His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

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His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 35

by Kara Hart

  “What do you want with me?” I ask, adjusting my seat back. He instantly eyes me up and down.

  “Is that a trick question?” He grins. “I think you know what I want.”

  And it happens like that. He reaches down between my thighs and pushes the lever under my seat. He presses it down until it clicks. The whole time he is steadily watching my eyes. He slides my seat back and moves over me. Our breathing intensifies. We both want each other so fucking bad that it hurts. We’re both aching for one another. Whatever hesitance I once had about him has gone right out the window.

  We push our foreheads together and for a few seconds, we continue to stare. I smile and everything crumbles around me. He kisses me again and his cologne sweeps into my senses. He smells like a man should. Oak, whiskey, and the faint smell of sawdust from working.

  Our lips crash against the shores of our desires and the feeling we both feel is akin to mountains falling apart near the sea. I close my eyes and feel his body close to mine, as our breathing connects into a rhythm unknown to me. The truth is, I haven’t felt this way since high school. I haven’t been this turned on since then, because all men seem to let me down by being too eager. He rides the line just right.

  Maybe it’s because I’m new in town. Maybe it’s because he fulfills more fantasies than one. Or maybe me crashing into him the other day was just fate. I can’t be sure. All I know is his hand is crawling up my skirt and I’m loving every second of it. His palm cups around my panties, just like the other day at school. Only this time, he grips harder.

  I push my body closer to him and he grabs my hips and holds me steady. “What’re we doing?” he asks, pulling himself back.

  “Driving to my place so you can fix my lights, right?” I smile and bite my bottom lip.

  “Oh, yeah. Right.” He smiles right back, looking dapper as ever. He’s hot. Really fucking hot. Charming even.

  He dips his head back down and kisses my neck. Endorphins shoot inside my brain, goose pimples push against every corner of my body, and my heart seems to feel more alive than it has ever felt before. I open my legs further and he pushes against them. I unzip his pants and he comes barreling out. I’m astonished.

  I mean, really. Astonished. I reach down and feel his huge splendorous cock and I actually feel a little afraid. “It’s been a while, for me,” I say.

  “Don’t worry,” he says. “I’ll be gentle.”

  He pushes my body toward the back of the vehicle, until my legs are practically over his shoulders. He licks around the edges and then looks up at me. “Real men eat pussy,” he says, which actually makes me incredibly wet.

  He licks my inner thighs, inching his way closer to my lips. He reaches up cups my tits, circling his fingers around my nipples. I’m paralyzed by the anticipation of it all. Finally, his tongue meets my lips and enters me. He breathes in deep and pulls out, swirling it around each fold. He’s tender and methodical, and every so often he pulls his face back to wipe my wetness around my clit.

  “You wanted this bad,” he says. “Admit it. You’re soaking wet.”

  I nod, unable to even breathe properly. The way he eats me is like no other guy. I’ve had one night stands, long-term boyfriends, and men that tell me they loved me. None of them went down on me on the first date. None of them ate my pussy like he does. He inserts two fingers inside of me and I’m fucking done for. I squirm. I writhe. I beg.

  “I know you want it,” he says, tonguing around my clit. He pulls back my hood and wraps his whole mouth around me. He sucks on me like a delicious pear. His tongue slides up and down, in and out, with a rhythm I can’t keep up with. Soon enough, my whole body seems to shake. No, it’s both my vision and my body.

  My senses no longer seem the same. I feel so different now. I—

  I lose it. I fucking lose it, all over him. My pussy trembles with ecstasy, as I fall down the rabbit hole into complete satisfaction and shock. It’s nothing I’ve ever felt before. He stands above me, stroking his cock with one hand, while fingering me wildly with the other. But he knows just which buttons to press. That’s when I realize, handymen know how to fix everything.

  He begins moaning with me, pressing against my g-spot. His hand circles around his shaft, until finally I see it bulge to an unearthly size. “I’m cumming,” he says. He strokes himself until thick streams of cum shoot out above my pussy. Some of it shoots higher, onto my stomach. He leans over, kissing me while strenuously moaning. This turns me on to no end.

  He kisses me and pulls back, sucking on my tongue. Then, he falls back down again and kisses my pussy, despite his cum. He doesn’t give a fuck about being messy. All he cares about is pleasing me. He licks my pussy, until we’re both gasping for air.

  When he jumps back into his seat, I have to lean over and kiss him again. “That was…” I can’t even finish my sentence. How can you describe something so insanely good? There are no words.

  “Uh, yeah,” he says. I can’t help but notice that he tastes of my pussy. I look at his arms and they’re bulging against the seams. God, dammit, he’s too hot. Why does he have to be this hot?

  He starts the engine of his car and I’m still reeling from my orgasm. He puts his foot on the pedal and smiles. “What a movie,” he says. We both laugh, staring at the dark roads passing us by. The trees on the side of the road have light snow attached to them. I have his cum attached to my panties. The world works in mysterious, erotic ways. I can’t get around it. I’m a teacher and this is how my mind thinks. If only Principal Kneeves knew who I really was. Or Judy, for that matter.

  When we pull into my driveway, he stops and we sit in silence. The radio is off and I’m pretty sure that just about everyone in the city is at home, asleep. Here we are, wide awake and ready for more debauchery. Our eyes meet, but there’s no words to say.

  “So, you going to show me those broken lights, or what?” he asks me. I burst out laughing, opening the car door.

  Oh, boy.


  There’s no taming a man like me.

  …But damn, that woman makes my cock turn up like no one else. Last night, I drove home in silence, just reliving the whole experience. There are a lot of women out there who have given me the time of my life. However, the next day, something changes. Normally, I get this realization that I need to get back to my life. With her, there’s none of that. I keep on thinking about her because she’s got the whole package and more.

  The next morning, I wake up and make a hot cup of coffee. I glance down at myself and laugh, when I notice I’m completely butt ass naked, and all of my windows are open. “Fuck it,” I smile and on walk out on my porch. It’s a beautiful day in Canton, I’m thinkin’, and the cool breeze always makes me feel like I’m on top of the world.

  I walk forward and my toes hit something hard and immovable. I glance down. “What the fuck?” I whisper. “Halloway?”

  Here I am, naked and holding a cup of coffee, and Halloway is passed out drunk on my porch. “Morning, brother,” he smiles. “Nice pecker.”

  “God damn it,” I sigh, walking my ass back inside. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, and I walk back out with a big glass of water. “Drink,” I tell him.

  “Fuck off,” he keeps on smiling.

  “I ain’t fucking around,” I say. “Come on. Drink. You look like shit.”

  “Did you get lucky last night?” he asks, grabbing the water and downing it. It spills all across his face, pouring down his shirt.

  “I don’t kiss and tell.” I laugh and sit down in my favorite wooden rocking chair. I look out into the small amount of snow that’s gathered from the morning cold.

  “Like Hell, you don’t,” he says. He struggles to pick himself up from the ground. It’s as if his whole body is made out of a ton of bricks. “Ah, I’m getting old. Damn everything to Hell.”

  “You’re 31,” I laugh. “You’re not old yet.”

  “Sure feels like it,” he says. “There’s no trajectory for me
anymore. At least, that’s how it feels. A few years ago, I was fucking king of the world. Now look at me. I’m passing out on porches and getting drunk every night.”

  “Life is whatever you make of it.” I shrug. “Can’t keep making excuses forever.”

  “Come on, man. Have my back for once.” He wipes some leaves from his hair and sits down next to me. “Can’t you see that I’m having a moment here?”

  “Oh, I see it,” I laugh. “I just think it’s a little unnecessary.”

  “Yeah, ‘cause you got laid last night. Of course you feel all chipper and happy, and shit,” he says. “You got your rocks off. Yippee for you.”

  “Whatever.” I smile, thinking about Helena and that pussy of hers. Just the thought of her makes my head spin. I’d live on my knees for that woman if she’d let me.

  We sit there for a moment, not saying a word. Birds are chirping above us and it’s peaceful outside. A few cars drive by, but they’re few and far between. Finally, Halloway speaks his mind.

  “Don’t you miss our time over there?” he asks, shuffling around in his seat.

  “Shit,” I sigh. “Don’t even bring it up.”

  “I’m serious, man,” he says. “You don’t miss it at all?”

  “Nope,” I say, still staring off into the distance.

  “Look, man. I know it was tough over there. I know it wasn’t a box of fucking chocolates, but we were all in it, you know? We were a group. We were brothers. It feels so weird to be back,” he says.

  “That was a while ago,” I sigh. “I’ve learned to forget about it. I’ve put it out of my mind. You should too.”

  “I can’t.” He shakes his head and strokes his beard. “I try all the time, but every night I think about those nights over there. I remember staring off into the desert darkness and the lights shooting over our heads. You remember?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I remember,” I say, solemnly. “It was like a dream. None of it seemed real.”

  “Exactly, man. It was surreal, the explosions in the distance. You remember them. Whole villages went up in flames,” he says. I close my eyes and see it all too clearly. Hell. That’s the only word that can describe what I witnessed. Hell.

  “It was wrong,” I say. “Those people shouldn’t have died. The coordinates… fuck, those soldiers in those planes never could get it right. What’s the point of fighting if you’re unable to hit the target every single time?”

  “I don’t know,” he says. “They killed us too, remember? We killed our own men.” Tears fill his eyes. Before the “conflict,” I would have called him a fucking pussy. After the war, I realized real men know how to cry. They know how to let it all out. Still, it’s not something I want to relive. I already have trouble sleeping at night.

  “I remember,” I say, angrily.

  “It’s the cost of war,” he says. “I guess we should have realized, huh? We should have read more about history or something. This shit repeats itself, over and over again.”

  Like a broken record. Like my memories, stuck in time, but getting more and more horrible with each passing moment.

  I can’t say anything anymore. I can’t tell him to shut up. I can’t tell him to elaborate any further. This is something he needs to talk about and I’m the only one he can talk to because I’m the only other person in this town who experienced the same fucking thing.

  “You should see someone,” I tell him.

  “What, like a therapist?” he asks me. After a few long seconds, he starts laughing. “Fuck that. What will they tell me? ‘You have PTSD. Take this pill and you’ll feel better.’ You know as well as I do, that shit doesn’t work.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “I don’t know. There aren’t any answers.”

  “I don’t want any answers,” he says, nodding. “I just want to keep telling the story.”

  “Why would anyone want to retell that story?” I ask him, hearing the screams of burning bodies echo in the distance. All of those innocent people that my government ordered to be slaughtered.

  “Because man. It happened. People need to know the truth,” he says. “They can’t keep repeating the same fucking mistakes, over and over again.”

  “But they will,” I say. “They will.”

  I think of Helena and my whole body begins to feel incredibly weighted. When she finds out who I really am… when she realizes I’m not as heroic as she thought… when she understands how fucking damaged we all are now, she’ll throw me away like a dirty rag. She won’t know what to say. Nobody does. “Thank you for your service,” is about all we can get. Hero is what they call us, and some really are heroes. But, at the end of the day, they call us these things because they don’t know what else to say. The subject is just way too dark for the normal, everyday person to believe.

  Halloway stands up and walks off my porch. “Anyway, sorry for bringin’ a bunch of darkness onto your porch,” he laughs. “We’re still alive, after all. That’s some cause to celebrate.”

  “Sure is,” I mutter, nodding to myself.

  He disappears into the distance and I’m left in pieces, on my porch. It was such a beautiful day, full of promise. Now, I’m not so sure. I walk back inside and fall to my mattress, falling asleep.

  Helena, you seem like a light in all this darkness. I just hope you don’t think I’m a fizzled-out book of matches.


  Five minutes left in class. Just five more minutes. It’s funny, sometimes I feel like I’m waiting for the sound of that bell as much as these kids are. “Alright, can anyone give me an example of an Iambic Pentameter?” I ask the class.

  No one raises their hand, of course. “Come on, guys. There’s no such thing as a dumb answer.”

  “Don’t you mean, there’s no such thing as a dumb question?” Linda, one of the over achievers in the class, says, smiling brightly. I hate even thinking this, but she annoys the hell out of me, with her goody-two-shoes attitude and obsession with being right. “There are most certainly dumb answers.”

  “No,” I correct her. “There are no dumb answers or questions. We come to school to learn, not to judge, Linda,” I sigh.

  “But how can we know the truth if there aren’t right answers?” she asks.

  “This is English and the truth is relative,” I say, closing my eyes. I’m so tired from last night that I’m doing these kids an injustice today. Still, I don’t regret going out. I don’t regret feeling his hands all over my body, and I sure as hell don’t regret his mouth between my legs.

  The bell rings and Linda shakes her head. The kids file out of my class and I swear, I hear her say, “Lying bitch.” It’s all too much sometimes, but this is the last period of the day, which means peace and quiet. Thank the lord!

  Judy pops her head inside the classroom as I’m getting my things ready. “What’s up, girl?” she asks. “Having a good first week?”

  “Well…” I grab my things and walk outside and into the hall. “Linda Pagwan just called me a lying bitch and I told the class that there are no right answers and the truth is relative.”

  She laughs and throws her arm around my shoulder. “It happens to the best of us,” she says. “Don’t worry about it. Linda is a total cunt.”

  “Judy!” I exclaim, pushing the hall doors open. Sunlight basks over my face. “She’s a student. She’s young and doesn’t know any better.”

  “I’m just tellin’ it like it is,” she says.

  “Uh huh,” I reply.

  “Think about what kind of a person that girl is going to grow up to be. She’ll excel, no doubt. In fact, she’ll get everything her little heart desires.”

  “So what?” I laugh.

  “Hey! I’m just defending you, remember? You’re probably right. She probably won’t become the CEO of Exxon and dump a bunch of oil into all the rivers and oceans, killing us all and exterminating life on this planet.”

  “Wow, you’ve really thought this through,” I laugh. She’s unbelievable, but she brings a little mo
re joy into my life.

  “Nah, I’m just joking around,” she laughs. “But seriously, us teachers do not get paid enough to deal with being called a bitch on a daily basis.”

  “Daily basis?” I ask her, gulping down.

  “Oh yeah. Welcome to Puberty 101.” She rolls her eyes. “Anyway, what’s up? How was your little movie date last night? Get any popcorn?”

  I laugh and breathe in the clean air. “Well, we didn’t actually end up seeing any movie,” I say the words carefully, so she doesn’t freak out.

  “Oh my God, girl! You’re bad,” she yells.

  “Stop.” I glance around. Principal Kneeves turns to us in the parking lot and waves.

  “Hello, ladies!” he says, before getting into his car.

  “Did you suck his cock?” she asks. “You totally sucked his cock, didn’t you? Was it big? Was it thick? Did he moan real loud when he came in your mouth?”

  “Gross!” I say, lightly pushing her away. “No, yes, yes, and no.”

  “Tell me everything. Now,” she demands.

  “It’s personal,” I laugh, opening my car door.

  “I will stand in front of your car and vow to get run over if you don’t tell me everything,” she says.

  “You’d sacrifice your life for my intimate details?” I ask.

  “I haven’t had good sex in over a year,” she says, eyes wide. “You have no idea what I’m willing to do. I need to live through you!”


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