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The Heat of Summer

Page 2

by Melissa Tereze

  She opened the lid of her MacBook, logged into her social media accounts, and checked in on life back in the UK. Her friends. Acquaintances. None of them could be considered close friends, Jade being her only trusted one, but Summer liked to know what was going on in other people’s lives. As she scrolled through her timeline, a familiar face popped up. Bryony. Her ex-girlfriend. They’d split on good terms some nine months ago, both wanting different things in life, but Summer enjoyed seeing her flourish in her new relationship. It wasn’t that they’d never been happy, they were, but Bryony saw children in her not-too-distant future, and Summer wanted to explore. They had promised to remain friends, as it seemed unnecessary to cut all contact, but Bryony’s new girlfriend didn’t take kindly to Summer contacting her. Gemma had made her dislike for Summer no secret, so Summer did what she thought was right. She wished her ex well and lessened their contact. It wasn’t ideal, Summer hadn’t even had the chance to fall out of love with Bryony and into a friendship with her, but she wouldn’t rock the boat. Bryony had made it clear that they couldn’t be any longer, and Summer, as much as it saddened her, agreed.

  The sound of heels on the walkway outside echoed off the whitewash walls, causing Summer to look up.

  “H-Hi.” she stuttered, enamoured by the vision now standing in front of her. Prue. Summer couldn’t allow this infatuation to go on any longer. It was completely unrealistic. “I, uh…thanks for the wine earlier.”

  “More than welcome.” Prue leaned back against the wall, eyeing Summer. “So, your friend checked out a while ago.”

  Summer was about to ask how Prue knew such information, and then it dawned on her. She probably knows everything. “Yeah. She was only here for two weeks.”

  “But you’re here longer?” A dark, perfectly defined eyebrow rose. “Alone?”

  “I’m here until I’m not.” Summer shrugged, closing the lid of her MacBook. “Is there something you needed?” She relaxed back in her seat, dropping her feet to the floor. “I just… I had stuff to do.”

  As much as she wanted to sit here all night talking to Prue, Summer was struggling to get a read on her. It was one thing to be sent a drink, but to have the owner of the hotel now conversing with her outside her door, it was odd. So, Summer did what she did best…pretended not to care.

  “Tomorrow night.” Prue cleared her throat, her eyes trailing Summer’s tanned legs. “I have a drinks event at my villa. I was planning to invite you and your friend, but since she’s gone…it’ll just be you.”

  “Oh, that’s really very kind but I don’t think I can make it…” Summer felt small under Prue’s gaze. “But thank you for the invite.”

  “Well, if anything changes, you can find me here…” Prue stepped forward, placing a business card on the table. “It would be great if you could make it.”

  Summer turned the card over, finding Prue’s private address on the back. “W-Why?” The question spilled from Summer’s mouth.

  “I’ve seen you around here a lot lately.” A slight shrug of the shoulders from Prue, she pulled out a seat and sat down, crossing her impossibly long legs. “And I noticed you’re booked in for another two weeks.”

  “I am, yes.”

  “Not many people spend two weeks alone here, Summer.” Prue’s lip twitched, a smile beginning to form. “Are you running away from something?”

  “Um, nope.” Again, she was going to ask how this woman knew her name…but she didn’t bother. Prue had clearly looked up her information. “Not running from anything.”

  “Mm.” Prue ran her hands down her thighs, her short black dress leaving very little to the imagination. “Something tells me that’s not true.”

  Summer’s eyes slid lower, her heart rate spiking as they caught sight of incredible thighs. “No, I’m really not.” Her head shot up. “Why do you believe I am?”

  “A pretty woman here…alone?”

  “Perhaps I want to be alone.” Summer smiled, holding back the blush she felt creeping up her neck. “And while I appreciate you coming here and doing whatever this is you’re doing… I don’t need it.”

  “Okay.” Prue stood, her shoulders pulled back once again. “That’s some thanks.”

  “What exactly am I thanking you for?” Summer furrowed her brow.

  “You should know that I don’t make it a habit to check in on the people here.” Prue leaned down, placing her palms flat on the table. “If you change your mind, show up.”

  Summer’s heart slammed against her ribcage, Prue’s intoxicating scent sending her wild with want. She had no idea who this woman was, and while she didn’t get a particularly good vibe from her, the pull was too hard to deny. There was a reason she’d spent two weeks watching Prue on her balcony, and the wave of arousal she currently felt had a lot to do with it.


  “Have a beautiful night, Summer.” Prue took her bottom lip between her teeth, smirking. “It was lovely to finally meet you.”

  “Y-You too.” Summer sunk down into her seat, Prue’s breath washing over her face. “Thanks. F-For the wine.”

  “Any time.”

  “No, she just showed up while I was sitting outside.” Summer rubbed her forehead, relaying last night to her best friend. “I mean, I knew she was gorgeous, but up close, Jade…up close, she’s a fucking masterpiece.”

  “So, this drinks thingy tonight?” Jade asked. “You’re going, right?”

  “No, I can’t.” Summer sighed. Of course, she wanted to go. That didn’t mean she should, though. “I have stuff to do.”

  “Like what?”

  “Um…just stuff.”

  “Just go, Summer. It could be good. Amazing. She could sweep you off your feet.”

  “She’s married, Jade,” Summer said. “You’ve seen the man she’s always with. The kids, too.”

  “That doesn’t mean a thing.”

  “Kinda does,” Summer deadpanned.

  “You don’t know it’s her husband. Or if they’re her kids. They could be anything to her.”

  “So, you’re telling me a woman like her isn’t married…and is gay?”

  Summer wanted to believe that her best friend was right, but in Summer’s world, life was never that simple. And even if it was, Prue couldn’t possibly be attracted to her. What the hell did Summer Hastings have to offer a successful businesswoman? Nothing. Precisely nothing.

  “I’m telling you that you won’t know unless you show up at that villa tonight and delve a little deeper.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever delved into anything.”

  “You need to give yourself more credit, Summer.” Jade groaned. “Prue showed up there last night for a reason. She invited you to her private villa for a reason. You really would be a fool to dismiss that invitation. I mean, what? You’re just going to sit in your room all night twiddling your thumbs?”

  “Probably, yeah.”

  “Then you do that.”

  Summer heard the irritation in Jade’s voice, but this wasn’t what she usually did. She didn’t get hung up on a woman. A woman who was clearly older than her. She didn’t slope off to someone’s villa having barely held a conversation with them. She knew Prue had been flirting in some way last night, but it wasn’t enough. Summer needed more than a bite of the lip and darkening eyes. She needed to know a person. Have dinner with them. Prue didn’t appear to be the kind of woman who went on dinner dates, and Summer was beginning to think that’s why she had been invited to her home. She probably just wants a little fun. As much as Summer wished she could be that kind of woman, she wasn’t. Sleeping around had never been her forte…it wasn’t about to become a part of her life now.

  Jade sighed. “I have to go. My mum just arrived.”

  “Okay, yeah.” Summer began the steep walk up the hill to the hotel complex. “I’ll talk to you in a few days.”

  “Bye, Summer.”

  “See ya!” She slid her phone into the front pocket of her messenger bag, her Nikon firmly
in her grip. Would it be the worst idea in the world to go to Prue’s villa tonight? Nothing had to come of it. After all, it was just drinks.

  As she lengthened her stride, her calves burning, Summer decided that she would mull it over during the rest of the afternoon. A late lunch was on the cards today. Whatever worries she had in her mind, she would deal with them then.

  Prue tapped her fingernails against the back of her phone, checking the time for the third time in seconds. Last night, she invited Summer to join her at the villa. Although she didn’t expect her to show, Prue had thought about Summer since the moment she left the hotel last night. What had led her to invite the younger woman, she didn’t know, but she couldn’t think about that tonight. If Summer did appear, her gorgeous form standing before Prue, her mind would go into overdrive. It was inevitable around a beautiful woman.

  Lights illuminated the road outside Prue’s villa. She released a frustrated breath when those lights faded, no sign of any taxi stopping close by. I should have asked for her number. Prue chastised herself for not thinking on her feet. This was the first time she had invited a woman to her home without thinking about sex as the result of that invitation. She didn’t want to woo Summer into bed. She wanted to know her. Again, there were no explanations. No reasons. Prue had set her sights on Summer, the rest irrelevant. It was clear Summer was younger, which didn’t concern Prue, but she did wonder how Summer felt being approached by an older woman. She’d thought about checking her date of birth back at the hotel, refraining from doing so in case it left her disappointed.

  “Prue. Great party.”

  “Thanks.” Prue’s guest passed her by, smiling.

  No sooner had he appeared, he was gone again, leaving Prue to wonder whether she should call the hotel and have one of her staff check if Summer had left at all. Resigning herself to the fact that Summer wouldn’t show, she pushed off the stone pillar on her terrace and sighed, heading back to her guests. She would check out here again in a few minutes…praying for a miracle.

  The taxi rumbled to a stop outside a huge iron gate. The noise coming from inside the villa didn’t appear to be anything too overbearing, but the sound of water caught Summer’s attention. Splashing, laughter…what kind of event was this? As she climbed from the car, she looked down her body. If this was some kind of pool party, she wasn’t dressed for the occasion. If this was a pool party, she never would have come here.

  As Summer approached the gate, it automatically opened. Slipping past once the gap was wide enough, she pulled her messenger bag up onto her shoulder and approached the huge whitewash villa. The size of it was impressive, but what caught her eye was the tall, dark-haired woman standing on the terrace. Summer cleared her throat and quickened her pace.

  “You made it.” Prue’s voice was low and sultry, sending a shiver through Summer’s entire being.

  “Yes, I thought it would be rude if I didn’t show up.”

  “Not at all.” Prue smiled. “If you don’t enjoy being in my company, that is your own choice.”

  “No, it’s not that.” Summer shook her head, her eyes lowering. “But I did want to apologise for the way I spoke to you last night.”

  “Don’t ever apologise, Summer.” Prue held out her hand, motioning for Summer to take the few steps separating them. “I arrived unannounced and asked questions I shouldn’t have asked. So, I’m sorry.”

  “This place is massive.” Summer’s eyes widened as they landed on the sunset in the distance. “Wow.”

  “I invited you here because I knew you would appreciate that.” Prue cocked her head, aware of the change in mood between them. As much as she wanted to know Summer Hastings better, asking her over on a date would have gone down like a lead balloon. She realised that the moment she sent the wine at the restaurant. “The camera that’s often in your hand hasn’t gone unnoticed by me.”

  “Oh, right.” Summer felt a wave of disappointment surge through her. “I’m here for the sunset.”


  “Yeah, it is.” Summer stepped past Prue, focusing on the colours forming in the sky. “You must really have a beautiful view here during the daytime, too.”

  “The best in Tías.” Prue nodded. “My drinks event is finishing at nine…but you’re welcome to stay a while longer.”

  “Oh.” Summer frowned. “I thought it would have just been getting started around now.” She glanced at her watch, the time displaying eight-thirty in the evening. “I should probably just leave when everyone else does.”

  “As you wish.” Prue leaned in closer. “At least stay and have a drink with me?”

  Summer wanted to say no, but as she turned her head… Prue and her gorgeous full red lips pulled her in deeper. “Just one.”

  “May I bring something out to you?”


  Summer watched the back of Prue as she disappeared inside her villa. People milled about around the pool, many of them in bikinis, but she strangely didn’t feel uncomfortable here. Everyone appeared to be relaxed and enjoying the Spanish vibe, and Summer felt herself also falling into the comfort of this place. As she eyed each of the guests here tonight, there appeared to be no sign of the man from the hotel, or the kids Prue often had with her. Maybe Jade was right, Summer thought. Maybe this woman is available. Summer prevented herself from laughing and took a seat facing out to the sunset. She had her camera with her that didn’t often leave her care, but she also had something else with her. A picture for Prue. One she had taken this morning from her apartment terrace. Summer didn’t know how the other woman would react to her doing such a thing, but she’d felt compelled to capture the moment…the finished piece now sitting in her bag in black and white. Unfortunately, it came from digital rather than Summer’s usual choice of film. She hadn’t yet set herself up how she’d like to.

  “Here.” Prue placed a gentle hand on Summer’s shoulder, aware that the younger woman was lost in her own mind. “Try this.”

  Summer turned, thanking Prue as she took the cocktail in her hand. “What is it?”

  “Try it first…”

  Summer narrowed her eyes and sipped slowly. “Phew.” Her eyes widened. “That’s a strong one.”

  “One of my favourites.” Prue winked. “Do you like it?”

  “Mm.” Summer nodded as she took another sip. “It’s really good.”

  “The leg spreader.”

  Summer almost choked on the liquid swirling around her mouth.

  “You think this one is good?” Prue teased. “You should try sex on my face.”

  Summer coughed. “Excuse me?”

  “The drink…sex on my face.”

  Mm, I don’t know about the drink…but I’m certainly willing to try the real thing. Summer shocked herself from her thoughts with that thought alone. She wasn’t a drinker, she’d established that long ago, but even if she had been…the strength of this one would be enough to knock a sailor off his feet.

  Prue sat beside Summer, her own cocktail in her hand. “I think you’ll like that one.”

  “Yeah, I think I would.” Summer’s eyes closed and her jaw clenched as the words left her mouth. She was treading on very thin ice this evening, there was no doubt about that. “I mean…”

  “Summer, I’m teasing you.” Prue’s hand settled over Summer’s. “Just relax.”

  “Trying to.” She breathed out, steadying her nerves. “Trying really hard.”

  “Can I get you something to eat?”

  “Oh, no thank you.” Summer offered a sincere smile. “I had dinner before I left the hotel.”

  “The food is good enough for you?” Prue turned side on, her head resting in the palm of her hand. Summer had a stunning face, one that she could watch all night long. When she blushed, it was adorable, but when she felt that connection, the one Prue felt…her blue eyes darkened.

  “The food is great.”

  “New chef,” Prue said. “I’m still on the fence about him.”

bsp; “Well, don’t be. I haven’t had a bad meal since I got here.” Summer sipped her cocktail, enjoying the relaxation she felt in Prue’s company. Her first impression of the businesswoman was slowly slipping away, new…more positive ones forming.

  “I will keep your opinion in mind.”

  “I’m sure you won’t.” Summer smiled half-heartedly. “I’m just a guest.”

  “And I value your opinion.”

  “Do you invite all of your guests to your private villa?” Summer’s eyebrow rose at her own bravery.

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Why me?” Summer asked. “Of all the people in that hotel, you invited me here tonight.”

  “I told you. The sunset.” Prue wanted to be honest. She wanted to explain to Summer how she’d watched her day in, day out. Her problem was…she couldn’t be sure Summer wouldn’t run. Prue may be a highly successful businesswoman, but she easily had twenty years on Summer.

  “Yeah, the sunset.”

  “Why did you come here?” Prue chewed on her bottom lip, unsure as to what she wanted to hear from her guest. “You had no intentions of coming by last night when I invited you, so why did you decide to come?”

  “To apologise.”

  “You could have done that this morning at breakfast,” Prue said. “Or when you were photographing me on the balcony.”

  “Y-You knew?” Summer’s eyes widened. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep.”

  “You didn’t.” Prue shook her head. “But that still doesn’t explain why you’re here.”

  “Honestly?” Summer sighed, placing her drink down on a nearby table and running her palms down her thighs. “You want to know why I’m here?”

  “I do.”

  “Because you’re gorgeous.” Summer laughed. “That’s the entire reason I’m here. You invited me…and I didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to spend some time with you.”


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