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SEAL of Approval

Page 6

by Lynn Faye

  “Oh no,” she groaned. “Not an accident on my first day back.”

  This wasn’t a good omen, according to Camila’s religious beliefs. Her grandmother would always say that an accident on a journey was a bad sign. She always tried not to give in to such superstitions, but the tingle in her limbs was enough evidence of her anxiety.

  Shaking her head, she focused on the happiness of seeing Kristen face-to-face. She had many things to tell her about the two years she’d been away. It had been lonely being in New York away from her friends. Those two years had been difficult, keeping secrets that could cause trouble, not only for her but all involved. However, Camila knew it was time to get things out in the open if she was to maintain peace of mind.

  Kristen would certainly be hurt when she told her the truth about why she left, but knowing her friend, Camila knew Kristen would understand.

  After about an hour, the traffic started moving once more and she steered the car toward the hotel where she would be staying. She knew Kristen would insist on her moving in with her now that Andrew was gone, but she wanted to see her first. There were things she needed to take care of before visiting Kristen.

  Chapter 10

  Ethan stared at the man in the white coat with thick black-rimmed glasses. Pale gray eyes stared back at him, sympathizing. Ethan steeled himself against what he just heard. Kristen was comatose.

  They were standing outside of the Intensive Care Unit at the Boston General Hospital where Kristen was taken after the accident. It was five hours after he received the call and Ethan had questions. Why was she in a hurry to leave the house? The report said that she did not collide with any other vehicle. Eyewitnesses said that her vehicle was speeding and seemed to have lost control before hitting a bump in the road.

  “I’m sorry Mr. Broderick, there’s nothing more we can do now. She may wake up in a few minutes or it may be a matter of days. We’ll have to exercise some patience in the matter.”

  Ethan knew he was right. However, it seemed that when it came to Kristen all rationale flew out the window. What was it about her that made him act this way?

  “Thanks, Doctor. Can I see her now?”

  The doctor nodded, “Yes. Try talking to her, make her feel a sense of security. She may not be able to physically respond, but studies show…”

  “I know,” he interrupted. “She may hear my voice or respond to certain stimuli.”

  “I’m glad you understand.”

  Ethan doubted the doctor understood the relationship between him and Kristen. Kristen hated him. The only reason she was marrying him was that she felt sorry for him because he was her late husband’s brother. Kristen could her pick of a million men to marry in the city.

  He also knew why Mark was at the house earlier. Perhaps the good lawyer had found the perfect match for his client. Ethan felt bad about not telling him what happened.

  Pushing his thoughts of Mark Rickard aside, Ethan opened the hospital room door and entered. He looked at Kristen lying in the bed unmoving. Her skin was ashen and her head was bandaged from the injury and subsequent surgery. The beeping machinery made the whole scenario even worse.

  Pulling up the small chair he found against the wall, he sat. Absently he rubbed the back of his neck then brought his hand around and squeezed his chin. A lump rose in his throat and he had to look away from her. Ethan had seen death and torture, but never had his heart ached so much in the time he’d spent serving his country, risking his life. But he’d always had a weakness when it came to Kristen.

  Gingerly, he reached out and picked up her hand, cradling it between both of his. He was not good at these things and had no idea what to say to her. Therefore, he found himself bringing her hand to his lips. He kissed the back of it and then turned it over and pressed his lips to her palm. The sound of someone pushing the door open caused him to lay her hand back down and turn.

  Mark Rickards was standing there, his eyes downturned. “I saw the news and came right away,” the lawyer offered when Ethan looked questioningly his way.

  “I should have said something,” Ethan told him. But…”

  Mark took a few steps and rested his hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. Can we talk outside?”

  Ethan rose and followed Mark out of the room. Once outside the hospital room, he let out a long breath, raking his hand through his hair and started pacing the hallway. Two policemen were talking with Dr. Michaels close to the nurse’s station. Ethan assumed they were discussing the accident. He turned his attention to the lawyer.

  “The doctor told me her fiancé was with her,” Mark said. “I had no idea you two were planning on marrying.”

  Ethan paused, and then said, “We made up our minds yesterday. I didn’t think she had the chance to tell you.”

  “I figured,” the lawyer replied. “I found someone, but I’ll cancel.”

  “You do that. Is that all?”

  “You know your mother is going to take advantage of this, right?”

  Ethan wasn’t sure what Mark meant. “What can she do?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but she is cunning. Just watch out for anything.”

  “Thanks for the heads up,” Ethan said, turning to go back inside the room. He then paused. “I’m sorry about back at the house. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  “It’s alright, man. I’m glad Kristen agreed to marry you. She needs someone who loves her.”

  Ethan stared at Mark, his eyebrows squished together. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re in love with her,” Mark said matter-of-factly as her turned to leave.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” was Ethan’s reply as he watched the lawyer go. In love my foot! he murmured to himself. The idea was utterly ridiculous, he thought, though his heart had started a slow heavy thudding the moment Mark mentioned love.

  As Ethan prepared to go back into Kristen’s room, one of the police officers approached. Ethan knew they needed to investigate the accident, but he was impatient to return to Kristen.

  “Mr. Broderick?” the one with the tablet asked. The policeman wore a dark gray suit and showed him his badge. “I’m Detective Marshal and that over there is Sargent Norris. I understand Miss Broderick has not regained consciousness.”

  “That’s correct,” Ethan replied, eyeing Kristen’s room door.

  “Is there anything you can tell me about the accident?”

  Ethan shook his head. “I know far less than you do, detective.”

  “We are waiting on the toxicology report and we’re having the car checked.”

  Ethan puckered his forehead. “Kristen doesn’t drink outside of social situations and she doesn’t do drugs.”

  “It’s just procedure, Mr. Broderick. I assume you know that, given your training.”

  “Yes, I do know.”

  “We’ll need to speak with Miss Broderick when she regains consciousness.”

  With a slight nod of his head, the detective turned and headed in the direction of his partner. Ethan hoped his defense of Kristen was justified and they didn’t find anything in her blood. He pushed away what the detective told him and returned to her room.

  As he sat in the chair beside the bed, his heart rate increased. His eyes strayed to Kristen’s face, resting on her lips. Unwittingly, he reached out and traced the curve of them with his index finger. The tips of his fingers tingled and he withdrew his hand. His lips became dry as he stared at her lying there.

  Feeling the way his entire body quickened upon touching her, Ethan stood, rubbing the back of his neck. Mark’s words kept coming back to him, haunting him.

  “Ridiculous,” he muttered.

  Nevertheless, Ethan refused to leave Kristen’s side, even after the nurse came in and asked that he excuse her while she checked the patient. “Please wait outside a moment, Mr. Broderick,” the nurse with the name tag, Emily said.

  Hesitating, he stared down at Kristen as though seeking her perMission. As he exited the
room, the feeling as though an invisible cord was pulling him back in was intense. He stayed just outside the door and as soon as Nurse Emily came out, he went back in.

  Chapter 11

  Kristen showed no improvement for the next two days, during which Ethan never once left the hospital. On the third day, the police returned to check on the patient and to update Ethan on the progress of the investigation. He was about to go to the cafeteria to get coffee when Detective Marshall and another officer met him in the hallway.

  “Mr. Broderick,” the detective greeted.

  “It’s Ethan,” he said as the detective stretched his hand out Ethan took it, giving it a vigorous shake.

  “This is Detective Cross,” the officer introduced the other man.

  Ethan shook hands with him and waited for the detective to update him.

  “Miss Broderick’s tox screen came back clean. We had the car inspected and we found a broken brake hose. Do you know when last she had the car checked?”

  “To be honest, Detective. I just returned a few days ago. Kristen and I are just getting reacquainted. There are a lot of things I have no knowledge of.”

  Detective smiled. “I understand. We also found a spot of grease on the back right tire. We will release the report so you can deal with the insurance.”

  “That quickly?” Ethan asked.

  “Yes. We found the cause of the accident. I see no reason to delay. Our findings indicate that it was a simple accident.” The detective promised to send the report to Kristen’s insurance company where they will also do their own investigation. Given that no one else was involved in the accident, that shouldn’t take long.

  After his talk with the police, Ethan proceeded to the cafeteria to get the coffee and returned to the room. The nurse was checking the machines and taking Kristen’s temperature when he returned. Nurse Emily had been attentive, not only to Kristen but to him as well. On a couple of occasions, she brought him sandwiches and encouraged him to have a meal.

  “Mr. Broderick, you have not slept in two days,” she said, checking the saline bag. “You need to get some rest.”

  “I’m fine. I’ve gone longer without sleep.”

  She smiled. “I know navy seals can go for days without sleep, but at least go home, shower and change. I’ll keep an eye on the patient. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course,” she replied. “She’s my patient. I won’t let anything happen to her. Now go.”

  Hesitant, but feeling a bit grimy with three days stubble and clothes that were beginning to ripen, Ethan left the hospital with a promise to return soon.


  A Harley motorcycle was pulling away from the entrance of the hospital as her black Lincoln pulled up. The Harley passed by so close that it almost brushed the car.

  Helen grounded her teeth together. “Moron. How could they allow a motorcycle on the premises?” she snarled. Leaning slightly forward, she asked her driver, “Did he hit the car?”

  “No ma’am, the car is fine.”

  “Very well, I won’t be long. Keep the engine warm.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The driver stopped and Helen exited the vehicle. As she went through the glass doors into the hospital lobby, the car pulled away as no vehicles were allowed to block the entrance. She took the elevator to the ICU, passed the nurses station and was on her way to Kristen’s room when a nurse stopped her.

  “Ma’am, can I help you?”

  “I’m visiting my daughter in law if you don’t mind,” Helen replied.

  “Who is your daughter-in-law?”

  “Never mind, I already know which room she is in.”

  The nurse blocked her path. “Ma’am, you need to tell me your name and who your daughter in law is. I must have a record of all patient visits.”

  Helen lifted her chin. Her back stiffened as the woman in white uniform eyed her carefully. “My name is Helen Broderick and my daughter-in-law is Kristen Broderick. Now if you’ll excuse me…”

  She stepped around the nurse and headed down the hall to three doors away from the station. The nurse was watching her. She stiffened her back as she pushed the door and entered the room. “This isn’t Kristen,” she observed as she stared at an old forlorn figure. Hastily retreating, Helen returned to the nurse’s station to find the nurse standing exactly where she left her.

  “I’m curious ma’am, who told you where your daughter–in-law was?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business, but I do donate quite a sum to this hospital,” Helen told her. “I know everything that goes on here when it relates to family. Now, which room is she in?”

  Helen noted that the nurse had a displeased look on her face. The girl was taking her sweet time replying and she needed to be out of there quickly.

  “Let me check it for you, Mrs. Broderick”, the nurse said in a cocky tone of voice. “This might take a few minutes.

  The few minutes became about twenty until she returned. “Second door on the right.”

  Helen’s eyes dropped to the nurse’s name tag, and made a mental note. As she moved off, she heard the girl snicker. On any other occasion, she would have dealt with the young woman accordingly, however, she was on a mission, which was more important.

  Thirty seconds later, she was pushing open the door and entering Kristen’s room. She took in the saline drip, the machines hooked up to her and her bandaged head. The machine beeped at even intervals.

  “Poor thing,” she said, leaning down close to Kristen’s ear. “Look at you now. What can you do lying in a hospital bed fighting for your life? Why don’t you just give in and die and stop wasting everyone’s time?”

  The beeps from the machine started coming more rapidly and gradually sped up until they became urgent and loud.

  “Yes, that’s it. I know you can hear me, Kristen. I want you to listen carefully, you have lost. Hailey is now mine.”

  Before she could say anything further, several people rushed in. The machine was sounding off its loud incessant beeping.

  “Blood pressure dropping fast,” one person declared.

  Helen was pushed away from the bed as someone pulled the sheet down. The sound changed to long ringing sound as the machine showed a flat line. With a smile, she exited the room and walked briskly down the hall.


  “Defibrillator, stat!”

  The doctor applied the necessary shock to the patient’s chest.

  “One, two, clear!”

  The treatment was repeated. On the third try, a low beep came through the machine. It slowly picked up until it was as steady as it had been half hour before. The lines on the heart monitor returned squiggly and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.


  About half an hour after he had left, Ethan walked through the ICU room doors to find three nurses and two doctors. One of the doctors was using a defibrillator on Kristen. There was a flat line on the machine’s monitor and a droning sound came from it.

  His stomach wrenched as though someone lodged a spear in it. Blood drained from his face as he watched them apply the shock treatment to her. His chest tightened and his knees became weak causing him to lean against the wall, closing his eyes.

  Soon, the beeping sound returned at regular intervals. Ethan opened his eyes, witnessing the relief on the faces of those present. He too, let out a long breath when the heart line spiked and started going up and down.

  One by one the medical staff filed out of the room leaving Emily to tuck the sheets back around her patient and check her saline bag.

  Ethan eased himself from the wall and moved over to stand by the nurse. “What happened,” he asked in a low tone.

  “I checked her an hour ago and she was fine. It was while that woman was here that this happened. I knew something was not right.”

  “What woman?”

  Emily was clearly upset from the way she was curling her lips. “She said she was Kristen’s mother-in-l

  “Mother was here?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Listen, Emily, no one visits my fiancé without me knowing. Ok?”


  “Not even my own mother.”

  “She must have said something upsetting to her,” Emily said. “Often, people in a coma can still hear us when we speak.”

  Ethan looked down at Kristen. “Can they, really?”

  “I believe so. No offense, but your mother gives me the creeps,” Emily said.

  “None taken,” Ethan said with a small smile. “She gives everyone the creeps.”

  “You should talk to her,” Emily jutted her chin towards the patient. “Let her hear your voice too. After what happened, she needs to know that someone who loves her is here.”

  What’s with everyone talking about love?

  Nurse Emily exited the room, leaving him thinking about her words. Love? Was that what this was? All he ever wanted to do was protect her. He wanted to protect her since the moment he set eyes on her a decade ago. Now here he was, years later, still wanting to protect her. He would be damned if he let his mother or anyone else harm her.

  Nurse Emily returned to the room about ten minutes later while he was still mulling over her words. “Ethan, a woman is here. She claims to be Kristen’s best friend. Should I send her in?”

  “Did you get her name?”

  “Camile?” she said uncertainly.


  Emily grinned. “Yes, that’s it.”

  “She’s cool.”

  Not two minutes after Emily left the room, the door opened and in came Kristen’s long-lost friend. Her eyes widened in surprise.

  “Ethan? My God!” she exclaimed. “When she said Kristen’s fiancé, I had no idea.”

  “How have you been, Camila?”

  “I’m good. How is she?”

  Camila took her friend’s hand. Ethan offered her the chair and she sat, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Ethan was grateful for Camila’s presence. He wondered how Camila came to know Kristen was in the hospital. The last he heard, she was living in New York.

  “Did you fly all the way from New York to come see her?” he asked.


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