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Dangerous Love

Page 22

by Kara Leigh Miller

  One of the EMTs raised his hand to stop her. “Are you family?”

  “Uh, no, not really, I’m his . . .” God, she didn’t even know what she was to him. More tears spilled down her face.

  “Sorry, ma’am. We can’t allow you to ride with him.” The EMT grabbed the doors and slammed them shut. Sirens wailed around her as the ambulance took off down the street.

  Moments later, Ethan and Kristy were escorted out of the building, each escorted by an EMT. Ethan’s arms were wrapped in white gauze, which were wet and discolored with blood and some sort of brownish-colored pus substance. The sight made Alessa gag.

  Oh God! Ethan had gotten burned.

  Alessa cupped her hand over her mouth to stifle her scream. No. This wasn’t happening. She’d caused so much pain and hurt. The people she loved were suffering because of her, because of her past and her poor choices.

  “Excuse me, Miss Matthews?”

  She turned and came face to face with a tall, burly cop.

  “This is your apartment, correct?”

  Alessa nodded. “Yeah.” Her voice was raspy and her throat dry.

  “We’re going to need to ask you some questions, and get a statement from you.”

  She could barely comprehend what was happening right in front of her. How was she going to explain what happened when she didn’t even know? Everything was a moving, living nightmare.

  “Can this wait?” Amanda’s calm voice said from behind her.

  Alessa sighed with relief, and her eyes filled with tears again. Amanda. She was safe. Alessa flung her arms around Amanda’s neck and hugged her tight, grateful for her presence. When Amanda hugged her back, Alessa lost it. She sobbed on Amanda’s shoulder. How could this woman still be here, still willing to comfort Alessa when she was solely responsible for injuring Amanda’s husband and brother?

  “My husband, my brother, and her best friend were just rushed to the hospital.” Amanda released Alessa and faced the cop. “We’d like to go to be with them.”

  “Excuse me.” A tall woman with high heels approached and looked pointedly at the cop, drawing his attention away from Alessa. “Veronica Stone of the New York Independent Paper Press. I think I have something you might want to see.” She winked at Alessa and led the cop away.

  What just happened? Who was that woman? Alessa’s head spun with so many conflicting thoughts and emotions.

  “Come on.” Amanda put her arm around Alessa’s shoulders and led her to the car.

  Amanda pulled out behind the ambulance that held Ethan and Kristy and pressed the accelerator to the floor. At one point, Alessa thought Amanda might actually try to pass the ambulance in some sort of impromptu drag race. They arrived right behind the ambulance and just in time to see Josh being wheeled into the ER. Alessa didn’t wait for Amanda to park before darting out of the car and toward the hospital. Josh was deathly pale. Her knees shook.

  A doctor greeted the EMTs. “What’ve we got?” He took his stethoscope from around his neck, and then froze.

  “GSW to the upper left chest region. Vitals are weak. Unresponsive. He’s lost a lot of blood,” the EMT said.

  “All right, let’s get him to an OR. Now.” The doctor whistled and waved his hands at various nurses, who bustled to follow his lead. “He’s one of ours. Let’s go. No mistakes.” And then the doctor and Josh disappeared from her view.

  Alessa clutched the wall to steady herself. She lowered her head in prayer. Dear God, please don’t let him die. He’s too good, too pure. He’s one of the good guys. The world needs him. I need him. When Alessa lifted her head, Amanda was there, watching her with a knowing sad, smile.

  “Did you find what you needed?”

  “He can’t die.” Alessa’s lips trembled and more tears threatened to choke her words.

  “That doctor, David, is Josh’s friend and mentor. Failure isn’t an option for David. This is in God’s hands now.” Amanda headed into the hospital. “Come on.”

  * * * *

  Alessa paced the waiting room, chewing her fingernails down to bloody stubs. She’d been here only an hour, but it felt like a lifetime. Each time a doctor would step into the waiting room, she’d get her hopes up they’d be there with word of Josh. So far, nothing.

  “Alessa, honey, come sit.” Amanda patted the chair beside her.

  “Uh-uh. I’m too . . .” She wasn’t sure there were any words to describe how she felt at the moment. Terrified? Devastated? Guilty? “I can’t sit.”

  Amanda stood and approached; she took Alessa’s hands, forcing her to stop pacing, stop fidgeting. “We are all God’s children, Alessandra, and when we’re called to go stand by His side, it’s an honor, the beginning of a new journey. But I know, in here,” she placed her hand over her heart, “it’s not their time to meet the Heavenly Father. They both have a lot of His work to do right here.”

  All Alessa could do was nod as tears ran silently down her cheeks. If she only had a fraction of Amanda’s faith, maybe this wouldn’t be so hard. But the waiting was killing her. For all she knew, Josh could already be dead. The thought slapped her in the face just as Kristy came into view.

  “Kristy! You’re okay.” Alessa’s eyes widened at the sight of her friend. She dropped Amanda’s hands at the same time Amanda released her. They both turned. A doctor followed Kristy, and Alessa’s moment of joy was quickly dashed.

  Kristy smiled and nodded. “Yeah. Just some bumps and bruises. I’m fine.”

  Alessa hugged Kristy. “I’m so sorry you got mixed up in all of this. You never should’ve—” Her voice cracked and gave out.

  “Don’t apologize. I hope he rots in prison.” Kristy forced a laugh. It was a weak attempt to lighten the mood, but it did garner a small smile from Alessa.

  “Kristy, this is Amanda, Josh’s sister. Amanda, my friend, Kristy.” Alessa stepped back as the two women exchanged greetings and hugs. It was an odd feeling to see her past meeting her present and what she hoped was also her future. Alessa didn’t know what the future held for her and Josh, but she knew no matter what the outcome, she wanted to remain Amanda’s friend, Ethan’s, too.

  “How is Josh? And . . . Ethan? That’s his name, right?” Kristy looked to Alessa.

  “Yeah, Ethan.” Alessa shrugged. “We don’t know yet. No one has told us anything.”

  As if on cue, the doctor who’d came out with Kristy stepped up and glanced at all three of them in tandem. “Are one of you Ethan Grant’s wife?”

  “That’s me.” Amanda stepped up. “Is he all right?”

  “Ethan is fine. He has partial second-degree burns on both of his arms. He’ll heal in a couple of weeks with minimal scarring. But he was in a lot of pain, and I think mild shock, so I gave him something for pain and to help him sleep. He should be coming out of it soon.”

  “Can I see him?” Amanda asked, her voice and the sagging of her shoulders finally showing some of the strain she’d been hiding.

  The doctor nodded. “Yes, he was asking for you before I sedated him. Follow me.”

  Amanda gave a glance over her shoulder to Alessa. “Remember, He’s always listening.” She gave a quick gesture toward the ceiling, but Alessa knew Amanda was referring to something much bigger than the walls of this hospital.

  The time passed one second at a time, until Alessa thought she’d suffocate with the waiting. Three hours to dwell on every worst-case scenario that all ended the same: death, life without Josh. The thought played on repeat in her mind, spreading an ice through her veins that did nothing to freeze the panic. The doctor coming into the waiting room, a sad, sullen look on his face, the cold, meaningless words he’d say—I’m sorry, but he didn’t make it. Repeat.

  Alessa stopped pacing, wrapped her arms around herself and held back a shudder. Was there any truth is what Amanda said? Was it as easy as lowering her head, whispering a prayer to God? Is that what she needed to do to save him? Because she would. She’d do anything to know Josh was okay. Alessa paced to the far wa
ll, leaned her forehead against it, and closed her eyes.

  Please don’t let him die. I love that man more than anything.

  It wasn’t a true prayer, she didn’t think, but it was all she could come up with, and it was true, spoken from the deepest recesses of her heart. That had to account for something, right?

  Just as Alessa straightened and turned around, Amanda re-entered the waiting room. “How’s Ethan?”

  “Good. I didn’t realize how long I’d been in there with him. Sorry I left you out here alone, but I wanted to check on you.” Amanda smiled. “And he’s asking to see you, actually.”

  “Me?” Shock registered in Alessa’s voice. Then she shook her head. What could Ethan possibly want to see her for? She’d been the cause of his injuries, his pain. She couldn’t face him. Not yet anyway.

  Before either of them could say anything else, a tired looking doctor dressed in blue scrubs entered the waiting room. Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath, waiting and hoping the doctor brought news of their loved one.

  Amanda walked toward him and hugged the man. “David. It’s good to see you again.”

  “I’m sorry it’s under these circumstances.” David gave a sad smile, and Alessa’s heart dropped.

  “How is he?” Amanda’s voice was barely a whisper.

  “Josh?” Alessa asked and cleared her throat. “How’s Josh?” She bit down on her bottom lip. She didn’t know what she’d do if he was . . . God, she couldn’t even think it. It was too horrible.

  “He pulled through surgery just fine and is—”

  “Thank you!” Alessa flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Thank you for saving him.”

  “You must be Alessa.” He gave a strained chuckle.

  She pulled away and wiped the tears from her face. “Yeah. Sorry.” She laughed with relief and nervousness. “Can I see him?”

  “Not yet.” David sighed and dragged a weary hand through his already tousled hair. “Josh lost a lot of blood, but luckily there was no severe internal damage done. He’s sedated and in recovery right now. We’re closely monitoring his vitals, but within the hour he should be awake and ready for visitors.”

  “Thank you, David, really. I don’t know what I would’ve done if . . .” Amanda shook her head.

  David placed his hand on Amanda’s shoulder. “I know.” He smiled. “I’m actually on my way to see Ethan. Would you like to come with me?”

  Amanda smiled. “Yeah. Do you want to come with us, Alessa?”

  “No, thank you. I’m going to sit out here with Kristy.” Truth was, Alessa wasn’t ready to face Ethan just yet.

  When Amanda and David left, Alessa blew out a pent up breath. Then she plopped down in a chair, exhausted. The weight of the past few days crashed down around her, and she was suddenly very tired. But Ethan was all right, and Josh was alive. Even Kristy came out unscathed. Maybe there was something to the power of prayer after all.

  “I could really go for a cup of coffee,” Kristy said.

  Alessa smiled. “Me too.” She stood. “We have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Kristy laughed. “You think? I want the scoop on that handsome, brave doctor you managed to snag.”


  Josh blinked his eyes open, pain shooting through his body. He groaned as the memory of what landed him here seeped into his mind. Alessa! He tried to sit up, but a sharp stab of pain pierced his ribs, knocking the breath from his body, causing him to fall back against the pillows.

  He’d been shot.

  Carefully moving, he grabbed the call button draped over the bed railing and pushed the button. If he couldn’t go find her, then someone was going to bring her to him. He needed to know she was okay. He needed to see her with his own eyes, needed to touch her, kiss her. Leaning his head back on the pillows, he closed his eyes. After several moments, when no one answered his call, he pushed the button again, And then a third time for good measure.

  Finally, the door opened and David walked in. “So, you’re going to be one of those patients, huh?” David’s eyes, despite looking exhausted, were also filled with relief and playfulness.

  They both laughed. David approached and stood by the side of the bed. “You know I love you like a brother, Josh, but I swear if you ever make me cut you open and put my hands inside of you again, our bromance is over.”

  “Duly noted.” Josh laughed then winced in pain. “Ow.”

  David placed his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “Just relax. You’re not going to be doing anything but lying here for the next few days.”

  The idea of being confined to a hospital bed for days was not his idea of a good time, but he knew David was a good doctor, and strict when it came to ensuring his patients were well cared for. And Josh had a feeling David would be extra hard on him. “Where is everyone? Where’s Alessa?”

  Pulling up a chair, David sat. He rested his arms on his knees and hung his head. The silence stretched on for a painfully long time, and Josh knew he was about to get an earful from David about Alessa, about his poor choices, the future of his career as a doctor.

  Slowly, David lifted his head, his face weary with the stress of the day. “Just tell me one thing. Is she worth this, Josh? Is she worth your career? Your life?”

  “Yes,” Josh answered without hesitation. “She’s worth all of it and more.” He attempted to shift in bed, but the pain that shot up his side had him settling for staying right where he was. “You know better than anyone what I went through with Laura. All that craziness about soul mates and finding the one.”

  “Please tell me you’re not starting to believe that nonsense. Do you have a head trauma I don’t know about? A concussion maybe?”

  Josh shook his head. “No, no head trauma that I’m aware of. I still don’t know about soul mates, but I do feel like I am meant to be with Alessa. I can’t imagine not being with her. I’ll always love Laura, but I know now that I had to lose her to find Alessa. And for the first time in longer than I can remember, I’m looking forward to the future.”

  “Hey, man,” David stood, “you don’t have to convince me or explain it. You said she’s worth it, that’s enough for me.” He went about checking Josh’s vitals, noting them on the chart. “Ethan came in, too. He has some second-degree burns on his arms, but he’ll be fine. Your sister is with him now.”

  Josh let out a loud sigh of relief. One of the last things he remembered before passing out was Ethan flailing around trying to put out the fire. “And Alessa?”

  David hung the chart back on the foot of the bed, clicked his pen closed and tucked it in his pocket. “She’s pacing a hole in the waiting room floor.” He laughed. “I’ll go get her, but I need you to promise me something first.”

  Josh almost said, “anything,” but he didn’t want to put that out there if David wanted something crazy—like Josh’s word he wouldn’t get any more involved with Alessa. That was a promise he’d make to no one. Ever. Instead, he said, “What?”

  “When you’re out of here and feeling better, you and Alessa come over for dinner. Chrissy’s been on me for weeks now to have you over.”

  Josh laughed. “You got it.”

  David nodded then left. As soon as Josh heard the click of the door closing, he heard it open again. He looked over to find Alessa standing in the doorway. His heart constricted, making it hard to draw in a deep breath. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail, tendrils coming loose and falling around her face, which was red and puffy, no doubt from crying. And she was absolutely stunning.

  “Josh.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, his name sounding more like an inconsequential noise than a word. But none of that mattered. She was here. He was here. They were together.

  “Alessa.” He’d barely finished speaking her name, and she was across the room, leaning over him, their lips finding each other’s. Josh pulled at the tie holding back her hair, and then he speared his fingers into her long locks, palming the back o
f her head, kissing her slowly, deeply. For the first time since he’d left her with Amanda to go to the cabin, he was able to breathe easy again.

  “I thought you were . . .” She sighed and rested her forehead to his.

  “Hey.” He hugged her as best he could without causing himself too much pain. “It’s okay. I’m fine.” He wasn’t about to tell her he’d been on death’s door, that he’d felt himself slipping further and further away from her. “Look at me, baby.” She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. He ran the back of his hand down her cheek and across her bruised jaw. “I love you, Alessandra.”

  Her lips trembled and tears pooled in her eyes. “I was so afraid you’d tell me you didn’t want . . . I mean, this is my fault, you getting shot and Ethan getting burned.” She shook her head.

  “Stop it,” he said firmly, and then softened his voice. “You’ve spent far too much time letting that man run your life, letting him make you feel as if you’re somehow worthless. It stops right now, do you hear me?”

  She nodded, but he could tell she still didn’t believe him. Josh inched over and motioned for her to lie beside him. Alessa gently climbed onto the bed and curled up against his good side. Josh put his arm around her, keeping her close.

  “Nothing that happened changes how I feel about you.” He kissed the top of her head. “You’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever met, and it’s just one of the many reasons I love you.”

  Alessa tilted her head and looked up at him. “So you’re not going to make me leave?”

  He smiled. “I wouldn’t let you even if you wanted to.” He winked.

  “Guess it’s a good thing I don’t want to then.” She sighed and snuggled back down against his side. “I’m sorry you got shot.”

  Josh let out a loud laugh. Getting shot wasn’t anything to joke about, but the way she’d said it was so simple and natural—so genuinely sweet that it disarmed him, as she did. He gave her a gentle squeeze, and closed his eyes, content and happy. For once, everything in his life, every emotion swirling inside of him was at peace with each other.


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