a bag and head to my place?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  ~ ~ ~

  “Want to try kayaking today?” Dan asked Kate on Sunday morning. “The weather’s warm enough to be on the water.” He knew she hadn’t gotten outdoors as much as she’d have liked during the week.

  Snuggled against him, Kate was too comfortable to think about anything except how delicious it felt waking up cradled in his arms. She gave a contented sigh and kept her eyes closed.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked, smiling down at her.


  “Good. There’s a nearby nature center we can hike in and it also has kayaks for rent. I’ve been meaning to check it out. I know you’d like to see your dad later today and I have to pick up Ethan. We do have a few hours for ourselves.” Time alone with Kate was precious. He wanted to use it doing things they’d both love.

  Fully awake now, she pushed up on one elbow. “You have the best ideas.”

  He laughed and drew her on top of him. “We don’t have to leave this minute. I’m thinking we could shower together first, have breakfast, and then head out.” This was the way he’d enjoy spending every Sunday. Living with Ethan and planning every minute of their time together to keep his son occupied was stressful. By comparison, being just with Kate was a bit of heaven.

  “I’ll leave it up to you,” she agreed. “We can take snacks with us too.”

  “I was planning on it. I don’t think nature centers have the food you want. Are you going to include recipes for snacks in your book?”

  “I hadn’t thought about that, but it makes good sense. It’s difficult to travel anywhere and find the things you need. Much better to pack those snacks you actually enjoy.”

  After a brisk hike, they kayaked along a peaceful river. Finding a sliver of beach, they waded ashore bringing the kayak and a small ice chest with them. “I’ve built up an appetite,” Dan said. “That was great fun. I’m wondering if Ethan is old enough to spend time hiking and kayaking. What do you think?”

  Opening the ice chest, Kate took out a dish towel and spread it on the sand. “You could try a shorter hike with him the first time and see how he manages. I’m sure he’d enjoy kayaking, although he needs to wears a life jacket.” She placed several wraps, dipping sauce, a container of marinated mushrooms, and a bowl of cut up fruit on the towel.

  Dan promptly demolished the first wrap. “Don’t worry, I’ll leave enough for you,” he assured her. “These are really tasty but they could be larger.” He tried the mushrooms and nodded his approval. “Very flavorful.”

  She grinned. “These are supposed to be a snack, not a whole meal. Next time we’ll take more.”

  “This was a relaxing and fun day,” Dan told Kate as he drove her home later that afternoon. “Wish we had more time together but I know you need to visit your dad and get your lessons planned. I’m picking up Ethan and will have dinner with my folks.” He sighed and put a hand on her thigh. “This week’s a busy one. I’ll be out of town Wednesday and Thursday. Let’s see if I get back early enough on Thursday. Maybe I can stop by your place.” Turning to her he asked, “Are you up for an impromptu visit Thursday night?”

  “Of course,” she replied. “As long as it isn’t after nine p.m.”

  He laughed. “I know, you have an early bed time. I’ll give you a call when I’m on my way. I might even phone you Tuesday evening just to hear your voice.” He pulled into her driveway and turned off the ignition. “Guess I’m spoiled having you in my arms every night in Aspen.” He leaned over and captured her mouth for a long kiss.

  After he left Kate hurried to change out of her jeans and tee shirt into navy linen pants and a long-sleeved white blouse. She’d visit her dad for a while and then come back and do her lesson planning for the week. Driving to her parents’ home, she thought about Dan’s last remarks. She couldn’t help wanting more time with him too. But how was that possible with their busy schedules? Another thought popped into her head. She’d been lucky not to bump into Stacy this past week. Hopefully she’d find her parents alone.

  That hope was dashed when she saw an unfamiliar dark-green station wagon parked in their driveway. Her mother had mentioned close friends visiting on Saturday afternoon but she hadn’t said anything about Sunday. Kate rang the doorbell and waited.

  When her mom appeared she seemed startled. “Kate, I didn’t think you’d have time to visit, since you were with Dan all weekend.”

  Kate noted she wasn’t opening the door. Instead her mother stood outside as if she didn’t want Kate to come in. Which seemed rather strange. “I always try to stop by to see how dad’s doing. Are you having com
pany this evening?”

  Looking flustered her mother replied, “It’s Stacy and Jack’s fifth anniversary. Jack’s parents are with us. We’re just sitting down to dinner. Jack has steaks on the grill and Stacy is helping me in the kitchen.”

  For a moment Kate stood there stunned. It was obvious she wasn’t included in this celebration or even wanted. Taking a quick, indrawn breath she said, “I’ll visit dad tomorrow then. Enjoy your company.” She turned and walked back to her car. Heading home, her throat felt dry and her stomach coiled into a tight knot. A feeling of sadness settled over her like a damp blanket weighing her down. Why had she bothered? She could’ve joined Dan at his parents’ home for dinner and had a wonderful time. The contrast between her mother’s rejecting attitude and Dan’s parents’ warm welcome was too obvious to ignore.

  Kate thought about phoning Greg to see if he’d been invited to this anniversary dinner. But did she really want to find out? And if he had but couldn’t make it, wouldn’t she feel even worse? Better to leave it alone and phone ahead if she wanted to visit her father. Yes, that would be the best plan. The more she pondered about the situation, the more irritated she became. She’d been rushing to see her dad every day after school finished. He was making good progress and her mother had things under control. From now on she’d limit her visits to twice a week and call beforehand.

  Kate was ready to tackle her lesson plans for the coming week and then prepare a simple dinner for herself. Finding it difficult to concentrate, she decided to make a fruit smoothie. While she prepared chunks of fresh fruit, almond milk, and a dash of cinnamon for the blender, she brooded about the situation with her family. Evidently her mother couldn’t handle the constant arguments between Stacy and herself. Letting out a long sigh at this last thought, Kate came to the conclusion it was probably best to keep her interactions with her sister to the bare minimum. And if she wanted peace of mind, she’d focus on all the positive things going on in her life, like her relationship with Dan and her upcoming book.


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