Wrong Number, Right Woman

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Wrong Number, Right Woman Page 35

by Jae

  Denny stared at her, eyes wide and defenseless, as she rolled onto her back. The complete trust on her face blew Eliza away.

  Eliza settled onto her side next to her and raised herself onto one elbow so she could see Denny better. So much naked skin and sexy curves on display made her senses reel. “You’ll have to be patient with me while I figure out how to make you as breathless as you made me.”

  “You’ve already accomplished that.”

  Eliza smiled and trailed her fingers over Denny’s damp temple, smoothing back her disheveled hair. “I haven’t even touched you yet.”

  “You touched me here.” Denny took Eliza’s hand and pressed it to her chest, over her thudding heart.

  Oh. The swell of Denny’s breast rested beneath her hand, warm and soft, distracting Eliza from her heartfelt words for a moment. She leaned over her, too overcome to find the right words, so she kissed her instead.

  Denny moaned into the kiss and pulled her down on top of her. Hardened nipples rubbed against Eliza’s, stirring her arousal alive again.

  Oh no, you don’t. This was Denny’s turn. With a gasp, Eliza pulled back.

  Darkness had fallen while they’d made love, and now the light from the floor lamp in the corner played over the dips and curves of Denny’s body, creating enticing shadows Eliza couldn’t wait to explore. Sweat glistened on her skin, which was tanned on her neck, face, and limbs and creamy pale everywhere else. Eliza couldn’t help staring, mesmerized by the sight of full breasts and a rounded belly she’d only seen in her imagination until now.

  Before Denny could start to squirm under her gaze, Eliza slid her hand onto her hip. That spot always drew her in. She stroked her fingers along Denny’s side. Mmm, so soft.

  A shiver ran through Denny, and she inhaled sharply.

  Eliza paused, acutely aware of how inexperienced she was. “Does that tickle? Or do you not like to be touched there?” She knew Denny was self-conscious about her love handles, but Eliza thought they were aptly named because she adored them.

  “No, you can touch me there.” Denny cleared her throat. “You can touch me everywhere.”

  Eliza hummed. “I will.” She trailed her fingers over the curve of her belly, the smooth skin between her breasts, and along the ridge of her collarbone.

  Each touch drew a reaction—goose bumps, a jump of her pulse, or a groan of approval.

  Encouraged, Eliza lowered her head and added her lips and finally her tongue to the caresses. She tasted the salty skin on the side of Denny’s neck, enjoying the frenzied pounding of her pulse beneath her mouth. Trying to find out what would feel good to Denny was fun. Apparently, it all felt good to her. A nibble on Denny’s earlobe elicited a gasp, and a line of kisses across her smooth shoulder caused a quiver.

  So intriguing. And so incredibly soft—not only Denny’s curves, but her skin too. Women’s bodies were so different. But mostly, Eliza felt different…more open. More herself.

  “You feel so good.” She nuzzled the slope of Denny’s breast.

  Denny’s chest heaved beneath her. She trailed her fingers through Eliza’s hair but didn’t try to urge her down.

  Not that Eliza needed much urging. She studied the pleasing curves of Denny’s breasts. They were ample and creamy, her nipples darker and larger than Eliza’s own. Beautiful. Her mouth watered, and suddenly, she wanted nothing more than to worship them with her hands, her lips, and her tongue.

  Carefully, trying not to fumble like a teenager, she trailed the back of her fingers along the outer curve of one breast.

  When she looked up, Denny was watching her with hooded eyes.

  Eliza flicked her gaze back and forth between Denny’s face and her breasts as she cupped one of them, filling her palm with its softness. Wow. So nice and soft and round. She massaged it tentatively.

  Denny caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

  Ah, she liked that. Eliza squeezed a little more firmly. The nipple hardened against her palm, and she rubbed the pad of her thumb across it, thrilled at her ability to excite Denny. Soft moans spurred her on.

  Denny shook beneath her, and the remainder of Eliza’s hesitancy fled. When touching Denny with her fingers was no longer enough, she bent her head and exhaled against her nipple, causing more goose bumps to ripple across Denny’s chest. Eliza tried to kiss them away but only managed to raise more.

  Finally, when Denny’s breathing turned shallow, Eliza lowered her mouth to her nipple and kissed it. It tightened even more against her lips. Eliza couldn’t get enough. She nibbled the underside of her breast, kissed the upper slope, circled her areola with her tongue, then swiped it across the taut tip.

  Denny groaned deep in her throat and writhed against her. The little noises that rose up her chest made Eliza grow bolder with every second.

  She switched to the other breast, wrapped her lips around the nipple, and sucked lightly.

  With a gasp, Denny cupped one hand around the back of her head and pressed her closer. She twisted restlessly beneath her, and her damp curls tickled Eliza’s thigh. “Jesus, you’re killing me.” Her voice was thick with need. She let out a hoarse laugh. “But I’m glad you’re discovering you’re a breast woman.”

  “Hmm, I think I am. But mostly, I’m a Denny woman.” Eliza placed one last kiss on her breast, then focused on smoothing her palm down Denny’s quivering body. When she reached the trimmed patch of hair, her confidence wavered for a moment. Sure, Denny had the same body parts as she did, but the angle was different, and she was much too aware of how hopelessly inexperienced she was at this.

  But even stronger than her insecurity was her burning need to make Denny feel good, to let her experience what she had just minutes ago.

  Denny spread her legs in a silent invitation. Again, the openness and trust in her eyes made something twist in Eliza’s stomach.

  She trailed her fingers through Denny’s damp curls. When she encountered slick heat, they both sucked in a breath. She pressed a kiss to the valley between Denny’s breasts as she experimentally brushed one finger across her clit.

  Denny moaned long and loudly, and the sexy noises never stopped as Eliza kept moving her finger.

  Eliza’s senses reeled. She loved hearing her reaction to what she was doing to her. Denny’s pleasure was evident, every sensation she experienced right there on her face, in her eyes. Knowing exactly what Denny felt, what every little gasp and moan meant was a powerful turn-on. Eliza pressed her thighs together as another wave of arousal gathered low in her belly.

  Denny rocked against her, making her fingers slide lower.

  “Do you want me to…? Do you like penetration?”

  “No,” Denny gasped out.

  A bang of disappointment slammed into Eliza, surprising her. It wasn’t a big deal, right? She didn’t always want or need it either.

  “I mean, not…oh God…not usually. But now…” Denny slid her hand down Eliza’s arm and closed it around her wrist.

  The way she guided her was the hottest thing Eliza had ever experienced—at least until one of her fingers pressed inside. She moaned at the tight heat surrounding her.

  Denny’s hips thrust upward, and she let out a string of garbled words.

  All Eliza could make out was “again” and “more,” so she pulled her finger back, then carefully pressed in with two. As Denny’s hips rose and fell against her, Eliza’s uncertainty faded away, and she met her stroke for stroke.

  Denny made the most erotic sounds with each thrust of her fingers. Her eyelids flickered closed, and a lovely pink flush bloomed on Denny’s chest, throat, and face. She flung her head back in total abandon.

  Eliza’s breath caught. She loved watching her like this. Loved her.


  She didn’t know what Denny wanted her to do, but it didn’t seem to matter as her body moved on instinct and seemed to hit exactly the rhythm Denny needed. As Denny arched against her higher and faster, her thigh pressed against Eliza’s wetness.r />
  Oh God! Her breath exploded out of her in a strangled moan.

  The muscles of Denny’s neck corded as she strained against her. She dragged open her eyes, and their gazes connected.

  Pleasure pulsed in Eliza’s belly. She moved her fingers faster, pressed herself harder against Denny’s thigh. A roaring started in her ears.

  With a shout, Denny surged up once more, then froze and shuddered. Her inner muscles pulsed around Eliza’s fingers.

  As Eliza watched her come, another orgasm rippled through her, taking her by surprise. She cried out and slumped onto Denny.

  Denny slid her hand onto the small of her back but otherwise lay without moving, panting beneath her. Her heartbeat thundered under Eliza’s ear, then slowed to a more normal rhythm.

  “Wow,” Eliza whispered against the damp skin of Denny’s shoulder. “What was that?”

  Denny’s gentle laughter vibrated through her. “That,” she peered up at her with a giddy expression, “is called an orgasm.”

  Eliza nipped her shoulder, then kissed it. “I know that, thank you very much. I just didn’t think I could… Um, I mean, twice in a row is not my norm.”

  One hand still resting on the small of her back, Denny kissed her tenderly. “Nothing about tonight has been the norm. It’s been exceptional. Extraordinary. Out of this world. Absolutely pheno—”

  Eliza captured her mouth in a deep kiss before she could go through the entire thesaurus. There were better ways to spend the rest of the night, and she intended to discover them all.

  Chapter 27

  The light of the rising sun filtered into the studio apartment, waking Denny. She lay still and listened to Eliza’s soft breathing nearby…very nearby. When she finally opened her eyes, the sight that greeted her made her smile.

  Eliza was nestled in her arms, her head on the same pillow, cheek pressed to Denny’s shoulder, and one leg slung across her thighs. The soft glow of the early-morning light dusted her bare shoulders with gold. She lay so close that Denny went nearly cross-eyed looking at her, but she couldn’t stop.

  It had to be early, probably before six, and she was still tired, yet she didn’t want to go back to sleep. She wanted to experience every minute of her first morning with Eliza—hopefully, the first of many.

  Last night had been incredible. Thinking about it warmed her more than the sun on her face. And she’d loved the intimacy of holding Eliza afterward just as much—skin on skin, talking softly until they both fell asleep. Never before had she felt so close to anyone.

  Clearly, all her worrying had been for nothing. Once they had bared their bodies to each other, Eliza hadn’t seemed uncomfortable even for a second.

  Denny suppressed a chuckle so she wouldn’t wake her. Nope, Eliza clearly wasn’t uncomfortable with her female form at all. The fingers of her right hand were splayed over Denny’s breast, cradling it. Denny had never been a big fan of her breasts—or the rest of her body for that matter—but after Eliza had gotten so much enjoyment out of them, she was starting to see them in a new light.

  Eliza let out the cutest little yawn and stretched against her, sending tingles through Denny’s body. She snuggled closer and pressed her face into the crook of Denny’s neck. “Good morning.” She sounded sleepy and very satisfied.

  “Good morning.” Denny drew slow circles on her back with her fingertips, trying to ease her into wakefulness. “How are you feeling?”

  Eliza raised up on one elbow and gave her a smile so sweet that Denny’s mind turned to mush. “Since you used up all the words in the thesaurus last night, I think I’ll settle on happy.”

  Aww. The three little words that could change everything between them lingered on Denny’s tongue, demanding to be spoken. Should she tell her?

  Before she could come to a decision, Eliza settled back into her arms. “Denny?” she asked with her cheek on Denny’s chest.


  “Do you have everything you need?”

  Denny slid her arms around her more tightly. “Mmm, yeah.”

  A chuckle escaped Eliza. “No, I meant, do you have all the measurements you need?”

  Measurements? With Eliza so close and all the emotions churning through her, measurements were the last thing on Denny’s mind. “Uh, I think so.”

  “Are you sure?” Eliza asked. “I’m not an expert, but isn’t there a saying about ‘measure twice, cut once’ or something like that?”

  “Mm-hmm. There is.”

  “Then maybe you should double-check my measurements. Just to make sure.”

  A rush of desire surged through Denny. She struggled to form words. “Is that your clever way of letting me know you aren’t done with me yet?”

  Eliza braced herself on her elbow again. The playful gleam in her eyes turned into a soft yet intense expression. “I don’t think I’ll ever be done with you.”

  Denny stared up at her. She barely dared to breathe, afraid what she saw reflected back in Eliza’s expressive eyes might be an illusion. But she knew it wasn’t. She’d felt it last night. Even before that. Saying it was scary anyway. She braced herself. It was time to put herself out there and hold nothing back. “Eliza, I—”

  “I love you.”

  Denny’s mouth snapped shut. She opened it again, but instead of the words she’d wanted to say, giddy laughter tumbled out. She pressed Eliza against her and rolled them around to pepper her face with kisses.

  Eliza threaded her fingers through Denny’s hair. An equally giddy chuckle vibrated through her. “Does that mean…?”

  “I love you too.” She kissed her softly, then longer and with more urgency. “I can’t believe you said it first.”

  Eliza grinned at her. “I was always a fast learner.”

  “Oh yeah?” Her voice came out husky. “Care to prove that?”


  When they made love again, it was slow and intimate, with a lot of whispered “I love yous.” This time, there were no hesitations, no inhibitions, no doubts. Nothing but love and passion.

  Afterward, they curled around each other and fell back asleep.

  Not long after Eliza had dozed off in Denny’s arms, the ringing of her phone startled her awake.

  What the…? Heart pounding, she sat up and glanced around with bleary eyes. Where was that damn thing? She quickly climbed out of bed so it wouldn’t disturb Denny.

  One more ring and she located it on the coffee table.

  Heather’s name flashed across the small screen. Oh shit. It was Saturday! And that meant Saturday Market. She swiped her finger across the device and lifted it to her ear. “I’m so, so sorry! I overslept, but I’ll be right there. Just give me…” She flicked her gaze down her well-loved body. No matter how late she was, she needed a shower before she was fit to head out into society. “Um, ten minutes. Fifteen max. I’ll meet you out front.”

  “It’s okay,” Heather said. “Want me to come over and make you a big travel mug of Earl Grey?”


  Denny sat up in bed and sent her an alarmed look.

  “I mean, no, thank you. I’ll get something at the market.” Eliza picked up her clothes and carried them toward the bathroom. Next to the bed, she stopped and touched her free hand to Denny’s cheek.

  “Is everything okay?” Heather asked. “You sound strange.”

  Eliza bit her lip. “I’m fine. I’m great. Denny, um, stayed over.”

  “Why didn’t you say so?” Heather let out a cheer. “Get back into bed with her, and don’t worry about the market. I’ve got it covered.”

  Eliza’s gaze went back to her nice, warm bed, with the cuddly, naked woman in it. She hesitated. “I can’t let you do this all the time. That’s not fair to you.”

  “Eliza Louise Harrison! If you show up at our booth before eleven, I’m going to be pissed. Do you hear me?”

  God, she had the most wonderful best friend on earth. “Thank you, Heather. You’re the best. I owe you.”

��You owe me all the details. Can’t wait.”

  Before Eliza could protest, Heather ended the call.

  Eliza plopped onto the edge of the bed. “I completely forgot about Saturday Market.”

  “Oh shit. Me too. After last night…and this morning, I can barely remember what day it is. Good thing I’m not working today.” Denny pulled the sheet off her body and swung her legs out of bed, revealing more naked skin than Eliza’s brain could handle. “You take a shower; I’m going to make you some tea and breakfast.”

  She had the most wonderful best friend and the most amazing girlfriend. Before Denny could rush off, Eliza grabbed her hand. “We don’t have to hurry. Heather is covering the booth until I get there.”

  “Phew. She’s a lifesaver. Does that mean we can go back to bed? After all, we haven’t put in ten thousand hours of practice yet.”

  The gleam in Denny’s eyes made Eliza’s heartbeat quicken. It was tempting, so tempting, but she didn’t want to take advantage of Heather’s generosity. “Oh God, if it gets any more perfect than last night, I might never leave this apartment again. How about this? We take a shower, get dressed, have waffles for breakfast, and make some for Heather too because they’re her favorite.”

  “Hmm.” Denny stroked her chin as if giving it some thought. “Will there be kisses over breakfast?”

  She was so darn cute. The urge to kiss her right then and there gripped Eliza. “That could be arranged.”

  “Then it’s a deal. Come on!” Denny caught her hand and tugged her toward the bathroom, then paused after two steps. “Unless… When you said we should take a shower, did you mean you wanted us to take turns? We can totally do that if you’d rather shower alo—”

  Eliza brushed her lips against Denny’s. “Well, we’re in a bit of a hurry, so showering together to save time makes sense, right?”

  Denny nodded eagerly. “Total sense.”

  Grinning, they hurried to the bathroom.


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