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Page 19

by Brian Whiting

  “That man is not a god, did you see the arm, it is bandaged.”

  “He can kill us instantly.”

  “Get back here or I will kill you myself.”

  “I’m coming out, don’t kill me.” Said a man as he trembled out of the room quickly followed by another. Alex watched as Deetur’s men escorted them both out of the way, relieving them of their small knives and a spear.

  “I don’t want to die.” Said one of the men inside the room.

  “You will stand your ground or I’ll slice your throat open.”

  Sounds like I just need to kill one man, Alex thought to himself.

  “So tell me do you enjoy ordering your men to their deaths.” Alex shouted.

  The moment Alex heard the other man begin speaking he quickly appeared in the doorway and took aim at the one speaking, who was crouching near the corner of the room partially blocked by a tipped table. Alex fired four medium rounds through the table.

  The others in the room all stood with their hands out in front of them empty of weapons. Alex slowly approached unsure If his weapon had penetrated. However he found the leader bleeding out on the floor. The others skirted around him in utter fear and exited the room.

  “You will rot for what you have done.” The man managed to say but then began convulsing. After twitching harshly on the floor for a couple moments he finally stopped moving altogether.

  “You are merciful.” Deetur said and continued. “I would have just killed them all without warning. Let’s hope your mercy doesn’t get us all killed.”

  “They were just doing their jobs.” Alex replied in a low mumble.

  “Alex, focus. The king should be close.” Symboli said.

  “Right… lets go.” Alex said as he approached and then opened the next door made of thick oak timbers. Alex and the others slowly crept into the room. The king was busy pulling on some scrap of metal. He briefly looked at the newcommers and continued, seemingly undisturbed.

  “Hey can one of you men help me?” King Unbiter asked as he yanked harder.

  Alex focused less on the king and more on the chaotic mess of metal and conduits that were spread around the room. It was only then that Alex realized the room was built around the object they were looking at. Something the size of a small semi-trailer was sticking out of a freshly built wall, the object proceeded past the wall to the other side.

  “Is this the ship that crashed some time ago?” Alex asked already suspecting the answer.

  Unbiter stopped what he was doing and looked at Alex. “Who are you, your tongue is foreign and most do not understand what they are looking at.”

  “My name is Alex Prager. I am leader of the UEF, an Intergalactic Alliance and I am here to put a end to your reign of terror.” Alex stood with his sidearm lowered, by his side.

  “That’s interesting because I was going say the same thing to you.” Unbiter said as he clamped two pieces of metal together. “Well not that I’m a intergalactic leader, or that my name is Alex.” Unbiter flashed a smile and then tried to pull on a wire but it was caught on something closer to Alex on part of the mangled ship. Alex stepped forward and untangled it with a quick yank.

  “Thanks.” Unbiter said as he continued doing whatever he was doing.

  There was a thud behind Alex from the room he had just come from. He saw Corbin in the doorway who had just put down Symboli.

  “Alex, he is about to hook up power to the ships remains it appears he’s nearly completed.” Symboli said.

  Alex turned back and followed the cables with his eyes. Sure enough one of the stolen converters was assembled in one of the corners of the room.

  “Alex, let us kill him and get this over with.” Deetur said just off to one side.

  “What reign of terror are you referring to, tell me how I have errored? You are one that came from the sky in one of these not so long ago, yeah?” Unbiter pointed to the wreckage.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Ever since you showed up my people began dying by the hundreds, whole villages gone. At first I thought it was you. Seeking retribution for taking the throne. I tried to kill you, I freely admit. But then my spies informed me of another story, not one but several in fact.”

  Unbiter stopped fidgeting with the cables and stood to look directly at Alex. “Don’t you hate it when you don’t have all the details.” He then bent over and continued pulling and yanking various wires leading towards the converter.

  Alex was about to reply but then the king continued. “That’s when my brothers village was destroyed and I went to see the damage myself. It was late at night and even though it was dark I saw the beast roaming the land. Fear stayed my noise until it passed. It is not from these lands.”

  Unbiter turned his head to look at Alex, even though he was still hunched over. “I returned to my home and launched attack after attack on the beast. It seems indestructible. All hope was lost, my best men dead and scattered across the lands. I waited for the inevitable, I didn’t have to wait long as the beast approached the walls. Even from my balcony I could see what was happening. Then you arrived and blasted it with your devices. It was then I knew these things.” The king pointed to the wreckage.

  “Are what can save us. Under the previous ruler I spent a great deal of time studying and learning about these chariots from the gods, not directly of course. He was too suspicious of me. Anyway, I knew he was going about it the wrong way and if he would just listen to me then we could use gods gift for the benefit of our people.”

  Unbiter finally reached the converter. Alex watched as he fumbled with the thing as someone who was barely familiar with the device and didn’t really know what they were doing. Despite all of that, the cables seemed to be connected but to what exactly he couldn’t be sure.

  “Anyway, I realized you were not the enemy, well until you blew a hole in my wall and started killing my men.” Unbiter walked over to the wall and began pulling on a chain that wrapped around several pulleys. The chain also was attached to the converter and once it began spinning something sparked inside the wreckage. Which only made Unbiter pull faster and faster. But after a couple minutes when nothing else happened he stopped pulling, panting heavily.

  “I don’t know what’s wrong.” Unbiter said.

  “What were you expecting to happen?” Alex asked with genuine curiosity as he himself did not know what to expect.

  “I am not sure, but something.” Unbiter replied.

  “Alex.” Deetur gritted between his teeth.

  Alex looked at Deetur with a blank expression then refocused on Unbiter. “So, that converter was stolen from Huva Ali Hem, or the King of Forex, and he wants it back.”

  “I’m not done with it yet.” Unbiter replied simply.

  “You need to return it or these men will see to it that its returned in their own method.” Alex replied.

  Unbiter stood and gave Alex his full attention. “I am not done with it, I have no quarrel with you despite the fact you have eliminated my guard, now if you don’t let me continue… well that will be unfortunate for you.”

  “I can’t tell If he’s serious or if he’s just posturing.” Symboli said.

  “Hmm.” Alex replied.

  “Where is my sister?” Alesti yelled from behind Alex. He turned to look at her.

  “If you’re about to kill him it’s better I know now rather then try to ask a dead man.” She mumbled in response to his glare.

  “Ahhh, I didn’t recognize you. Are you referring to Heboot? Shes in chambers. She will be happy to see you. I wasn’t sure if the rumors were to be believed but here you are in my presence. How delightful.” Unbiter smiled and took a few steps closer to the group.

  “It doesn’t makes sense.” Deetur whispered in Alex’s ear then shook his head.

  “No I mean, he doesn’t make sense. First he claims to be concerned about his people, and then he’s not concerned that we killed his guard. He’s not worried about Alesti reclaiming her sister, he doesn’t
seem to care that we are here to usurp him. I mean, the pieces don’t fit.”

  Alex considered what Deetur had to say for a moment.

  “What can you tell me about the wreckage?” Alex asked Unbiter looking to take the conversation to a different topic.

  Unbiter looked at the wreckage. “I’ve spent the better part of my life looking at this thing from the outside. I was so sure that when I had a chance to look at it myself that I’d be the one to figure out its mysteries. The mystery only deepens, but you can either help me or die. I give you those two choices.”

  “He’s very confident he will be victorious despite our numbers, exercise caution.” Symboli said.

  Alex raised his weapon and took aim.

  “So be it.” Unbiter dove towards the deck like it was a swimming pool. Then allowed himself to complete a full roll with his body then sprung himself forward and collided with Corbin. Both Corbins arrow and Alex’s shot missed Unbiter by mear inches. Corbin fell back clutching his chest even as Unbiter removed a sword he had plunged into it.

  Deetur began wildly slashing his own sword and they began to perry blows back and forth with a speed Alex was sure he couldn’t duplicate. Deetur was between him and Unbiter now, so Alex lowered the setting on his weapon to the lowest. Deetur’s men joined in thrusting spears and swords alike. Initially Deetur seemed to be wildly outmatched and was barely able to fend off Unbiter. When his soldiers joined in it became a stalemate. Many times Alex stepped to the side and even crawled over debris to get a good angle on Unbiter for a clean shot. But with some minor footwork by Unbiter he always managed to keep one of Deeturs men between him and Alex.

  Instead Alex laid prone on the ground and waited patiently for a shot. The blows were getting more furious. Tashini had his shin slashed and was barely able to stand. After a few more seconds Tahadi received a deep cut on the upper arm. Unbiter seemed calm and poised as he continued blocks and counters blows. His sword gleaming and glinting as if it were alive.

  Deetur tripped over some of the wires in the room blocking Alex’s shot entirely. Unbiter made quick footwork to close the distance. Tahadi threw his spear like a weapon when Unbiters back was turned, his body still in motion when the blade made contact, it wasn’t a clean strike but did manage to slice open his lower back. It didn’t appear to be a deadly wound. But it gave them all a bit of confidence that they could win.

  Unbiter was forced to stop his approach, the spear throw had given Deetur enough time to recover. Tahadi looked around the room for another weapon and when one was not found decided the best thing to do would be to charge Unbiter open-handed. At a full two step run, Tahadi went straight for Unbiter. Unbiters sword was placed for the approach at the right moment however and Tahadi ran straight into it. Still the kinetic energy was too much for him to withstand and Unbiter fell backward with Tahadi dying on his chest.

  Deetur took advantage of that moment and managed to get a clean cut into Unbiters right leg and then another wound into his side. Tahadi had received a deadly wound but still seemed in the fight as he grabbed onto Unbiters throat and attempted to pin his arm down. The moment Unbiter managed to roll over his back was exposed and Deetur sliced into the mans neck.

  As they moved his body off of Tahadi, death had already come for them both.

  “It’s over.” Deetur said as he looked over Tahadis body and then to Tashini’s leg injury.

  “Wheres Alesti?” Symboli asked while Deetur made his own comment. “It’s good you did not kill him, I don’t think it would have been right and that knowledge would have spread. You don’t need to develop any more enemies than you already have.”

  Answering Deetur first Alex responded, “I wouldn’t have lasted five seconds had he jumped towards me, he was an excellent swordsmen.”

  “Whats wrong then?” Deetur asked.

  It took a moment to realize he felt disappointed. “I don’t know. I was expecting more, a tougher fight you know.”

  “This is real life, not stories you hear from the long ago. Real life is often anti-climatic.” Deetur wiped off his sword.

  “And now he’s dead, I suppose that means someone can reclaim the throne.” Alex looked around the room and didn’t see Alesti. “Where did she go?”

  “My guess would be the kings chambers.” Tashini said as if that should have been obvious.




  HIGH UP IN the main building of the city. Alesti knocked on the chamber door. A thick board of twisted branch and vine with a hardened filler between the gaps. No obvious handle or keyhole visible.

  “Leave me alone!” Heboot shouted from the other side.

  Alesti tried to push the door open but it wouldn’t budge.

  “It’s your sister. Are you going keep me out here all day?” she said holding back her glee.

  Something crashed on the other side of the door mixed with thuds and then what sounded like broken glass. Moments later the door swung open and standing in the doorway was her sister. They stared at each other for a quick moment, tears forming in each of their eyes.

  “I was told you were dead!” Heboot said as they embraced each other.

  “I know.” Alesti replied still holding on.

  “You have to leave, If the king finds you he will kill you.” Heboot said with a certain assurance.

  “The king is dead, our family rules once again.” Alesti released her sister and took a step back.

  Heboot stood in shock for a few moments.

  “I’m free…” Heboot whispered.

  Alesti watched her sister search her face.

  “You’ll be a ..-“ Heboot had started saying.

  “It’s not I who will rule, I have sworn a life vow and even now I must return, it is you who must lead our people.”

  “You did what!” Heboot shouted taking a step back.

  “It is true.” Alesti said bowing her head unable to look her sister in the eyes.

  “You told me a thousand times never to do such a stupid thing. That it ruins families. How did this happen?”

  Alesti recalled all the people who had told her much the same. A lifetime worth of warnings against such a thing. She thought of the moment she uttered her vow and considered if she would do it again knowing what she knows now.

  “It’s is a good story, but one for a later time. I must return, you will meet him shortly. He is a good man and trustworthy as well as those from Forex, but its all worth it because you’re safe.” Alesti took a few steps into the hallway leaving her sister at the door.

  “Well I’m not going to just stand here by myself.” Heboot said out loud as she stepped into the hallway with her sister.

  * * *


  “This appears to be a data storage component.” Symboli said as Alex continued to view the wreckage in close proximity. He was looking at a small rectangular box with tiny fine wires going into and out of it.

  “How can you tell?” Alex asked as he lightly tugged on the thin wire unintentionally breaking it.

  “Probability suggests.” Symboli replied and Alex rolled his eyes.

  While Alex’s back was turned Deetur and his men yanked the converter off the assembly rig which caused pieces of metal to twist and wires to snap. Alex was going to shout but they seemed determined to retrieve the converter at any cost. Within a span of a few moments his mind jumped from anger for causing damage to the equipment, irritation at their ignorance to technology, sympathy for how they must feel hoping they will achieve their Kingly mission when they don’t truly understand what it is they are doing, regret that he didn’t think about talking to them about the removal of the device earlier.

  In the end he just let them continue as he refocused on the storage device.

  “There might be no way to retrieve the information.” Alex mumbled.

  “That is true, until we find a way to interface with it.” Symboli said.

  “Why not just drop it into your tank
?” Alex asked.

  “That may be an option but let’s leave that as a last resort.”

  Alex spent a few more moments looking over the wreckage but much of it seemed pretty well taken apart, scrapped or of no value. The light in the room shifted a little bit and Alex turned towards the doorway. Alesti and another stood at the entrance.

  “That must be Heboot,” Symboli said.

  “How do you know?” Alex asked as he approached them.

  “She left you on her own accord. I calculate her sister being the only possibility for that to occur.” Just as Symboli was wrapping up his last sentence Alesti began speaking.

  “Alex this is my sister, Queen Heboot.”

  “She told me you were from gods palace but I didn’t believe her, now that I see you, there can be no other explanation.” The new queen said with a look of wonder on her face.

  “I do not encourage any divine characteristics to be thought of me, I am simply a person just like the rest of you.” Alex replied with a straight face noticing the queen was not unattractive.

  Alesti noticed the both of them lingering upon each other and walked between them to face Deetur. “Will your country respect ours as it once did? Now that proper leadership is in place once again.”

  Alex shifted his attention to Deetur.

  Before he could respond Heboot shouted. “No, we will not live like before. There are terrible things happening in our lands let us explore no longer being segregated.”

  “Anything is possible, Queen.” Deetur responded with a slight bow of the head.

  Alesti spent a few minutes telling her sister about their journey and what had happened. When she finally finished, Heboot looked over Alex once again.

  “You need to finish what you started and destroy that thing before there are no people left to unify.” Heboot said to Alex.

  “You speak with wisdom, I think you’ll make a great queen. I will leave at once.” Alex pocketed the storage device and began to walk out of the room with Alesti hot on his heels. He stopped to look at Deetur.

  “I have the converter and I was not ordered to help you kill the creature or follow the queens orders, I must return to my king.” Deeter spoke with care.


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