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Mr. Teacher_Single Dad & Virgin Romance

Page 5

by Kelli Callahan

  “Ow!” I squealed when a particularly painful smack landed in the center of my bottom.

  “Not so much fun to be a troublemaker now, is it?” He gave me a quick series of smacks as he spoke.

  “No!” I shook my head and grimaced.

  My ass started to burn as the spanking continued. I felt an emotional release that I hadn’t felt in years, like all of the things I had done were finally being washed away. It was liberating, even if it hurt—a lot. I squirmed and squealed underneath each punishing smack, feeling tears welling up in the corner of my eyes when emotions mixed with the agony of my comeuppance. There was no longer any doubt about his intentions. He definitely intended to give me what I had been asking for, even if I didn’t realize exactly what that meant when I admitted I needed to pay for my transgressions.

  “Ow! I’m sorry!” I threw my head back and kicked my feet.

  “Some actual remorse, huh?” He kept spanking me as he spoke.

  “Yes, I’m really sorry!” My eyes could no longer hold the tears back and they started to stream down my face.

  “I guess you’ve learned your lesson, then.” He gave me a few more hard smacks, but then his hand came to a rest on my ass.

  Gavin took me in his arms and held me against his chest. I had never felt so safe and protected. An immense relief washed over me. I belonged in his arms and there was nowhere else I wanted to be. As the sting began to wear off, I realized exactly how wet I was. The punishment had turned me on more than I had been turned on the night before and I became aware of how much I needed to feel his touch. I started kissing his neck, moving up to his ear, and my fingers quickly started fumbling with the buttons on his shirt.

  “I guess you need something else now.” He let out a gasp. “Something to take your mind off the spanking?”

  “Yes!” I exhaled sharply. “I want you so bad.”

  He turned me towards the arm of the couch and pushed me across it with my ass in the air. He squeezed my punished flesh and I felt a twinge of the searing pain for a second, but then I felt his tongue. He licked the entrance of my pussy and slowly worked down to my clitoris. His tongue moved quickly. There was no teasing. He kept his tongue directly on my clitoris and I gripped the arm of the couch. I felt the pressure building up faster than ever before. My hips started to move in unison with his tongue and I felt an orgasm coming.

  “You’re gonna make me cum already!” I bit down on my bottom lip and my eyes squeezed shut. “Oh god!”

  The pressure roared and then I felt my muscles constricting. My pussy spasmed and I started to see a kaleidoscope of colors on the back of my eyelids. My mouth opened wide and I gasped, almost asphyxiating myself on my own breath before I could draw oxygen into my lungs. I started pulling in air as quickly as I could, forcing myself to breathe so I wouldn’t pass out. The orgasm lasted longer than any of the ones I had the previous night and when it was over, I felt like Jell-O on the arm of the couch.

  “If I can cum like that every time you spank me, you can do it as often as you like.” I sighed and felt my breathing returning to normal.

  “I’ll do it as often as you deserve it.” I could hear movement that sounded like he was removing his shirt as he spoke and then I heard his zipper. “Now I’m going to get what I deserve.”

  “Take whatever you want….” I closed my eyes and used as much strength as I could muster to lift my ass towards him.

  Chapter 8: Gavin

  Charlotte’s virgin asshole was certainly enticing, but her pussy was on fire and so wet that I couldn’t resist it. I stripped off my clothes and positioned myself behind her. There was resistance when I started to penetrate her pussy due to her tightness, but I didn’t hold back the way I had the night before. My cock was throbbing with anticipation and needed a release in the worst kind of way. I buried myself until I felt her wetness on my balls and then started to thrust as hard as I could.

  “That feels so good!” She gasped and started to moan. “It’s even better than your tongue and I already orgasmed once.”

  Seeing Charlotte in her cheerleader outfit had caused my inner Dom to take hold of me. I had been so careful with her the previous day and when we were at school that it never really took complete control. When she walked in looking like every bit of the disobedient brat I remembered, there was no way to keep it simmering below the surface. I had to punish her. She was practically begging for it. Seeing the way she reacted confirmed that she needed the punishment. I was fairly convinced I had only scraped the surface of her submissive nature, even though I turned her ass a bright shade of red and brought tears to her eyes.

  “This is my pussy now.” I squeezed her hips and continued to drive my cock inside her. “I’m going to be the only man that ever touches you.”

  “Yes!” She nodded quickly and threw her head.

  “Tell me that you belong to be me.” I felt my cock throbbing as her pussy started to spasm.

  “I belong to you!” She forced her words out through hurried breaths and then started to orgasm again.

  I grabbed her hair and held onto it with one hand while the other one kept a tight grip on her hip. The additional leverage allowed me to yank her back towards my cock as I propelled myself forward with every ounce of strength I had. She was still orgasming and I was really close. I felt the first surge of cum and my balls tightened. I drove myself deep inside her pussy and started to erupt inside her. That seemed to make her cum even harder. Her pussy spasmed nonstop, milking every drop of my manhood as I continued to release my seed. When the last of it was gone, I slumped forward against her back and started kissing her neck.

  “Holy shit…” The entirety of her weight fell against the arm of the couch. “I can’t believe how much that turned me on.”

  “I meant what I said.” I kissed her neck with a little more force. “You belong to me now. I’m never letting you go.”

  “I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else.” She purred and exhaled slowly. “This is intoxicating.”

  I understood exactly how she felt, even if I didn’t verbalize it. The bridge that extended from the end of my marriage to the first date with Charlotte had been a hard one to walk, but I finally felt happy again. I didn’t feel like I was going to have to dull my senses just to get through the night. I felt alive. I was hungry for the beautiful woman underneath me. The hunger couldn’t be satisfied unless I knew she belonged to me. We lay together in that spot for almost an hour before either of us seemed to have the strength to move.

  “I guess I should get home and make sure Veronica doesn’t stay out past her curfew.” Charlotte rolled over and looked up at me.

  “Maybe you can stay the night once your mother gets back?” I leaned back against the couch and watched as she stood.

  “When she gets back from her trip, it will be time for classes to start.” She turned towards me with her naked body glistening in the dim light of my living room.

  “It isn’t that far away, we can still see each other on the weekends. When I don’t have Benjamin, I’ll come visit you. When he’s with his mom, you can come stay with me.” I stared as she picked up the bag she had brought and pulled out a pair of jeans.

  “I don’t know if I can really sneak you into my dorm room.” She giggled and put on a pair of panties. “My roommate might get jealous when you start spanking me.”

  “We’ll make it work.” I finally stood and wrapped my arms around her before she finished dressing. “I’ll have you, even if I have to fuck you while your roommate watches.”

  “Don’t even joke about that.” She shuddered for a moment and then finally smiled.

  Charlotte finished getting dressed and we had one more long kiss at the door before she headed back home. By the time she left, I was already turned on again and wishing that she had stayed a little longer. I walked back to the couch and sat down, rubbing my cock back to life as I did. There was no way I would be able to sleep with lust coursing through my veins again. I started stro
king it, moving in the same rhythm she used when she pleasured me with her lips. It wasn’t the same, but it would be enough to get me off.

  This is all I’m going to have once she’s gone.

  After my divorce, I was so numb that I rarely felt like jacking off. The whiskey definitely didn’t help. I was feeling the same energy I felt when I first discovered how good it felt to rub my cock. I kept the motion going until I felt my balls tingling again. I stroked myself harder, bouncing against the couch to drive my cock into my hand. The cum started to surge through my shaft and then it erupted, covering my chest and legs with my seed. I continued stroking as more oozed out, and finally stopped when there was nothing left to ejaculate.

  Fuck, what a waste…

  I HAD A BIT OF A BOUNCE when I got to school the next morning. The world looked more vibrant than it normally did. My soul felt like it had been released from the darkness that swallowed it for so long. My pride had taken a lot of hits, but it was finally restored again. The first date had been good, but the second one was liberating. I actually whistled as I walked down the hallway and nodded to students with a smile on my face. Most of them gave me a confused stare, but I didn’t give a shit.

  “Mr. King?” I heard a voice behind me and I turned to see our school secretary, Mrs. Smith.

  “Good morning, Gloria!” I turned towards her and smiled.

  “Principal Wilson needs to speak with you.” It didn’t seem like my chipper greeting wore off on her at all, and her tone was rather solemn.

  “Is he in his office? Tell him I’ll come over as soon as homeroom is done.” I turned back towards the white board and picked up a marker.

  “It’s actually rather urgent, Mr. King.” Her voice cracked as she reiterated her request.

  “Oh? Okay, I’ll go see him now.” I shrugged and tossed the marker on my desk.

  I wasn’t sure why Mrs. Smith had such a strange look on her face. When I started walking down the hallway, the initial buzz of my morning stroll had worn off and I realized that some of the other teachers were staring at me with a strange look on their face as well. Something was definitely off. My stomach started to turn when I got to Mr. Smith’s office and realized that it wasn’t just him that was waiting on me. The vice principal and the school board’s lawyer were there as well.

  “Jim, what is going on?” I looked at Principal Wilson.

  “Please have a seat, Mr. King.” Principal Wilson took a seat behind his desk and folded his hands against his chin.

  “I take it you didn’t check your email this morning?” The attorney for the school board turned his head towards me.

  “No, not yet.” I looked around the room. “Why?”

  “This email went out to every member of the faculty this morning.” He opened his briefcase and pulled out a piece of paper.

  “What the hell is this?” I took the paper from him.

  My eyes nearly bulged out of my head when I saw the title — Mr. King and the Cheerleader. It was a story someone had written, describing my apparent affair with a student, who was a cheerleader at Glendale High School. The language was very dirty and written from the perspective of the cheerleader. I got to the bottom and saw a picture of a Glendale High School cheerleader uniform, laid out on a sheet, and it appeared to be wet with what the story described as stains of our love.

  Oh my god, did Charlotte write this?

  “So, Mr. King. Is there something you would like to tell us before we have to bring every single cheerleader into the office for questioning with their parents present?” The lawyer shook his head back and forth. “If you’ll just tell us who it is, we can have the conversation discreetly and arrange for you to turn yourself in to the police without having you paraded out of the school in handcuffs.”

  “I’ve never had sex with an underage girl, much less a student that goes to this school!” I threw the paper at him. “This is bullshit!”

  “We’re trying to trace the computer that it came from.” Principal Wilson shook his head and sighed. “We haven’t called the police yet, but it is only a matter of time before someone else does if we don’t.”

  “There are only two suspects…” I looked down at the floor and grimaced. “One of them was wearing that outfit last night and the other one is her little sister that goes to this school.”

  “So, it’s true…” The lawyer’s mouth fell open in shock.

  “The story is bullshit. I’m dating someone who used to be a cheerleader here, but she’s in college now. Maybe she set me up, or maybe her little sister is just being a fucking brat, but I guarantee you that the story is not true.” I glared angrily at the wall and felt my blood pressure rising.

  “Principal Wilson.” I heard the secretary’s voice as the door opened. “I’m sorry to disturb you, but the police are here.”

  “Fuck!” I slammed my hand into the desk and stood up.

  “Wait, Mr. King. We need the name…” The lawyer followed me to the door, but stopped when he saw me approach the police officers.

  I wasn’t being arrested, but they were respectfully requesting that I come to the police station and answer some questions. I definitely wasn’t going back to my classroom. I had seen investigations happen before at Glendale High School, so I knew I would be out on administrative leave until it was done. After every member of the faculty had read the email, I wasn’t sure I could even show my face there again even if I was welcome to do so. The same teachers that always looked at me with lust and made sexual innuendos now looked at me like I was disgusting. A few of the cheerleaders smiled when I walked by and that made my stomach turn.

  Chapter 9: Charlotte

  I got back home a few minutes after ten o’clock and the house was dark except for the front porch light and the one we left on in the kitchen. I opened the door, dropped my bag, and immediately started dialing Veronica’s cell phone. It went to voicemail and I tried texting her, but got no response. I knew she was blatantly ignoring me because she rarely put away her phone for even five minutes.

  Veronica, where the hell are you?

  I sat down in the living room and it was nearly eleven-thirty before I heard a car in the driveway. I immediately walked to the door and pulled it open, expecting to see Briana’s mother. Regardless of how angry I was at Veronica, I was even angrier that Briana’s mother would let her stay out that late on a school night. I stepped out onto the porch and realized that it wasn’t Briana’s mom that had brought my sister home. The car door opened and a cloud of smoke emerged before my little sister stepped out. The light in the car came on and I saw a boy driving and two other teenagers in the backseat.

  “See you tomorrow, Tommy.” Veronica pursed her lips and blew the driver a kiss before she started walking towards the house.

  “Veronica, what the hell?” I put my hands on my hips as she got closer. “I told you ten o’clock, and you said you were going to Briana’s house!”

  “We did.” Veronica shrugged and walked past me. “Then we went out.”

  “Are you drunk?” I grabbed her arm and turned her back towards me. “Oh my god, you smell like weed, cigarettes, and cheap beer.”

  “So what? I was just having fun.” She giggled and pulled away.

  “Veronica!” I slammed the door once we were inside the house. “This discussion is not over! You lied to me. I trusted you and you come home drunk?”

  “Chill out, sis.” Veronica turned towards me and her face seemed to flash with rage. “I’m just living up to your reputation. Everyone makes sure to remind me how awesome you were when they realize I’m Charlotte Baker’s little sister.”

  “I made mistakes, yes. I was a stupid kid. You don’t have to act like me just because we’re related.” I shook my head in disbelief. “You’re not leaving this house again until Mom gets home unless you’re going to school. You ride the bus there and ride the bus back. If you get put in detention again, I’ll come get you, but you’re just going to be digging a deeper grave for yourself. When
Mom gets back, I’m telling her everything.”

  “You hypocritical bitch!” Veronica walked towards me and before I could react, she slapped me across the face so hard I saw stars.

  “Go to your room!” I resisted the urge to lash out and slap her back—which was a lot more reserve than I had ever shown before.

  “You’re not my mom!” She took a step back and glared angrily at me.

  “You’re right. If you don’t go to your room, I’ll fucking drag you up those stairs by your hair and lock you in it.” I took a step towards her and she cowered, immediately running towards the stairs.

  “Do you know how hard it is being Charlotte Baker’s little sister?” Veronica paused and turned back towards me when she got halfway up the stairs. “I grew up watching you get in trouble every day. Mom rarely had time to even talk to me because she was dealing with whatever shit you started. It was worse at school. You had this mighty reputation, even though I knew it was bullshit because I heard you telling people about all the things you did over the weekend. They believed every word, but I knew you never left your bedroom. It left me living the shadow of your lies.”

  “I’m sorry, Veronica. I know I was a terrible person back then, which is why I’ve tried so hard to be a better person since I started college.” I sighed and shook my head. “It still doesn’t excuse what you’ve done.”

  “You might have tried to become a better person, but the memories you left behind didn’t change. You’re a fucking legend. I used to be on the honor roll. Remember that? Of course you don’t. You were too busy making up stories about all the guys you fucked.” Veronica bolted up the stairs and slammed her door when she got to her room.

  My sister’s words still echoed in my ears after she was gone. They hurt worse than the slap that felt like it was pulsating on my face. I walked to the bathroom and saw a red mark that had already started to swell. I got some ice from the kitchen and put it in a bag. I knew where my mother hid the key to her liquor cabinet and I really needed a drink. I let the ice rest on my face and practically chugged vodka until it numbed the agony. I never made it upstairs. I was so exhausted from my time with Gavin and emotionally spent from the confrontation with Veronica that I simply passed out on the couch.


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