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Touchdown Baby: Bad Boy And A Virgin

Page 3

by Tia Siren

  “This is different,” he said, and then he was upon her again, and she was lost in ecstasy. His lips went to hers once more, and his hands worked together to expertly unclasp her bra. He tossed that down onto her shirt and then pulled his mouth from hers. He groped at her naked breasts, which were round and firm. He planted kisses on one breast, around her hard nipple, until finally he took her nipple into his mouth, his tongue running circles around it.

  “Oh my God,” the young girl moaned. She tilted her head back once more, her knees weak, her fingers finding his short hair as he sucked on her breast.

  She wanted him, could feel how soaking her panties were. In her mind she saw herself taking charge, pushing him down, climbing atop him, but she knew she never would. She was shy, timid, and this was her first time.

  She had thought he would ravage her, but he was gentle, slow. He pulled his mouth from her breast and gently guided her to her bed. She sat down, and he crouched before her, placing a hand on her shoulder and pushing her back so she was lying down. His fingers hooked through the top of her shorts and tugged them off. She was lying there in nothing but her panties, which were pink and cute and see-through. She arched her neck to look down at him.

  “I’ve never…” she said softly.

  “I remember,” he said with a smile. She laid her head back down, and he pulled her panties off. Her legs were together, but his hands parted them easily. She looked down at him again. He must have seen something in her eyes, fear or apprehension.

  “Relax,” he said. “I’ll take care of you.”

  Kelly nodded, her breathing slow. She lay down again and was staring at her ceiling when his tongue touched her, lightly running up her wet slit.

  She had kissed a guy in high school, but that had been all. Even Lexi, who had been fifty pounds overweight all through high school, had jerked off Ben Kramer at a party once. Kelly had never even seen a dick. No one had fingered her; she hadn’t blown anybody. She had kissed David Solomon, a nice Jewish kid who lived down the street, when she was sixteen, and that had been that.

  Now, in her dorm room, two months after starting college, Kelly had a star football player in her bed, his head between her legs. His tongue lapped at her, and then his finger was there, sliding into her.

  She groaned and wriggled back against her bedsheets. Her fingers found those sheets and gripped them tightly, her knuckles turning ghostly white as she squeezed. He pulled his finger out of her, and his lips left those between her legs. He stood up, and she looked down at him again, watching as Cody pulled his shirt off, and then his pants and boxer briefs. His cock was hard, throbbing as it jutted out in front of him. He was large, and Kelly sucked in a breath of air. She wanted him, but she was scared.

  Cody crawled onto the bed, holding himself up over her. He kissed along her body as he moved up toward her mouth. His lips planted wet spots on her stomach, over one breast, over her collarbone. When they met her lips, she and Cody kissed, their tongues dancing. She had her legs spread still, and she felt the head of his cock rub along her inner thigh.

  He reached down then, took himself into his hand, and guided his cock into her. He went slowly. There was a moment of pain, but then it passed, replaced by the pleasure flooding through her system.

  He pushed into her until his pelvis pressed against hers, and then he slowly slid back, leaving nothing but the head of his cock inside her.

  “Yes,” she moaned, her eyes closed, her arms sliding around Cody’s body. Kelly let her nails dig into his back as he pushed deep inside again. She bit his bottom lip, and he groaned.

  He slid in and out of her, working up to a quicker pace, but he was still gentle and caring. His lips and hands explored her breasts and neck and face. She felt like she was adrift in a sea of ecstasy.

  The slit between her thighs was hot and wet, and she felt an orgasm growing in the pit of her stomach. She’d had orgasmed before, of course. She was familiar with her own body and masturbated often. But her fingers couldn’t compare to Cody’s cock.

  She came suddenly, explosively. She yelled out, bent her head up, and bit into the man’s shoulder to keep from being too loud. He laughed, spurred on, thrusting his cock deep inside her as the walls of her pussy spasmed and contracted around it. He groaned, and she knew he was close to coming.

  “Not inside me,” she practically shouted, pushing at him. Cody listened. He pulled his cock out of her just in time, and then he reached down, gripped himself firmly, and pumped two times before spraying her stomach with his cum. When he was done, Cody collapsed next to her, breathing heavily.

  “Wow,” he said.

  “Yeah,” Kelly agreed. It was all she could say at the moment, but her mind raced. She had lost her virginity. She had given it away. Gone. It was the one thing she had said she was not going to do. School first. Boys later. But she had fallen for Cody. He was hot. He was a jock. He was just the type of guy she had promised herself she would avoid. But there was something about him. He had cried. He was smart. He was caring. He had made her first time special. He had even given her an orgasm.

  School first. Boys later. Kelly thought of her sister. She tried to tell herself that everything would be all right. He hadn’t come inside her. He was caring. He was really a nice guy. Everything else was just his façade.

  Kelly glanced at Cody as they got dressed. He shot her a wink. Yes, it would be all right.

  Cody had just buttoned his fly when the door unlocked and Brittany stepped in.

  She had two friends with her, girls who looked just like her, blond hair, big tits, fake tans. Brittany’s eyes swept over the situation. “You have got to be fucking kidding me,” she said.

  “It isn’t what it looks like,” Kelly said, standing up quickly.

  “Let me tell you something,” Brittany said. “It isn’t what it looks like for you. You’re just a game to him,” she said. “He was only after your fucking cherry.”

  Chapter Eight

  Brittany’s words cut through Kelly like a knife.

  “Is that true?” she asked.

  “No. I should go. This wasn’t the right place…” Cody said, standing quickly and slipping out the door.

  “What a fucking skank,” one of the girls behind Brittany said. She smelled like beer and she swayed when she spoke.

  “Let’s call it a night,” Brittany said over her shoulder.

  “Fuck them both. Forget it. Let's drink some more,” the other girl said.

  “No. Go home. I’m done,” Brittany said, and she turned and shut the door in her friends’ faces. Kelly sat on her bed, unsure of what to do. When her roommate turned around, she was surprised to see the girl was crying.

  “How could you?” she asked.

  “You guys broke up!” Kelly tried.

  “Oh fuck you,” Brittany said. “I didn’t know where we were, okay? He gave me some shit about…well, never mind.”

  That wasn’t good enough for Kelly. She took a deep breath, and then she asked the question she had been wanting to ask for the last minute. “What do you mean he just wanted my cherry?”

  Brittany waved her hand at her roommate. “Forget it.”

  “No. Tell me.”

  “Fine,” Brittany said. “He broke up with me because…well, he wanted to fuck you. He has a thing for virgins. He wanted to see if he could do it. It doesn’t look like you put up much of a fight. He’s probably already bored with you. I bet he’s a little disappointed it was so easy too.”

  “That’s mean,” Kelly said quietly.

  Brittany laughed. “You were just his pet project. Why do you think someone like Cody would date someone like you? Seriously? Get real and grow up.”

  Brittany’s words were painful, like blades slicing through Kelly’s flesh. School first. Boys later. She felt the sting of hot tears in her eyes, and she stood and hurried out of the room.

  She didn’t go back that night, or the next three. She stayed with a mousy girl named Heather who had a dorm room all
to herself and who took three classes with Kelly. They had become friendly over the last month, and Heather was more than happy to let Kelly sleep on her floor.

  Kelly didn’t see Brittany or Cody until her next accounting class. She arrived a bit early, like she usually did, and was shocked to see Cody there waiting for her.

  “Hey, I’m sorry about the other night,” he said.

  “It’s fine.” Kelly wanted to yell at him, to hit him, to tell him she knew everything, that he was just after her virginity, that she had been some sort of game to him, but she stayed silent. She didn’t want to speak with him. He wouldn’t give up though.

  “Are you mad at me?” he asked.

  “I said it’s fine.”

  “I had a good time that night. I shouldn’t have left like that.”

  “I knew you and Brittany had…something. We shouldn’t have hooked up like that.”

  Cody sighed, watching Kelly as she sat in the desk next to his. “I didn’t think you would describe it as hooking up.”

  “Isn’t that what it was?” Kelly asked. “A hookup, right? I might have been a virgin, but I’m not an idiot.”

  “What’s wrong?” Cody asked. “Was she mean to you?”

  “It’s nothing,” Kelly snapped.

  “Well look, I was wondering if you would come to the game this weekend. Saturday. We’re at home. I thought you might like it. Just another piece of college life, you know?”

  “You want me to watch you play football?”

  “I really do. I would love it if I knew you were sitting there, cheering me on,” Cody said.

  Kelly sighed. Why was she even considering that? Why, when she was face to face with the scumbag, did she want to reach out, to take his hand, to hug him, to kiss him? It didn’t make any sense.

  “Penis makes girls go crazy,” Kelly mumbled. Cody heard her, and he laughed.

  “So you’ll come?”

  “Fine,” she said, hoping that would be enough for him to leave her alone for the rest of class. It was. Everyone filed in around them, and then Professor Harrison entered and passed out a test.

  Kelly couldn’t focus. She kept reading the same lines over and over, and her answers were rushed and full of errors. For some reason, she didn’t care.

  She wasn’t even halfway done with the test when she stood suddenly and gathered her things. She took the test up to Harrison’s desk and set it down.

  “I can’t do this right now,” she said in a whisper. Cody was watching her. She turned then and hurried for the door, ignoring the professor as he called after her, asking if she was all right.

  Kelly made it to the hall before she broke down crying. She slumped against the wall and dropped her bag. The door opened beside her and Cody came out.

  “What is wrong with you?” he asked.

  “I can’t take it,” she said. “You only fucked me because I was a virgin. It was some sort of game to you, wasn’t it?”

  Cody sighed and ran his hands over his face. “Did Brittany say that?”

  “Is it true?” Kelly asked.

  “Yes,” Cody said, “in a way. But…Kelly, I…it’s not like that anymore. I thought it would be fun, like a game I guess, to see if I could get you to give it up, but…that was the best night of my life. Being around you makes me feel…good. I don’t know how else to explain it. Just plain good. You make me feel like a better man than I really am.”

  “Like a better man? You aren’t even close to a man. You’re a child! A hurtful, horrible child,” Kelly yelled.

  “Let’s not do this here. People are going to…I mean, people can hear us,” Cody said.

  “So what? You don’t want them to hear us? You don’t want them to know what kind of man you are? What kind of man do I make you feel like now?”

  “I’m sorry. Let me make it up to you,” Cody said, reaching for her. She pulled out of his grasp and backed down the hallway.

  “Are you brain dead?”

  “Listen, let me tell you the truth,” Cody said, stepping forward. “Can I do that at least? Tell you the absolute truth?”

  “Please,” Kelly said. “I wish you would.”

  “You make me feel like…like I’ve never felt before. You’re smart and sexy and beautiful, and I just…when I’m with you, I feel like I don’t have to be the fake me, the one I show everyone. I may have thought of you like…a conquest—and believe me, I feel like shit about it—but you make me feel like a real person. Like Cody. Not like Cody the football stud. I want to be a real person. I want to be a real person with you.”

  Kelly fought with her emotions. Her head told her that she shouldn’t listen to him, that he was lying, that he had used her. But her heart was telling her that he was being genuine. She sighed.

  “Then take me out,” Kelly said softly.


  “Take me on a date. Don’t just fuck me. Take me out.”

  “Okay. Tonight? Dinner?”

  “Yes,” Kelly said.

  Cody smiled as he stepped forward and took the girl into his arms. She closed her eyes as he pressed his lips to hers.

  Chapter Nine

  Kelly went back to her dorm room. Brittany wasn’t there, and she was grateful for that. She showered across the hall and then returned to her room to dress. She didn’t know what to wear. She didn’t know what they were going to do; Cody had just told her he would take care of everything. She settled on a dress, a floral print that fell to her knees, and some strappy flats. She did her makeup, something her sister had taught her but that Kelly rarely did. At eight, he was knocking on her door, and she couldn’t help but smile as she answered it.

  “Wow,” he said when he saw her.

  “Wow,” she said back. He had dressed up for the first time since she had known him. Gone were the T-shirt and gym shorts. Instead he wore khakis and a polo and loafers. He looked like he had even combed his hair, though it was so short that it was hard to tell. He stepped inside, but she put a palm on his chest and shoved him playfully back into the hall.

  “Let’s see how the date goes before you come in here,” she said.

  “Fair enough,” he said, and laughed.

  He took her to dinner, a nice Italian place. “I knew you liked pasta,” he said, referencing when he had found her eating dinner alone at ten at night.

  Dinner was amazing, and they really got to know each other. Cody told her about his two younger brothers and how he had stepped in to be a father figure to them when his own dad had died when he was fifteen.

  “They’re amazing,” he said. “They both play baseball. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with them.”

  Kelly laughed. “I’m sorry about your father,” she said.

  “Me too. He was a great guy. If he saw me, saw how I acted sometimes, he would kick my ass.”

  Kelly wanted to ask him why he did it then, why he acted like an idiot, why he treated women the way he did, but she didn’t want to ruin the mood, so she stayed quiet. Cody smiled, a bittersweet grin, and looked at her.

  “So what’s with the virgin thing?” he asked.

  She cracked a grin. “What do you mean ‘the virgin thing?’”

  Cody laughed and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not trying to be a jerk or anything…I just…”

  “Don’t understand how anyone could choose to be a virgin in this day and age?”

  “Someone as beautiful as you at least. I’d get it if you were like…covered in pimples and wearing a fedora or something. Or smelly. Or all three.”

  They laughed. “Okay. I understand. Well, my older sister, Jenna, she got pregnant her freshman year of college. She’s not in college anymore, you know? She loves her son, and I love him too, and he’s been a blessing in so many ways, but also…I mean, she’s not doing what she was going to do. She lives back at home now. She works in one of my dad’s stores. And he’s letting her work up, so she’ll do good, I guess, but it’s just not what she wanted.”

  “What did she wan
t?” Cody asked.

  “She wanted to be a lawyer. She had a real passion for helping people.”

  Cody nodded and took a sip of water. “I don’t know. Couldn’t she still do it? You can have sex and still follow your dreams.”

  Kelly shrugged. “I was just being safe.”

  Cody laughed. “So what happened?”

  “You happened,” Kelly said with a smile.

  After dinner he took her to play miniature golf. It was fun, and Kelly couldn’t stop laughing. It was a bit of a drive from campus, but Cody had his own car, and that way the place wasn’t so packed with loud and obnoxious college students. Kelly enjoyed the relative peace and quiet. She was able to focus on Cody, and he on her.

  When they got back into his car, he leaned over and kissed her. She smiled and kissed him back. He broke the kiss and went to start the car, but she stopped him. They were parked in the far corner of the lot, it was dark, and no one could see them.

  “What’s wrong?” Cody asked.

  “Nothing. Believe me,” Kelly said. She shifted then, moving onto his lap and facing him, one leg on either side of his. He put his hands on her hips as she kissed him. She ground downward, rubbing her panty-clad pussy against the growing bulge in his pants. Their tongues danced, and he pushed his hands up, pushing her dress up along with them until it was bunched up at her hips and he could slide one hand around to squeeze her ass, his fingers gripping the silky material of her boy shorts.

  “Damn you have a nice ass,” Cody said. Kelly grinned against his mouth. She was pressed against the steering wheel, and she slid off his lap and crawled into the backseat.

  “You coming?” she asked. Cody didn’t need to be asked again. He moved beside her and went to kiss her again, but she playfully pushed his face away and then let her hand fall to his pants. She unbuttoned his fly and unzipped his pants. Her slender fingers reached in and gripped his hardened cock, pulling it out into the open. She shifted sideways on the seat, on her knees, her panty-clad ass exposed since the dress was still around her waist. She gripped his cock in her hand and licked the swollen head.


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