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Page 25

by Brian Whiting

  Orlock turned to one of the younger associates in the room and whispered “I want you to find a female minder, dressed in casual attire. She is to take this woman to get washed and fed she may attempt to gather our answers during that time.”

  The junior member turned and ran away to quickly follow his new orders.

  Junior Master Orlock turned to look at the timepiece on the wall. His supervisors would be expecting answers soon and he was frustrated that he would have to deliver a less than excellent report, despite his early return and successful mission.

  He decided to leave the room, a short hallway with no decorations and lighting hidden at the corners of the ceiling lit the way to the one of the conference rooms where he knew at least one, if not more, individuals would be waiting for an update.

  Upon entering, he quickly took note of how many people were present. Nearly a dozen, just under half full. He wouldn’t ever know most of them. He did get familiar with a few of the faces over time and he might stumble upon one of their names or titles out in public, such as the Master of secrets and Master of trade, both of whom would report to the Master directly.

  His direct supervisor, Senior Master Cannini, would be directing the questions, if any. He would have a list of questions supplied by those in the room.

  The room was bare except for a small raised podium in the center of the room, the two rows of comfortables benches with backrests on the far wall, and a rear exit door off to the side. The lighting was generally subdued along the walls and intensified slightly upon the podium.

  “What information have you obtained from the woman pertaining to the other survivors?” Senior Master Cannini asked.

  To Orlock, Cannini seemed more steely then usual. He much preferred his more casual attitude, he was the only person with more rank than himself, where he could feel comfortable as they often relaxed when in each others company.

  “Senior Master Cannini, the team has not obtained any new information.”

  “You mean information about the other survivors?” Cannini replied.

  “No, I mean the woman has not spoken or released any relevant information what so ever.”

  Senior Master Cannini was sitting on the first lower row of benches that surrounded the room along the walls. He sat in the center and looked back to those behind him. No words were exchanged and the look back was only brief.

  You’re afraid too, Orlock thought to himself.

  “You are commanded to obtain the information and authorized to use hostile techniques.”

  Orlock spun on his heels and left the room without looking back or saying another word.

  This would be his second time he was directed to use hostile techniques when getting answers from someone. The first time the ordeal gave him nightmares for over an annual and he was certainly not looking forward to repeating the experience.

  Instead of going directly to the chamber with the woman, he went to his office and sat in his chair. Senior Junior Skaleer entered the room on his heels. “Anything I can do for you?”

  “No.” He felt he wanted to say more but it would be pointless, not to mention risky voicing his displeasure about his commands. Skaleer promptly left the room. For a fleeting moment he thought about taking his air mover and going to the other survivors to live the rest of his life there. He might have, if he didn’t believe that a operation wasn’t being planned to take over the new area.

  The moments passed away as he procrastinated returning to the woman. He was surprised when Senior Master Cannini entered the room and glanced around to make sure they were alone.

  “I am glad you’re here. I did not want to give you those orders today. I want you to know that. I remember what it did to you the last time.” Senior Master Cannini said.

  “I know… I appreciate you saying so.”

  Cannini leaned in and whispered. “You should know there is word of a rebel operation underway on the base and its got a lot of people worried.”

  “What! How?”

  “I overheard the Master of Secrets in the secondary room. Hes got someone on the inside working with the rebels who told him they breached the perimeter on the North West corner.”

  “There’s nothing over there in that corner and why doesn’t the base alarm sound.”

  “I assume they want to keep the breach under hush as to not embolden the rebels. Are you still thinking about joining the rebels? I know you tease the idea a lot, but If you’re truly interested...”

  Orlock froze filled with dread and concern. He felt trapped between two impossibles. He wanted to consider it but to mention it out loud would mean life imprisonment, as much as he liked Cannini he could not possibly trust him that way. He had just made up his mind to give a good speech about honor and duty when Cannini spoke again.

  “Your hesitation speaks for itself. When you go back to the chamber, don’t close the door all the way, call it an oversight on your immense anticipation to fulfill your duties.” Cannini stood and looked at Orlock calmly before turning and walking out of the room.

  Leaving the door open was tantamount to treachery and would mean his death. His heart began to race and pump wildly. He tried to calm himself as he considered his supervisor must be working with the rebels, doubting if the Master of Secrets even had said anything. If he tried to turn him in with nothing but just his words, he could be the one locked away. This also could be a trick he knew his friend might have been directed to give such a command so the higher-ups could test him.

  He was in a bad spot no doubt about it. He left the room, not being too careful as he slammed his office door shut, attracting the attention of more than one person in the hallways.




  IESALA HAD RETURNED home and told Alex that he would have assistance inside the air base, the rebels would assist him. Bromi became angry and wanted to know how she was affiliated with the rebels but she refused to speak on the matter as time was short. She made up an excuse about a short and closing window and that Alex needed to be on the base within forty moments.

  Bromi dressed for the part and gave Alex a duplicate pair of his uniform, complete with a fake bone crest given by Iesala. She like most women kept a variety of cover crests to accent their outfits. Alex removed a majority of the awards on his chest. Bromi did his best to make Alex appear as a sub-servant officer. Alex had asked about the fake bonecrest, and learned that it was common among woman to enhance the one they had.

  Bromi took his standard ground vehicle and Alex rode in the passenger seat, leaving Iesala at home. Alex watched Iesala run into the house as they drove away, which made him think she wasn’t going to sit there and wait.

  During the drive there, Bromi talked non stop about various possible scenarios that will inevitably pop up and what Alex should say during each one. The conversation was a little difficult to have as all the vehicles looked like upgraded ATVs, and the air whipped by their faces. In fact, Alex never saw any enclosed vehicles. The only difference from the ATV’s Alex knew from Earth was that the motors on these vehicles were nearly silent.

  The first encounter would be easy. Bromi drove up to a tiny service gate and handed the guard his ID. Alex was to remain seated and stare forward the whole time. Within a moment the guard allowed them access to the base. There were several roads that surrounded the airbase, the airfield itself had another layer of guard protection which they wouldn’t be able to pass so easily.

  Driving up to a standard parking area, Alex and Bromi soon exited the vehicle. Alex made sure his weapon was set to the lowest setting, keeping the other on the medium setting with less than a full amount remaining.

  Alex kept them within the jacket of the uniform. It would make for a sloppy draw but it was better than attracting attention.

  They walked into the main building of the air base. It was large and rectangular in shape. Nothing spoke of design or creativity, just pure practicality. Upon entering the building there
was a flury of activity. Day shift was leaving and night shift was entering, even though it was still bright outside as the star was a fair amount above the horizon.

  They walked tall and with purpose, and to anyone else they appeared like they knew where they were going and belonged there. Bromi led Alex down two of the hallways to a door that said Family Shop. It was infrequently used and meant to offer personnel a means to obtain goods without having to go to a civilian store. The items were also at a discounted price. The problem was the shelves were almost always empty.

  “This is where I leave you, Iesala said to wait here in this room until the rebel makes contact with you. They will take you the rest of the way.”

  “I want to thank you for all you’ve done. You and Iesala.”

  “She’s got a lot of explaining to do when I get home.” Bromi whispered and cracked a smile.

  “Oh really, and what exactly are you going to tell me?” Iesala asked as she rounded an empty stack of shelves and approached them in a Senior level uniform. Bromi’s mouth hung open and she placed a finger against his lips.

  “Keep your terrible expression to yourself, unless you want me to be found and killed.” Iesala said with a bit of venom in her voice. Just as Bromi was about to speak she cut him off. “Don’t say anything, just go, as is the plan. I’ll take it from here.” She looked at Alex and tugged on his arm to follow her.

  They had left the room together and Alex waited a few moments until they were relatively alone in a particularly long hallway and asked. “Bromi never knew you were a rebel?”

  “That’s a long conversation, but when we met my mission was to get him to fall in love with me so I could get his secrets. But then, I fell in love with him. I gave away his secrets but I refused to end the mission.” She smiled and her face twitched oddly.

  Alex was about to say that it wasen’t such a long conversation after all. But decided to keep his joke to himself as they approached two guards. They each held a short stick in their right hand, the tip of which was blue. The guard on the right approached Iesala and held out a hand expectantly. Alex looked behind them as several people were approaching, but they moved casually as if it was part of their daily routine.

  While the guards looked over the ID and paper Iesala handed over, several people were allowed past the guards without having to present their ID’s or other documents. These guards didn’t care about them apparently or knew exactly who they were.

  “Pass.” The guard said as he eyed the next approaching individual. Alex and Iesala quickly passed through and remained silent until they were far enough away from the guards.

  “I can get you to where we believe she is being held, but I cannot get you inside. There is another operative that should be getting us access.” She whispered as they traversed some of the busy corridors.

  Several doors were on either side of the corridors, no windows of any kind were seen anywhere. It made everything seem very uninviting. The ceiling reminded Alex of concrete, with wires for recessed lighting seen every so often.

  Alex watched a guard pass them. A stick was secured in the belt. It struck him odd there were no projectile weapons.

  “Those sticks… those are the only weapons the guards carry?” Alex asked.

  “Yes and it’s plenty, don’t let the blue tip touch you. You will fall to the floor uncontrollably.”

  Iesala stopped outside a corridor which had an odd icon on the first arch, which might indicate what kind of hallway it was, Alex had no idea as he was committing the turns to memory. The corridor had another two guards at the end of it. The amount of doors were very infrequent despite the long distance.

  “Very few people have access to that area, walking through there will certainly attract attention. Loitering in the hallway is a sure way to get approached. So is trying a door that doesn’t open for us. Which is what will happen if our operative doesn’t come through.”

  “Alesti is down there?”

  “We think so.”

  Someone dropped a stack of papers at their feet. Alex was interested that the papers seems to be about 7in. x 7in. in size. Not the size Alex was used to seeing on Earth. Iesala looked at Alex with large eyes as she subtly tilted her head down to the fallen papers.

  “Here let me help you.” Alex said as he needlessly helped pick up the remaining two papers. One of which had writing on it, it read. ‘Two moments.’

  Alex smiled as he stood back up as did the other individual who abruptly walked away.

  “Did you see that?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, let’s walk the perimeter of this room, appear as if we are having a deep discussion.”

  Alex looked around. The room they were in was simply a central area between four long corridors. There were no decorations or furnishing in the room except for one wall which contained a list of names on a simple display. He was about to ask about the names but was cut off.

  “Past those two guards is the airfield. You will have a straight shot at the air movers from there. I will exit the same way I came. Then you go back to where you came from that mountain of yours, if you should ever return here go to the Bayside cantina. The oldest man you see is named Bramuli, talk to him. It’s possible once we enter and leave that room we will never see each other again. Return here if possible and liberate us. I can promise the nation will fight with you.”

  “How can you promise that?” Alex asked skeptically.

  “We will not allow ourselves to go from one master, to being killed by another.” She said as she pushed Alex towards the ominous corridor, the only one to exhibit the red symbol on the arch.

  They walked casually but with a singular direction in mind, and remained silent.

  One man had exited a door to the left just in front of them and continued in a similar direction about ten paces ahead. The trio of them passed the limited amount of doors available. Alex began to get a terrible suspicion.

  “Calm… everything is fine.” Iesala mumbled.

  Alex figured that he could use this moment to focus on the mans thoughts ahead of them. He nearly closed his eyes and tried to focus on breaking through the clouds. Having to walk and keep his eyes open was too distracting and he wasn’t able to focus to the point of breaking through and eventually he withdrew when they reached the door. Iesala grabbed the handle as if it would just open for her, as if she belonged there, and made an attempt to open it.

  * * *


  Orlock entered the corridor. He felt like his body was on autopilot as he approached the observation room. He knew it was a bad idea but for some reason he just kept going. Not really sure what he was going to decide as he reached for the door. The proximity of his ID in his pocket would allow the door to open and it did freely. He held onto the door as it shut slowly, still not making a firm decision yet either way. Holding the door ajar as if he was having a last minute thought, perhaps he forgot something. He knew he could walk away now leaving the door ajar and focus his attention on the girl. But he still remained frozen in place.

  Just as he decided to close the door, someone was pushing it open. He stepped away from the door as a man and woman entered. A touch of momentary panic set in as he realized it was too late now, he was in tremendous trouble. The woman walked to the center of the room and looked through the glass window at the other woman strapped to a chair in the other room. He watched as the woman looked at him with a critical eye, as if she was trying to find the fastest way to kill.

  “My name is Junior Master Orlock.” He studdered out as his body fought the urge to flee. The woman focused back on the other man as he quickly made entry into the other room with his prisoner.

  Get ahold of yourself, he thought to himself. He watched the man free the woman in the other room.

  “Can you get them out of here?” the woman in his room asked.

  “What… No, the air movers are under maintenance tonight, it’s the end of the quarter. The only one that is available is at the other base.�

  “That’s not good.” The unknown woman mumbled.

  “What’s your name?” Orlock asked.

  Her face told him she didn’t want him asking more questions. He began to regain his courage as the duo entered their room, the man supporting the woman.

  “The air movers are not an option tonight.” Iesala told the man.

  “Can you get us back to your place?” He asked with a shocked expression. With his free hand he went to wipe his face as sweat was starting to drip into his eye. He had accidentally knocked the bone crest wig hard enough to show Orlock that he didn’t even have a bone crest.

  “There’s no way you’re walking out the front door.” Iesala said.

  Orlock reached out and swiped the wig off as if he was swatting a fly. Revealing a perfectly round head that had never known a bone crest.

  Iesala pushed Orlock against the wall with her elbow against his neck.

  “Who are you?” Orlock asked as if he didn’t care about what Iesala was doing.

  “That’s Alex, he’s from a plant called… Earth crashed here not too long ago. Someone kidnapped his girl a couple days ago and he’s trying to save her. Romantic, right? Anyway he must be going now because he has to save our plant and then the galaxy from a galactic enemy that will not stop for anything to wipe out all sentient life everywhere. So, do you know a way he can get out of here?”

  The way she said the whole thing was made to sound like it was ridiculous, but something told him the whole thing was true. Certainly about her being kidnapped a couple days ago, since he was the one that did the kidnapping, he knew that part was true.

  He was trying to wrap his brain around the many implications that she delivered to him. Like someone splashed boiling water on his brain.

  “Tissst. Can you get them out of here or not?” She pressed her elbow harder into his shoulder.

  “Yes. We can take a vehicle on the airfield.” Orlock said as he tried to think if his career could be saved with a good story before it got too deep.

  “Get moving then.” Iesala said as she backed away from him.


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