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Forbidden Bad Boys (Small Town Forbidden Romance Box Set)

Page 46

by Holly Jaymes

  “This must be a big change from fancy dining in Paris,” I said as I handed her the bowl.

  “It’s different, but not unenjoyable,” she said, stirring her soup. “In fact, I’m enjoying myself quite a bit.”

  “Oh?” I sat with my bowl next to her.

  “I feel…real here. I don’t have to keep up appearances. No pretenses. I can just be me. It’s so relaxing.”

  “Do you have to do that a lot?”

  She nodded. “All the time. If I’m in a place where people can see me, I’m being judged.”

  “I guess that sweat outfit would be grounds for scandal.” When I said the word, I inwardly winced. I didn’t want to bring up the whole reason she was here.

  “They’d definitely wonder what had happened to me. But I kind of like it. It’s warm and comfortable.”

  “Right now, that’s more important than style. Besides, you’re still beautiful. Really, Lily, you’re stunning.”

  She looked up at me with the gorgeous smile that made my heart do cartwheels in my chest. “You’re a charmer, Wyatt.”

  “I just call it like I see it.”

  We ate the remainder of our soup in silence, but it wasn’t an awkward quiet. When we finished, we took care of the dishes together.

  “What next?” she asked.

  “We’ve got board games.”

  She tilted her head at me. “Tired of getting the pants beat off you in cards?”

  My dick shot up to full tilt. “No. I like getting the pants beat off me. I just didn’t want you to get bored at beating the pants off me.”

  “One thing you aren’t is boring, Wyatt. Pants on or off.”

  While I’d made sure I was prepared for anything, deep down, I’d resigned myself that I wouldn’t be touching her again. She just seemed bothered by the first time. But her words now had me hoping she’d believed me. She did say she trusted me.

  Taking a chance, I pulled the strip of condoms from my pocket. “We could play for these.”

  She looked up at me. “I thought you said—”

  “I did, and I meant it. But if they make you feel safer, then we have them. If you wanted to…again…” Jesus, I felt like a tongue-tied teenage boy asking out a girl for the first time.

  “There are other ways of enjoying each other too.”

  I was pretty sure the head of my dick was sticking out of the waistband of my pants at her words. I mean, she was talking about sucking him off, right?

  “Are there?” I asked, acting like I didn’t know. “How?”

  She pursed her lips and gave me a “you know how” look.

  I shrugged and grinned at her. “You may have to show me.”

  Chapter 11: Feeling Free to Be Me


  It had been a long time since I’d felt like I’d die if a man didn’t touch me. Sure, I’d been attracted to men. I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t find Trask attractive although it was in that star-struck fangirl type way. When he’d made his overture to me, I was actually surprised, and disappointed. I’d thought he and Aria had a solid marriage.

  With Wyatt, my entire body had vibrated with need, and thank God he seemed to feel it too. His touch was electrifying. And with him inside me, moving powerfully, it was beyond bliss. Even after the first powerful orgasm, he made me come again, and then he came too, and it was spectacular.

  That is until I realized we hadn’t used a condom. My first thought was how stupid I was. I’d never thought I’d be one of those women who lost all sense of responsibility in the throes of passion. Clearly, I was wrong. Not only was I in a scandal involving a married actor, but now, I could be accidentally pregnant because I hadn’t had the wherewithal to check that Wyatt used a condom.

  “It’s not a problem, Lily. Really,” Wyatt had said.

  I wanted to ask him how he was so sure, but the tightness in his jaw and how quickly he left the room to deal with the firewood indicated he didn’t want to talk to me about it.

  When I was in the bathroom, I worked on analyzing what that meant. I stared at myself in the mirror, like my reflection was a separate person who could explain it. He was a young, virile man, so the only explanation was that he didn’t want kids and got snipped.

  I wondered what that meant? He seemed to have a happy childhood, so why would he not want kids himself? Was it because his job was dangerous sometimes? Maybe he’d been with a woman before who didn’t want them. But if that relationship was done, he could have the procedure reversed, couldn’t he? Maybe since it was already done and he wasn’t ready for kids, he just left it for moments like we’d just had. A young man like him in a town in which beautiful women came to have fun, not worrying about birth control was probably ideal. But why not just say that unless he thought I’d judge him for not wanting kids.

  Of course, I did wonder about a man that didn’t want children because I wanted them someday. Then I gave myself a mental kick. This thing with Wyatt and I was a short-term deal. First, chances were when we left this cabin, he wouldn’t touch me again, because he was clearly concerned about my father’s reaction. Second, eventually, I’d be moving on either to New York or London.

  All this was whirling around in my brain, and I couldn’t shut it up as I came out from the bathroom and found him stacking blankets in front of the fire.

  Weirdly, the thing that seemed to settle me down was how concerned he was about me. He said he felt like he should apologize, when in fact, I was the one that practically jumped him. Then, he tried to assure me again that we were safe, and something about him made me believe him. I did trust him.

  After that, things seemed to return to normal and then headed back into the sexy zone as I asked him about our next activity after dinner. When he produced condoms, I had a moment of panic, as he said we didn’t need them. I bought his explanation for them, and I appreciated that he would think of my feelings and concerns.

  I wanted him again. There was no doubt about that. And while a part of me thought maybe we should refrain from more sex, another part of me recognized that this moment in time was like a time-out from the world. I didn’t have to worry about paparazzi or how I looked. There was nothing but Wyatt and me in this little bubble. Like Vegas, it seemed like whatever happened here would stay here, and so why not live and be free just for this moment?

  That was how we ended up naked in front of the fire while I showed him exactly what I meant by giving pleasure without intercourse. It gave me a chance to fully explore his amazing body, with his strong muscles, hard lines, and incredible dick.

  Later, we lay by the fire, and a wave of emotion came over me. I was glad that we were spooned. He was lying behind me as we looked at the fire because I didn’t want him to see the welling of tears in my eyes. For the first time, I felt really like myself. No pressures. No expectations. I could just be and not worry about falling short.

  Wyatt kissed my shoulder in a gesture that was so sweet. I longed for someone like him. Someone that I could be fully me with. Where I could explore who I was, and that wasn’t intimidated by me nor treated me just like a sexual object, the great sex we were having notwithstanding.

  At that moment, I realized that I didn’t just need to find my new career, but I really needed to find myself. Or more accurately, I needed to find a place where I could just be me.

  Wyatt’s breath slowed, and I realized he was asleep. I snuggled with him closer, wanting his strength and warmth. In some ways, this time wasn’t real, either. Or more accurately, it wasn’t lasting. But for this moment, it felt like everything, and I wanted to savor it.

  I woke the next morning cold and by myself. I opened my eyes, wondering if I was alone. Had all this been a dream?

  Wyatt was by the fireplace, poking at the wood, encouraging the fire to grow again. He turned as I moved. He smiled, and my heart rolled in my chest. He saw his life as simple and mine as sophisticated, but at that moment, with his sexy smile and bright blue eyes on me, I wanted a simple life more than anythi

  “Did you sleep alright?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m a little cold this morning, though.”

  “The power is still out.” He put the poker aside and came to me, getting under the covers and pulling me close. “Let me heat you up.”

  “You’re quite good at all this,” I said, wrapping myself in his warmth.

  “I’ve grown up coming here. I’ve had practice.”

  “With other women too?” The minute I said it, I was embarrassed at how pathetic I sounded. How silly of me to want to be the only woman he’d been here with.

  “I’m going to invoke that never kiss and tell rule you came up with last night.”

  I turned away, not able to look at him.

  He kissed my shoulder again. “I will admit that I’ve never been up here with anyone like you.”

  He was being sweet, and I appreciated it. “Spoiled sheriff’s daughter hiding from scandal?”

  “Well, that too. I was going to say brave and kick ass in poker.”

  I turned my head to look back at him. “Brave?”

  “Getting snowed in can be scary, especially with the power out. Chances are your phone is dead. This fireplace is our only source of heat and cooking.”

  “Are you trying to scare me?” The thing about the phone did bother me, now that he brought my attention to it. Was his phone dead too? How would we get help if we needed it? Could help even come since we were snowed in?

  “No. We’ll be fine.”

  “What about your phone?”

  “I have several battery packs that are all fully charged, and if worse comes to worst, I’ll charge it in the SUV. My point was, this is like a vacation from life with you. We can just be. Except for dealing with the heat and food, I can’t remember feeling this free to enjoy life since I was a kid.”

  I grinned, so pleased he understood. “That’s how I feel too. No rules. No expectations.”

  “Right. I’ve never met a woman who could just let go like that.”

  I turned back to the spooning position but snuggled in closer to him. “I’m glad I’m different.”

  “Of course, you are.”

  I flinched a little, thinking he had to mean I was different because of my career.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” he said.

  “I’m sure you have. Models come to Eden Lake all the time, I’m sure, for the fun and sun or even for shoots.”

  “Hey.” He pulled me back and maneuvered over me. “I don’t mean that.” He studied me. “I expected a spoiled rich girl. At the very least, I expected someone shallow. But you’re real, Lily. And I know a part of that is because we’re secluded, away from the real world and that when we leave here, part of the magic of this time will be gone. But I’m glad we have this moment to simply be and that you feel safe enough to just be with me.”

  I reached up and pressed my palm to his cheek. “I can’t tell you what a relief it is to be with someone where I can just be me. Thank you, Wyatt.”

  “You’re welcome.” He bent down and kissed me. “Are you hungry? I can make toast and peanut butter.”


  “Yes. My grandmother had this doohickey thing that you can put bread in and toast over the fire.”

  “I feel like I’m in Little House on the Prairie.”

  “You know what else I found when I went scrounging for the doohickey?” His eyes glistened with excitement.


  “Graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate.”

  I stared at him, not sure what that meant.

  “S’ mores!”

  “I’ve never had them.” I’d heard they were delicious, though.

  He groaned. “Good God, woman, you’ve lived such a deprived life.”

  He was joking, and so I laughed, and yet his words hit a chord in me. My mother loved me, I had no doubt. My brother and I had missed out on a lot growing up since we had to live in her world. She’d say that we had experiences other children hadn’t, and that was true. Perhaps other kids felt like I was lucky. But I wanted the things that Wyatt had. The grandparents in the rustic cabin and fun times at the lake or here in the mountains eating fire-cooked s’ mores.

  “But first. I'm a little cold now. I think you should warm me up.” His eyes sparkled with innuendo.

  “Would you like to switch places, so you’re closer to the fire?” I asked jokingly.

  He settled his body over mine, his dick in his jeans fitting against my cleft. “Here is good.” He leaned down and kissed me. “But, you know, we’ll be warmer flesh to flesh.”

  Chapter 12: Living Life


  Keeping my boss and what he might do to me, out of my mind, I instead focused on Lily. While I knew he wouldn’t like the part where I’d slept with her, he would appreciate my keeping her warm, fed, and entertained.

  The storm from the night before was over, and the sun was shining bright, lighting up much of the cabin. So, after we had breakfast, I bundled her up and took her outside.

  Her eyes were glittering, and her cheeks turned rosy from the cold as she smiled, closing her eyes and soaking in the sun.

  “It’s so beautiful.”

  “Mother Nature knows how to paint a picture,” I said. I’d grabbed a shovel from inside and started clearing the steps. If we were lucky, the day would be warm enough that some of the snow would melt away and allow us to get out of here by tomorrow.

  “Do you have to shovel all the way to town?”

  I laughed. “Not quite. But it can take time to get snow cleared up here since this is all private road. I’ve texted Josh to let him know we’re here, and hopefully, he’ll be able to arrange someone to start clearing.”

  “So, the phones are working?” her smile fell slightly like she didn’t like the idea of having contact with the outside world.

  “I can text, but not call. It will be another day or so before we’re out of here. I’ve let your father know we’re okay as well.”

  “Did you now?”

  “I didn’t tell him how okay. If I did, he’d probably have the National Guard clearing the way to come save you and arrest me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “He’s not that crazy.”

  “He chose me specifically because he trusted me not to touch you.”

  “Well, I touched you, so there. He’ll have to arrest me.”

  I laughed and went back to shoveling the snow. When I got the steps cleared, my phone pinged with a notification. I stopped and pulled the phone from my pocket. It was a text from Lily’s father.

  Looks like you’ll need to be there one more day. The good news is that we’ve made it appear as if she’s left the area. You shouldn’t have any trouble getting back to town.

  That was good news. It meant she wouldn’t be rushed away when we left here. As wrong and dangerous as it was, I wanted her to stay. At least for a little while longer.

  Shoveling snow. We’re good for another day, I texted back.

  I appreciate all this, Dalton. I know it’s above and beyond.

  It wasn’t a hardship at all. I had a tinge of guilt at that thought since I was betraying my boss. God only knew what he’d do if he found out what I’d done to her last night and this morning.

  We ended our text conversation, and I went back to shoveling, clearing the steps and a path to my SUV before taking a break.

  I headed back inside, and I found her in the kitchen.

  “The power came back on, so I made us lunch. Soup and crackers.”

  “Awesome. Let me clean up, and I’ll be right out.” I washed up in the bathroom and then made my way back to the kitchen area. For a moment, I watched Lily as she put the soup on the table. For a sophisticated woman, she looked quite at home in my family’s rustic cabin. I was glad to have an extra day to enjoy my time with her in this bubble all our own.

  After lunch, I checked things around the cabin to make sure everything was alright. Then I went to our little shed and pull
ed out some cross-country ski equipment.

  “How about we enjoy all this snow and solitude?” I held up a set of skis in each hand.

  Her eyes brightened. “I’ve never done that before.”

  “It’s not hard. It’s like walking only toe to heel instead of heel to toe.” I showed her all our extra clothing so she could bundle up. I pulled out hats and gloves, glad we had a stash of them up here. I also grabbed a backpack and put water and food in it.

  Fifteen minutes later, I gave her a quick tutorial on cross country skiing, and we were on our way up the mountain.

  “Oh my God, Wyatt, this is magnificent.”

  I stopped and turned to look at her over my shoulder. My heart stuttered in my chest at how beautiful of a scene she made. Her joy radiated from her as she skied toward me, taking in the scenery.

  “Wait until we get to the clearing. It will take your breath away,” I said. Thirty minutes later, we came to an open area. In the middle of it were large rocks that in the summer towered over us, but now, with snow, were just the right height to lean against for a quick rest.

  “Look,” I said with a nod out away from the mountain.

  She turned her head and gasped. “Oh God, …you’re right. It’s breathtaking.”

  Spread out before us was the lake, glistening in the sun. The town looked like a miniature snow-covered village.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this,” she said with awe in her voice. She turned to look at me, her eyes lit with wonderment and joy.

  I looked out over the view again. It was a scene I’d witnessed many times before since I was a boy. But now, looking at it through her eyes, I felt a new sense of amazement. I saw more beauty. I’d thought she’d been the one to have seen all the wonders of the world, but as it turned out, I’d seen amazing things myself and hadn’t really appreciated it.

  My enjoyment of the view was interrupted when she reached for me and pulled me to her for a kiss. Because of the skis, it was awkward, and I got off balance. Thank goodness, I fell against the rock, pulling her to me as I did. I didn’t want to fall in several feet of snow.


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