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Claiming His Wedding Night

Page 12

by Louise Fuller

  His face tightened.

  ‘I got real good, real quick.’ He gave her a small, taut smile. That’s the upside of living in hotels—there’s always a bunch of people going on and off shift and a lot of them play cards.

  Addie stared at him, trying to fit his words into the image of the Malachi she knew.

  ‘I thought your dad must have taught you,’ she said slowly.

  He shook his head. ‘No. He taught me other things, but I think those will keep for another day. Shall we have coffee?’

  She said nothing, but her mind was buzzing with questions. Why had they never talked about his childhood before? And why were so many subjects off limits? Was it something to do with his father? Had they argued? Was that why his parents hadn’t come to their wedding?

  Pushing his chair back, Malachi stood and held out his hand.

  Coffee was waiting for them in the lounge area.

  Addie took a sip and frowned. ‘What is that flavour?’

  ‘Cardamom. If you don’t like it I can get them to bring some different coffee.’

  She shook her head. ‘No, I like it. It’s kind of spicy.’ His eyes narrowed and she felt her stomach clench. ‘M-maybe not spicy,’ she stammered. ‘ without the heat.’

  His gaze locked on to hers and she felt a shiver run down her spine as he reached out and ran his hand up and down her arm, grazing her breast with his knuckles.

  ‘Hot without the heat? Sounds interesting.’

  Heart pounding, she forced herself to meet his gaze. ‘I’m talking rubbish. And I haven’t even had that much wine. It must be all that oxygen earlier. I’ll probably be seeing mermaids next.’

  His hand stopped moving. It felt warm and steady on her arm, matching the warmth and steadiness of his gaze.

  ‘I’m already seeing them. Or one, at least.’

  Her breath felt suddenly thick and hot in her throat. ‘It’s just the dress...’ she said hoarsely.

  ‘No. It’s this as well.’ Gently he slid his hand up into her hair, threading it through his fingers. ‘And these...’

  Tilting his head, he brushed his lips across hers gently, so that her head was swimming.

  ‘You’ve bewitched me,’ he murmured and, lowering his mouth, kissed her again more deeply.

  It was the closest he would get to expressing any feelings of tenderness.

  ‘So how come I’m at the bottom of the ocean in your submarine?’ she whispered.

  He smiled—a long, slow, curling smile that made her stomach disappear. ‘Do you want me to take you back up to the surface?’

  His eyes were huge and dark above her face, so that she felt as though she were drowning in them.

  Slowly she shook her head. ‘I want to stay down here for ever.’

  ‘That could be arranged.’ His voice was hoarse, his eyes burning into hers.

  She stared up at him unsteadily. ‘Wouldn’t we run out of air?’ she asked. She felt his fingertips graze her collarbone and slide slowly under the chin, lifting her face.

  ‘Eventually. But we’d use it up slower if we shared.’

  Her pulse was racing. ‘How do you share air?’

  ‘It’s easy,’ he murmured. ‘You just do this.’

  And, lowering his mouth again, he kissed her. She gasped, her lips parting, heat flooding her body. Clutching on to his arm, she felt her pulse jerk as his tongue probed her mouth. Heat, sharp and raw, flared up inside her, and suddenly her fingers were pulling at his shirt, tugging clumsily at the buttons.

  Tangling her hands through his hair, she kissed him fiercely, pressing against the hard muscles of his naked chest. She felt him respond, deepening the kiss, his hand sliding around her waist, pulling her up against him. It felt so, so good. So right. No other man could make her feel this way. Only Malachi.

  He broke the kiss. ‘Are you sure?’

  His face was tight with concentration, his arms shaking with tension and desire. The raw need in his voice reached inside her. Heart thudding, Addie breathed in shakily. Her eyes lifted and locked on to his and she saw that he was holding himself back, his muscles straining, his longing spilling over her skin like molten lava.

  Dry-mouthed, Malachi held his breath. The last few days and nights his mind had been tormented by erotic images of Addie, but none had come close to how mind-blowingly sexy she looked right now. With her long red hair tangling around her shoulders, that incredible blue dress clinging to every curve like a second skin.

  For a moment she stared at him, her eyes narrow blue slits, and then she nodded slowly and he felt his self-control slip away.

  Pulling her to her feet, he scooped her into his arms. The blood was pulsing in his head. She was so soft in his arms, her body curving against his in obedient response to the heat of his lips and the touch of his hands. Striding across the floor, he pushed open the door to the bedroom and, kicking it shut, let her feet drop to the floor.

  His fingers threaded through her hair, twisting and tugging it up from the nape of her neck. Whole body shaking, he pulled her against him, the sweet taste of her mouth tearing at his senses, and then he was walking her backwards, nudging her with his body, his knuckles scraping against the wall as they banged against it.

  Lowering his lips, he licked her throat, tasting the salt on her skin as he grabbed her arms, stretching them high above her head, trapping her wrists with one hand, sliding the other down over her throat to her breast, his fingertips pushing beneath the satin, brushing lightly against a nipple.

  Addie shuddered, her body straining helplessly against his, her belly hot and tight, and then she was arching upwards, whimpering, her fingers splaying apart as his mouth closed over her nipple, sucking the swollen tip.

  Hearing her soft moan, Malachi nearly lost it. Groaning, lifting his mouth, he dropped her wrists and stepped back unsteadily.

  For a moment he stared at her in silence, his breathing ragged, his gaze dark and fixed. Then slowly he reached out and touched her throat, running his hand lightly over her collarbone. With his other hand he reached for her zip and the heavy satin slid to the floor.

  Malachi felt his whole body stiffen. She was naked except for a barely-there pair of panties. Looking at her, he could barely breathe. His blood was humming in his veins and then he was jerking her up against him, pushing her back against the wall. His whole body seemed to explode in a fireball of heat as he felt her hand tug at his belt, tearing the zip down, her fingers pulling the hard length of him free.


  Breathing in sharply, he felt her hand tighten around him, so that his body seemed to stretch out. His muscles started to spasm as he reached between her thighs, pushing aside the scrap of lace and opening her legs wider, dipping his fingers into the warm, slick heat.

  Panting, eyes widening, Addie caught his hand, jerking it away. She guided him towards her, her body jolting up to meet his as he lifted her easily and thrust inside. Instantly she was lost, drowning in a shuddering, sensual heat. Eyes closed, she pressed against him, raising her hips as his fingers curled beneath her.

  Tightening his grip, he pushed deeper still, opening her, stretching her. She bowed her back, meeting his thrusts, her nails digging into his shoulders, her breath quickening in time to the pulse clamouring between her thighs and then, shuddering, he groaned. And as she felt him spill inside her, her body convulsed around his.

  Burying her head against the hollow of his shoulder, Addie breathed out unsteadily, letting her body go limp in his arms. She could feel his heart pounding, his skin damp against hers. Finally he shifted, gently withdrawing, and she felt his lips brush her hair. Somehow he got her onto the bed and she lay curled against his chest, his body damp and warm beneath her.

  Staring down at her flushed face, Malachi grimaced. ‘I didn’t hurt you, did I?’ He hesitated and then pulled her into his arms, pressing his face into her hair. ‘I tried to stop but I just couldn’t. I wanted you so badly.’

  He had never felt that des
perate. His breathing raw and uneven, he lifted his head, wanting, needing to see her face.

  ‘I don’t know what happens when I’m with you.’

  She gazed up at him, stunned, mute, muscles aching. He looked as dazed as she felt. And was he really admitting that he’d just lost control?

  She wanted to hear more—wanted to ask him what he meant—but she could hardly think straight, let alone speak. But it didn’t matter, she thought, her eyes closing as she leaned into him. Just for the moment, nothing mattered except him and her and the beating of their hearts...


  FINALLY! AN ACE. Feeling a twinge of satisfaction, Malachi placed the card on the table in front of him. Behind him, he heard Addie shift in her sleep and, glancing back at the bed, felt his breath catch in his throat. With her red hair gleaming in the silvery light flooding the bedroom she looked even more like a mermaid than ever.

  For a moment he watched her sleep then, breathing out slowly, turned back to his cards. Addie might be sleeping soundly, but sadly he was not. And he couldn’t quite work out why.

  After she had got so upset, he had played it slow, choosing to wait, savouring the intensity and heat of his longing so that his desire had been raw and fierce. He had never wanted any woman as much as he had wanted her in that moment. Never waited so long for any woman. But it had definitely been worth the wait.

  He should be feeling sated, satisfied. And yet here he was, wide awake, body twitching with lust, playing cards by himself in the moonlight.

  It didn’t make any sense. Sex was supposed to solve problems. Not create them. In his head, tapping into their passion had seemed like a foolproof solution to the niggling problem of the sexual hold she appeared to have over him. Only his plan didn’t seem to be working out. Rather than killing his desire, having sex with her not only seemed to have heightened his libido but it seemed to be messing with his mind.

  Take earlier. Usually, post-coital affection was something to be avoided, at best endured. But he had found it impossible to lie next to her and not hold her close. He’d actually had to get out of bed to stop himself from doing so.

  Standing up, he walked softly across the room and stared down at Addie in silence. For the first time in his life sex didn’t seem to be an end in itself. Instead it felt more like a means to an end.

  He breathed out slowly. Something was happening. He was feeling things he hadn’t expected or wanted to feel. Like the fact that this deal with Addie no longer seemed that important. Instead what mattered was spending time with her. Which was why he was going to take her with him to Venezuela, for the opening of his newest casino.

  In the bed, Addie shifted onto her side, and then her eyelids fluttered open and she looked up at him drowsily. ‘What’s the matter?’

  Gently he stroked her face. ‘Nothing. I’m just not that sleepy.’

  She smiled, her lips parting. ‘Me neither.’

  His eyes fixed on her face and there was a short beat of silence and then, sliding beneath the sheet, he pulled her soft, unresisting body against his and, capturing her mouth, kissed her fiercely.

  * * *

  ‘I’ll have your twos, please!’ Biting her lip nervously, Addie peered over the top of her sunglasses to where Malachi lay sprawled on the other side of the huge bean-filled lounger.

  For a moment he stared impassively at his cards, and then finally he sighed and a wicked smile spread slowly over his face. ‘Go fish! And I’ll have your threes, please, sweetheart.’

  ‘You are such a rat!’ Shaking her head, she dropped her cards into his outstretched hand and picked up another from the deck.

  Two minutes later it was all over.

  Groaning, Addie rolled over onto her back. ‘I can’t believe I lost. Again. I thought you said you’d never played go fish before?’ she said accusingly.

  Shuffling the cards with the skill of a Vegas croupier, Malachi grinned. ‘I haven’t. Is that why you wanted me to play with you?’ His eyes were watching her with amusement. ‘So you could take advantage of me.’

  Addie laughed. ‘It did cross my mind.’

  ‘It did, did it?’ Reaching out, he grabbed hold of her hand and pulled her towards him, pinning her against the cushion with his thigh and his hand. ‘Then maybe I should reciprocate.’

  Her breath caught in her throat as he picked up a handful of glossy red hair, threading it through his fingers.

  ‘Take advantage of you in some way.’

  She stared up at him, tilting her head back to watch the play of sunlight on his face.

  It had been a strange and strained few days. But Malachi seemed different now. Calmer...more relaxed. As though some tension had been eased. But then, she felt the same way too, so maybe it was just down to the two of them getting used to being around one another again.

  Only it felt as if there was more to it than just the pair of them getting reacquainted. Her heart began to pound as she remembered how he had comforted her when she’d got upset. It was so out of character for him; he hated scenes, and yet he had shelved his obvious and pressing desire and let her talk—asking questions, listening to her answers.

  Addie breathed out slowly. It was all so confusing. Almost as confusing as her feelings for Malachi.

  She shouldn’t really be enjoying herself. And yet if she just concentrated on living in the moment then the truth was that she had never been happier. Not even when they were engaged and she’d thought Malachi actually loved her.

  She felt his gaze on her face and, pushing aside her thoughts, reached out and looped her arms around his neck. ‘What do you have in mind?’ she said softly.

  ‘I’m not entirely sure,’ he murmured and, shifting forward, he covered her mouth with his and abruptly all conscious thought was driven from her head.

  Later, body aching, she lay curled against him, her fingers tracing the muscles of his stomach.

  ‘So why are you opening a casino in Caracas, then?’ Tipping her head back, Addie stared up at him curiously.

  Frowning, Malachi shrugged. ‘No reason other than I’ve been looking to expand into South America for a couple of years now.’

  She nodded politely, barely listening. Her head was still reeling from the fact that he had asked her to go with him, and she wondered how this very public event fitted into their deal. Here, on this island, their relationship might be unorthodox but it was private. However, he could hardly parade her around as his mistress at some huge, social event.

  Her heart skipped a beat.

  But why did it matter? It wasn’t as if she cared.

  The answer to her question popped into her head, unwelcome and unwanted like a bill through a letter box. Of course she cared. Not just about their relationship but about him.

  She breathed out slowly. It wasn’t that much of a shock, but still—

  It was strange, but even now, five years after they had separated, there was still this connection between them. Some sense of being more than married. It might not make any sense, and ultimately it didn’t change anything, but that didn’t stop it being the reason why she had never divorced him. Or why a tiny part of her wanted to stop being his mistress and go to Caracas as his wife.

  His voice bumped into her thoughts and she stared up at him, trying to pick up the thread of their conversation.

  ‘Sorry—I was...’ She paused. ‘It’s just—are you sure you want me to be there?’

  He stared at her thoughtfully. ‘Of course.’ His eyes were cool. ‘I want to get my money’s worth.’

  There was a short, stilted silence, and then they both jumped as Malachi’s phone rang.

  Retrieving it from his pocket, he glanced momentarily at the screen and then answered it. ‘Yes—no—I highly doubt that.’

  Face blank, he shifted away from her, the muscles of his stomach suddenly taut and strained beneath her fingers, and after a moment of indecision she withdrew her hand. He stood and turned and, watching his shoulders tighten, she wondered who was
on the other end of the phone. His voice was quiet, but she could hear a tension that hadn’t been there before. With shock, she realised that he was struggling to maintain his composure.

  Feeling as though she was intruding, she reached out and picked up a handful of sand, letting it run through her fingers.

  Behind her, Malachi was winding up the call. ‘Okay, that’s fine. Just leave it to me. I’ll sort it out.’ He hung up.

  Heart thudding, Addie stared at the back of his head, trying and failing to work out what had just happened.

  ‘Is everything okay?’ she said finally.

  She was being polite. Clearly it wasn’t okay—at least not if the prickly energy coming off him was anything to go by.

  But when he turned he simply smiled at her. ‘Everything’s fine. It’s nothing.’

  She nodded mutely. It was the same smile he’d used when he was playing cards with her earlier. The one that was impossible to read. Probably it was the smile he used every day with anyone he wanted to keep at arm’s length. She felt a stab of misery. The easy warmth between them had trickled away just like the sand between her fingers.

  Slowly, she stood up. She could just leave it. He’d told her it was nothing, and even if it wasn’t it was none of her concern. But there was something in that smile. Something in that voice that made her heart contract. And even though it was pointless to do so, she still cared about him. Still cared that he was hurting and upset.

  She took a deep breath. ‘Is it work?’

  He stared at her. He was still smiling, but his eyes were the cool grey of a battleship.

  ‘No. Work looks after itself. My parents, on the other hand, need a team of full-time minders.’

  ‘Your parents?’ Her pulse jerked. ‘What’s happened? Are they okay?’

  He gave a casual shrug. ‘I expect so. It’s happened before. I’m sure it’s fixable.’

  He paused and she watched his expression shift and clear, like one of those drawing toys where with one shake the picture disappeared.


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