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The Sweet Touch

Page 30

by Madelaine Grant

Kate couldn’t help feeling impressed with the lunch. After the pineapple dish, Sue brought out skewers of mushroom, tofu, and veggie kebobs. There were also kebobs with scallops and shrimp, plus a large bowl of brown rice topped with toasted slivered almonds. “I know Dan and Ed enjoy seafood,” she explained to Kate. “But the veggie ones are pretty filling too. I’ve tasted everything and I think I like the tofu ones best.”

  There were also several sauces for the kebobs. Besides the lunch being both beautiful to look at and tasty, Kate was touched by the effort made to please her. Comparing their attitude to her own family’s reactions, she had to acknowledge the difference. She’d only met with annoyance or indifference when she’d contributed her dishes to family affairs.

  “Thank you so much,” she told Sue. “This has been truly wonderful.” Impulsively she hugged the older woman.

  Sue beamed with delight. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Maybe we can share recipes next time you’re here.”

  On the drive back to Dan’s house, Kate reflected on the warmth of Dan’s parents’ welcoming. “Your folks are super people. Your mom went to a great deal of trouble making that lunch.” She let out a wistful sigh. “I wish my parents had half the interest in trying new things. I can’t help seeing the contrast.” She stopped speaking, afraid of the negativity. Better to stay positive no matter how she felt.

  Dan reached out a hand to squeeze hers. “Don’t forget, my mother’s been cooking for years. She loves new ideas and recipes. She’s the main reason my dad’s business did so well. Anyway, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  Kate had more than a good time. She’d felt part of Dan’s family and looked forward to getting to know them better. Now she was more optimistic about a future with Dan than ever before.

  Vegan Pancakes

  3 cups oat flour or spelt flour

  3 cups almond milk

  2 ripe bananas

  ½ teaspoon cinnamon

  ¼ teaspoon vanilla extract

  Mix together all ingredients. Heat non-stick frying pan and pour 1/3 cup batter into pan. Watch for bubbles on top of pancake before turning over gently and cooking until golden brown. Top with Berry-Maple Syrup made with fresh or frozen berries.

  ¼ cup blueberries

  ¼ cup blackberries

  ¼ cup maple syrup

  Blend in a high speed blender and pour over pancakes.

  Chapter 30

  Dan drove Kate home late Sunday afternoon. “I know you have lesson plans, otherwise I’d stay a while,” he told her as he pulled up to her door. “Besides, I’d be tempted to stay the night, but we both have responsibilities.” He heaved a heavy sigh as he climbed out of his car to take her overnight bag from the trunk.

  Leaning against the side of his car, he drew her into a close embrace. “It’s hard letting you go. This weekend has been fun. I enjoyed meeting your friends last night. You know Laura’s going to paint some tropical motifs for the bistro restaurants? If it works with the rest of the décor, I’ll have prints made of the originals.”

  “She’s a very talented artist. I’m sure you’ll be pleased with her work.” Kate was happy Dan wanted to use Laura’s paintings. He’d liked the ones he’d seen in her home.

  Holding her close he kissed the top of her head. “Next weekend should be relaxing. We’ll have planning sessions in the morning and leisure time in the afternoons. The hotel has a large pool and hot tub plus it’s right on the beach.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” Kate murmured, leaning her head against his firm chest.

  “These weekends give us mini vacations which rejuvenate us for our busy week,” he reminded her. “My mother’s inviting all of us to her home for Saturday night dinner. She’s eager to experiment with new recipes.” He cupped her chin with one hand and planted a tender kiss on her mouth. Easing away from her he added, “My youngest brother, Derek, is joining us. He’s bringing his current girlfriend along.” His mother would love to see her youngest son settling down, he reflected. She wouldn’t mind a daughter-in-law like Kate, too. Thinking about a future with Kate, Dan knew he had to wait for her to lead the way. But he hoped it wouldn’t be too long. He wanted Kate at the center of his life.

  As if reading his thoughts, she said, “I enjoy being part of any activity with your parents. They’re super people.” She touched the side of his face with her fingers. “That goes for you, too. I hope you know that.”

  He searched her expression and saw the sincerity in her eyes. “Does that mean you’re thinking long-term?” Was he rushing her?

  Hesitating only a millisecond, she nodded. “But I’m cautious. Guess I don’t want to rush into anything. We’ve known each other such a short time.” Thinking back to her first marriage, she’d known Jared for seven years before marrying him. That hadn’t helped keep them together. Maybe the length of time didn’t mean anything.

  Smiling down at her, Dan said, “Take all the time you want. At least you’re heading in the right direction.”

  Later that evening after tackling her lesson plans, Kate decided to phone her mother. She hadn’t been in touch since her visit to them on Thursday.

  “Hi mom. Just calling to see how everything is going. How’s dad doing?”

  “Everything’s fine. We’re sitting on the patio chatting with Jared and Elaine. They stopped by to see how the patient is coming along.”

  “Oh, so you have company. That’s nice.” Kate wondered if her ex-husband visited often. Then she decided it didn’t matter. “Just wondered if it would be convenient for me to come by tomorrow afternoon.”

  There was a brief pause. “Tomorrow wouldn’t work, Kate.”

  “Then you tell me what day is convenient,” she replied. No way was she going through the same scenario as the other time she’d dropped in.

  “Well, Wednesday would be okay,” her mother finally said.

  “Fine. I’ll see you then.” After she finished the call, Kate sat for several long moments, deep in thought. Something about the conversation bothered her. Had it always been this way? Thinking back, she realized she’d been so busy with classes, demonstrations and triathlon competitions, she’d hardly had any time for family visits. Had this been purposeful on her part?

  She stood and paced the living room wondering if she’d kept herself over-involved because it was easier than facing the uncomfortable dynamics at her parents’ home, mainly the fact that her parents indulged Stacy in almost anything their youngest child wanted to do. Letting out a long sigh, she realized the truth of her thoughts. It was hard to face, but it was about time she stopped fooling herself. Curling up on the sofa, a sense of deep sadness swept over her. That wasn’t the way family life should be.

  Her parents had been very helpful financially, giving her a down payment on her home and helping with the trip to Switzerland when she turned thirty. Maybe this was their way of showing love. She would have to accept them as they were and not ask more than they could give. With this understanding, Kate finally let the matter go. An image of Dan’s family flashed through her mind and she smiled. His parents’ warm welcome was heartfelt and sincere. She couldn’t wait to see them again – as well as be with Dan.

  The week flew by quickly. After school finished on Wednesday, Kate visited with her parents. She brought a small gift for her dad – a recent best-seller by his favorite author. She’d decided against bringing one of her soups. Her family wasn’t interested in her way of eating. She’d accepted that fact and would avoid the subject of food whenever possible. Her father was progressing nicely and the visit went well. She mentioned she’d be away for the weekend and would stop by the following week.

  With the extra time in the afternoons, Kate began planning the details of her upcoming book. She needed to experiment with recipes and decide which ones to use. Laura came by one afternoon to discuss the la

  Laura glanced at the table of contents. “Once you finalize your choices, I can begin photographing the finished dishes.” They were sitting around the dining room table with various pages strewn about. “You’ll need a simple design for the start of each chapter. I’ll play around and sketch a few ideas for you to think about.”

  “Good. Maybe that will give me the impetus I need. I’ve been procrastinating too long,” Kate sighed.

  Laura chuckled. “Well, you haven’t exactly had much free time. By the way, I think Dan’s a super guy. And I can tell he really adores you. His eyes follow you wherever you go.”

  Kate blushed. “I didn’t know that.” She leaned her chin on her hand with a thoughtful look. “He’s beginning to mean a lot to me, too. I just don’t want to rush into anything.”

  Laura nodded. “I know what you mean. You might as well enjoy the courtship stage. I can tell you’re having fun by the way your eyes light up whenever his name is mentioned.”

  A smile lit Kate’s face. “He’s a very upbeat person and he laughs a lot, which makes me laugh, too. Jared was always serious about everything. Maybe because he was studying so hard. We never took time just to have fun.”

  “That’s a drag. Tony’s relaxed when we’re together. He puts work on the back burner, which I appreciate,” Laura confided.

  “Guess we’re both lucky,” Kate decided with a grin.

  ~ ~ ~

  On Friday evening Dan and Ethan arrived to pick up Kate. Ethan rushed into the house and exclaimed, “Oliver’s coming to visit my grandma and we’re going to the movies.” He halted and looked at Kate with a hopeful glance. “Wanna come with us? Do you? We’re gonna have fun.”

  Dan followed more slowly. “Ethan, I told you Kate will be at the business conference. We’ll all get together for dinner tomorrow night.”

  “The movie does sound wonderful, Ethan. But I do have to be at the conference. Maybe we can all go another time. I like seeing a good film, especially musicals. I love all the Disney films, too.” She smiled down at his earnest expression.

  Ethan tugged at her hand. “You could watch a movie with me tonight. Grandma has lots of good ones. Will you? Just the two of us. Okay?” He gave her an engaging smile.

  Kate started laughing and turned to Dan, who was looking irritated. “Your son is very persuasive, a real charmer, and a chip off the old block.”

  “What’s a chip off the old block, Daddy?” Ethan asked with a perplexed look

  “Let’s get going and I’ll try to explain,” he told his son. “Oliver’s probably already at Grandma’s house.”

  ~ ~ ~

  After dropping Ethan off, Kate and Dan headed to the hotel on the beach. “It’s about time we have a little privacy,” Dan remarked. “Not that I don’t love my child, but I need adult conversation at night now and then.”

  “I understand,” she murmured, putting a hand on his arm. “He looked happy when we left, especially since his cousin was there. Your parents have things well in hand.”

  He smiled. “That they do. Mom even sent along a goody bag for us – appetizers in case we get hungry.”

  “Really? So that was in the package she gave you. I wondered.”

  “Bless her heart. She’s sure I’ll go hungry without her cooking. She’s always been that way. Actually, with all her sons.”

  Kate thought about that for a moment. “You’re lucky. She loves you and that’s her way of showing it.”

  “Doug and Sophie should be here already. Derek will probably get in late since he’s driving from Tallahassee with his girlfriend. Tonight we’ll be on our own, which I’m looking forward to.” He looked at her, his eyes darkening with desire.

  “Sounds good to me,” Kate was eager to be in Dan’s arms. She hadn’t seen him in almost a week.

  Their room at the hotel was spacious and featured a king-size bed, a small refrigerator, and microwave. “Come and see this view.” Dan opened the sliding glass doors to a balcony.

  Hurrying over, Kate drew in a pleased breath. “Couldn’t be better. The sunset will be gorgeous.” The sound of waves lapping just below them was soothing. Sparkling turquoise water flowed into darker hues in the distance as she gazed at the peaceful scene. “We should have our snacks sitting outside. I brought some along, too.”

  “Good. I figured you would,” he chuckled. Coming up behind her, he drew her into his arms. “This is perfect – just what I needed at the end of a long, tiring week.” He kissed the nape of her neck. “Although I wouldn’t mind a dip in that pool later.”

  The pool was set into the deck that ran the full length of the hotel. “I’m sure we could fit that in,” Kate replied pressing against him. If felt so good to be here, just the two of them.

  The next morning Dan woke early. Kate was still sleeping. Quietly he dressed and opened the door to the balcony. He needed to go over his notes for the upcoming meeting with his brothers and father. Of course Kate would sit in. He hoped the others would be as enthusiastic as he was about the Brookhouse Bistro venture.

  Dan had called the meeting for nine thirty in the morning at a small conference room in the hotel. “You’ll get to meet my youngest brother, Derek,” he told Kate as they headed there. “His girlfriend, Amanda, will be with Sophie and Natasha on the beach. We’ll all meet for lunch around twelve thirty.”

  “I’ll be the only woman at this meeting. Right?” Kate asked. Not that it bothered her.

  “Hope you don’t mind,” he said with a smile. “I’d like your input, especially about the décor and food choices for the Bistro.”

  “Fine with me. I’ll listen to all of you first and then comment.”

  “Okay. I see your point. Sit back and relax. I’m handing out paper and pens for note-taking. I’ll also have a white board to map out strategies and ideas as we go along.”

  Dan and Kate arrived a few minutes before the others to make sure everything was set up properly. They were joined shortly by Ed Brookhouse and his two younger sons. Dan introduced Kate to Derek before they gathered around the oval table. Kate sat back and watched the dynamics of the group. Dan was definitely in charge, she thought, by the way the others deferred to him. Derek, the youngest brother, was a soft-spoken, stocky man with auburn hair and a pleasant manner.

  Dan presented his ideas about starting a chain of smaller, less formal restaurants with a tropical setting. He brought out the samples of colors and material swatches for the others to examine. Kate could tell they were impressed with the idea but had lots of questions.

  “Do you think the Bistro will take customers away from our existing places?” Ed Brookhouse asked.

  Doug chimed in. “That’s something that occurred to me, too. Will we be competing with ourselves?”

  Dan looked thoughtful as he considered the comments. “No, I don’t think so. The Bistro will be a whole new concept, much more casual and catering to a different type of customer. People come to the Brookhouse restaurants for an elegant meal at upscale prices. The Bistro will have its own unique menu and attract those looking for lighter fare at more reasonable prices. I suggest we start with one or two Bistros just as an experiment and see how they do. If successful, we can duplicate them in other parts of the state. I’m excited about this venture and hope you are, too.” Dan looked around the table at the others hoping his enthusiasm would be contagious.

  As the meeting progressed, Kate watched the exchanges between the brothers and Dan’s father. She was impressed with their business savvy and honest criticism. Towards the end of the meeting, Dan introduced Kate’s background in nutrition and told of her expertise in demonstrating and teaching people about healthy food choices. “I know you probably have ideas for this new restaurant concept. Please share those with us.”

  Without hesitation Kate took the challenge. She brought
up several ideas about advertising the new venture, such as having brochures at each table separate from the menus. “While people are waiting for their food, they’ll probably leaf through the brochure which can explain more about the Bistro concept. Also, there could be a section for customers to sign up for an e-newsletter. This could be a weekly flyer informing customers about featured specials that week. It could have coupons for discounts on certain new items. Another idea would be to feature employees, such as the chef, manager, servers, etc. and their background.” Then she brought up the subject of menu items and mentioned some possible lighter-fare choices.

  Dan could tell his brothers were impressed with the way Kate discussed her ideas. “Thanks Kate. We’ll definitely look into those things.”

  At lunch Kate met Derek’s girlfriend, Amanda, a petite young woman with long, flowing dark hair. The couple appeared very compatible but, as Dan explained later, Derek had been through many relationships. “We’re hoping he settles down soon.”

  After a pleasant afternoon lounging by the pool and walking the beach, they dressed for dinner at Dan’s parents’ home. Ed Brookhouse had left right after the meeting to help his wife with dinner plans and keep his grandsons busy.

  “I feel so relaxed with your family,” Kate confided to Dan before meeting the others in the lobby.

  “Glad you feel that way,” he replied. He wanted her to enjoy his family. The tension in Kate’s own family was a given but if she could be close to his parents and brothers, it boded well for a good future. He squeezed her hand and pulled her close for a quick kiss before joining the others. “We’ll leave my folks home early enough to have time for ourselves,” he told her. “Natasha is staying with my folks for the night so Sophie and Doug can have at least one evening alone.”

  Dan’s mother had really fussed with dinner, Kate thought, looking at the lovely table settings and the delicious appetizers passed around before the meal began. The best part was the relaxed way Sue Brookhouse handled everything. There was no tension in the air. Everything ran smoothly and even cranky grandchildren were placated with puzzles and some child-friendly food like macaroni and cheese, just for them.


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