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Page 16

by Brian Whiting

  “Looks like they were trampled by a juntard, I’ve seen that injury before.” Alesti managed to startle Alex, he wasn’t prepared for her to be so close. He turned towards her, all he saw was a rough silhouette against the backdrop of the slightly luminous galactic night sky.

  “All of them?” Alex asked noticing the same injury on all the dead citizens.

  “It is unlikely that a juntard caused these injuries.” Symboli said.

  “The dimensions of the punctures into the back are too small to be the width of the juntard hoof. In addition, the placement of the injuries are nearly identical which rules out random trampling. The edges are not seared, not an energy weapon.”

  “Then what killed these people?” Alex asked in English.

  “From what we know of this planet and the current level of technology I am unable to make a reasonable assumption.” Symboli responded.

  “You do not think it was a juntard that killed them?” Alesti asked in good English.

  Alex silently admonished himself for forgetting she had learned so quickly.

  “She is your sworn support. I do not understand your continued apprehension with her?” Symboli commented, obviously noticing his silence.

  The sun began to provide some evidence that it would soon break the horizon, as the sky began to lighten up dulling out the nebula in the night sky.

  “Lets split up, look for clues to help us determine what happened.” Alex said loud enough for everyone to hear.

  Alex approached the nearest building. He could see puncture marks in the side of the wall like a small tank took shots at the building. Noise from the other riders startled him as they began to sift through the rubble. Some were dismounted entering various buildings, others stayed on their juntards. The building Alex approached was large, perhaps a barracks or hall of some kind Alex couldn’t be sure.

  He entered through the main door, it appeared to be a storehouse. Grain was piled high in the corner. An unknown local crop was also piled into another corner, which appeared to be some kind of small melon or mango. Large baskets were filled with other such things. Various herbs hung loosely from the ceiling.

  “ALEX!” Alesti yelled loudly.

  At first he wasn’t sure where she was, but a jumble of noise came from a side room and Alex ran to her location. The light from outside was nowhere near enough to help him see what was going on in the room. Alex stood on the threshold of the room hoping his eyes would adjust to the increased darkness.

  “It’s a deadly wound.” Symboli commented.

  “What do you see?” Alex asked.

  “Help me carry him outside.” Alesti said.

  Alex inched forward into the room and was guided to a limp arm, which he pulled. Alesti pulled the other arm and they dragged the person to the outside where the light was continuing to improve.

  Alex was horrified at what he saw. A younger male laid there in the street facing up at them. His eyes spoke of pain and desperation. Others among the group approached with gasps of shock.

  The young male was missing his lower jaw, his tongue hung loosely from the upper portion of his mouth where it was still attached. Blood oozed away from the torn flesh but slowly, most of it appeared dry. Terrible sounds emanated from his throat.

  “What happened here?” Deetur asked.

  Alex looked at him with an incredulous expression. “I don’t think he can speak.” Alex said with a mixture of surprise and fear.

  The young male rolled over and began scratching at the ground. His arm swept away a portion of the surface dirt. His hand was shaking terribly followed by another grunt or moan of pain and more scratches.

  “I suspect this is an attempt to communicate.” Symboli said.

  “You’re doing it again.” Alex mumbled.

  Whatever he man tried to write was marred by the waves of pain he was obviously experiencing.

  Another sound interrupted his thoughts. The deadly, but beautiful sound, of a pure musical note in the break of morning. Alex looked at the source of the music note and then back at the injured young male which now had an arrow sticking out of his head.

  “Alex, they do not have the medical resources to help him, they spared him continued suffering, it’s a local custom, don’t overreact!” Symboli said quickly.

  Alex heard every word and he realized Symboli was right. There was no real reason to get upset. The first sliver of the sun breached the horizon. “Perhaps we will find other survivors, spread out.” Alex said to everyone gathered.

  Alesti continued to kneel next to Alex watching him intently. Alex looked at her a moment and then stood up, walking away.

  * * *

  ( Alesti )

  “He seems unstable, bothered by everything.” Galvolesti said as he kicked a piece of wood out of his way.

  “His ways are not our ways. He worries and thinks about things we do not. You cannot hope to comprehend the depth of his intellect.” Alesti said looking at him while they entered another building together.

  “You speak his language, you know more than we do. I’ve also seen you wear that thing you put on your head and you speak as if you’re talking to someone else. He allows you to hold his secrets.”

  “I have sworn my life to him, its as it should be.”

  “I am afraid that we are going to end up like that young man behind us. Obviously he is powerful, but he is also vulnerable. He is made of flesh just like us.”

  “What is your point.” Alesti said stopping their movement.

  “I was approached by the permitters of the city before we left. They promised me a position on their council and all the wealth that goes with it. If I bring back just one of his weapons. I will give you half the wealth if you ‘lose’ one of them for me and tell me where you leave it.”

  “Oh really… how much wealth are we talking about?” Alesti said with interest.

  “Enough that you won’t have to worry about money ever again.” The man replied with a large smile.

  “Let me ask you something, do you think I have ever worried about money up to now?”

  “You’re a princess without a kingdom, you’re one step away from being a street beggar.”

  “What you say is true, I had a thought of concern about that.” Alesti said and he smiled even wider.

  Alesti pretended to trip over a loose stone and collided with Galvolesti, and he caught her in his arms. She grabbed one with an iron grip and leaned back with all her weight. Now he was falling over her and as she hit her back on the ground she kicked him into the air with her legs sending him flying upside down into the half destroyed wall.

  She bounded back onto her feet and put him into a headlock as he tried to stand up. He began to pick her up with relative ease as she didn’t weight all that much. With her free arm she put one finger into each of his nostrils and pulled up almost hard enough to rip his nose off.

  “Try it and I’ll rip your nose out!”

  She led him outside in that position. While he moaned and complained with shouts of pain.

  The activity had earned the attention of everyone in the group as they rushed to them outside the building. The area was now bright enough as the sun continued to rise. Just as they came together Alesti pushed Galvolesti onto the ground in front of her.

  “What are you doing, I demand an answer right now!” Deeter said as his hand reached for his weapon.

  Alex was the last to approach and did so slowly. She remained mute until he came to a stop along the line of Deeturs men as they surrounded them.

  “This man is planning to betray you, he attempted to win me over with wealth if I assisted him.”

  Deetur looked at Galvolesti, a trickle of blood was streaming from the mans nose. They made eye contact for a brief moment then he turned away.

  “You fool! The permitters would say anything to rid themselves of the thorn in their side, they are not to be trusted. Even worse you really thought you could turn one who made a life vow. My judgment of you is obviousl
y flawed. You embarrass me.” He looked into the eyes of those around him.

  “Who else was this offer made to? Who else knows this man speaks true?”

  Everyone seemed to be hesitant and Alesti thought no one would say anything.

  “Yes, I too was offered this thing, as was Lostoy for he has spoken to me about it.”

  “Yes... You have true integrity for I too was offered this thing.” Deetur said. “Let me be very clear, if anything should happen to Alex or any of his devices I promise I will kill the one who betrays us.”

  Deetur looked at Galvolesti who had just stood up to focus on those surrounding him.

  Alex approached him weapon out, pointed directly towards his head. The man began to whimper as Alex stepped closer until the weapon was against the mans forehead.

  Alesti felt a strong urge to tell him this was not the way, but she still struggled between knowing her place with the vow and giving him her best advice in service to him. She stepped back along with the others who also stepped a few paces back, giving Alex plenty of space. She looked at Deetur who seemed willing to accept whatever punishment was about to be delivered.

  “We are all guilty of making dumb mistakes at some point in our life and we are all blessed to have learned from them. . . If you betray me, you better kill me because I will hunt you to the ends of the lands and drag you behind my juntard until the ground kills you.” Alex lowered his weapon.

  Alesti was washed with a feeling of relief. He continuds to display wisdom at every moment. I have been blessed to have one worthy of such a vow, she thought to herself as she stepped aside to make way as he strode from the group.

  Alesti eyed Galvolesti who was busy wiping blood from his face. Meanwhile, Deetur walked up to her and whispered, “If you find that you’re not welcome in your land, come to me and I will find you a honorable place among my people.”

  “I thank you for your words, but I think my path goes elsewhere now.”

  “Ah yes, I would like to journey the stars, what a journey that would be!” Deetur stepped away from her and faced Galvolesti head on. Bending over, Deetur picked up a pinch of dirt from the ground and flicked it at him, some dirt both clung and bounced off his chest. Deetur walked away without looking back. “Resume the search!” he said.

  Alesti watched as Galvolesti stared her down like a predator. She turned away to catch up to Alex. I’m gonna have to deal with that later, she thought to herself.

  * * *


  “Over here!” Alex shouted as he lifted a bunch of roofing material off an older male who appeared weak. A fallen main beam of the building had pinned one of his legs to the ground.

  “What’s your name?” Alex asked.

  The man looked at Alex, his eyes got wide, and put his arms in front of his face.

  “It’s ok, I’m not here to hurt you.” Alex said as he began to look over the injuries. A large, thick, rotting wooden beam that was covered in dirt was sticking out of his leg. The thought of infection sprung to his mind as did the disability this man would certainly live with, if he survived the injury.

  Seconds later others started to appear from the group. At first the man seemed pleased but quickly reverted to being afraid once again.

  “What happened here?” Alex asked as the noise of those entering the room and clearing debris got louder and louder.

  “Water?” the man asked.

  Alex handed him a small pouch of water and the man drank it all.

  “I didn’t see it, I hid myself in this building. I heard someone say it was the Forex and here you are.” The man said.

  “My people did not do this!” Deetur said with a firm assurance.

  “The king has launched attacks across all the villages, we were witness to one such attacking force crossing the land just weeks ago.” Alesti kneeled down next to the mans head on the ground and began wiping dirt away from his eyes and face.

  “Princess Alesti, what are you doing with these people?” The man asked.

  “Our people are being hunted by their own king, the reason is not clear, but we are going to stop him.”

  “That doesn’t make any sense. The king sent soldiers to our village four days ago and took most of the men and some of the woman to the city of rock. Why would he launch an attack days later?”

  “None of his decisions make any sense.” Deetur said.

  Alesti looked at Alex and touched the scar on her throat. “You can save him.”

  Alex looked back at her, she wasn’t asking him, she truly believed he could.

  “Infection is likely, aside from that it would be an easy thing to save his life.” Symboli said.

  “I can save your life from the wound itself.” Alex said looking at the man with one completely crushed leg. “You would survive with only one leg and I cannot speak to the kind of pain you may or may not have for the rest of your life. However, from the infection you most likely have, I can do nothing. I am sorry.”

  Alesti slowly turned her head from Alex and looked at one of her own people, who was in obvious pain, she appeared devastated.

  “If I had joined none of this would have happened.” Alesti whispered to herself, tears in her eyes.

  “I do not wish to struggle, or be a burden to the community even so now that there is no community left. All my friends are dead. No, I will be judged here, I have no trials left to face.”

  There was a moment of quiet before someone spoke. “I’ll do it.” Tashini, one of Deeturs men, said as he knelt down next to the man.

  “No please, I do not know you. Princess please do me the honor.” The man suddenly grunted with pain.

  Alex became suspicious, he felt he was a good manipulator when he wanted to be and this man had just grunted on purpose. He had no illusions about whether the man was in pain or not, just the timing of the weak display, to target her emotions at the right moment. He kept his thoughts to himself as he looked to Alesti.

  “What is you name?” Alesti asked.

  The man grunted a few moments then settled back down as he held his upper thigh. “I am the last in my family line. So, just call me Dotri.”

  Tashini handed Alesti a small blade.

  “No that will cause pain and his death will not be instant.”

  “Dotri, do you want us to preserve your body for the gatherers or do you care more about passing instantly without pain?”

  “What kind of question is that?” Deetur asked from behind.

  “I am giving him a choice.” Alesti said. “As he is about to die it is considerate to ask him.”

  “What difference does it make… he is about to die, people die in different ways.” Deetur whispered softly.

  “Yes, they do. In this situation I can make it so that this man is dead before he even realizes he died. Or I can try to preserve his body as much as possible possibly causing pain before death.”

  “To die without pain… sounds compassionate.” Alex said considering his own words.

  “I have suffered enough laying here and I cannot make a living with one leg, please without more pain would be appreciated.”

  Immediately Alex felt guilty for having an ill thought about the man and handed Alesti one of the handheld weapons with the medium setting. “Stand by the door point the weapon at his head and push down this button.” Alex whispered into her ear. He walked outside with the rest of the men leaving Alesti alone to finish what she had promised.

  Some time had passed and everyone lingered outside the building, no one was watching out of respect, Alex assumed. The seconds turned to minutes.

  “Perhaps she does not know how to operate the weapon.” Symboli said.

  “She would have come and asked me about it.” Alex said getting impatient himself.

  “Where to next?” Bradas asked.

  “We go straight for the city of rock.” Deetur said seemingly eager for the mission to end.


  The shot startled everyone and brought the conv
ersation to a halt.

  (bang) (bang) (bang) (bang) (bang) (bang) in rapid succession.

  Alex ran into the room. Alesti’s face looked much like the first moment they first laid eyes on each other. She dropped the weapon and covered her mouth.

  Alex picked up the weapon and looked at Dotri.

  Two rounds hit the wall leaving cup sized holes in the mud wall. One round hit the man in the chest leaving it half exposed blood flowing out of the large wound. The head was completely gone and gore covered the area around the man.

  “What happened?” Alex asked as Alesti tried to regain composure.

  “It is done.” She said still visibly disturbed as she left the room heading straight for the juntards nearby. Alex considered going after her.

  “Let her be.” Symboli said. “Only for a few moments, then be there for her.”

  “We know enough, we should go now. If we hurry we can arrive as night approaches.” Deetur said towards Alex.

  “Yes, let’s go.” Alex replied.

  “There could be other survivors, you have searched less than twenty percent of the village.” Symboli said.

  “Maybe, but after we just shot or killed two out of the two survivors we found, I doubt any remaining are eager to meet us. Deeter is right, we should keep focused.”

  In truth they still needed more intel on what was going on but he wasn’t eager to find another half alive person either. Some of the men had found a few meager provisions and packed them away.

  Alex mounted his juntard, glancing at Alesti as he did so. She held out her hand with a sad face and Alex handed her the headset. Soon after, they rode straight for the city of rock far on the horizon.



  ALEX, ALESTI, DEETUR, Tashini, Bradas, Galvolesti and Corbin all gazed out across the horizon on their Juntards. There was still some time before the sunset. The city’s edge was within a couple kilometers. All around the city many camps and tents dotted the landscape surrounding the city. Before they would even reach those there were large fields of workers tending to and harvesting crops. With the occasional guard or patrol roving between them. Alex had reclaimed the headset while they gazed upon the castle.


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