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The Lost Wolf's Destiny (The Pack)

Page 17

by Karen Whiddon

  “Well, can they?”

  Expression miserable, she shrugged. “I don’t know. Theoretically, I would suppose so.”

  Flinching, he tried to remain strong. “Once, I lost someone I loved because I couldn’t protect her. Maybe you should consider it.”

  He saw in her face that she realized he’d begun to share his own secret with her. But she didn’t press him. Instead, she considered his suggestion. “No,” she finally said. “It’s tempting, but after what just happened with Jacob, I don’t trust anyone. I’d prefer to do my own protecting.”

  Her words brought him a rush of approval, mixed with fear. “I feel the same way,” he said. Then, while she stared at him, he held out his hand. “Partners.”

  Moving forward, she took it, her grip firm as they shook, before they each let go. He’d felt a shock of current, but this time he’d expected it and braced himself. Evidently, this was only on his part, because she didn’t react as if anything was out of the ordinary.

  “Don’t tell them,” he said. “When you talk to the Protectors, just tell them she’s a Halfling. They don’t need to know the rest.”

  As she opened her mouth to respond, the cell phone rang.

  “I’ll handle this,” he said, snatching it up and stabbing his finger at the answer button. “Hello?”

  The man on the other end sounded bored, although courteous. “I’ve received two messages that a Blythe Daphne wants to speak with me.”

  So much for Skype. He supposed they should be grateful that at least someone had called.

  “Are you a Protector?” Lucas asked, his voice verging on borderline hostile.

  Evidently this startled the other man. “Yes. My name is Martin Hunter. Who are you?”

  Without identifying himself, Lucas launched into an explanation of what had happened with Hailey. “And she says that he’s got other children there, all Shifter. We feel their lives are in danger.”

  Martin was silent so long that Lucas began to wonder if he’d hung up. But then he cleared his throat and spoke. “Do you have proof of this? I mean, Jacob Gideon is a well-known preacher. Why would he want to harm little children?”

  Barely keeping his frustration under control, Lucas answered. “Because he knows they’re Shifters. He views Shape-shifters as evil, an abomination straight from the mouth of hell.”

  Martin made a sound that might have been either disbelief or disgust. “You sound adamant, but let me remind you that Jacob Gideon is human. There’s no way he knows about our kind.”

  Taking a deep breath, Lucas knew he’d couldn’t hold back anything just to keep himself safe. “Well, he does.”

  “Are you certain?”


  He’d hoped Martin Hunter would take him at his word, but realized he should have known better. “Explain, please.”

  “He knows because I’m his son,” he said. “And I’m a Halfling. When he found out, he tortured me, trying to beat the evil out of me. I escaped when I was fifteen, and stayed hidden for fifteen years. Until now.”

  Silence on the other end of the line. When Martin spoke again, his voice sounded grim. “Give me your coordinates and I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  * * *

  Heart in her throat, Blythe watched as Lucas concluded the call. “Well?” she asked, the second he punched the off button on the phone.

  “He said he’d be here as soon as he could.” He looked and sounded grim.

  “That’s good,” she said cautiously. “Isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t get a great feeling.”

  Alarm bells went off inside her at his words. She’d felt exactly the same way. Breathing deeply, she calmed herself by remembering what he’d said earlier. “Protectors are Shifters. I need to let go of my distrust and remind myself they’re not on Jacob’s side.”

  “I know.” He didn’t look any less worried. “I can’t really say what felt wrong.” Grimacing, he clearly made a determined effort to shake off his trepidation. “Either way, we need to see what he has to say.”

  “He’s coming alone?” She found this off-putting, as well. “I’d think they’d send a team or something.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know how they operate. Maybe that comes later.”

  “Do you have any idea when?”

  Again he shrugged. “Sometime tomorrow. He said he’d call me when he landed at Denver International. He’s going to rent a car and drive down here. Is that how they usually do it?”

  “I don’t know. Like you, I’ve never dealt with them before.”

  A sound from the other room made her turn. She rushed over to the sofa to see Hailey trying to sit up, and failing.

  “Mama?” Hailey held out her arms to be picked up, exactly the way she used to when she’d been a toddler. “I want to go in the kitchen. I’m hungry. Carry me?” She still appeared woozy from whatever drug cocktail had been administered.

  Reaching down, Blythe scooped her up. Hailey clung to her, again reminiscent of when she’d been much smaller.

  “I’m scared, Mama.”

  “It’s okay, honey,” Blythe murmured. “I’ve got you now. You’re safe, I promise. I won’t let that man near you again.”

  Face pressed against Blythe’s throat, Hailey nodded. “He didn’t like us. I don’t know why, because he didn’t even know me.”

  Kissing her daughter’s forehead, Blythe tamped back the impotent rage and focused on giving comfort. She grabbed a blanket off the edge of the sofa and draped it over her daughter’s small body. She carried Hailey past the roaring fire Lucas had built and into the kitchen.

  Still holding Hailey like a baby, she sat, settling with her five-year-old in her lap. She glanced up at Lucas, who watched silently. Blythe managed a smile for her daughter’s benefit. “Do you have any more of that soup?”

  He nodded, coming into the kitchen and standing near the stove.

  “Do you want some soup and crackers?”

  Hailey’s drawn expression brightened. “Chicken noodle?” she asked. “That’s my favorite.”

  “Then chicken noodle it is,” Lucas said cheerfully.

  While he opened the can and poured it into a pot to heat it, Blythe soothed Hailey’s hair from her forehead. “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  Considering the question carefully, Hailey scrunched up her little face. “Okay, I guess. I’m really hungry.”

  That was a good sign. Smiling, Blythe exchanged a glance with Lucas. “Not too hot,” she told him.

  “I think it’s perfect now,” he said, ladling the soup into a bowl and then placing it on the table in front of Hailey and Blythe. He also got the saltine crackers.

  After everything was ready, he smiled at Hailey. “Would you like something to drink?”

  She nodded. “Apple juice?”

  “You got it.” He ruffled her hair before going to retrieve the juice from the fridge.

  Still perched on Blythe’s lap, Hailey picked up her spoon and began eating. She ate with a kind of determined doggedness that made Blythe happy. It looked as if her daughter was going to be all right.

  After a few minutes, Hailey slowed. Finally, she placed the spoon on her napkin and yawned. “That was good.” Squirming, she snuggled against Blythe.

  “What do you say to Mr. Kenyon?” Blythe asked.

  Sleepily, Hailey smiled. “Thank you,” she chimed sweetly.

  “Do you want to go back over to the couch?”

  Hailey nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Hefting her daughter’s small frame, Blythe stood and went back into the other room. The fire continued to burn and while Blythe got Hailey situated, Lucas added a couple more logs to the fire.

  After covering Hailey with the blanket, Blythe kissed her forehead. Then, settling back, she began singing in a low voice, just above a whisper, one of her daughter’s favorite songs. Gradually, Hailey’s eyes began to drift closed. In a few minutes, she had fallen back asleep. The deep sleep of a child
with a full belly and no fear.

  Heart full of love, Blythe gazed down at her child. Safe. For the first time since she’d met Jacob Gideon, she felt safe. When she looked up, she saw Lucas standing in front of the fireplace, bathed in an orange glow, watching her.

  The instant their gazes connected, a slow burn started low in her belly. Inside, her beast woke, alert and hungry. Ready to mate.

  As she had all the other times, she resisted. But this time, he didn’t turn away.

  * * *

  Common sense urged Blythe to be the one to turn her back. But reckless curiosity, the kind that came from too many sleepless nights spent allowing self-doubt to cripple her, had her doing the opposite instead.

  Stretching, she stood and, after one last glance at her sleeping child, crossed to Lucas. With her heart beating in her chest like a trapped hummingbird, she moved closer to him, with their gazes still locked.

  In unison, they moved backward, around the corner and out of view of the sofa. No words were spoken as he took her hand and pulled her close, up against him.

  She kissed him first, standing up on her toes and arching her body into his. He deepened the kiss, letting her feel the heat of his own desire. She was glad to learn it burned as hot as her own.

  Knees weak, she clung to him. His heartbeat throbbed against hers. She felt the strength of his arousal, heavy and hard and hot, so hot pressed against her, even through the thickness of his jeans. Her corresponding rush of moist warmth told her she was ready for him, even now when all they’d done was kiss.

  The way he held back left it up to her to take things a step further. If she wanted to, that is.

  Truth be told, she did. Just not now.

  She sighed, inhaling the masculine scent of him, pine and coffee and man. How easy it would be to sink into this, to let the fierce need that raged in her blood take over, a welcome distraction from the craziness that had become her everyday life.

  Was that even fair? Not only to him, but to either one of them?

  “Not like this,” she said, reluctantly.

  Releasing her and taking a step back, he nodded, letting her know he must have read something in her eyes.

  “I want you, I need you, but...” She couldn’t finish.

  “It’s all right,” he lied, sounding like a man in pain. She could see why—the strength of his arousal was clearly outlined in the front of his jeans. Just the sight of this had her weakening, swaying toward him, before she once again mentally pulled herself up by her bootstraps.

  About to attempt again to explain, she opened her mouth only to be stopped by the gentle press of his finger against her lips. “No need. I understand. The timing is off.”

  More grateful than she could say, she nodded.

  “Come on. I’ll show you the guest bedroom.” He moved stiffly toward the door, half turning to face her before he’d taken more than a few steps. “Unless you want to bunk down with Hailey on the couch.”

  “I was hoping I could get you to carry her into my room with me,” she said. “She and I can share the bed.”

  Still moving awkwardly, he led the way to another bedroom. “I’ll, uh, need a few minutes.”

  “That’s ok.” Face hot, she moved past him and retraced her steps to go check on Hailey, who still slept deeply. She took the chair opposite, alternating between staring into the fire and watching her beloved child sleep.

  Distantly, she heard the sound of water running, as though Lucas had decided to take a shower. From the size of his arousal, she guessed he’d taken a cold one.

  The heat of the fire and the rhythmic sound of Hailey breathing lulled her into a sort of dozing state. The sound of the bathroom door opening snapped her awake.

  Lucas strolled into the room, fully clothed, though his hair was damp. “Would you like me to move her now?” he asked in a low voice, glancing from her to where Hailey still slept deeply.

  “You know what?” Blythe asked, making a snap decision. “I hate to disturb her. She looks so comfortable here on the couch. I’ll let her sleep there for now. She’s got the fire for warmth and if I really miss her, I can always come out here and sleep in this chair.”

  He searched her face. “Are you sure? That chair doesn’t look like it’d be too great for sleeping.”

  “I’m positive.” Giving him a tentative smile, she stood. “Actually, I almost fell asleep there just now.”

  After a moment, he nodded. “The guest bed isn’t made up. Let me get you clean sheets and an extra blanket.”

  He retrieved these from a small hall closet and he turned as if about to take them into the room. She intercepted him, practically snatching the linens out of his hands.

  “I’ll take care of it myself,” she said quickly, maybe a bit too quickly. “No worries.”

  Evidently he got the hint. “If you want to.” Shoulders stiff, he turned away. At least he seemed to be walking a bit better. “Good night, then.”

  “Good night.” Only after he’d closed his bedroom door did she let out the breath she had been holding.

  She went through the motions of making the bed, the mindless task giving her a way to occupy her hands and keep her from thinking about what she’d almost done.

  After she’d finished, she made one final check on Hailey, half hoping she’d be awake. Instead, Hailey still slept deeply, a slight smile on her face. Loath to wake her, Blythe returned to her room, slid between the sheets and turned out the light.

  Then she willed her mind to shut off and hoped she’d fall asleep.

  That night, though she wasn’t sure until later whether it was a dream or reality, the wind picked up outside the cabin. Branches rattled, things went bump and once or twice, she drowsily thought she heard a boom of thunder.

  Shifting restlessly in the bed, she got up at three to check on Hailey, and found her still sleeping peacefully beside the fire’s burning embers. Blythe added an extra blanket and then, chiding herself for her unnecessary worry, went back to bed, sliding under the covers and sinking gratefully into a deep sleep.

  When she next opened her eyes, morning had arrived.

  Stretching, she flushed all over as she realized she’d been dreaming of Lucas, erotic dreams in which they’d come together in an explosion of passion. The images came flooding back, and she let herself enjoy them before tucking them away for another time. Making that a reality would have to wait for later. Right now, she’d take care of her morning necessities, and then she planned on heading toward the kitchen and whipping up something for breakfast. Either pancakes or eggs, she thought, humming happily. Maybe she’d do both. Hailey would love that.

  A short while later, showered and dressed in clean clothes, she made up her bed and opened her door. The house was quiet, telling her no one else was yet awake.

  Good. She noted that the fire had burned down to glowing embers and passed by the front of the couch. Taking care to move quietly, she sneaked a quick look at her still-sleeping daughter and froze.

  The couch was empty. The blanket, the pillow and, most important, Hailey, were gone.

  Chapter 13

  A scream woke Lucas from an erotic dream featuring Blythe. He sat up in bed, heart pounding. He grabbed his boxer shorts from the floor, yanked them on, then tore off toward the living room.

  Incoherent and on the verge of hysteria, Blythe stood shaking, pointing at the empty couch. “Hailey, Hailey, Hailey. She’s gone.”

  “Hang on.” He grabbed her, pulling her close. “Maybe she just went to the bathroom.”

  “I checked. I called her and when she didn’t answer, I searched every square inch of this house. She’s gone.”

  Releasing her, he crossed to the front door and tested the dead bolt. “It’s unlocked, from the inside.”

  Blythe stared at him in shock and slowly shook her head. “She couldn’t have left. Why would she?”

  “Where would she have gone? It’s cold outside.”

  “She didn’t leave willingly,” Blythe s
aid, appearing unaware that there were tears streaming down her face. “She was taken.”

  Christ. Despite the growing certainty that she was right, they had to be certain. “You don’t know that,” he insisted, mind racing. “There’s no sign of a break-in. Maybe she just took a peek outside and forgot to relock it. She’s got to be here, somewhere.”

  Still violently shaking, she nodded.

  “Come on.” He held out his hand. “Let’s check again, both of us. There’s got to be some explanation.”

  Watching as she visibly pulled herself together, when she grabbed his hand, it was as if she grabbed on to a lifeline. He closed his fingers over her icy ones and found himself uttering a silent prayer that little Hailey was merely hiding and had fallen asleep.

  Both silent now, they went through the cabin, room by room, which didn’t take long at all. Beside him, Blythe grew increasingly more frantic, barely holding on to the edge of control, squeezing his fingers so tightly they went numb.

  He didn’t blame her. By all appearances, her daughter had mysteriously vanished. With the front door unlocked from the inside and all the rest of the cabin secure, she could have gone of her own free will.

  To be certain, he began checking the windows. “Locked, locked and locked,” he said out loud. “There’s no way someone broke in here.”

  She nodded and then faced him, her expression blank. “Did you check the back door?”

  About to tell her he had, he closed his mouth without saying anything. He had given it a cursory look, in passing. At first glance, the door appeared locked. Rattling the knob, he double-checked. But then as he was turning away, he saw the small, perfectly shaped circle that had been cut in the glass. Someone had cut it out and reached a hand in to unlock the door.

  They’d come in through the back, grabbed Hailey and gone out the front.

  “Blythe...” he began. “Come here.”

  All the blood drained from her face as she instantly assessed the situation. “Hailey, oh, my God.” She swayed. “It has to have been Jacob. Somehow he found us. He’s taken Hailey.”


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