His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance

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His Virgin Bride: A Fake Marriage Romance Page 36

by Kara Hart

  “You’re crazy,” I laugh. “But, fine. I’ll tell you.”

  “Thank you,” she smiles.

  “We went to a bar and got some drinks. Halloway stumbled in extremely drunk and got kicked out. I left the bar and—”

  “Halloway is a wreck,” she adds. I shrug. “Okay, sorry for the interjection. You may continue.”

  “Yeah, well, we decided to just go back to my place. You know, so he could fix my broken lights,” I say.

  “Naturally,” she smiles.

  “But we ended up not really getting too far,” I laugh. “And he went down on me in the bar parking lot.”

  “Helena…” She blinks her eyes crazily. “Seriously?!”

  “Yes.” I blush. “I know. It’s crazy. I’m a disgusting pervert.”

  “No, you’re my hero! In fact, I think you’re every woman’s hero right now,” she exclaims. “You got a military guy to go down on you before you even put your lips around his cock?”

  “Navy,” I correct her. “He was a SEAL.”

  “What-the-fuck-ever,” she says. “How did you pull that off? Did you just pull up your dress and say, ‘okay, make me cum now’? What is your secret?!”

  “I don’t know,” I gulp. At this point, I’m bright red. I’ve never been too good at describing personal details like this. It’s embarrassing. “He just kind of did it. I mean, he got off too.”

  “So you gave him head?” she presses me for more answers.

  “No,” I laugh.

  “No?!” She’s baffled. “You’re making this all up. You have to be.”

  “He got me off and sort of just…” I stop myself.

  “Oh, so he masturbated onto your pussy,” she says, without flinching. I glance around to see if any of the staff or students are still around. No one is in the parking lot anymore.

  “Yes,” I say, totally embarrassed now. “He masturbated onto my pussy.”

  “Don’t say it like it’s a bad word,” she says. “Wear it loud and proud! You got head, Helena! I want to celebrate on your behalf.”

  “You’re crazy!” I say.

  “You keep saying that. Who knows? Maybe it’s true,” she laughs. “So, what’s next? What’s your plan?”

  “I haven’t really given it any thought,” I admit. “I thought maybe we’d go on another date I guess.”

  “You guess?” she asks. “Well, do you like the guy still or what?”

  “Yeah, he’s nice.” I shrug. “I don’t know if I like like him. “It’s way too early to tell, right?”

  “Well, I think you need to get your priorities together,” she says. “You need to marry the bastard.”

  “Who’s a bastard?” a voice says behind us. We both turn around so fast, I give myself a minor case of whiplash.

  “Addison!” I exclaim, turning practically purple now. Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but I swear, I’m blood red from all of this embarrassment.

  “Hey sweetie-pie.” He winks.

  “Sweetie-pie,” Judy mouths.

  “Hello, Judy,” he says, leaning against the car. “What’re you two ladies talking about? I want details.”

  “Nothing,” I quickly say.

  “Nothing?” he laughs.

  “We were talking about some girl who called her a bitch in class,” Judy says. “I said she was a cunt.”

  “Watch that mouth!” Addison says. “And slow down, someone called you a bitch?”

  I swear, his muscles bulge out for a second, as if he is ready to take a swing at whoever did it. I shrug the whole thing off. “It was just some student. This girl. It was my fault,” I say.

  “What, did you hit her or something?” he asks. “How can that be your fault?”

  “I’d rather not talk about it,” I say, feeling totally out of my element.

  He exhales heavily and shrugs. “Suit yourself,” he says.

  “What’re you doing?” I ask him.

  “Another day, another dollar,” he says. “The school has a bunch of faulty compressors. I gotta try and fix them, I guess.”

  “Milk them for double its worth,” Judy smiles defiantly.

  “I don’t think you two should hang around anymore,” he laughs. “You two together are trouble.”

  “I know,” she smiles back. “Hey, Addison.”

  “What?” he asks, moving closer to me. I smell his cologne and fall into a slight trance. I just want to wrap my hands around his arms.

  “When are you going to take my girl here on a date?” she asks him.

  “Judy!” I hiss, covering my face. I feel like I’m in junior high all over again.

  She just shrugs. “It’s a poignant question,” she says.

  He turns to me. “How about tomorrow?” God, why does he have to be so damn charming?

  “I might be busy,” I say, thinking about all of the papers I have to grade.

  “Tomorrow is perfect,” Judy juts in.

  “How about I give you my number,” he says. “If you can’t hang out tomorrow, that’s fine. No pressure.”

  “She can,” Judy says. “Don’t worry.”

  I swear, I’m about to hit her in the tit. “If you can,” he says, laughing a little. “We should do something during the day. There are some cool spots around here. I’ll show you around.”

  “Sounds good,” I say. “I’ll text you.”

  “Great. I gave you my number, right?” he asks.

  “When?” I struggle to remember.

  “When you crashed into me, remember?” he laughs. “I still have the bruises.”

  “Oh yeah,” I laugh awkwardly and reach into my purse, grabbing his card. “Got it.”

  “Well, alright then.” He eyes me up and down and bites his lip. “See you, ladies.” He starts to whistle a tune as he walks toward the school entranceway.

  “Holy shit,” Judy whispers. “He’s perfect. Perfect! I’m so excited for you.”

  I play it cool, but deep down I’m freaking out. This handy man is somehow god’s gift to the world and he wants me, the English teacher. Yes, he is an ex-Navy SEAL and a repairman. I know it sounds so wrong, but I’m still so hesitant. I was always taught to stay away from men like him, but he seems normal, quite frankly.

  I try not to think about it. This isn’t a forever kind of thing. This is just fun during the school year. But this town is small and I know tomorrow is going to yield some interesting thoughts. I just hope I can handle myself when I look down and he’s on his knees, mouth ready for me.


  I’m not willing to let this one go to waste. From now on, our dates will be akin to going to the candy shop. I want to get to know Helena, front to back. I want to explore every nook and cranny. I’m not keeping my hands to myself.

  I get ready, throwing on my undershirt, staring at a nice suit jacket I have for special occasions. “Not yet,” I tell myself. This isn’t the time. I still barely even know the woman. If she continues to pass the test, I might go full suit. Who knows? Maybe this woman is the one.

  I laugh out loud when I think those words. The one. As if that even exists. There are people who make you feel good at certain times, but that’s about it. Can you imagine spending thirty or more years with one person? Every day would just bleed into the next. The sex dries up when the kids come. The money dries up when the mortgages hit you in the balls. And when you’re old, the government does away with social security. Yep, fuck that normal lifestyle. That’s not exactly for me.

  Yet, we’re always searching for the one person that gets us. Take Halloway for example. He keeps coming back to me because we spent some time in a murderous hell hole, a million miles away. That’s our connection. He didn’t even grow up here. He’s from Texas.

  When I went overseas, I had a grasp on what it might be like. I knew we’d see some real dark shit. I knew it wouldn’t be like a video game, unlike most of the other soldiers. When you’re deployed, you realize you’re stuck with a bunch of loons. Some were good, some were
bad, but none of us were normal.

  The whole time, I kept wondering, would I ever be normal? Would I ever own a nice house? How about a nice car? Shit, would I ever own one of those fancy smart phone devices everyone seems to be able to afford nowadays? I always wondered that kind of stuff, even when the bombs started to fall all around us.

  The answer is still up in the air. I say this because you never know what kind of bomb life will hit you with. Sure, you don’t plan to have a kid or fall in love, or meet someone new. But in the end, these things happen to people out of the blue. We try and justify it and say things like, “I planned this out. I always knew it would happen this way.” But that’s only because we like to see our lives as perfect stories, like we’re some characters in a movie.

  We’re not characters in any movie or book, or what have you. We’re just some normal motherfuckers who have seen some shit. So no, I don’t wear the suit. Not today. I grab a freshly dried undershirt. Jeans. My work boots. These things bring me a lot of comfort, and if Helena doesn’t like me for who I am, then fuck it all. I don’t need her.

  I walk out into the sun and take a deep breath. Clearly, I’m freaking out a little. I haven’t done this “date” shit in so long. Helena is the first person in a long time to inspire me to do so. I grab my phone and pace around my house. I get up the nerve to text the woman and I say, “You ready?” You ready? Is that really what I want to say? Anyway, it’s too late. It’s been sent and she’s already typing back.

  “Sure. Cool if I go naked?” she asks.

  I have to give myself time to do a doubletake. Is this woman serious? Then she types out, “Just kidding. Pick me up in 15.”

  “Sure thing, honey,” I send, not knowing if I am coming on too strong or not.

  In all honesty, I hate this texting shit. Call me old-fashioned, but I just want to communicate on a landline or in person. That’s it. Instead, I get back and everyone is so immersed in their technology that it almost seems like in a few years, we’ll all have them installed in our bodies.

  She sends back a smiley face. A fucking smiley face. Of course, that sends me into a panic. Fuck! Was the “honey” bit too much? Shit.

  I take a deep breath. “You’re a Navy SEAL. You’re strong. What the fuck is wrong with you? Don’t overthink it,” I tell myself, still pacing around my house. I check my phone every two minutes or so, until fifteen minutes pass and I can leave my place to pick her up.

  I get into the car and drive as fast as I can, barreling down the avenues. That’s the one cool thing about living in a small town. You can practically get away with anything.

  When I get to her house, she’s outside and she’s wearing this beautiful dress with abstract shapes attached to it. She looks sexy, unique, and god damn gorgeous. I roll down my window and whistle. “Holy shit, you look good!”

  She blushes and gets into the car. “You look good too,” she says, playing nice.

  “Let’s be honest. I look about the same as I always do,” I say, feeling a bit embarrassed I didn’t wear my nice suit. Next time, I tell myself.

  “Where we off to, honey,” she mimics me and I turn a dark shade of red.

  “I’m going to be honest with you,” I tell her. “There’s not much to do in this town. But I’ve got a few plans up my sleeve.”

  “Surprise me,” she says, leaning back in her seat. She smiles as I push my foot against the pedal and skid out of there.

  We drive about twenty-five minutes out of Canton and I’m hoping I’ve picked a good spot for us. Today is oddly foggy and has a slight eerie vibe to it. I pull into a parking lot and we get out.

  “Okay, where are we?” she laughs.

  “You’ll see,” I tell her, jumping out of the car to open the door for her.

  She steps out and we walk toward a building. “Hummingbird Haven?” she asks me, mouth dropping slowly. “How did you know hummingbirds are my favorite?”

  I smile and feel my heart start to pound with excitement. I had no fucking idea she loved hummingbirds. I simply hoped she did. “I’m very perceptive,” I say, taking her arm in mine.

  We walk inside and are greeted by the owners, who agree to take us on a tour. I shell out some money and we’re soon around over a hundred feeders. It’s a foggy, cold day, but still the hummingbirds are in full effect.

  “It’s amazing,” she says, looking around us. “Oh my God, they’re so cute!”

  One buzzes by my ear and I fall to the ground outside, “Ah!” I scream, swatting in front of me.

  “Ha!” she laughs and then covers her mouth. I laugh with her, picking myself up and dusting my jeans off.

  “Terrifying little things,” I laugh.

  “Aw, come on. Look at this one here,” she says, pointing. One lands on a feeder and glances at me.

  “He is pretty cute,” I admit.

  “Who says it’s a he?” She glares and then smiles.

  “Whatever it is, I like it. The green reminds me of your eyes,” I say. She blushes and gives me a kiss on the cheek, running away to look at more of them.

  They’re everywhere. They fly up and down and sometimes you can even get a glimpse of them. They’re so different from other birds. They’re so unique that I have to wonder if they’re even anything like a normal bird. When they hover in the air, they behave so abnormally. Their wings almost look like they’re spinning.

  “Oh, I love them!” She comes running over to me, throwing her arms around me. When she does this, I feel… warm. I like feeling like this. I want to feel like this forever.

  When we get our fix of the birds, we walk back out front. We both get back in the car and she sighs. “That was really great, Addison,” she says.

  “I told you, there aren’t very many things to do in this town. Still, there’s some special spots. You just gotta keep your eyes out for them,” I say.

  She looks at me, eyes glazed with happiness. I look back at her and I have to touch her. I place my hands around her waist, feeling her skin and her bones, and her pulse through her body. My cock moves and there’s a warm feeling between my legs. I want to say, “I want you,” but I know it would be inappropriate right now. Instead, we both lean forward and our lips crush against each other’s. We kiss and I feel her tongue slide against mine. She tastes so fucking sweet, like nectar. It’s addicting. Really, I have to admit that I’m hooked.

  “Now what?” she asks, biting her lip.

  “I didn’t plan that far ahead,” I admit, laughing slightly.

  “How about we do something devious,” she says.

  “Like what?” I ask her, eyes dropping to the bottom of her dress. The ends wrap around her thighs, curling right below her panties. I can glimpse some of the pink fabric and, of course, I shoot up, hard as a rock.

  “I’ve got the keys to the school.” She smiles. “Want to see my classroom?”

  “Woman. You have no idea,” I tell her.

  I put the keys in the ignition and I drive as fast as I can to that classroom.


  I feel so fucking wrong right now. Like, bad. Real bad. When we pull into the school parking lot, the sun has started to set. There’s not a car in sight. We park in the corner of the lot and step out, staring at the school doors.

  “You sure we can go in during afterhours?” he asks me.

  “I work here. I can go into my office at any time.”

  “Right,” he says. “I forgot. We’re just getting some papers for you to grade later.”

  “That is correct,” I say with a smile. “Papers.”

  I walk ahead of him and I know he’s staring at my tight ass. In this dress, it looks perfect. It juts out just enough to drive a man crazy, which is why I picked it out in the first place. Not to mention, it hugs the tops of my thighs. One has to wonder what’s underneath. Shit, even women eye me on the street when I wear this.

  I slide the key into the lock, turn it slowly, and feel the hard click of it opening up. I think about how hard his cock was t
he other night and suddenly feel very wet between my legs. I think about him opening me up and my throat gets tight. My heart starts to pound and my face feels warm as I open the school doors.

  We both walk inside, giggling, and I close the doors behind me, making sure no one has seen us come in from the outside. “Come on,” I tell him, running through the halls. “My room is just down here!”

  He jogs to keep up with me, shaking his head. “If your students only knew how bad you were,” he calls out.

  “If they knew,” I say, out of breath, “they’d try to get away with everything.”

  I finally get to my door and I open it quickly. The sunlight has finally moved past the fog and is shining in through the classroom windows. I sit on the center of my desk and wait for him to enter. When he does, my legs are spread. In his view is my dress and it’s open, exposing my panties with a wet center.

  “Hello, Mr. Handy Man,” I mutter.

  His smile drops and he walks forward, slowly. He doesn’t say a word. He just places his body between mine and leans forward, kissing me deeply. His tongue slides back and he glances down.

  “You’re wet,” he says, still not smiling.

  I can’t say a word. I try to breathe, but I’m shaking. “Don’t be nervous,” he says. “I’m only here to fix your leaky pipe.”

  I smile, but I know what’s next. I’ve been waiting for it for days now, even though I know how big his cock is. I muster the courage to reach forward and grab his belt buckle. I undo his leather belt and take off his jeans, while he rips off his undershirt. He stands in front of me, completely naked.

  He’s hard. He’s, well, solid and extremely thick.

  “Jesus,” I mutter, choking on my saliva.

  He places his fingers under my chin and moves my head up. “It’s going to be okay, sweetie,” he says, kissing me one more time. He moves downward and kisses around my neck, shooting endorphins through me. I start to relax and breathe better, and he runs his hand over my wetness.


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