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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 4)

Page 189

by Selena Kitt

  I took a long hot shower and as I lathered myself I could not help but think about Mark’s hands and eyes travelling down those same curves later that evening. My nipples took immediate notice of that thought as they stood at attention despite the hot water cascading over me.

  After quickly toweling off, I stood for a moment in front of my full length dressing mirror and examined myself critically. Standing about five foot seven in my bare feet, I thought I didn’t look too bad for being almost forty years old. I definitely was no longer the teenager that could bounce quarters off her taut stomach during all those bikini summers long ago, but I had not completely let myself go either. My long legs were in pretty good shape from years of early morning power walks around our neighborhood. My breasts were still one of my favorite features even if they weren’t quite as perky and proud as they once were. I suppose if I were to be completely honest there was a slight spread around the mid-section that could be directly attributed to my poor eating habits since the divorce. Burying myself in my work, I had taken to working late and grabbing something quick to eat on my way home. My selections were typically ones of expediency instead of healthy choices. Even though I was an excellent cook, I really had trouble generating any enthusiasm towards cooking for one.

  As I pulled on the sheer green panties in front of the mirror, I noticed a few gray strands intruding on my shoulder length reddish-brown hair. They were easily dispatched by a few well placed plucks with the tweezers. Wandering back into the bathroom, I wondered idly whether Mark would prefer my hair up or down. After several variations with clips and hair bands, I finally decided to leave it down, hoping in the back of my mind perhaps to feel his fingers run through it. Applying some light makeup and a candy apple red lipstick, it occurred to me that I was spending a long time covering up that which was likely to be completely exposed before the evening was over. The black silk dress I slipped into somehow left me feeling more naked than before putting it on. It clung to my curves and left little to the imagination.

  Gathering my keys and my courage, I slipped into the black peep-toes that matched my dress perfectly. My toes peeked out from the pumps and mirrored the brightness of my lipstick. Checking out the total effect in the hallway mirror, I smiled as I headed for the garage. I sat behind the wheel for a moment before starting the car. All dressed up or not, part of me wanted to flee back into the house and the comfort of my normal routine.

  Mark would be the first man other than my ex-husband and my gynecologist to see me naked in close to two decades. I was equal parts aroused and terrified at the thought. What if he did not like what he saw when the clothes came off? Was I really ready to share my body with someone I barely knew?


  Arriving at the hotel a few minutes before 8:00pm, I quickly checked my makeup in the rearview mirror before getting out of the car. I barely recognized the eyes looking back at me. Slightly dilated and wild, they seemed to be projecting my inner anxiety and excitement.

  Walking straight through the elegant lobby towards the bank of elevators, I smiled as I turned a few heads, including the stuffy looking clerk behind the front desk. Taking the elevator up to the eleventh floor, I walked down the hall and found room 1147 at the very end.

  There was a black lace blindfold hanging off the doorknob. I must admit that right up until that very moment this had all seemed like more fantasy than reality. I stood there for a moment holding the blindfold in my hands. There was a small part of me that still felt like I should simply turn around and walk away. There was a much bigger part of me that was ready for something new and different in my life.

  I slipped the blindfold over my eyes, took a deep breath and knocked twice on the door. I heard it open and Mark’s warm voice filled my ears. “Come in, Summer. I am so happy you chose to join me tonight.” He led me into the center of the room and stopped. “If you would please, just stand there for a moment while I feast my eyes. You look absolutely stunning! That lovely dress is going to look very stylish on the floor next to the bed.”

  I never heard him move, but I could feel him behind me now. As he nuzzled the side of my neck, he pressed himself lightly against me. How on earth could he know that my neck was one of my weak spots? Whatever reservations I once had at giving up control to this stranger disappeared as my nipples did their best to rip through the lace bra and silk dress.

  “I must confess that you are wearing much more at the moment than I am,” he said. “Allow me to even the playing field.” As he slowly unzipped my dress, he followed the descending zipper with his soft lips and tongue. He reached up and tugged gently and the dress pooled at my feet.

  My hesitancy at Mark seeing me naked disappeared completely as I heard him gasp softly when my dress hit the floor. I stood a little straighter and pushed my chest out a little more aggressively as I felt his gaze travel over me.

  Pressing his body back up against mine, I could feel his hardness insistent and strong along my mostly naked ass. His hot breath warmed my ear as he spoke softly. “We have talked at length about control and trust, so I thought it was important to let you know what you might be expecting this evening. Our journey to this point has been a literary dance of flirtation and allusion. Now things are about to get very real.” Mark alternated between slowly grinding his hard cock against me as he spoke and pulling away, causing me to unconsciously push my hips back, seeking that physical connection once again.

  “Your intelligence and literary verve have lent themselves to an idea for how to expand your sexual horizons while giving us both a great deal of pleasure. In that vein I will say that you have arrived here tonight for what I will call an alphabetical assignation. Over the next year, if you choose to continue on our journey together, you and I will explore the sexual alphabet together. Every two weeks, assuming you do not tire of me, we will meet in this very room for another lesson. Before you laugh or scoff at my idea, I want you to feel something.”

  Mark guided my hand to feel his hardness. My pulse, already racing, accelerated even more as I felt his length through his silk boxer shorts. Honestly not having that much experience I could not tell you if he was larger than average, but compared to my ex-husband, he felt enormous.

  “Remember your safe word and what I said about not using it lightly. Now with your lovely hand feeling the excitement you are generating in me, I want you to consider the obvious choice of what the ‘A’ in our alphabetical adventure might stand for. You are going to come for me several times tonight, but in the meantime I want you to think about how it is going to feel to have my hard cock buried in your lovely ass.”


  While I had very little sexual experience with my ex-husband, we had indeed tried anal sex. Once. My discomfort level made it an unpleasant experience for both of us. Hearing Mark indicate his intent to bury the telephone pole in his pants in my rear entrance threw a bit of a damper on my revving motor.

  I considered for a moment using the safe word or simply removing the blindfold and walking away. Even now, more than a year later, I wonder how different life might be if I had done so. I think I figured it would be easy enough to put a stop to things later if he was still insistent on playing with my exit-only passage.

  Mark reached around me and slid his hands slowly from my hips up to my breasts. He cupped them softly as he pulled me back into contact with his hard shaft. Lightly kissing the side of my neck and shoulder, he slowly and gently rolled my sensitive nipples between his strong fingers, immediately refueling my desire. Spinning me around, he kissed me softly on the lips and slowly pushed his hard cock up against my moistening panties. I gasped softly as his length grazed across my throbbing clit.

  “I want to take this blindfold off so I can see you,” I said.

  “Not quite yet Summer. I would like you to experience for a while what it is like to have no idea what is coming next. Control and trust. Trust me a little longer if you would. I have your best interests at heart, I promise. Then again, with that blindfol
d on, the room could be full of horny little Japanese businessmen with digital cameras and you’d never know.”

  Even though I could hear the humor in the timbre of his voice, his words gave me a momentary pause. I did not know for certain if Mark was the only other person in the room with me. Feeling totally out of touch with my own personality, my pulsing clit seemed to be running the show. If I were a man it might have been said that perhaps I was thinking with the wrong head. Since my nipples were hard enough to cut glass and I could smell my own arousal, perhaps the saying applied nonetheless.

  The edge of the bed hit the back of my knees as Mark gently guided me over to it. He reached down and placed both my hands on his erect cock. Somewhere between his last kiss and the edge of the bed he had lost the boxer shorts. His penis felt silky soft, yet hard as oak under my hands. Mark reached around me and unhooked my lace bra, freeing my breasts to his hungry gaze, and then his hungrier lips as his tongue danced around my swollen nipple.

  His tongue sent shivers of pleasure racing through my body and I could feel my labia swell in response. Pulling my hands away, he pushed me down on my back and leaned forward until our hips ground together. He kissed me tenderly for a moment as the pressure of his hard shaft caused me to involuntarily moan with pleasure. He took advantage of my moan and his tongue delved deeper, seeking out my own. Our tongues danced and dueled as his hips did a dance of their own, somehow keeping the head of his cock sliding up and down over my engorged clit.

  Mark pulled away from the kiss, trailing his mouth down my body. He swirled his tongue around my erect nipples as my hips lifted of their own accord, trying to maintain contact. He reached down and guided my wet panties down my legs, trailing his tongue down my stomach to the top of my thighs.

  I sensed him kneel between my legs as he gently forced my knees apart, leaving me feeling very vulnerable and exposed. In the past when my ex-husband had somewhat reluctantly given me oral pleasure, I always felt to some degree as if I should be doing something instead of just laying there. For some reason it did not feel that way tonight, I felt totally at ease and relaxed with Mark, albeit incredibly turned on as well.

  The first touch of his warm tongue on my wet labia drove any and all thoughts from my mind. He swiped his tongue slowly from bottom to top, darting all around my sensitive clit without actually touching it. He reached up and lifted my knees toward my chest and softly murmured “hold your legs up for me.” I felt a little ridiculous being so spread open, until Mark’s tongue found its way inside of me. Waves of pleasure seemed to emanate from my very core all the way up my body. My nipples throbbed and swelled until they stood tall and proud. I could not help myself any longer and I reached up and rolled them between my fingers as Mark’s tongue explored my wetness.

  Strong fingers gently pried apart my outer labia and warm breath preceded a very soft teasing tongue that circled my erect clit. My hips lifted and moved with a mind of their own, seeking to bring his tongue in even closer contact. When he delved down a little farther and stuck his tongue suddenly into my ass, I could not help but moan with pleasure. It felt as if I had stuck my finger in an electrical outlet, so sudden were the sparks that exploded behind my eyes.


  Keeping me totally guessing, Mark now slid one long finger deep inside my wet pussy as his tongue once again gently explored my labia and teased my clit. He lightly flicked his tongue across my swollen button as another finger joined the first and alternated between slow deep thrusting and searching for the quite elusive g-spot on my upper vaginal wall. I moaned loudly and lustily now, not caring who might hear. At that moment the USC marching band could have been performing a routine straight across the bed, and I would have only responded by thrusting my hips a little harder at Mark’s willing tongue. Somehow another finger found its way to my ass and lightly teased just the opening of my tight passage, its journey made quite easy by the copious fluids now flowing.

  The added stimulation drove me over the edge and my hips thrust up into Mark’s tongue even harder as my wet tunnel clenched and rippled around his fingers. As Mark somehow kept his tongue in contact with my gyrating pelvis and bouncing clitoris, I grabbed his hair with both hands and exploded in pleasure.

  As I slowly began to return to this earthly plane, he climbed from between my legs and slowly lowered himself on top of me. Despite being very sensitive from my recent climax, the feel of the head of his hard cock against my sodden opening was exquisite. I felt his hand at my temple and the blindfold was suddenly gone as he simultaneously thrust himself deep inside me. I gasped with surprise and pleasure at the sudden invasion and looked up into eyes blazing with desire. Soft flickering candlelight glinted off of soft lips that still shined with my plentiful juices. A radiant smile split his features as I gave a low moan and said “you sir, sure know how to make an entrance.”

  Mark’s response was a very gentle thrust as he leaned those soft lips down and kissed me deeply. Caught up in the passion of the moment, I did not give a second thought to tasting my juices on his lips as his hard shaft bottomed out and his hips ground against mine. I reached down and grabbed his ass to pull him even deeper as my thighs spread further to accommodate his length.

  As my arousal started surging towards the peak for a second time, he slowly pulled all the way out of me, bending his head to my breast and rolling his tongue around my erect nipple. He slid his hard shaft through my labia and again I gasped as the swollen head of his cock bumped repeatedly against my clit. My hips rolled and rotated unconsciously as I tried in vain to recapture his length deep inside of me.

  Pulling away from me, Mark reached down to my hips and effortlessly flipped me gently onto my stomach. Lowering himself against me once again, he effectively pinned me to the bed beneath his weight as he kissed the nape of my neck. Shifting his hips slightly back and forth he managed to lodge the swollen head of his hard cock in my wet opening. Pushing forward slowly he utilized his weight advantage to drive his length deeper inside me than I thought possible. He pulled back and slammed home again, sending waves of pleasure through my body even as his cock was rearranging my insides. After a few very pleasurable moments of thrusting he pulled out and lifted my hips until I was on my knees. “Lean forward and rest your upper body on the bed, but keep your hips up, please,” he said.

  Spreading my inner thighs apart, he sought out my clit again with his darting tongue. Inserting first one, then another finger inside my wet pussy, he stroked slowly in and out. Pulling my ass cheek to one side his tongue suddenly found my tight asshole and gently circled my clenched rosebud. Using his tongue to lubricate the area, he slowly pushed a long finger into my bottom. The sensation generated by the anal penetration was not unpleasant at all as it mingled with the pleasure being generated by his stroking fingers.

  Pulling his fingers out of me, he slid his hard cock inside of me once again. Grabbing my hips forcefully now, he stroked in and out of me at an increasing pace. A fleeting thought passed through my mind that Mark certainly had much better stamina than my ex-husband. My ex would have been wiping himself clean on our sheets and flipping on ESPN by now.


  As pleasure seemed to radiate from my center up and down my body in waves, Mark chose that moment to stick his wet finger back in my ass. He certainly seemed fixated on that relatively virgin part of my anatomy. Surprisingly his finger only seemed to amplify the pleasure being caused by his steady thrusting. My second orgasm of the evening actually took me by surprise, seeming to come from nowhere at all and everywhere at once. My upper body thrashed against the bed as I moaned loudly and pushed back against his hard cock with abandon. I could feel my ass spasm around his invading finger as thought evaporated and fireworks took flight behind the eyes rolling back in my head.

  I went limp as a rag doll as all energy was momentarily drained from my body. Mark pulled out slowly and gently rolled me over onto my back. I reached down and took his hard cock, wet and shiny with my juices, in my hand. As I sl
owly stroked him, I looked into his eyes and said “I want to return the favor. It is time for you to feel pleasure.”

  Mark smiled as he answered, “Summer, you have no idea just how much pleasure I get from giving you pleasure. I am honored that you have let me take control.” He shifted his hips again as he spoke, somehow instinctively lining up the wet head of his cock with my much too sensitive entrance again.

  “Control is one thing,” he continued, “trust is an entirely different matter.” He pushed my knees slowly and gently back towards my shoulders and placed the swollen head of his throbbing cock against my anus. “Do you trust me?”

  I looked into Mark’s eyes and in addition to the passion and lust, there was an undeniable element of tenderness reflected there as well. “Just know that thoughts of a certain green and red summertime fruit are near the surface,” I said with a smile.

  Mark’s eyes twinkled even brighter somehow as he laughed. Leaning down to kiss me he said “I will keep that in mind.” Grabbing my ankles he lifted them to his shoulders as he swiped his cock head through my labia to gather some needed lubrication. Positioning himself in line with my ass, he pressed his wet glans gently into me. “By any chance did I mention how beautiful you look right now?” Mark asked as he very slowly teased just the head of his hard cock in and out.

  Feeling a little uncomfortable with an unpleasant sensation of stretching, my safe word was halfway to my lips when Mark suddenly reached between us and started rubbing my clit with the thumb of his right hand. Using the accumulated moisture, he rubbed firmly as he pushed his shaft a little deeper before pulling almost all the way out again. He dipped his thumb down a little further and carefully spread juices from my wet pussy along his shaft before pushing in again. His thumb alternated between dipping inside me and sliding along my labia before circling my sensitive button.


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