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Vampire (Alpha Claim 8-Final Enforcement): New Adult Paranormal Romance (Vampire Alpha Claim)

Page 30

by Eros, Marata

  I guess, besides her dad, we hadn't had a lot of that. I didn't say it though.

  “Okay, you pulse Tiff and see if she wants to involve herself. She's already said yes to the haunted house thing.”

  “Another Jonesy idea,” Jade said.


  “It does sound pretty cool,” she admitted.


  Jade walked toward the gate with me following. I spun the numbers, and it clicked open smoothly, first time. We walked in and I adjusted it in the fake lock position.

  “We can't stop living just because the government might be up-our-ass.”

  “Up your ass.” She grinned.


  We walked together hand in hand until we came to the pink fridge. Jade walked around the part of it that she was able to, but the very back was more or less surrounded by pieces of cars, with a whole car on its nose (scrunched down) all along the left side. It was still bright daylight out but I knew it would be gloomy-as-hell inside. That wouldn't work and I bent down, grabbing a metal tool, about sixteen inches long, with two curved sides opposite each other. I think Dad called it a crow... something. I used it to prop the door open and explained the coffin theory. The look on her face! Geez! I gave her a fierce hug, putting my hand on the back of her neck, leaning her into me.

  I'll never let anything happen to her.

  She scared easy but she'd been brave with her dad. Scared of being trapped?

  “What is it?” I asked, brushing a wisp of hair behind her ear.

  “I hate being in tight spaces,” she mumbled.

  “We won't be. The crow-thing will hold the door.”

  I led the way down the tunnel. It didn't seem to take nearly as long as it had the first time. I went through the tight squeeze first and turned to help Jade, but she just popped right out.

  I clicked on the LED light and shone it around the area.

  “Wow,” she said. “You're right. This is perfect. It's got a creep factor, but it will be invisible to most adults.” She pulled out her pulse.

  “Can you pulse?”

  I got mine out and thumbed the pad: Pulse-signal impairment.

  “No, I can't get squat.”

  “Me either,” she said.

  We sighed in unison and I gave her a kiss on the cheek, but she turned just enough and our mouths collided softly. I hadn't actually had a chance to kiss Jade but had given it a lot of thought. I used one hand to palm my pulse inside my jeans pocket and folded Jade into my body as if she was always meant to fit perfectly. I worked my mouth over the top of her lips, barely lifting off its silky surface for even an instant. She tasted wonderful. She stood on tiptoe to reach me, winding her slender arms around my neck, pressing her hand into the base of my skull as I clenched her body in against mine.

  I broke away and looked down at her, our bodies just skimming each other. I watched her pulse thudding in the hollow of her throat, mine a mirror.

  All I could think was she was so close to me, and she smelled great. A feeling of need pressed down on my chest, but I backed up a little, giving her some space.

  “That was nice,” she said.

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “Our first real kiss.” She ducked her head, black hair falling forward.

  I was dazed but definitely up for a repeat performance. Yeah, I was into the whole practice-makes-perfect philosophy. But I didn’t want to push it.

  “We better get going, or your aunt will freak out.”

  “Yeah, I guess. I could stay here with you all night.”

  “Not scared anymore?” I teased.

  “Not so much, no.” She smiled.

  I turned off the LED, expecting the light from the tunnel to be enough to guide me to the opening. Instead, we were plunged into complete darkness.

  “Caleb?” Jade cried.

  “It's okay.” I flipped the LED back on.

  No .. . no it's not. “ I think someone closed the door.”

  “What? Who?”

  “Those jerks.

  Carson and Brett.

  “Brett’s been in here. He touched this spot over here.”

  Well— hell. No pulse, no way out. In the dark with my girlfriend.

  Hey... in the dark with my girlfriend . Now that had possibilities.

  “Caleb!” She sounded a little hysterical.

  “I'll think of something. Just stay calm. ”

  My mind turned to the graveyard not two blocks away. I guess the zombie crew were going to have to start early.

  We needed zombies, (and the Js suddenly appearing wouldn't be too bad either). Were Carson and Brett still out there? I was gonna have to deal with them. Doesn't look like Brett had softened toward me when I lent him a hand with his crazy-ass dad. Huh.

  Jade was mashed up next to me, which was great, but she was my responsibility.

  I had an idea.

  “Are they still out there?” I asked Jade.

  “I think so.”

  I let that thread of power slide out of me. I visualized one grave in particular.

  I called Clyde to me. Come. Then I threw a visual net, using it in my head like a lasso, tossing it around that one grave like a circle. I clenched it tightly, pulling it toward me.

  “What are you doing?” Jade said, sensing something big.

  Her voice sounded as if it came from far away. I felt the zombies coming, heading toward the dump. Belatedly, it occurred to me that he may draw attention.

  I thought, Stay hidden. The response —yeeeesss— was a razor-like hiss in my mind. I shivered. The communion with the zombie felt like breathing—natural and righ t, but took some getting used to.

  I answered, “Getting help.”

  “I think they're here,” she said.

  Outside of the door, there was a scuffle, then Brett screeched, “I told you he'd get those fuckin' dead creepers out of the ground. They're going right for the door.”

  “Don't worry. I have this under control,” Carson said.

  I yelled, “Clyde, rip the door off!”

  A great bubble of power left me. Vertigo struck, and my skin felt as if it would slide off my body. Then the world righted, and sunlight streamed in. A rotting head poked through the door hanging crookedly off its hinges.

  That solved the locking-us-in-the-hideaway problem.

  Jade yelped when Clyde poked his head in. Clyde wasn't a chatty guy, he just stared and I said (very literally; zombies were a task-oriented group). “Grab the kid named Carson, but don't hurt him.”

  Carson saw Clyde coming and created a fire ball in the palm of each hand. One of my other zombies was frantically beating at the flames on his feet or what was left of his feet.

  Carson was going to need work on his aim.

  But Clyde was fast. Whoever said zombies only shambled hadn't met my zombies. They could have serious speed.

  I exited the broken freezer door, pulling Jade out as I went. I kept her behind me until I figured out this new mess. I saw something blurring toward me in the periphery.

  Jade screamed, “Caleb, watch out!” and then Brett was on me, both of us rolling away from Jade, our hands swept apart.

  I turned desperately, trying to keep sight of Jade, and Brett belted me a good one in my jaw. I aimed a knee at his crotch, but he moved, and it landed in his stomach. We grappled for a few seconds. I managed to get on top, and I punched him in the face.

  I looked up and Jade stood with four zombies around her, tiny looking, them a rotting back drop, Carson preparing to torch her.

  I didn't hesitate, “Move in front of her.”

  The zombies twitched as one, blocking Jade with their bodies. The one with the burning feet crawled to be in front of her. Cripes! I'd think about that later, right now Jade needed saving.

  “Clyde, his hands!” I screamed.

  Clyde’s eyeballs rolled in my direction, and a dark understanding lit them. He folded one arm across both of Carson's, tightening it like a vise. The r
emains of one cuff of his sleeves waving small fingers of material in the light breeze, a cuff-link tenaciously hanging on, twinkling in the hazy sunlight, then grabbed Carson's right hand.

  “He's breaking my hand,” Carson screamed at me with true alarm.

  “Oh well !” Jade screamed back.


  Clyde was busying himself with bending Carson's hand back toward his wrist. I said, “Now, Clyde, don't break it off. Yet .”

  “Yeah, Clyde ,” Jonesy said from behind me. “If you break his hand, how's he gonna scratch his ass?”

  I turned in time to see Jonesy taking a swing at Brett, who had been creeping up behind me.

  “It's about damn time!” I said, ducking out of the fray. “I thought I was gonna have to do all the work.”

  John followed Jonesy, who was in a full-on struggle with Brett. I turned my attention back to Carson. “Say 'uncle' you troublesome prick.”

  “Screw you, Hart.”

  I just looked at Clyde, who got it , exerting more pressure on old fire lover.

  Carson squealed like a pig. “Ooowww! Tell him to stop.”

  “Clyde stop,” I said like I didn't mean it.

  Jonesy and Brett were still dueling it out behind me; distinctive meaty thumping sounds of fists swinging.

  Interestingly enough, Clyde didn't stop.

  “Stop him!”

  “Okay. Clyde, stop breaking Carson's hand. For now.”

  Clyde took off the pressure, but he let his skeletal hand linger over Carson's.

  John came up behind me. “Not that this isn't terrific entertainment, but I want to mention we're not exactly being subtle.”


  I walked over to Jade. The others zombies stared at me as if I were the single most important thing in the world.

  She fell into my arms. “I thought he was going to burn me, Caleb!”

  I looked over at Brett and saw that Jonesy had him in an elbow lock. Nice. I guess we couldn't deliver them back all broken; the adults would ask about that .

  “Jonesy, get off Brett.”


  “Just do it!”

  Jonesy backed off Brett carefully, giving him full eye contact. That was really necessary with Brett, a proven weasel.

  Brett stared at me sullenly.

  I glanced at one of the zombies over the top of Jade's head, it was a girl zombie.

  But I was a believer after Gran and said, “Go watch him,” I pointed to the pile of sullenness that was Brett. The zombie shuffled over there, oops, that was the one with the feet issue.

  Brett stood up, fists clenched (I knew that look), and said, “Get your creepers away from me Hart.”

  “ No , dick-hole. You locked me and Jade in there then tried to beat on me.”

  “No, I beat on him,” Jonesy interrupted.

  I laughed. “Your butt can just stand there while we deal with Carson.”

  The other three zombies stood there, staring blankly at me, waiting for the next directive. Their rotten smell clung to all of us like loose clothing.

  I turned to Carson. “Listen, I haven't done anything to you, but you insist on trying to drive me crazy, endangering my girlfriend, and hassling us all. Stop it, or I'm gonna sick my zombies on you.”

  The zombies took a step toward Carson, Clyde giving an enthusiastic squeeze. “Not now guys, and girl,” I hurriedly corrected, her eyes almost gone but somehow alive.

  The zombie brigade, energetic bunch.

  “Not so easy, Hart. You need us.”

  Was he high?

  “How do you figure, Mason?” Jonesy asked.

  “’Cause you've got this hideaway for a reason. I'm thinkin' you're all tryin' to hide from something... or someone. Looks like you're limited on how many of your creepers can help you, right?”

  Damn . If he were really dumb, this would be easier.

  John said, “Here's the thing. This is like a stalemate, like in chess.” He nodded at Brett. “Why don’t you guys just go away.”

  Jade added, “Just go now and leave us alone.” She looked directly at Brett. “You should know better. Caleb helped you.”

  “You think he helped me?” Brett barked out a laugh. “What do you think happened after you left?”

  We were all quiet.

  “He used me like a punching bag. You made it worse not better, Hart. You think you're so damn good. Well, you're not. You need to be put in your place, just like all the other jerks that think their shit don't stink.”

  I felt sick . His dad had beat him anyway.

  “So your dad's a royal dickhead. You wanna be like him, he's so cool?” Jonesy asked.

  “No!” Brett yelled.

  “Then stop it Brett. Stop it now,” Jade said quietly.

  “Oh, you're all nice now that you're with him.” Brett jerked his chin at me. “But you have bad taste in dudes, Jade.”

  “Ah... how is this relevant?” John asked.


  Carson squeezed out, “Make this,” he rolled his eyes up to rotting-Clyde, “dead thing let me go and we'll leave you alone, for now.”

  “Not good enough. Leave us alone, forever, ” I said.

  “Fine. Just so you know we're not gonna be friends, ever,” Carson said.

  “Yeah, I think we got the enemies thing down.” I looked at Clyde. “Let him go.”

  Clyde released Carson.

  Carson stumbled and glared at Clyde, who stared unflinchingly back.

  “They're not too smart, your zombies,” Carson said.

  “Smart enough,”

  “Nah, they're dumb,” Brett said, motioning toward Clyde. “But that one is something different.” He moved to stand near Carson.

  “Let's split. We'll leave the zombie-lover and his freak friends here. They can get it on in the cave back there in the dark.”

  The zombies watched the two with dark intent. I was really betting my residual feelings were leaking some on my zombie horde.

  We followed the pair part of the way, then watched them walk the rest. At the gate, Carson turned and flipped us off.

  “He's so consistent it's scary,” John said.

  “He's always a dick, if that's what ya mean,” Jonesy said.

  “Yes, that's what I meant.”

  “Are we done yet?” Jade asked.

  I looked down at her.

  “I think we should fix some stuff before we go.”

  “Okay,” John said. “But now that they know where the hideaway is, it's not a secret.”

  I shrugged. “Secret enough. Carson's a coward and won't want to get mixed up in a thing where adults might show up.”

  “True,” John said.

  I check my watch. “We gotta hurry because Jade needs to get back soon.”

  “Okay.” Jonesy clapped his hands, and the zombie posse turned to look at him. “Whoa! Hey, Caleb, call the dogs off.”

  I laughed. “I don't think they're gonna get ya.”

  “Maybe. But I don't want any special attention either.”

  In a raspy voice, Clyde asked, “You have need for us this day, master?”


  “Ah... yes, Clyde. Maybe you and,” I gestured vaguely at the others, “can help with our hideaway.” I explained what needed doing.

  “This is what you would have of us?” Clyde asked.


  “This is a small thing, this that you require.”


  “This magic you have, necromancer, is not a small power. You must think on this thing that you wield.”

  He gave me that level stare, his dead eyes holding the weight of his words.

  I squirmed under his gaze, feeling uncomfortable.

  “I think you need to give old Clyde here the sales pitch,” Jonesy said.

  “The what?”

  “Tell him why ,” Jonesy said.

  I turned to Clyde. I couldn't believe I was discussing things with a zombie, but I pressed on. “T
here are these government dudes who want to take me—”

  “The young men we dispatched?” Clyde asked. I became fixated on how when he frowned, the rot froze between his brows.

  The zombies were reacting to Clyde too, splitting their attention between us.

  I swallowed. “Ah, no. Actually, those guys just want to beat me up and make us all generally miserable.”

  A look of confusion came over Clyde's face, at least as far as I was able to tell, since his mouth only had about three teeth and a partial lip.

  “They mean you harm without infraction on your part?”

  “Kinda… I don't know. Listen, they're jerks, and they don't like me and just enjoy causing trouble. Here's the thing: I need this place to hide, in case these government squirrels are looking for me and I need to escape. Can you and them”—I gestured at the other zombies—“make the tunnel bigger?”

  “What, pray tell, do the government rodents wish from you?”

  John responded, “I think they want to use Caleb to do bad things for them, like spy-type stuff.”

  “Nefarious things?” Clyde asked, a rotten lip plucking in undead amusement.

  John nodded. “Yes, exactly those things.”

  “What?” Jonesy asked.

  “Later,” I hissed.

  Jonesy looked offended, he'd get over it.

  “Very well,” Clyde said, straightening the lapels of his coat. One came off and fluttered to the ground. He gave a sniff and stepped over the top of it.

  He looked over at the zombie group, eying them for almost a full minute. I was just about ready to ask what he was doing when they all shambled over to the freezer. The zombies did the GI Crawl back through the tunnel. Sounds of metal screeching and clanking began.

  Jonesy bobbed his head forward and back. “Now this is what I was talking about.”

  “Are they lifting those cars?” Jade asked.

  “Yes,” I replied.

  “They're strong.” She said it like it was a bad thing.

  “Yeah, they are.”

  “I told you guys to piss off? How come you showed?”

  John grinned.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You weren't answering your pulse, I knew something was wrong.”

  “We can't get pulse-signal in there,” I said.

  John raised his eyebrows. “For an hour?”

  “Yeah, I guess we were in there a while.” I noticed that a fine blush had worked its way up Jade's face, coloring her cheeks pink.


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