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One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

Page 1

by Camaron, Chelsea

  One Ride

  Copyright © Chelsea Camaron 2013

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of Chelsea Camaron, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  1st Edition Published: December 2013

  Cover Design by: Crystal Leo

  Cover Photo Provided by Vicki Jones of Vicki’s Portraiture

  Cover Models: Jared Caldwell and Pantara Lynne

  Editing by: Asli Fratarcangeli

  Formatted by: Indie-Vention

  All Rights Reserved: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction in whole or in part, without express written permission by Chelsea Camaron.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  To My Readers, without you there would be no reason for the Hellions. Thank you for supporting me and giving my books a chance.

  To My Family, thank you for always believing in me and dealing with everything that goes along with my writing. To my hubbub and kiddos, I love you more than I can put into words. Thank you for giving me the space and time to go after my dreams. To my parents, I know you never thought all those rides when I was younger would turn into this. I love you both. Mom #2, you said write a full length novel damn it. Okay, done! Love you. Bobo, can you believe it? I can’t, lol. Love you.

  To Carol and Savannah - The Hellions would not exist if it wasn’t for a simple chat in a group all those months ago. Thank you for telling me to go for it. Thank you for being with me at every word, every page, every chapter, and every step all the way to the end and publish.

  To Jennifer - I would be a complete mess without you. Thank you will never say enough for all you do for me. This one has been a long project to bring to life, but you’ve stuck with me through the ups, downs, and the days I wanted to give up. Thank you.

  To Asli - more than my editor, you’re my friend. Thank you for your input and dealing with my craziness. November 12th is an extra special day now and I will forever think of you.

  To Renee - President In Charge of all things…the many hats you wear for me. I can’t say thank you enough for the support you’ve given me from the beginning. Thank you for helping with those ‘tough’ decisions and sorting through everything with me. Thank you for always being there to listen and share a laugh.

  To Madeline - thanks for keeping in real, raw, and dirty…and for trying…and putting up with all my silly messages.

  To Jared, Vikki, and Pantara Lynne- thank you for the hours you put into a photo shoot for this series.

  To Theresa - Thank you for the designs, the input, and your friendship. You make me laugh daily and get my weird sense of humor. D4LB!!!

  To Amy - payback’s a bitch. Wreck another car and see what I come up with next, lol. My shenanigans partner, thanks for being you, enough said.

  To Melissa - two chicks from the Boro and we’re doing this. Some days it still feels like a dream. Love you bunches, lady. Thank you for making my words pop and come to life with your formatting genius.

  To Crystal - You’re a boss! Thank you for your honest feedback, your support, and our many silly conversations. I will try to tone down my proper English, but I make no promises. Commas are a lost cause, I’m addicted. Love you to pieces.

  To Laramie Briscoe - Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for being scared shitless with me…no one wants to be afraid alone.

  To Rachael - Holy pimping batman! I can’t say thank you enough.

  To Wendie - My sweet swag queen. Love you.

  To Brandi - WHO DAT?! Louisiana Baby! Oh my proofreader friend…I owe you a beignet and then some!!!!

  To Suzanne - even if you are a Steeler’s fan, I still love and appreciate all your encouragement. Thanks for the support you’ve given me.

  To Kelly, Ariana, Marisa, Dee, Jacqui, and both my Mary’s- thank you for the chats and encouragement.

  To all the members of the Shenanigans room - thank you for putting up with my silliness.

  To ALL the bloggers who have joined in promoting The Hellions Ride. I could fill a book listing you all. I love all that you do for all authors, thank you for taking your time to post, read, and review.

  Promoting For One Ride – a big thank you to my organizers for all swag, cover reveals, blitzes, blog tours, and fan page promoting.

  Dreams Come True Promotions

  Lip Smacking Good Books Promotions

  Reading Renee Reviews

  In Memory of

  You were my Dad’s best friend, close as a brother. Thank you for being the light hearted man you were. You’re missed by everyone who knew you. My first bike ride with someone other than my dad was with you, and one I’ll never forget. An angel now, watching over all the S.O.B.’s. Gone but never forgotten.

  Ride or Die, your Harley was part of who you were. Missing the laughs we all shared with you. We will carry you with us always.

  Table of Contents

  1. One Encounter

  2. One Day After

  3. One Ordinary Day

  4. One Regret

  5. One Opportunity

  6. One Mistake

  7. One Threat

  8. One Request

  9. One Ride Begins

  10. On Our Way

  11. So Close, Yet So Far

  12. Destination Unknown

  13. Tennessee (We went to Jared’s)

  14. Friends

  15. Where’s Waldo

  16. Something’s Changed

  17. Not Making Sense

  18. Miles Keep Passing By

  19. How It’s Gonna Be

  20. In My Face

  21. Know Your Place

  22. There’s No Place Like Home

  23. Taking It All In Stride

  24. Feeling Comfortable

  25. Never

  26. One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

  27. Let Loose a Little

  28. I Could Get Used to This

  29. Acceptance

  30. One Last Night Together

  31. Home Sweet Home

  32. It’s Been Awhile

  33. Not Enough

  34. I Don’t Date

  35. When It Comes Down to It

  36. Things Change for Us All

  37. We Gonna Do This

  38. One Ride for Life

  One Encounter

  ‘Shit! This one is going to be a mess to clean up,’ I think to myself.

  Pulling up to the clubhouse, I realize today’s barbeque is not just for the local Haywood’s Landing Hellions, but also, our affiliate charter and chapter clubs. Rather than the usual fifty or so bikers with their families, it’s more like two hundred of them here today. It’s a sight that most would be intimidated by. For me, it’s comfort. It’s the safety found in my family. Most of all, it’s my home.

  Once a year, sometimes twice, my dad invites all of the partnering motorcycle clubs out for a huge barbeque. The Hellion’s control all of Coastal North and South Carolina, as well as a few areas in the Piedmont and Appalachian areas of North Carolina. They provide protection, shelter, food, and fun for all affiliate clubs traveling through. The Hellions are respected and run Carolina Country. Some of the clubs we protect passing through our territories are into the more illegal side of motorcycle club life, while others are more of a band of brothers traveling together. O
ur club walks a fine line in what they do and do not participate in. As a female, I’m sure there is much more that goes on in the club then I will ever be made aware of. Having such a large area to cover, Dad makes sure to show his appreciation for the smaller charters and chapters whenever possible. Times like this are about family, relaxing, and business is off the table.

  Our thirty acre compound area is now littered with bikes, trikes, and cars. Burly bikers abound. Ol’ ladies and kids are squealing and smiling at every turn. The kids are enjoying the food, games, bounce houses, and pony rides. It’s like a mini freaking carnival. With all the ol’ ladies present, the bar flies and hang around whores are at a minimum. Some aren’t so bad, but most annoy the shit out of me. They all respect the ol’ ladies and wives. Good thing they know their place, my dad won’t tolerate any disrespect of a claimed woman in his club by anyone, but especially not a bar bitch just looking for a night with a Hellion.

  Getting out of my car, I smile. My girls are here today, standing on the other side of the lot, waving to me. Savannah Mae and Caroline are my two very best friends, my survival sisters in this crazy lifestyle. Savannah ‘Sass’ Perchton and I have been best friends from childhood.

  Her dad, ‘Danza’, is a Hellion original, along with my dad, Roundman, their friend, ‘Frisco’, and the late ‘Rocky’ Fowler. The four men created the MC as a way to ride together and stay safe thirty-two years ago when they were in their twenties. Rocky and his wife passed away in a car accident a few years back. Their only daughter, Dina, was in college at the time, with no other family. The Lawson family and the Hellions MC have made sure to be a support system for her as much as she will possibly allow. She’s the reason Sass and I went to college in Charlotte. Our dads felt it was a good way to keep an eye on us, Dina and Maggie Lawson, another Hellion princess all at the same time. Dina is a couple of years older than us. She’s settled in life. She has a great husband and two beautiful daughters. Maggie and Dina both took care of Sass and I while we were in college. Especially the first two years, we were young and had been sheltered so much by growing up in our small town run by the Hellions, college was a wild experience. Dina and Maggie are like older sisters for both of us.

  Freshman year, we decided to attempt dorm life. That’s where we met Caroline Milton. We lasted one semester in the dorm, before my dad put us in an apartment and we brought Caroline with us. She’s the complete opposite of Sass and me. Caroline majored in business, specifically accounting, where Sass and I took an easier path, not involving so much math, choosing arts and communications.

  I stifle a giggle as I realize this is Caroline’s first time at a large club event. Of course, she knows that Sass and I have biker Dads, but her schedule has never allowed her to be with us for a party. She’s clearly overdressed in her cocktail length, spaghetti strapped dress, and wedge heeled sandals. The dress isn’t overly formal, but its fitted and not the casual feel that these barbeques are meant for. Sass and I are both in jean shorts and tank tops. Denim and leather are safe bets for anything at the clubhouse. A sundress would’ve been a bit more suitable for her to wear. Although, I don’t think Caroline is one to ever dress casually, except when cleaning her house or something, and that’s a maybe. I doubt she even owns a pair of yoga pants.

  After college graduation, Caroline stayed in Charlotte. She works with Kenna, one of Dina and Maggie’s friends. Sass and I, on the other hand, came back to the coast to work for the Hellions storage business and motorcycle garage. I run the storage office, while Sass is like a girl Friday, answering phones, doing part runs and stuff for the bike shop. We share a condo on the beach. At twenty-five, neither of us wanted to live back at home, even though we both know we are never out of the reach of our parents or any of the Hellions. This has been our world for two and half years, living at the beach, while working beside our dads.

  Weaving my way through the hordes of bikes towards my friends, I feel at peace, even amongst the chaos. Gazing around me, I admire the many motorcycles in our courtyard, each decked out in chrome and leather. I hug my girls for our typical greeting, as I reach them.

  Together, we make our way inside the clubhouse. I nod and wave at my extended family. Taking in the many unfamiliar faces, I smile knowing I’m safe even with these “strangers” around. It’s an unspoken code. Women are protected and cherished in the Hellions. I’m no one’s target for trouble here, and not because this is our territory, but because I’m a lady of the Hellions for life, ride until I die.

  The affiliates seem to understand who I am, even without introduction. I’m not an ol’ lady. There is no cut on my back. I’m not claimed with a property patch. That doesn’t mean I’m available either. No, I’m not one to be found riding bitch on anyone’s bike. There is only one motorcycle I’m permitted to place my derriere on and those opportunities are few and far between.

  I’m not available to guys outside the club either, which suits me just fine. I was born into this life. My heart beats to the same steady tick of a Harley Davidson V-twin engine. I’m Delilah ‘Doll’ Reklinger. Princess to the Haywood’s Hellions MC. Daughter of ‘Roundman’, Hellion original, and Prez for the last thirty two years. I’m the kid sister that each of these badass bikers look out for. They will gladly kick your ass all because you simply looked at me. I’m a daughter to each and every ol’ lady to nurture, love, and treat like one of their own. This is my world, my home, and my happiness.

  Haywood’s Hellions annual barbeque is one of the best parties of the year. Due to business needs, last year we were unable to attend. Roundman scheduled the run so our absence was no sign of disrespect for our parent chapter.

  This year, we’re expected and happy to oblige. When Roundman, or any patched Hellion calls, we answer. All the charters are represented today, complete with families in tow. The turnout is outstanding for the small town of Haywood’s Landing, North Carolina. The compound is located in the boondocks, making functions like these a non-issue for the neighbors. Each charter may have their own Prez, but we all answer to the Haywood’s Hellions and Roundman.

  Taking it all in around us, my crew and I are relaxing, leaning up against the bar. Rex smacks my chest as he tips his beer bottle in the direction of three females. One of them clearly didn’t get the message, this is an MC event. She is dressed more for a day of shopping, or a night out at a club, than a barbeque at the clubhouse.

  “Those are definitely not hang around hoes.” Rex states.

  “That’s for damn sure. Walking with class and a whole lot of confidence. None of them are hanging on a man. No property patches. Ahhh shit, Rex, fresh pussy for you.” I reply laughing.

  Drexel ‘Rex’ Crews, he’s my cousin, Vice Prez of my Catawba Hellions chapter, and my lifelong best friend. We are the Piedmont chapter to the Haywood’s Hellions, located in Catawba, North Carolina, about an hour outside of Charlotte.

  Our Moms are sisters. They both had us out of wedlock and at a young age. We were taken in by our grandparents and raised more like brothers, and proudly carry our Grandpa’s last name. Only eighteen months apart in age, we are still, and have always been, inseparable. Rex’s mom tries, whereas my mom bailed early on. Our grandmother passed when we were eight or nine and our grandfather followed in our teens. Having no one to really care for us, we roamed the streets. My aunt Jolene, Rex’s mom, tried, but she worked so much to provide a house and food for us that there wasn’t enough time in the days for her to keep up. Drugs, alcohol, petty theft, and girls were our day to day. Until a chance meeting with Roundman and his boys at a gas station one day. He set us straight and set us up. We owe everything we have to him.

  Rex is a ladies man with little to no standards. His only real boundary is that of an ol’ lady. If you don’t want Rex to hit on your woman, then you damn sure better claim her. Hang around hoes, sisters, friends, exes, and complete strangers are all fair game in his mind; married or not. As long as it’s new pussy, he’s happy. There are no encore performances.
r />   ‘Hit it, get it, and go. No repeats,’ is the motto Rex lives by.

  “That dress is screaming to be plucked off. She needs to be devoured by D-Rex, my brother. She just doesn’t know it yet.” He says with a snicker as he steps away in the direction of his new conquest.

  The brunette in the dress may be what has caught Rex’s attention, but my eyes are glued to the long, straight blonde haired beauty next to the dress. Her face is round and flawless, her skin smooth like that of a glass doll. She’s in a black Harley Davidson tank top and short as sin jean shorts. Damn, this broad is stacked; nice rack, skinny with a plump ass, screaming to be smacked. I watch as she’s laughing, carefree with her friends, as Rex joins them.

  I begin to approach, when I see Roundman walk to her. She hugs him innocently and it dawns on me exactly who she is. That’s Roundman’s Doll. She is off limits. All lust filled thoughts I have are momentarily gone. She isn’t just any Hellions princess, she’s the Hellion princess. We had to keep an eye on her from afar when she lived in Charlotte.

  Rex waves me over after he finishes greeting Roundman with a hand shake, pull into a half hug, back slap that we men do. I follow suit after my approach.

  “Glad to see you and Rex could make it, Tripp.” Roundman greets.

  “No place we’d rather be.” I reply, while thinking, ‘well other than balls deep in your daughter’. That’s one place I certainly would rather be. Damn, I can’t be thinking like this. Roundman would cut my dick off if he knew.

  “Tripp, Rex, this is my daughter, Doll, and her friends, Sass and Caroline,” Roundman introduces.


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