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One Ride (The Hellions Ride)

Page 18

by Camaron, Chelsea

  We lay together for a while as I run my hands gently over her body, allowing us time to get our breathing back to normal. Once we both recover, I take Doll to my shower, where I make sure to not only clean her, but give her another orgasm. With her, I can’t seem to get enough.

  Waking up after a night with Doll, I realize there’s no way I can let her go. Nothing’s the same without her. I kiss her forehead. She’s stretching beside me. Looking up at me, I smile at the innocent face she’s making. Her eyes say she’s in complete bliss. This is a look I could wake up to every fuckin’ day for the rest of my life and never get tired of seeing.

  “Thank you Talon.” She says as her arm comes across my waist and her legs tangle back in mine.

  “For what?” I ask.

  “For our date last night.”

  I stiffen under her. “Doll, I don’t date.” I reply with all honesty. The disappointment crosses her face at my response.

  “Oh.” The smile she had now gone.

  “You wanna do this, we do this. I’m not gonna chase you. I’m not gonna wine and dine you. If this is what you want, we do it. You get me. I get you. I don’t share and you don’t either. The distance thing, we’ll figure it out. Your dad, babe, I don’t know, but we face that too. You gotta know though, I don’t date. You get me when I’m not on the road and can work it out. We gotta eat, I’ll take us to eat, but I’m me. I’m not gonna kiss your ass, buy you gifts, and worry about making a good impression. You get me and I get you for what we can work out.”

  Her expression is unreadable as she takes in my words. She’s climbing over me before she’s kissing me. My dick comes alive at her touch.

  Muttering between kisses, she replies. “We’ll figure it out.” And at that she grabs my shaft and slides onto me. She sets her own pace as she rides me. Her eyes never leave mine as she is moving up and down, rolling her hips on me.

  “I get you and you get me. That’s everything I need, Talon.” She whispers before biting her lip. Using my thumb I pull her lip out from her teeth.

  “We’ll figure it out.” I say before pulling her to me for a kiss.

  With that we’re both quiet as she rides me until we both reach our orgasms. We shower and dress. Doll packs to go back. She has to be at work the next day and needs to return to the coast. Saying goodbye sucks, but we’re going to find a way to make this work.

  When It Comes Down to It

  Getting back to the coast, I’m left empty. Tripp consumes me. I want him here or me there. For a moment, I thought I was reading too much into things. Tripp’s not one to romance me, I knew this, but hearing the words ‘I don’t date’, stung. He has me though, and I have him. I don’t know what the future holds, but I have him for now and that’s everything.

  Going to bed without him leaves me tossing and turning, missing the feel of him beside me. Waking up without him burns. I’ve never needed someone the way I need him. His presence calms me, commands me, and consumes me. Being apart from him, I feel empty.

  Moping about it won’t change anything, so I ready myself for the day after my restless night. I’m at the office trying to work. My dad walks in. His face is one of determination and conviction.

  “Doll, my office.” He orders walking past me. Fuck, this isn’t good.

  Following him in, I take the seat in front of his desk as he sits down.

  “You got something to tell me?” He asks or states, I’m not sure which. Obviously, he thinks I have something to tell him.

  “Dad, what are you talking about?”

  “You went to Catawba. You got something to tell me?”

  “Yes, I went to Catawba. I stayed with Tripp as you clearly seem to know.” I say avoiding eye contact.

  “You gonna tell me what the fuck that’s about?”

  “Ummm…” I don’t know where to begin. “I have feelings for him. We’re exploring things.”

  “Exploring things? What the fuck, Delilah?!” He roars. “Either he’s gonna man up and do right by you or not… and NOT is not a fuckin’ option. You don’t explore things with my fuckin’ daughter.”

  Shit, this is not coming out right. “Dad, he’s doin’ right by me. We’re takin’ things slow. He’s committed to me.”

  “So you’re an ol’ lady now and neither of you fuckin’ told me?” He slams his fist down on his desk.

  “No, no, no. I’m not Tripp’s ol’ lady. We’re trying to sort things out dad. Please, let me have this. He’s good to me.” Looking in his eyes, pleading for him to see how much I want this.

  “Damn it, Doll. This ain’t the life for you.” He states back in his normal tone.

  “This is all I know, Daddy. This is what I want. Anything less than a biker won’t do. Tripp’s a good man. He respects you. If you are against this, I’ll lose him.”

  “He said that to you?”

  “Not exactly, but I know him. Don’t make him choose his club or me. Not when we don’t know if we can work things out without the added club pressures. Look at Tank, tomorrow isn’t promised for anyone. Tripp makes me feel alive. He shows me in his eyes and the ways he treats me different that I’m everything. Don’t make me choose him or this club. You may not like the answer you get.”

  “Doll, you love him?”

  “Yes, Daddy, I do.” I say matching his gaze and refusing to back down. “I’ve never asked you for anything like this. I’ve done what’s been expected of me and asked of me. You wanted me back home after college, I came. You wanted me to go on that ride, I went. Let me have a chance at this.”

  “Doll, he hurts you, I’ll break him.”

  “Daddy, everyone knows this.” I smile at my dad as I make my way over to hug him and kiss him on the cheek. He never moves from his sitting position behind the desk.

  “Enough of that. Go on. I got shit to do.”

  I walk back out front. I’m pretty sure the ‘shit’ he’s got to do involves Tripp now.

  Roundman has called me to the coast. Doll and I start to make plans when I tell her I’m on my way there. She warns me, her dad knows and that’s what I’ve been called for. He’s gonna have my fuckin’ balls, but I can’t stay away from her, so he can have ‘em.

  Pulling in, I climb off my bike. I don’t make it to the door before Doll is in front of me. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me down to kiss her.

  “Hello, Darlin’,” I greet, unable to stop myself from smiling. Yes, this precious doll makes me smile.

  Before we can say more, Roundman is walking out. He nods to me and points to his office. I kiss Doll’s forehead before following him to his office. His gun is out on the desk. He earned his name from being a one round man. One bullet. One round. One shot. One kill.

  “You fuckin’ my daughter?” He looks at me and asks. He points for me to sit in the chair by his desk as he leans against it.

  “It’s not like that Roundman.”

  “Then enlighten me.” His head cocks to the side, the sneer evident on his face and tone. “What the fuck is it? She’s not your ol’ lady. She’s been to bed with you. Yet, you’re not taking care of her. So, tell me, what the fuck is it?”

  “It’s everything. She’s everything. You want me to give her my property patch, done. You want her to move to Catawba, I’ll take care of her. You want me to marry her, then take me to a courthouse, a church, or the god damn back yard. I’ll put a ring on her finger and give her a new last name. All that, I’ll do gladly. I’ll give her my fuckin’ world.”

  “You spouting off at me boy. You’re fuckin’ my daughter, and trying to feed me bullshit about what you’ll do. You gonna do all that shit for her or for me? You say you’ll give her your fuckin’ world…what if I don’t want that world for her? You gonna give up your patch for her. You gonna give her the world I want her to have.”

  Standing up out of my chair, he follows suit. Eye to eye. “Fuck the world YOU want her to have. Doll’s a Hellion by your choices, not mine. This is the world she knows, accepts, and lives for
. Get a few things straight, I won’t do any of that shit for you. I do it all for her. If she wants a property patch, hands down she has it. If she wants a wedding, I’ll give her the white dress and the goddamn suit. You want me to choose between her and my club…I choose her because she’ll choose to support my club and be with me in it.”

  Waiting for him to reach for his gun or at least punch me, I’m on edge. Never breaking eye contact, I watch as a grin slowly moves across his face.

  “Got balls, Tripp. Always been a tough guy. You’ve met your match in Doll.”

  “We good, Roundman?”

  “As good as we’re gonna get since you’re fuckin’ my daughter.” He hands me a small box. I open it to see the bullet. “One round, Tripp, that one’s got your name on it. You fuck her over, you take that bullet. We clear? She’s had enough loss in her life. You do this, you don’t get to leave her. She lost her momma way to fuckin’ young, she doesn’t lose you too.”

  “We’re clear.”

  “Go out there and take care of my daughter. Sort your shit.”

  He takes the box back and moves it to his safe. There’s no doubt in my mind that bullet will be waiting for me, if or when I fuck this up.

  Things Change For Us All

  Tripp comes out of my dad’s office. That’s a good sign in itself. He leaves to go visit Tank with the promise to be back when I get off work for the night. How am I supposed to get any work done now with Tripp in town? I want to be with him, not sitting in this office. I’m drawn out of my musings when my dad’s office door opens.

  “Until you and Tripp sort your shit, you got work to do Doll. So do it.”

  And with that he leaves. Left to my own thoughts, I get no work done. Sort our shit, what does that mean? What are Tripp and I going to do? While I was away at college, my dad had an ol’ lady of one of the guys that did the regular bookwork, answering the phones and such. Maybe he’ll do that again so I can go to Catawba. Does Tripp want me to move there? It would be nice to be closer to him.

  Caroline would let me stay with her. I could live with her and get a job. Maybe Ryder needs a girl Friday for his garage or Dina could use a secretary for her company. I have opportunities there and don’t need to depend on Tripp. Forming a plan in my mind, I’m lost in thought when the front door opens. Sass is walking in, looking tired and depressed.

  “Hey.” I greet standing up to hug her. “Did you come to look at new places together?” I ask nervously because I’m no longer sure I plan on staying here.

  “No, I came to talk to you about that.” She says settling in the chair in front of my desk.

  “Okay, what’s up?”

  “You know I’ve been seeing Nick since we got home.” Yes, I knew this. I tried to ignore it, but she was out with him all the damn time, except her early morning visits to Tank.

  “Yes, I know who you’ve been seeing.” Looking at her, the confliction is written all over her face.

  “He wants me to move in with him.”

  “Are you going to? How does he feel about you being in love with another man?”

  “Don’t be bitchy, Doll. He understands my feelings for Tank. He’s not once tried to stop me from going to be by my friend’s bedside. He gives me the calm I need. I can’t get wrapped up in all the Hellions stuff.”

  “Is this really what you want?”

  “This is my chance at normal. I want to know what normal feels like.” She’s pleading with me to let her go.

  “Sass, I’m always here for you. If this is what you want, then go for it.”

  Tears streaming down her face, she comes over and hugs me. After a few minutes she straightens back up. She never smiles, though. How can this be what she wants if it doesn’t make her happy?

  “If you’re gonna move in with Nick, then I think I’m going to take a chance of my own.”

  “I see that look in your eyes, Doll. What are you up to?” She’s my best friend, and of course, she knows my recent trip to visit Tripp.

  “I’m going to see if I can get a job with Ryder or Dina and stay with Caroline until I can set up myself. If Tripp and I are really gonna do this, I don’t want to be five hours apart.”

  She squeals in delight for me and hugs me again.

  “You two are made for each other, Doll.”

  “He’s everything, Sass. I can’t describe it other than to say that. He makes me feel like I’m the only woman in the world. And when he kisses me, it’s like time stands still. I know it sounds like all that cheesy romance bullshit, but he brings that out in me.” I’m unable to keep the smile off my face.

  “You know he doesn’t normally kiss his women, right?”

  “What are you talking about? He kisses me all the damn time.”

  “Not you. The women he fucks, he doesn’t kiss them. Rex told me once after we saw you two kiss. Tripp doesn’t kiss unless it’s someone he cares about. Maybe it’s the intimacy, I don’t know. To Rex, it was a big deal every single time Tripp kissed you.”

  “Hmmm…” I say trying not to think of him with Carmine and saying he won’t kiss her. He’s mine now and all that’s in the past. We both agreed to try and I’m going to give this my all with no baggage.

  “I’m happy for you Doll.” Sass smiles over at me.

  We chat for a little while longer making plans. Once she leaves, I start getting my ducks in a row to give things a real chance between Tripp and me. I call ‘Vida’, she’s Ruby’s wife. They have three kids, and he works in the Hellions garage. She agrees to come take my position in the storage office. Talking it over with my dad, he agrees to let her replace me if I want to move to Catawba. My ducks getting in a row, I’ve got to talk to Tripp and see if this is what he wants.

  The smell of the hospital makes my stomach churn. It’s clean, like the smell of disinfectant, not one of clean, crisp, fresh air. Entering the building I feel suffocated. The walls feel like they’re closing in as I look around the room.

  Tank’s lying in the bed, tubes everywhere. His head wrapped, his face swollen, and all life seems drained from him. The steady hiss of the ventilator reminds me that my brother can’t breathe for himself. The constant beeping of the machines keeping the rhythm of his heartbeat isn’t soothing. Every sound is a distinct reminder that every second that goes by is another moment missed. Tank is fighting to either wake up or succumb to the dark angel of death.

  Sitting beside the bed, I stare for the longest time. The nurse comes in and says to talk to him. She claims he can hear us. According to the nurse, the only time they see any change in him and it’s subtle, but it’s something, is when his one lady friend visits each morning. There is a slight change in his vitals, but nothing bringing him out of this state. No doubt in my mind that special visitor is Sass. The nurse leaves and I’m still staring. Memories invade of the good times I’ve shared with Tank. He’s made a lot of runs with me for the Hellions.

  “Tank, damn it, wake up.” I begin speaking before I can stop myself. “Sass is missing you man. Don’t make her stress. Hell, I’m missing you. Wake up and shake this off.” Nothing. No movement, no change.

  I continue to sit there and blankly stare at my friend. Thoughts invade of the brothers lost in the Delatorre fallout. We can’t lose Tank too. Thinking of Sass sitting here day in and out trying to bring him back to her, my chest hurts. Time is short, tomorrow isn’t promised as Doll tells me constantly.

  Making the call to Lucy isn’t easy, but doing it with Tank here, in his situation keeps it in perspective. Deciding to forgive my mother isn’t an easy task. The conversation isn’t long. It’s straight forward. It’s an agreement that she goes to rehab to get sober, and I will to get to know her when she’s cleaned up. I want to know my mom for who she is, not the person she’s become because of the alcohol.

  Finishing the call, I sit back. Is Doll willing to leave Haywood’s Landing for me? Is what we’re building strong enough for her to leave what she knows behind? The more I ponder, the more I look over at T
ank unmoving in the bed. Watching him lifeless like this, and being helpless to do anything is killing me.

  “You’re stronger than this. You’re a mother fuckin’ Hellion. Wake your ass up and let’s ride.” I say over him, hoping for something. He’s got to pull out of this.

  Leaving the hospital, I’m lost for my brother, but I’m completely sure of what I want in life.

  We Gonna Do This

  Tripp spent the night with me. Waking up with him feels right. In a wild moment of passion last night I almost slipped and told him I love him. It was on the tip of my tongue. As much as I may feel for this man, I don’t know if he’s there with me yet. Tripp is obviously giving me more than he’s given any other woman, but that doesn’t mean he’s in love with me.

  Insecurities build inside of me. What the hell am I doing? Walking away from everything I know and rely on for a relationship that’s one sided. At least I will have Caroline there for me. Moving from the bed, Tripp stirs beside me.

  “Go back to sleep, babe. I have to get ready for work.” I say, trying to settle him back into his slumber. Without a word, his arms snake around my waist, pulling me naked over to him. Leaning over I kiss him gently. “I have to go to work, Tripp. This will make me late, you’re not quick.”

  “You want it quick, darlin’, I’ll give it to you quick.” He says with a smile full of unspoken orgasms.

  Maneuvering out of his hold, I jump up. “Meet me in the shower and let’s see if you can make it quick.”

  After our shower together, I make my way to my office. I’m still feeling insecure. Things are going on around me, everything is changing rapidly. Sass is moving her stuff to Nick’s today. Danza met him. Given the situation with Tank, he’d rather Sass be with Nick than in this lifestyle.


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