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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 4)

Page 2

by Selena Kitt

  “Hey!” Ty looked over the camera at her. “Take off your top.”

  “What?” she whispered, knowing he couldn’t hear her. She was flushed now, she was sure of it.

  “Come on!” He waved his hand impatiently, looking through the camera again. “Let’s go!”

  Heidi glanced at Mr. Kaiser, who was leaning a little further now around Ty as she obediently crossed her hands in front of her and grabbed the edge of her t-shirt, wishing she had actually put on a bra this morning. Was she actually going to do this? Oh god, was she really?

  She wanted to close her eyes in shame and become invisible, to run to the trailer and hide. They had asked her to do a lot of things, a lot of demeaning and degrading and humiliating things, but this—this was too much!

  Mr. Kaiser’s eyes grew dark as she began to slowly lift her t-shirt—too slowly for Ty’s taste, and he kept calling her to hurry up, they were burning daylight—and something in the man’s expression suddenly shifted things inside of her. Mr. Kaiser gave a brief nod of his head when she hesitated, her shirt stretched just below her breasts, his jaw tightening, his lips curling into a cruel version of an almost-smile. It was all of that and none of it. She didn’t understand, but her shame and fear and hesitation disappeared. Kaiser was telling her, she was sure he was, that he wanted her to do it, and she did, pulling her shirt over her head and standing there topless, her flesh exposed for everyone’s eyes.

  But the only eyes she cared about were Kaiser’s.

  “Finally!” Ty did something behind the camera and the spell was broken. She pulled her t-shirt close, holding it modestly in front of her breasts, feeling the heat of her blush and staring at the tips of Mr. Kaiser’s shoes. And still, she could feel his eyes on her, like a heat.

  “More skin!” Ty called.

  She glanced toward the trailer, hoping to see Daniella and Lenny magically appear, but no such luck. She couldn’t, not again. She imagined finding a dark corner and hiding in it. It was enough humiliation, enough…

  But it wasn’t enough, and while it was Ty doing the asking—demanding, really—it was Kaiser she obeyed. When her eyes met his, they smoldered, his gaze like fire sweeping over her, leaving her burning, her whole body aflame. He wants me to do it. She didn’t know how she knew, but she did. And it was more than that. He didn’t just want her to… he was waiting, watching, to see if she really would.

  Biting her lip and taking a deep breath, she dropped her arms to her sides, fully exposing herself. Her nipples immediately hardened in the breeze. Her face was on fire with shame, but she straightened her shoulders when she met Kaiser’s dark gaze and saw that slight twisted smile. Why did it matter to her that he was pleased? But it did…and he was.

  “Okay!” Ty waved her in. “Got it!” Quickly pulling her shirt back over her head and willing the flush out of her cheeks, she walked toward the photographer.

  “You didn’t take any pictures, did you?” Heidi watched Ty as he looked through the camera and then out to the horizon again. She was trying hard not to look over at the man with the cane.

  Ty snorted. “Of you?” Her blush deepened as the trailer door banged open behind them and Daniella pushed Lenny out onto the sand.

  “Fucking pervert!” she hissed, weaving around him. “Next time, send in Miss Cauliflower for Brains—at least she’s a girl.” Lenny laughed as he brushed himself off and one of the other girls grabbed the trailer door and shut it.

  “Let’s get this show on the road!” Daniella flounced past Ty. “Where do you want me?”

  “It’s already been quite a show.” Mr. Kaiser put his hands behind his head, looking pointedly at Heidi.

  “Mr. Kaiser!” In an instant, the model’s voice was thick with honey and now Heidi felt like she needed to go do a food-reversal herself.

  “Heidi, can you help me?” It was Maggie, sticking her head out the trailer door.

  “Lenny, find out where that damned artist is!” Ty waved Daniella toward the towel.

  Heidi saw Lenny dig his cell phone out of his pocket, but it wasn’t long before the henna artist showed up to start painting the girls and Heidi found herself blissfully distracted from Mr. Kaiser. The artist was a dark-haired woman, all soft curves and long legs, and dark blue-black hair that hung to her waist. Heidi held her paints and watched, fascinated, as she painted patterns over each girl’s skin, sealing the henna with some sort of glittery paint before sending them on their way.

  Daniella came back in to get hers, and complained the whole time about having to hold still. Heidi had to run to the refrigerator to get her an Evian twice, but she didn’t mind sitting in the cool trailer and watching. Lenny and Ty didn’t seem to be missing her, although she knew that with all the girls out on the beach, she should probably go out there, too.

  The truth was, she didn’t want to see Kaiser. Yes, that was the truth. Wasn’t it?

  “Do you want one?” The black-haired woman looked at her after Daniella left, turning her coal-black eyes to Heidi as she cleaned her syringe.

  “Me?” Heidi glanced toward the door, biting her lip, considering.

  “You have lovely hands.” The woman grabbed one and turned it over, running her fingers over the curve of Heidi’s knuckles. “Perhaps something here?”

  Heidi shrugged and let her paint, watching as the syringe left a dark brown trail over her skin. It just looked like squiggly lines and dots at first, but eventually, she was able to discern a leafy, paisley pattern as the woman worked.

  “It’s really beautiful.” Heidi’s blonde head bent close to the woman’s dark one. “Have you been doing it long?”

  “Since I was a girl.” The woman glanced up with a smile. “There…do you like it?”

  Heidi held her hand out, admiring. “Yes…thank you.”

  “Heidi!” It was Ty, pounding at the trailer door, making her jump up with a gasp.

  “Gotta go.” She headed for the door.

  “Wait!” the woman called after her. “I need to seal your—”

  Heidi knew Ty’s mad voice when she heard it, and her heart was beating fast as she shut the trailer door behind her.

  “Where the hell have you been?” he hissed, and she hid her hand behind her back, careful not to touch the wet henna to anything. She followed him as he walked back toward his camera, grumbling something about Lenny, but Heidi didn’t see him anywhere. “Listen, I need you to help that guy bring in the boxed lunches.”

  Heidi looked over toward the truck pulling up in the parking lot and headed for it, hurrying past Ty. She didn’t see Mr. Kaiser’s outstretched legs at all before she tripped over them, reaching to catch herself.

  “Whoa, there!” He grabbed for her, but she tumbled anyway, managing to turn and clutch onto his pants before she landed hard in the sand.

  “I’m sorry,” she mumbled, hearing the girls laughing behind her. She started brushing the sand off her shorts as she knelt, and that’s when she noticed the smeared henna over the back of her hand.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his eyes concerned, and she knew he hadn’t seen, didn’t notice.

  Panicked, she glanced down at his pants, seeing the stain on the inside of the leg. The material was a dark grey and the henna was brown, leaving a clear mark. “Oh my god… your pants… I’m so sorry…”

  “What did you do?” Ty glanced over at them, frowning.

  Still kneeling, she held out her trembling hand, the painstaking design now a dark smudge, turning her eyes up first to Ty and then to Mr. Kaiser, who was inspecting his pant leg now with a frown.

  “That’s a Fioravanti, isn’t it?” Heidi winced.

  He nodded, his mouth set in a fierce, thin line. If she had thought his smile was cruel, this expression bordered ruthless.

  “Oh my god!” Ty’s hands were pressed to his cheeks, his eyes wide. “Heidi, you’re going to have to pay for that! What were you doing with henna on your hands!?”

  “That’s a three thousand dollar suit,” Heid
i whispered, sure no one could hear her. She knew, she knew what she had done.

  “Five,” Kaiser corrected, standing. He reached into his pocket, digging out his keys. “I have a change of clothes in my trunk. It’s the Porsche. Get them.”

  Heidi took his keys, trying hard not to cry as she ran to his car. Careful to use only the hand without the henna, she retrieved a dry-cleaning bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she ran back toward the beach.

  “Where is he?” she gasped to Ty, who had gone back to photographing the girls.

  “Trailer.” Ty waved her off.

  Inside it was dark and cool and quiet. Everyone else was out on the beach, and even the henna lady had gone.

  “Mr. Kaiser?” She was trembling as she made her way toward the back of the trailer and saw a light on in the little bathroom. “Sir?”

  “In here, Heidi.”

  She startled, surprised and secretly thrilled when he said her name. She found him sitting on the edge of the toilet seat with his pants folded neatly on the sink, the stain showing.

  “I’m so sorry.” She edged inside and shut the door.

  “See if you can get the stain out.” He held his hand out for the dry cleaning bag. She handed it to him and turned to the sink, feeling cold. Using soap on her hands to wash the rest of the wet henna away, leaving a ghostly pattern, she then started on the pants.

  “You know a great deal about fashion.” He stood and hung the bag over the hook on the door.

  “Fashion design major.” She scrubbed the stain, feeling that flush creeping up her cheeks. “Syracuse. I graduated last year.”

  “And you came to work for Kaiser?” He slipped off his suit jacket. “Probably thinking you could get your foot in the door?”

  She nodded, blinking back tears, and rinsed the spot. It had barely faded. What was that henna stuff made of? “Something like that.”

  “And now you’re basically the go-to girl?” He shook out his suit coat carefully, leaving on his shirt and tie, while Heidi watched him in the mirror.

  “Basically.” She turned off the water, drying her hands on a paper towel. They were trembling, too. “Sir, I…I’m afraid I’m not going to be able to get this clean.”

  He nodded. “I was afraid of that.”

  “I’m glad you had this suit in your car.” Heidi turned toward the dry-cleaning bag and unzipped it. “It’s—oh my god. Is that a Liana Lee?”

  He smiled, that sardonic twist of his mouth. “I thought you might appreciate that.”

  “She’s my idol!” Heidi ran her fingers over the lapel.

  “You want to design men’s suits?” He reached around her and slipped the jacket off the hanger and handed her his other suit jacket. “Hang this one up.”

  “Among other things.” She obediently hung his other suit jacket up.

  He straightened his collar, his tie, glancing at her in the mirror. “So, Miss Heidi, what are we going to do about these pants?”

  She bit her lip, meeting his gaze in the mirror. His face was serious, his eyes hard. What could she do, what could she possibly say?

  “I don’t know…” She swallowed hard. “With what I make, it would take me forever to pay you back five thousand dollars.”

  “I understand that.” His gaze moved over her, taking in her tousled blonde hair, her t-shirt and shorts, the body beneath them lush and fully feminine—much more so, to Heidi’s lament, than the tall, slender models she worked around all day. “Still, something like this… there is the matter of personal responsibility.”

  “It was an accident,” she pleaded, turning to face him. He raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed, relenting, hanging her head. “What do you want from me? I’ll do it. Whatever you want. I’ll do it.”

  “I believe you would.” His voice softened and she felt a shiver run through her when he lifted her chin, making her look at him. She blinked back more tears, trying to retain some semblance of dignity, trying hard not to just melt into a puddle of shame and embarrassment on the floor. Kaiser’s gaze never wavered, but he seemed to be thinking, deciding something. Finally, he gave a slow nod and took a step back, folding his arms over his chest. “Perhaps…just a simple punishment is in order.”

  Heidi blinked, frowning. “What do you mean?”

  “Turn around.”

  She had said the words—whatever you want—and meant them. Now she did as he asked, heart hammering, facing the sink and the mirror once again.

  “Bend over.”

  Her eyes widened, meeting his as he moved behind her, standing a full head taller.

  When she spoke, she couldn’t keep the tremble from her voice. “Mr. Kaiser?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Bend over.”

  “I’m sorry.” She shook her head, her stomach clenching, her breath catching. “I don’t… what…” She could feel his presence, the shadow of his body behind her like a weight, even though no part of them was touching.

  “Bend over for your punishment, Heidi.” Just the hard, insistent sound of his voice made her do it. It wasn’t a request, it wasn’t even quite a demand, it was more of a direction, a simple instruction she was meant to follow—and so she did. Bent over the counter of the sink, she met her own wide eyes in the full wall mirror and then looked to him. He was leaning back, his head tilted, his gaze falling somewhere behind her. Her heart was beating very fast.

  “Shorts down.”

  She heard herself whimper, but it was his tone that seemed to prompt her response, making her fingers hook the elastic band, sliding the white material over her bottom, down to mid-thigh.

  “Panties, too.”

  Her eyes pleaded with him, but he wasn’t looking at her face. There seemed nothing to do but comply. Her face burned and her chest constricted as she slid her plain white cotton panties down to mid-thigh as well.

  “Mr. Kaiser—” she started, thinking she might reason with him, say something to end this craziness, but she couldn’t think what to follow it with.

  That’s when his hand came down, a jarring sting that made her gasp out loud with the force of it. The flush of her humiliation was immediate and two rosy patches appeared on her face in the mirror. His hand came down again, this time across her other cheek, the sound of it loudly shocking in the small, cramped space of the bathroom.

  Her ass cheeks smarted and she started to feel a heat as the spanking went on, his slaps coming faster, harder. She couldn’t stop the silent tears, her lower lip trembling, her breath coming in soft hitches.

  He was thundering behind her, his face stoic in the mirror. The only indication of emotion was in his eyes, the way they seemed to caress the red, burning skin he was kindling. She started to squirm, making soft noises, her breath fogging the mirror more with every blow.

  “Mr. Kaiser!” she gasped, her hands curling, one of them clutching his stained trousers in her fist.

  The sound of her voice stopped him and she could see his chest heaving, his gaze still moving over her behind. He lifted his hand, the one he had used to spank her, rubbing his fingers together as he met her eyes in the mirror. Heidi trembled at the dark look in them.

  He moved in behind her and she could feel his erection through his boxers, nestled between her cheeks. The soft satiny feel of the fabric was heaven against her hot, prickling skin. His eyes never left hers as he grabbed her hips, squeezing, holding her there against him. She watched his eyes close for a moment as he drew a deep belly breath.

  “Mr. Kaiser?” she whispered, her ass clenching, his cock twitching. He let go, leaning back and moving his hand over her behind, a soft caress. She swallowed, watching him, finding it hard to breathe.

  “Your debt is paid.” He turned toward the door and took the clean trousers out of the dry cleaning bag. Heidi struggled with her panties and shorts, pulling them back up over her tingling bottom as he buttoned his pants.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered again, holding out the damp, stained pair of trousers.

  “They’re us
eless to me.” He ran a hand through his hair. Heidi noticed his palm was red, realizing with a jolt that it was the hand he had used to spank her. He reached past her and opened the door, grabbing the dry cleaning bag.

  “My keys.” He held out his hand. Heidi dug into her pocket and fumbled as she gave them over. He moved around her, heading out the door.

  “Mr. Kaiser?” She leaned against counter, her bottom still burning, her breath coming too fast, her heart beating in her ears.

  “Yes, Heidi?”

  She didn’t know what she was going to say, what she wanted to say, and what came out surprised them both. “Thank you.” He gave her a brief nod and was gone.

  Heidi shut the door and locked it, slipping her shorts and panties down and turning to inspect her red, raw bottom in the mirror. She stayed that way, looking over her own shoulder, as she slid her hand down between her legs.

  Her fingers found their way through her swollen, wet slit, parting her lips and rubbing, remembering his eyes, the force and weight of him behind her. The heat in her bottom spread between her legs as she touched herself, still seeing him, the red flash of his palm, the square set of his jaw, the thick press of his cock between her cheeks.

  She rubbed herself until she was panting with the effort, still hearing his voice telling her to “bend over,” remembering the sharpness of each blow, how accurate and precise, and the delicious, thrilling way he closed his eyes and breathed her in at the end.

  Her fingers probed deeper, slipping in and out of her wetness as she worked her clit, her other hand squeezing the red, tingling flesh of her ass. Her pussy was slick with her built-up excitement and it squelched as she fingered herself, the rhythmic sound loud in the little bathroom.

  She whispered his name, over and over, her fingers digging deep, rubbing hard, her pussy throbbing and aching for release. She didn’t stop, she couldn’t stop, even when Lenny pounded on the door, not until she made herself come, fingers plunging, her other hand sliding over her ass where he had given her his final, parting caress.


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