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SEAL of Approval

Page 18

by Lynn Faye

  The touch of her hand brought heat to his skin. The effect she had on him never ceased to amaze him. He placed a hand over hers and savored the tenderness of her touch. He then pulled her hand away and kissed her palm.

  Even with good intentions, things never work the way one wishes sometimes. When one commits a crime, they need to answer to the criminal justice system. Ethan knew that. To Kristen, Helen was family and one didn’t just turn over family to the authorities.

  If Kristen needed to absolve Ethan of the responsibility of turning his mother over to the FBI, she got her wish. Just as he was about to kiss her again, Agent Morris and Mark Rickards came into the lounge.

  Kristen followed Ethan’s eyes. A groan escaped her when she saw her attorney and the FBI agent coming towards them. Behind them were two police officers in uniform and two more agents. There was only one reason Agent Morris would be there and that was if he had bad news.

  Mark introduced the other officers and agents while Morris greeted them. The other officers stepped back after being introduced, allowing Agent Morris the floor.

  “I know this is a bad time,” Agent Morris said, looking from one to the other. “I’m sorry I have to do this, but we have a warrant for Helen Broderick’s arrest.”

  “Can’t it wait?” Kristen asked.

  “Mrs. Broderick, what your mother-in-law did were federal felonies. These are serious crimes.”

  “Wait a minute,” Ethan interjected. “You said these… why’s that?”

  Agent Morris opened a notepad and read from it. “Your mother’s phone records show her communicating with a few unscrupulous people. We caught the man who tampered with Miss Kristen’s car.”

  “Will she go to prison?” Kristen found herself asking. Even now, she was still trying to protect the woman who caused her much grief. The grandmother of her child and the mother of the man she loved. The thought hit her like a ton of bricks. It wasn’t as though she had no clue that she loved Ethan, it’s just that she’d buried those feelings a long time ago. She glanced at Ethan who was eyeing her curiously. She looked away, her cheeks staining scarlet.

  Before Agent Morris could reply, Kristen continued. “Can’t you do something?”

  “I’ll see what we can do, but these are serious charges. She tried to have you killed and make it look like an accident.”

  “I know and I won’t press charges,” she replied.

  “It’s not up to you anymore, Mrs. Broderick.”

  A sinking feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. Although Helen had been nothing but evil to her, her heart ached knowing that her daughter’s grandmother must face punishment for the crimes she committed.

  Both Ethan and Kristen followed the law enforcement officers into the room. Helen was lying on her pillows, her eyes open. She was not wearing the oxygen mask Ethan had seen earlier. As the group entered, Helen’s face creased in a deep frown as she looked the police and FBI personnel. Agent Morris stepped forward, and Kristen felt tears sting her eyes. This was not a joyous moment. It was not a moment she’d have wished for.

  A pained expression crossed Ethan’s face as Agent Morris read Helen her Miranda rights. His arm encircled Kristen’s shoulder and she clung to him. Helen’s face registered shock for a minute before her countenance took on a look of resoluteness.

  As one of the officers withdrew handcuffs, Kristen stepped forward. “Please, do you have to cuff her?”

  “Ma’am…” the officer began, looking at his superior.

  “No, please,” she pleaded. When he did not respond, she continued, “She’s lying in a hospital bed for crying out loud. Spare her some dignity!”

  Agent Morris nodded to the officer who put the cuffs away. One officer was placed as a guard outside Helen’s room. This Kristen could not argue with as Helen was now under the jurisdiction of the FBI.

  As they departed the hospital, Kristen wondered what she could have done to make things better. Nothing came to her mind. All she knew was that she needed to do what was right and that was making sure Helen was taken care of in the best possible way. After all, the woman was still family.


  It was a bittersweet day for the Broderick family. When they returned home, a surprise awaited her. As she opened the door, the smell of cooking tantalized her nostrils.

  “Is somone cooking?” she whispered to Ethan with a giggle.

  Richard was playing with Hailey in the living room while the sounds of pots and pan came from the kitchen. Hailey ran to greet then when they came in, but Kristen wanted to know who was in the kitchen.

  “Pumpkin,” Kristen said to Hailey. “Who is in the kitchen?”

  Hailey giggled. “It’s a surprise!”

  Curious, Kristen went straight there. Camila was a sight for sore eyes. She was busy cooking up a storm. A smile brightened her face when she looked up and saw her best friend.

  Kristen and Camila hugged, tears running down both cheeks. They held each other a long time.

  Chapter 35

  Helen and was taken into custody when she was released from the hospital. Her attorney submitted a case of incompetency to stand trial. Although Kristen knew otherwise, she agreed it was the best option to get the charges dropped or reduced.

  The first court date to hear Helen’s case to determine if she should go to trial was in a few days. Kristen racked her mind to come up with something that could help Helen. She voiced her concerns to her attorney and asked for his advice.

  Sitting across from her in Andrew’s study, Mark showed his disapproval. “How can you want to help her after all she’s done to you?”

  Her reply came easily. “She’s still my mother-in-law and the grandmother of my daughter.”

  Mark looked confused. “Is there something you’re not telling me? I thought you said your husband was gay, so we assumed Hailey wasn’t his.”

  “He’s not Hailey’s father, Ethan is.”

  A brief flicker of surprise crossed his face before relief. “Now you tell me. I knew something was fishy between you too.”

  Kristen chortled. “It’s not the romantic notion you have about us.”

  “What’s more romantic than a love story with you two having a love child, then ending up back together?” Mark asked.

  A crackling laugh resounded from her. “I had no idea you were such hopeless romantic.”

  “What can I say, who doesn’t like romance,” he replied before a somber expression returned. “Now this thing with Helen, are you seriously considering helping her?”


  “All right. I’ll arrange for you to speak on her behalf, ask the court for leniency. You’re the victim, so the court will listen to you.”

  With that settled, Kristen’s mind was in a better place. Helen had already dropped the lawsuits she brought against Kristen. It would have been redundant to pursue them anyway, given her actions against Kristen. In Kristen’s mind, they were making progress and she too dropped her countersuit.

  She knew many people may not understand or agree with her actions. This wasn’t up to them. What she wanted was an end to this feud between her and Helen. This was not just about her, but about Ethan, Hailey, and the entire family.

  Just as she’d protected Andrew from scrutiny, knowing the discrimination that LGBT people faced, she’d protect Helen. Andrew had done terrible things as well and she had protected him the best way she could. Helen was no different.

  Not only was Andrew gay, he had a disease that would surely affect the way the business community dealt with him. He felt that coming out would affect the business in a big way. He knew there would be a falling out between his strict conservative parents and himself as well.

  Kristen pushed all that aside and stood. Andrew’s office was the same as he left it. She’d have to make some changes. Andrew was gone and now Ethan was here. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of his name. Fleetingly, she wondered what his plans were. He said he wanted the marriage to work. She wondered why t
hat was.


  The courtroom was packed to the hilt. You could hear a needle drop at the deafening silence as no one dared speak. Helen looked forlorn and dejected. Kristen had never seen her like that and wondered what the woman was thinking. Was she sorry or did she just feel the weight of everything crashing in?

  The presiding judge, Federal Judge Crenshaw, was known for his stringent courtroom rules and harsh punishments. Silently he read from his file while the court guard stood like a statute by the bench. Mr. Brown sat subdued, much like Helen as they all waited for the judge to speak.

  “Mr. Brown,” Judge Crenshaw said. His voice was a rumbling sound that resonated off the walls. No wonder people feared him. “You’ve submitted a case of incompetency for the defendant?”

  Mr. Brown stood, appearing quite intimidated, a complete opposite to his usual demeanor. “Yes, Your Honor. Mrs. Broderick has undergone a great deal of stress. She was not in her right mental faculties when she did these things, Your Honor.”

  “Very well,” the judge said, then shifted his eyes to Kristen. “Miss Broderick, you have submitted a written statement to the court. Do you have anything else to add?”

  With a quiver in her stomach, Kristen stood. “Yes, Your Honor. I agree that my mother-in-law may not have been in her right mind when she did those things. She loved her son very much. She’d already thought she lost one son when he walked away from the family business, Your Honor. She felt that I had taken Andrew from her. He bought a new house after living in the family home all his life. He was now devoted to me, instead of her…

  “Your Honor,” Kristen continued. “I know she must have felt lonely without her son. That is why she did all this. If it pleases the court, I don’t want her punished.”

  “We can’t just drop the charges, Mrs. Broderick. What do you suggest?”

  “Community service? I mean, her granddaughter needs to know her grandmother. Her son needs his mother. I know she’s good person somewhere inside. She just needs a chance to show it.”

  Judge Crenshaw nodded. “You have a generous heart, Mrs. Broderick. We’ll come back two weeks to from today to hear the competency case. We’ll take your statement into consideration, Mrs. Broderick.”

  It was now out of her hands. The court session ended and Helen was taken back to the holding cell. Kristen wanted to see her there, but both she and Ethan thought it wasn’t a good idea as she for sure was in a bad state of mind. What if upon seeing her Helen reacted negatively? That wasn’t a chance Kristen wanted to take.

  She had wanted to speak with Helen since she’d taken ill but never got the chance. Talking to her may just have to wait until the case was closed.


  Two weeks skipped by quickly and Helen’s case was heard. In the two weeks preceding the hearing, Helen underwent a psychiatric evaluation as per the requirement. Her personal therapist was called as witness as well as the psychiatrist appointed for her evaluation

  According to her psychiatrist, she was experiencing severe depression due to the loss of her son. The state-appointed evaluator concurred with that. In addition, they found that Helen might have suffered what is known as brief psychotic disorder. This was most likely triggered by the depression caused by the loss of her son.

  Judge Crenshaw did not take long to come to a judgment. Helen was to be admitted to a psychiatric facility where she would undergo treatment for six months at which time another evaluation would determine her release. After her release, she was to do eight months of community service.

  As the judge handed down the sentence and credited Kristen for her role in asking for leniency, Helen stared at her with moist eyes. Kristen was unsure of why Helen was crying, but she was happy about the outcome.

  The court session ended and Helen was to be transported to the facility right away. The judge left the room and people began to disperse. Ethan moved over to his mother where they were removing Helen’s cuffs and a group of medical personnel waited to take her away.

  “Mother, I’ll come see you when they permit me,” he said, his voice thick.

  Tears streamed down Helen’s face as Kristen watched from a few feet away. Ethan’s eyes also moistened as he took his mother into his arms and held her.

  “Now that’s a mother-son moment,” someone close to Kristen commented. She turned to see Mark grinning.

  “Yeah, it worked out for the best, I think,” Kristen said. “Helen has learned her lesson and I get to keep my daughter…”

  “And marry the man of your dreams.”

  “Oh, cut it will you.”

  Mark laughed lightly. “You know I’m right.”

  While the two exchanged lighthearted banter, Helen was taken away. Ethan strolled over and Mark bade them farewell. As she and Ethan left the courthouse, she realized that it was all over. At least she hoped it was. The judge warned Helen that if she did anything remotely resembling a crime, they’d lock her up.

  “It’s over,” she muttered when they were on the steps. Her breath misted in the cold late autumn air. “It’s really over.”


  Eighteen months later…

  Ethan watched Kristen sleep, her beauty captivating him. He particularly liked the way her long lashes brushed her soft cheeks.

  She murmured as her eyes slowly opened. “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice slurred from sleep.

  “Go back to sleep,” he whispered.

  But now she was fully awake and snuggling up to him. “No, I won’t go back to sleep until you tell me why you were staring at me.”

  “Can’t I watch my wife sleep?”

  Before she could answer, a noise interrupted them. “Oh no, this is too early,” she lamented.

  Ethan reached over and kissed her nose. “I’ll do it.”

  “Make sure to check the temperature on the back of your hand,” she advised as he got out of the bed.

  Chuckling, he slipped into a pair of shorts and covered that with his robe. His mind went back to three months ago.

  “Aaahhhhh!” a bloodcurdling scream ripped through the silence of the hospital lounge.

  Ethan paced the floor, looking frantically at the entrance of the delivery room. He’d been late and he knew Kristen must be furious with him. Their plan was for him to be inside when she gave birth but he was late…

  While pacing the hospital lounge he recalled the day he received the good news. It was just after his mother was released from the psychiatric facility where she served out her six months. Kristen hadn’t been feeling well and they thought she caught the flu. After taking a few over the counter medicines and still not feeling better she went to the doctor.

  He’d gone to visit his mother at the mansion where she apologized for what she did and promised to bridge a relationship with Kristen. They spend some time at the fireplace, burning the documents that could destroy Harold and any other documents they deemed dangerous.

  “I’m starting over. Can you forgive me for being a terrible mother?” Helen looked expectantly at her son.

  “Of course, Mother. I love you,” he said.

  “I love you too, my son,” her voice cracked as she said the words. “How is Kristen?”

  “She went to the doctor’s. She hasn’t been feeling well lately.”

  “I hope it’s a boy,” Helen remarked with a smile.

  He’d laughed at her silliness. “It’s nothing like that, Mother. She’s got the flu.”

  “You should go home now. She may need you.”

  Ethan reeled back in surprise. This was unlike Helen, caring about others. Since he could remember, she only cared about herself or her precious son Andrew. Now she even seemed concerned for Kristen.

  She kissed his cheek like when he was a little boy, surprising him with the affection. When he left, she walked him to the door and waved until he disappeared down the drive. He home drove in a daze, thinking about the drastic change in his mother.

  He was half way through the front door
when he noticed something different. Doing a double take, he stepped back and stared at the ornament hanging on the front door where the wreath usually sat. Staring for a moment, he wondered why Kristen removed the wreath and put a pair of baby shoes instead. That’s when it hit him that he was going to be a father.

  Ethan came back to the present as he rushed to the nursery to feed his son. Andrew liked his meal on time, every morning at five. The formula was prepared before and kept in a bottle warmer. All he did was test it to make sure it wasn’t too hot. As soon as he picked up Andrew, the baby stopped crying.

  In no time, little Andrew was sucking noisily on his bottle with his eyes closed and feet up in the air. Ethan always chuckled at how his son enjoyed his meal.

  Ethan clearly remembered the day he was born. He’d heard a woman scream while he frantically paced the waiting area. The woman screamed about three times before someone shrieked his name.


  At the sound of his name, his head snapped up, then he looked around the room. The two other fathers-to-be were looking frightened. Was there another Ethan in the room? She screamed his name again and this time he was certain it was Kristen.

  “Kristen?” he made off towards the delivery area, but the door was shut. He returned to his pacing, wondering when it would all be over. The two other men glanced his way, each perhaps relieved that this wasn’t their wife. One of them drowning himself in coffee while the other mopped sweat from his brow with a white handkerchief.

  The door to the maternity room opened and out came a female doctor in scrubs. All three men moved to her, but she focused her attention on only one.

  “Mr. Lewis,” she addressed the man who’d been drowning himself in coffee.

  The man’s eyes widened and he looked about to pass out. “That’s me,” he said.

  “You have a beautiful baby girl.”


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