Wrong Number, Right Woman

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Wrong Number, Right Woman Page 34

by Jae

  It was as much to ensure the measurements were accurate as to hide how much this affected her. She bent to read off the number where the end of the tape measure met the imprinted scale, bringing her face closer to Eliza’s smooth leg. Twenty point five. Again, she tried to focus on the cold logic of the number, not on the warm skin beneath her hands. When she pulled the tape free, it slid along Eliza’s thigh like a caress.

  Eliza let out a low sound, almost a moan, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to Denny’s core.

  God, she was doomed. Now all she wanted was to get her to make that sound again, but that wasn’t why Eliza had invited her over. You’ve got this. Just one more. “Inseam,” she got out in a raspy croak.

  Eliza caught her bottom lip between her teeth and nodded.

  Denny knelt again—partly so she could measure all the way down to Eliza’s ankle, but mostly because her legs weren’t too steady. Her hands shook as she moved the tape measure as far up the inside of Eliza’s thigh as she dared, right to the edge of her panties, and held it there with one finger. Oh my God. If she moved her finger another inch or two…

  Eliza stood rigid like a mannequin. Was she even breathing?

  Denny peered up at her to make sure she was okay.

  Their gazes caught. Eliza’s pupils were so wide that her eyes appeared black. “Denny?”

  Now Denny was the one who stopped breathing. “Yeah?”

  “I think we’re done measuring.”

  “Yeah, let me just get this last—”

  Eliza clutched two handfuls of Denny’s shirt and pulled her up. “Kiss me.”

  Oh hell. Denny dropped the tape measure and gripped Eliza’s hips. Their bodies and mouths collided.

  Eliza tangled her hands in Denny’s hair. Her lips parted on a moan that vibrated through Denny. Her bare thighs brushed Denny’s as she pressed closer. The taste, scent, and feel of her flooded Denny’s senses until her brain was on overload.

  She gathered the quickly diminishing remainder of her self-control to pull her mouth away.

  Eliza murmured a protest and nipped at her bottom lip.

  Arousal flared through Denny. Her knees weakened. She clasped the small of Eliza’s back, her fingers grazing the swell of her butt, and whispered against her lips, “If you want this, I think it’s time to pull out your bed.”

  Eliza blinked, her eyes hazy. “I want it. I want you.” The intensity of her gaze washed away the last of Denny’s hesitation.

  Hand in hand, they crossed the room and pulled out the bed. They looked down at it, then at each other.

  A tiny kernel of worry still lingered deep inside of Denny. What if Eliza realized that this—loving a woman…loving her physically—wasn’t right for her?

  But under Eliza’s admiring gaze, that concern melted like the tiny bits of snow Portland got in winter.

  “Since you’ve been looking at me half naked for the past twenty minutes, how about you take off your pants too?” Eliza tugged at the top button of Denny’s jeans in a gesture equally teasing and tentative.

  She hadn’t even touched her directly, yet a jolt of desire spiked through Denny. Her fingers trembled with a mix of nerves and arousal as she popped open the first button, then the next. After each one, she paused to peer at Eliza, who watched, transfixed. Denny worked loose the last button. She slid her jeans past her hips, stepped out of them, and pulled off her socks.

  Without glancing away from Denny for even a second, Eliza kicked off the canary-yellow sneakers.

  They looked at each other, both in their shirts and underwear.

  Denny hesitated. Eliza had never been with a woman, so Denny knew she should take the lead and undress first, but getting naked in front of anyone—especially a woman she wanted to impress—had never been easy for her.

  Eliza broke into a sweet smile. “Are we both waiting for the other to strip first?”

  Denny grinned back. “Apparently.”

  “God, we’re quite the pair, aren’t we?”

  “I’d like to think so.” Knowing that Eliza—who was perfect in her eyes—struggled with insecurities too made it easier to tackle her own. Denny gripped the hem of her T-shirt. “Together?”

  Eliza nodded and kissed her for a moment, as if to reassure them both.

  They held eye contact, losing their connection for only a second as they pulled their tops up and over their heads.

  Denny forgot her own state of near undress as she stared at Eliza. The sight of her small breasts nestled in black lace made her mouth go dry. God, so sexy. She was torn between wanting to admire the view for a while longer and wanting to take the bra off so she could get her hands—and mouth—on her.

  Eliza’s gaze raked over her.

  Denny squirmed and pressed her arms to her sides, hoping to flatten the extra padding on her hips.

  “Don’t do that.” Eliza stepped closer. Gently, she pushed Denny’s arms aside and trailed her hands down her sides until they rested on her hips. The slow slide of her thumbs over her belly made Denny’s breath catch. “I love your body.”

  Denny’s gaze flew up. The intense expression on Eliza’s face confirmed her words. “You…you do?”

  “Every bit of it,” Eliza said firmly. “It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful, inside and out.”

  For the first time in her life, Denny believed that someone—Eliza—meant those words. A rush of happiness swept over her with such force that she swayed.

  Their lips came together for another passionate kiss, and Denny no longer cared that Eliza’s hands were on her hips, where she could feel her love handles. She pressed her body against Eliza, needing her close. Her warm skin against her own made Denny light-headed, but it also made her crave more contact, more of Eliza. She broke the kiss to whisper against her skin, “I love your sexy undies, but, um, can we get rid of them?” She trailed her finger along the strap of Eliza’s bra, then the edge of her panties.

  A tiny shudder went through Eliza, vibrating against Denny’s chest. “If we can get rid of yours too.”

  Denny pressed a kiss to the top of Eliza’s bare shoulder and nodded. She gathered her courage and pushed her boxer shorts down her hips. There was no seductive way to take off a sports bra, so she simply pulled it up and over her head.

  Eliza stood very still and let her gaze travel up Denny’s body with a focus so absolute that Denny felt it like a caress. Finally, she took in Denny’s breasts.

  Denny would have crossed her arms over her chest, but the awe on Eliza’s face was so obvious that Denny’s self-consciousness melted away. Without hiding her body, she waited for Eliza to undress too.

  Eliza peeled off her panties. The way she rolled them down her long legs was the hottest thing Denny had ever seen. Her breath caught in expectation as Eliza reached around herself. She fumbled with the clasp of her bra. Just as Denny considered offering her help, the hooks gave way, and the bra straps slipped down her arms. Before the bra could fall to the floor, Eliza caught it and held it clamped to her chest. Insecurity flickered in her eyes.

  Denny’s heart went out to her. She kissed Eliza’s upper arm, where the bra strap rested. “I love everything about your body,” she whispered against her skin. “Absolutely everything. Let me see you. Please.”

  Slowly, Eliza let go of the bra. It tumbled onto the pile of clothes on the floor, baring her to Denny’s gaze—and her touch.

  Eliza stood rooted to the spot for a second. The urge to cross her arms over her bare breasts was strong, but she didn’t give in. There was no need to hide her body—or her insecurities—from Denny, especially since she clearly liked what she saw.

  Denny looked at her with an intensity that robbed Eliza of breath. Admiration and desire mingled in her gaze.

  Eliza’s heart beat a rapid staccato high in her throat as she pulled back the covers. It was happening! She was about to sleep with a woman…with Denny, and she had no idea what she was doing! Oh God!

  Denny cupped her face with both hands, cra
dling it and guiding her head so she was looking into Denny’s eyes.

  Everything Eliza felt—the nerves, the excitement—was reflected there, along with quiet reassurance.

  “If this is too much, you can tell me any time,” Denny said. “Nothing will happen tonight that you don’t want.”

  “That’s the problem.” Eliza’s tense lips relaxed into a smile. “I want everything, and I have no idea what to do and where to start.”

  Denny traced Eliza’s smile with her thumb and returned it with a tender grin. “How about we start right here?” She eased her down onto the bed, then carefully lowered herself on top and lingered over her on one forearm. Their nipples were almost touching, and Denny’s thighs tangled with hers.

  At the whisper of skin against skin, Eliza sucked in a breath. How was it that Denny could make her feel so comfortable yet so out of control at the same time?

  Denny hovered over her as if waiting for something—probably waiting for her to tell her it was okay to move to the next stage.

  It was so much more than okay. This felt right. Eliza craved feeling her closer. She slid her hands back onto Denny’s hips, mesmerized by her warm, soft curves, and gave a tug.

  Denny sank onto her more fully. Their breasts pressed together, and Denny’s thigh rubbed intimately against Eliza, making her gasp. At the same time, Denny’s unmistakable desire coated her leg, and her rapid-fire heartbeat thrummed against Eliza’s chest, thudding along with her own.

  God. Oh God. Eliza couldn’t help arching against her. Their bodies were so different, yet they fit together so well.

  So far, Denny had always let her set the pace when it came to their physical relationship, but now she took the lead—and it was as much of a turn-on as her gentle touches.

  Denny cupped Eliza’s face with one hand as she kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks, the corner of her mouth. With each kiss, she murmured soft words against her skin, but Eliza was too dazed to make them out.

  Eliza’s hands roamed up and down Denny’s back. A gasp escaped her as Denny trailed her lips along her jawline and nipped her earlobe.

  Denny knew exactly where to touch her and how to touch her. With her mouth and her hands, she found every sensitive spot, even some Eliza hadn’t known about until now. She pulled one of Eliza’s hands to her mouth and trailed featherlight kisses along the inside of her wrist, then nuzzled the skin below her ear and slid her lips across her throat. With delicate nibbles, she explored the curve where her neck joined her shoulder.

  Eliza let her touch wherever she wanted. She had never felt so completely open and vulnerable, yet so seen and desired. Her pulse raced beneath Denny’s lips.

  “Mmm, your skin is so soft,” Denny whispered. Her warm breath tickled the hollow of Eliza’s throat. She drew a slow, sensual path down the center of Eliza’s body, then back up, avoiding her breasts for now and touching her with her fingertips only, worshipping her.

  Eliza glided her nails down Denny’s spine to anchor herself. Her body felt as if it was about to catch fire.

  Denny traced the line of Eliza’s collarbone with her hands, then her lips. “Do you know how often I dreamed about this?” Her tongue swirled in sensual patterns across her upper chest. “Being able to touch you?”

  “No dream,” Eliza gasped out. “This is real.”

  Denny shifted against her, skin sliding over skin as she moved lower. “I know it is. This is so much better than even the best of my fantasies.” She layered openmouthed kisses and lazy licks across Eliza’s ribs just beneath her breasts.

  Heat sizzled through Eliza. She glanced down at her breasts, which looked even smaller now that she was lying down. “Really?” she got out with a gasp.

  “Really.” Denny rested her palm along the curve of one breast. Her gaze on Eliza’s face, she caressed her breast with the gentlest of touches, then ran her thumb over the nipple, which hardened instantly.

  Desire jolted through Eliza, leaving no space for doubts and worries.

  Denny kissed a leisurely circle around the other nipple, then swirled her tongue around and around until her warm breath fanned over the hardened tip.

  A heavy ache settled low in Eliza’s belly. She dug her fingers into Denny’s shoulders. “Denny…”

  Denny hummed a confirmation against her nipple, then fluttered her tongue across it in a hint of a touch. After another, firmer lick, she closed her lips around it and sucked gently.

  Pleasure zinged through Eliza’s body, all the way down to her center. She cried out.

  Denny lifted her warm mouth off her breast and searched her face. “You okay?”

  Not trusting her voice, Eliza nodded. She tangled both hands in Denny’s short hair and pulled her back down.

  “God, so responsive,” Denny whispered, her breath teasing Eliza’s nipple. Then her mouth was on her again.

  Denny caressed her breast, alternating between slow swipes, teasing flutters of her tongue, and gentle sucks until Eliza was a boneless, quivering mess.

  Eliza rocked her hips against Denny’s belly in search of more contact. She hadn’t been prepared for her body’s response to Denny. The hot tug of Denny’s mouth on her breast made her head spin. Already, her arousal had built to a heart-pounding need. Gasping, she realized she could probably come like this.

  Without lifting her mouth away, Denny rubbed her thumb over the other nipple.

  Oh God, she would come like this.

  As if sensing how close she was to spiraling out of control, Denny pulled her lips away and went back to licking circles around her nipple while she trailed her hand down Eliza’s belly.

  Muscles rippled beneath her touch. Every cell in Eliza’s body thrummed in anticipation. Her pulse hammered in her ears, mingling with Denny’s moans of enjoyment as she caressed her.

  Tenderly, Denny explored the dip where Eliza’s hip met her leg, sending ripples of pleasure through her.

  She tried to get her breathing under control, but it was a losing battle as Denny ran her fingertips around to a spot on her inner thigh, then moved them upward in an agonizingly slow trail. “Denny.”

  Their gazes held, connecting on a level so much deeper than just physical. This wasn’t sex. This was making love. Eliza struggled to hold back the words crowding her throat, not sure if this was the right time for them.

  Denny stroked along her folds, then dipped between them. She slid her finger up one side of her clit and down the other but never directly across it.

  Urgent need pulsed through Eliza’s body. Denny’s touch was too much and not enough all at the same time. She dug one hand into Denny’s shoulder while scraping her nails over the back of her thigh with the other. “Please, Denny,” she whispered in a voice she nearly didn’t recognize as her own. “I need you.”

  A throaty groan rumbled through Denny. After one last kiss to Eliza’s breast, she slid up her body, igniting little fires along her skin, and found her mouth again. Her velvety tongue glided against Eliza’s, and just when Eliza lost herself in the kiss, Denny mimicked the motion with her finger across Eliza’s clit.

  Eliza tore her mouth away to gasp for breath. Her vision blurred, and she rapidly blinked to get her eyes to focus, desperate to see Denny as she touched her so intimately.

  She caressed her in long strokes, then in small, tight circles. “Does that feel good?”

  Instead of an answer, Eliza writhed and trembled beneath her, completely on sensory overload. She arched into Denny’s touch. “Oh! Oh, yes. More!”

  “More of this?” Denny rubbed her clit again. “Or do you want me to…?” She traced her opening with one fingertip.

  The sensation sizzled across Eliza’s nerve endings, blotting out all thoughts. She gasped out a reply but wasn’t sure what—probably “yes” or “please” or Denny’s name.

  Denny’s eyes smoldered as she pushed into her a little, dragging a hoarse cry from Eliza’s throat.

  Everything in her tightened with need. Her hips bucked against
Denny, urging her deeper, and she surrendered herself to the rhythm Denny set.

  A tremor rippled through her. Close. So close already. Her whole world narrowed down to Denny’s hands on her, her warm breath on her lips, her soft moans and whispered words.

  Denny stayed with her, moving at a perfect pace. The awe and hunger in her eyes drove Eliza higher.

  Pressure coiled deep within her. Her hips lost their rhythm. She dug her toes into the sheets and her fingers into Denny’s butt as she pushed up to meet her thrusts one last time.

  Denny slid in again and at the same time brushed across her clit with her thumb.

  Eliza’s mouth fell open, and she pressed it to Denny’s damp neck to stifle a cry. Flashes of light burst behind her tightly closed eyelids. Pleasure pulsed outward, and her entire body went taut, then collapsed back onto the bed.

  Oh wow. She drew in deep gulps of air and tried to make sense of what she’d just experienced.

  Denny cupped her face with her left hand and pressed kisses to her cheeks and finally her lips. She whispered something, but Eliza’s brain couldn’t yet process the words.

  Once their breathing had returned to normal, Denny kissed her again and slowly withdrew, sending one last ripple through Eliza. “You’re so beautiful. So amazing.”

  “Me?” Eliza laughed shakily. “You’re the amazing one. I don’t know what I expected, but not…this. Every touch from you made my head spin and my body…” She looked up at Denny with an impish grin. “Well, I think you felt how my body reacted.”

  A groan vibrated through Denny’s chest. She shifted her legs against her, and Eliza felt her wetness coating her thigh. “Yes. God, yes. The way you responded to my every touch and just let yourself go… It took my breath away.”

  “I can’t remember ever letting go like this before.” She felt so safe with Denny.

  Denny gazed down at her with the expression of someone who’d just had a supernatural encounter. “Me neither. I got so lost in you, I wanted it to last forever.”

  “Good.” The pleasure-induced fuzziness finally receded as a different kind of need took over. Eliza trailed her hands along Denny’s back. A sheen of perspiration made her skin even softer to the touch. “Because we’re not done yet.”


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