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The Heat of Summer

Page 6

by Melissa Tereze

  Ten years on, Prue still felt the guilt of her actions. She had never been unfaithful, had never hurt Sarah in any way, but her business and her career took over…ultimately ending a long-term relationship that she truly thought was going somewhere. She’d had plans. Plans of marriage and children. But she lost it all, Sarah now somebody’s else’s wife…with twin boys to complete their family.

  She heard a commotion close to the Jacuzzi. As Prue sat up, she smiled, watching Summer drunkenly make her way to her suite. Even in the mess Summer was currently in, she was still breathtaking. She stumbled, caught by another woman’s arms, and Prue sighed, not wanting to spend another moment watching whatever was about to unfold. They appeared to be very close to one another, the brunette’s hand settled on Summer’s ass. Prue inwardly cursed herself. Will I always fuck it up with women?

  She had so much to give, but nobody seemed to want it. It had been a ridiculous thought to ever entertain the idea of Summer being remotely interested, but Prue honestly believed they’d had a connection. She saw how Summer looked at her, the younger woman had even openly stated her attraction, so where had it all gone wrong? Again, you could be her mother!

  The sound of footsteps rushing across the lower level of the complex caused Prue’s forehead to crease. The same woman who had gone to Summer’s suite with her was now dashing away. Prue watched Summer’s door for a second, it remained open. She leapt from her sun lounger, the throw around her shoulders falling to the floor. As she took the stairs to the side of her balcony, Prue came face to face with the guest staying in room 106.

  “Oh.” Katy stopped abruptly, almost knocking Prue to the floor. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “You left Summer’s room quickly.” Prue blocked Katy’s path.

  “Yeah, she’s absolutely hammered.” Katy laughed. “I’m not looking after her.”

  “Anything could happen to her. I saw how drunk she was.” Prue admonished the younger woman. “Some friend you are…”

  “Wait!” Katy’s eyes widened. “You’re her, aren’t you?”

  “I’m who?”

  “The woman she banged on about all fucking night.” Katy rolled her eyes, folding her arms across her chest.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Now is your chance.” Katy winked. “She’d be more than willing tonight…”

  Prue frowned, positive that this woman couldn’t possibly be insinuating what she thought she was.

  “All we’ve heard all night is how you’re always around. Watching her. Just…showing up like some creep.”

  Prue’s stomach churned. That stung.

  “I suggest you go to your room and sleep.” Prue’s shoulders begged to slump, but she wouldn’t allow it. She wouldn’t give this woman the satisfaction of seeing her crumble. “This is my hotel and I won’t tolerate appalling behaviour from children.”

  “Children.” Katy nodded. “You should remember that the next time you invite Summer to your home for a candlelit dinner.”

  “Goodnight.” Prue turned on her heel, disappearing into the stairwell. Placing her head in her hands, she held back the tears forming in her eyes. She never expected to hear those things tonight. Had she really become such a problem to Summer that she was talking to strangers about it? Prue knew she should head back to her room and leave well enough alone, but she couldn’t. She needed to know that Summer was okay, that she was safe, or Prue wouldn’t come by any sleep tonight. Crossing the pool area, she approached Summer’s suite door.

  “Hello?” She knocked gently. “Summer?”


  Prue slipped through the open door, finding Summer face down on the bed, the smell of vomit evident in the humid room. Immediately approaching the air conditioning unit on the wall, she powered it up. Summer needed a change of clothes and fresh bedding, but Prue could only provide her with one of those things right now. Prue opened the drawers to the left side of the room, taking a pair of shorts and a tank top from the neatly folded piles. Tugging Summer towards the edge of the bed, she rolled her over on her back and propped her head up with multiple pillows.

  Summer mumbled, her words incoherent.

  “Summer, I need you to help me out here…”

  “Prue?” Summer smiled at the sound of such a beautiful voice. Before she could ask why Prue was here, she spoke again.

  “Please, sit up.” Prue sighed. “You’re covered in vomit.”

  “Is that just an excuse to undress me?” Summer struggled to an upright position, teasing Prue. She was all Summer had thought about tonight. “Mm?”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Fine.” Summer shrugged. “So?”

  “So, nothing.” Prue handed clothes to Summer. “I’ll just leave.” She backed up, holding up her hands. “I just came to check you were okay. No ulterior motive.”

  “What are you talking about?” Summer slurred, frowning.

  “I didn’t come here to take advantage of you.” Prue’s words were a shock to the system for her. She couldn’t believe she was here defending her actions. Her kindness. “Did you need anything before I leave? Maybe some water and medication?”

  “You could stay a while.” Summer’s eyebrow rose as she shifted on the bed. “Keep me company.”

  “We both know I’m the last person you want here…”

  “No.” Summer shook her head, grimacing as a wave of sickness approached. “That’s not true.”

  “I heard all about the things you said to your friends.” Prue tilted her head. “I am sorry you feel that way.”

  “W-What way?”

  “You know, it doesn’t matter. Not anymore.”

  Summer stumbled to her feet. “It matters to me.”

  “You told them I was a creep, Summer.” Prue held back the urge to cry. “I mean, I’ve already apologised for coming on too strong—it’s a downfall of mine—but I’m checking out tomorrow so you no longer have to worry about me and my behaviour.” Prue’s back connected with the door. “I’ll be here for strictly business. I cannot do any more than that.”

  “I-I didn’t.”

  “I’m glad you’re safe. I had to be sure. She left you alone…”

  “She only wanted sex.” Summer sighed. “But I never said anything like that to anyone.”

  “Get some sleep,” Prue said. “There is nothing worse than a hangover in this heat.”


  “Goodbye, Summer.”


  The sound of children running around outside woke Summer from a deep sleep. The air in the room cool, she glanced to her right to find the bed—thankfully—empty. She couldn’t recall getting home last night, her only memory being Katy getting handsy with her at a club on the strip, but she wasn’t here so that could only be a good sign. Prue had been right when Summer bumped into her at the bar last night. Room 106 did have different ideas. Summer’s problem was that she often tried to see the good in everyone. So, while Katy was planning to get into Summer’s pants last night, she was just thankful for the offer of a night out. This is why I don’t go out looking anymore.

  Summer climbed from the bed, drying vomit on the top sheet confusing her. I didn’t drink THAT much. She had suddenly felt inebriated after leaving the Mexican restaurant with the group, but she put that down to the one cocktail she’d consumed during dinner. If she had to hazard a guess, Summer would say she’d enjoyed four drinks all night, including the one at the hotel bar.

  Wanting to know a little more, Summer went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, splashing her face with water. A shower would be enjoyed once she’d caught up with Katy and the rest of the group.

  She slipped her feet into her flip-flops, grabbing her key card as she moved out onto the terrace. Covering her eyes from the bright sun, Summer focused on the pool area, finding Katy sunbathing alone.

  Summer took the steps, rounding the edge of the pool. “Hey!”

  “Oh, hi.” Katy frowned. “What’s up?”

  “What the hell did I drink last night?”

  “Few cocktails.” Katy shrugged, seemingly uninterested in Summer’s company.

  “So, why did I wake up covered in my own vomit?”

  “Maybe because you’re a lightweight.”

  “Maybe.” Summer sighed. “Doesn’t seem possible that I’d be in that mess, though.”

  “Look, we all have a blow out now and then.” Katy sat up, crossing her legs. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “Well, whatever happened… I don’t remember a thing.”

  “I can’t say anything interesting happened.” Katy returned to her prone position on the lounger, smiling. “I did bump into that woman when we got back, though.”

  “What woman?”

  “The one you told us about,” Katy said. “You seemed uncomfortable and confused with her behaviour, so I asked her to back off.”

  “Uncomfortable?” Summer laughed. “Around Prue?”

  Katy tapped her nose. “That’s the one. I think she was on her way to your suite when I left you…”

  Oh, shit! Summer felt her heart sink into her stomach. She remembered. Not a lot, but enough to know that Prue did come to her room last night. “W-What did you say to her?”

  “Just what she needed to hear.” Katy cleared her throat. “You two would never work.” She lowered her voice. “Regardless of how much you told us you would ask her out on a date last night.”

  Tears pricked Summer’s eyes.

  “Oh, come on.” Katy laughed. “I did you a favour. Trust me.”

  Trust her? I don’t even know her. Summer backed away. “I have to go.”

  “Hey! Wait!” Katy climbed from her lounger, following Summer around the pool. “Let me take you out tonight.”

  “Did you not take the hint last night?”

  “Clearly not.” Katy smirked. “I fly home in three days. Let me take you out tonight and then we can meet up back in the UK. When do you leave?”

  “I don’t.” Summer shrugged. “I appreciate the offer, but this is my home now.”

  “Damn.” Katy chewed her bottom lip. “That doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun…”

  “That’s exactly what it means.” Summer turned on her heel, praying she wouldn’t bump into Katy before she left the hotel. She turned back briefly, saddened that Prue had been hurt unnecessarily. “Thanks for ruining Spain for me, though.” It may have sounded dramatic to Katy, but Summer meant it. If her comments to Prue had ruined everything for Summer, being in Spain was pointless.

  Slowly approaching Prue’s villa, Summer toyed with the edge of the envelope in her hand. She was supposed to come here tomorrow to discuss a lease with Prue, but she couldn’t wait until then. Katy had put a fear inside of her, one that she hadn’t managed to shake all day. Parts of last night had come back to her, the image of Prue standing by her door, her eyes holding a world of hurt. Summer just couldn’t recall why. They can't have exchanged words—everything appeared to be fine when they arranged Monday’s plan at the bar—so why did Summer have a bad feeling about coming here? Why had she gone to Prue’s hotel room before dinner to find it cleared out and being prepared for new guests?

  As the gravel crunched beneath her feet, Summer found herself outside Prue’s villa, the gate slightly ajar. The buzzer to the left seemed appealing, and obviously the right way to enter, but Summer didn’t want Prue to dismiss her before they’d had the chance to speak. Her plan for this evening? Apologise for whatever Katy had said, agree on a lease, then ask Prue to dinner. An official date, without pretence. No mixed signals…just a date.

  Straightening out the envelope in her hand, Summer entered the grounds of the villa. The sun had set, the solar lights illuminating the path leading to the pool, but a chill in the air caused Summer to shiver. As she took the stone steps to the terrace, the entire back of the villa made of glass, she saw Prue in the kitchen. Smiling, Summer was about to make herself known when another woman, much closer to Prue’s age, appeared next to her. Summer’s shoulders slumped, the redhead’s lips capturing Prue’s. God, I wish that was me. Summer swallowed hard, forcing the lump of emotion back down her throat.

  “I have to go.” An Australian voice sent Summer’s eyebrows upward. “Call me, okay?”

  Summer didn’t know where to turn, dropping the envelope in her hands as her anxiety skyrocketed. As she bent down to pick it up, her eyes found bare, tanned legs standing in front of her.

  “Hi. Sorry. The gate was open.”

  Prue stood before Summer in a silk, royal blue kimono that barely reached her thighs. Prue remained silent, footsteps approaching behind her.

  “I’ll see you tomorr—oh!” Brown eyes found Summer’s, the Australian clearly confused. “W-Who is this?” She turned her attention to Prue.

  “This is Summer.” Prue introduced them to one another. “Summer, this is Rochelle.”

  “Nice to meet you.” Summer smiled. “I’m interrupting. I’ll come back.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I’m leaving,” Rochelle said, her accent much sexier than Summer’s plain, boring voice. “Goodnight, love.” Rochelle leaned in, kissing Prue. “Dinner soon?”

  “Dinner soon.” Prue smiled fully, unable to read Summer or how she felt about this new development. “Anything changes, give me a call.”

  This woman had to have been around for a while. She had Prue’s number. Summer didn’t. You don’t have her number because you’re an indecisive bitch. Summer internally chastised herself for the back and forth between her and Prue.

  “Great to meet you, Summer.” Rochelle winked. “Hands off my woman though, yeah?”

  “Oh, I-I…No, I wouldn’t.” Summer backed up.

  “Relax, love. I’m joking.” Rochelle slung her rucksack over her shoulder and disappeared down the path.

  Summer’s eyes followed her, not knowing where this conversation could possibly go. She’d missed her chance, there was no doubt about that.

  “So, can I help you?” Prue’s voice broke Summer from her thoughts. “Another picture?” Prue spied the envelope.

  “Oh, no.” Summer straightened herself out, remaining calm and composed. It didn’t matter that she was dying inside. “It was just about the lease…”

  “The lease?” Prue looked at Summer confused.

  “For the building you have here?”

  “Oh, right.” Prue smiled, lowering her eyes. “I thought after last night…that offer would be void.”

  “Prue… I don’t even remember you coming to my suite.” Summer sighed, running her fingers through her hair. “I don’t remember getting home, but I do know I didn’t drink much.”

  “Yet you seem to know I was there.”

  “Katy told me,” Summer said. “And I don’t know what she said to you, but none of it was true.”

  “I think it was.” Prue took a seat at the outdoor dining table. “I think everything she said last night is what you believe. She didn’t imagine it out of thin air, Summer. You must have told her something for her to react that way.”

  “I don’t know what she told you, so I don’t have the opportunity to defend myself.”

  “I don’t want you to do that.” Prue offered a small smile, saddened by how this was ending between them. As she lay in bed last night, she made peace with the fact that she could never be lucky enough to have a relationship with Summer. “I just want you to be happy here in Tías. I want you to have whatever you imagined as you boarded that plane back in the UK.”

  Summer smiled. “Me too.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. That includes an explanation.”

  “But if you knew the truth?”

  Prue didn’t want to do this. She hadn’t expected Summer to come here; she wasn’t prepared. “Summer…” Prue stood, approaching Summer and taking her hand. “You said last week that you didn’t want to fool around.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Well, that’s what I want,” Prue lied. “Fun. No strings.”

  “Oh.” Summer lowered her eyes. “I had thought that it was what you wanted. I guess I just hoped it would have turned out differently.”

  Prue could see Summer working through things in her head. What she’d just told her, it couldn’t be further from the truth, but Prue couldn’t do this. She would only hold Summer back. She had so much to do, exploring her future. She may have told Summer that she was just getting started…her life still more than ready to live, but that was at a time when Prue believed Summer could be hers. Katy’s words had struck a chord with her, though. Maybe she was right. Maybe Prue being around wasn’t right.

  “Here…look at this.” Prue motioned towards a door.

  Summer followed, unsure as to what was currently happening. When Prue opened the door, Summer’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow.”

  “I had a friend come over Friday and Saturday,” Prue started. “Just in case you made your decision.”

  Summer moved inside the room Prue was offering her, taking in the bright white walls that matched the outside of the villa. The mosaic stone floor, complete with new furniture. Summer couldn’t believe her eyes. “It looks great. Amazing.”

  “So, if you want it…it’s free from tomorrow.”

  Tomorrow, when your girlfriend is probably coming over, Summer thought. “Right, well I have to sort things out at the hotel…but here is the first month’s rent. It’s a cheque, I hope that’s okay?”

  “Cheque is fine.”

  “And it’s still five hundred a month?”

  Prue nodded, wishing she’d had just one opportunity to kiss Summer. Her lips always looked inviting. “Yes.”

  “Prue.” Summer’s eyes found Prue’s. “Being here isn’t going to be an issue, is it?”

  “I won’t even know you’re here.” Summer didn’t know whether to smile or cry. Katy had clearly said something to hurt Prue, that much was evident by the atmosphere between them, but Summer didn’t know why. “I’ll let you be.”

  “Yeah, I won’t get in your way.” Summer shifted from left to right. “T-That woman…”


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