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SEAL of Approval

Page 35

by Lynn Faye

  “My cock.”

  “I already get that.”

  “Free lunches with Senators.”

  “Oh, it’s a deal,” I text him back. “I have to sleep now. Work was exhausting today ;)” I sent over text messaging and then turned my phone off.


  “I’m going to have Kayla work with me on a project, she won’t have other time to help out for awhile,” Matthew said to Alex as he got into the office.

  Alex quickly followed Matthew into his office and I could hear them talking loudly, but I couldn’t hear exactly what was being said. It didn’t sound like Alex was happy with Matthew’s decision to have me work on a project with him.

  “You better be careful. Like I said before, he will fire your ass anytime he wants,” Sarah said as we sat and drank our morning coffee.

  “Well, technically he could fire me anytime even if I didn’t work with him on this project, right?”

  “Yes, but fucking him will make him get tired of you faster.”

  My eyes got big and I did my best shocked face that I could. Whether what she was saying was true or not didn’t matter. I wasn’t about to have the office thinking I was fucking my boss; even if I was.

  “I am not going to sleep with him.”

  Sarah just smiled and looked down at her papers and tried to ignore the statement. But there was no ignoring it. I didn’t want that rumor to get started at all because them Matthew would get nervous and might just decide to fire me to squash the rumors.

  “Seriously, Sarah. It won’t happen. I’ll be nice to the guy, but I’m not going to fuck him. He’s not my type.”

  I reached over to her hand and touched it so she would look at me. I needed her to understand that I wouldn’t sleep with Matthew just to get a job or assignment in the office. I was perfectly happy to make copies and sit in the corner all year if that’s what they wanted me to do.

  “Ok,” Sarah said half-heartedly as she looked up from the desk. “I’m just saying he’s got a way with the ladies and if he wants you, it will be hard to resist him. Then he’ll get rid of you when he’s done and you’ll be out a career. Be careful.”

  I chose not to respond to her final message, but I heard every word of it. She seemed genuinely worried about me and that was nice of her. I needed a friend in town and in that moment thought that she might be the perfect person for the job.

  “Kayla,” Matthew said from his doorway. “Come with me.”

  I stood up quickly and followed him out the door. He walked so fast that I had to almost run to keep up with him.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Alex is pissing me off. But anyways, we are going to try and set up a meeting with Senator Masson. He typically refuses me, though, but I need to try again.”

  “How do you normally ask?”

  “What do you mean? I just ask if I can have a meeting with him.”

  “Ok, how about you let me go in there and be your assistant. I’ll get the meeting set up,”

  “You’ve been in Washington for less than a week and you think you can get me a meeting with Senator Masson?”

  “Yes,” I said confidently.

  “Go for it.”

  Matthew stood with his arms crossed and leaned against the wall outside of Senator Masson’s office. He motioned for me to go in and I smiled and walked into the small office.

  “Good morning,” I said with my huge fake smile.

  “Morning, how can I help you?” The woman with a nameplate saying Marge said.

  “Hi, I’m sorry I’m really new to this. But I am the new assistant to Senator Storm and he was talking about how great he thought Senator Masson was. I thought it might be nice to write a short article for my alumni paper about Senator Masson and all his great work.”

  “Which school honey?”

  “University of Illinois,” I said with a big grin.

  “Oh, yes. Senator Masson’s school. Yes, I’m sure he’d be happy to meet with you. How does lunch sound today?”

  “That would be so perfect. Thank you so much, Marge. I’ll just meet him down in the cafeteria so he can eat while I ask a few questions.”

  “Sure thing sweetheart. I’ll tell him after his meeting, he’ll be excited to meet with you.”

  I turned and walked toward the door, leaving it opened as I said one last goodbye.

  “Thanks, Marge, I appreciate your kindness.”

  With that, I turned around and shut the door behind me. Matthew stood near the wall and had uncrossed his arms in anticipation.

  “You didn’t?” he asked.

  “Oh, I did. I can be very persuasive.”

  “You got old Marge to give you a meeting? Holy Fuck Kayla. When is it? I’ve got to get prepared. Next week? Two weeks?”

  “It’s in three hours.”

  “What the hell!”

  “And technically it’s a meeting with me, but you can come along,” I smiled and walked down the hallway.

  Matthew grabbed my arm and pulled me into the corner of one of the side hallways. His body pressed up close to mine and I felt his desire growing for me.

  “How the hell did you convince old Marge to give the Senator a meeting with you?”

  “Psychology my dear man. It’s all in the psychology of what people want.”

  “I better fucking be careful around you then,” he laughed.

  “Yes, you should.”

  Matthew leaned down and kissed me briefly and then pulled me out into the hallway so we could walk back to the office.

  As I walked down the hallway with Matthew I felt the power of Washington and the allure of that power. It was exciting to be involved in making laws and getting change done in our government and I felt that excitement in the hallway of our office building.


  “Ok, let me do the talking when we get down there,” Matthew said as we walked to the cafeteria.

  Meeting with Senator Masson seemed pretty damn important to Matthew and I wanted to support him as his assistant. But the truth was, I didn’t think he was prepared for the psychology that needed to happen with a man like Senator Masson.

  “Yes, sir,” I said with a smile.

  I would be happy to sit back and let Matthew discuss whatever it was that he needed to discuss.

  “George, it’s so nice to see you,” Matthew said as he shook the elder senators hand.

  “Hello, Mr. Masson,” I said sweetly.

  My role was to be demure and shy and I could play that role with the best of the women in the world. But I was nothing like that in real life. But this wasn’t real life, this was politics.

  “You must be the lovely Ms. Wilson that Marge raved about? It’s nice to meet you, young lady,” senator Masson said to me without even addressing Matthew.

  “Yes, I am. It is such a pleasure to meet you. I could talk to you for hours about all the changes going on at the University,” I said with a sweet smile.

  Matthew was absolutely pissed off and it took all my energy to not look at him. But out of the corner of my eyes I could see by the way he was fidgeting and moving about; he was not happy.

  “Surely, that would be the delight of my week to sit and talk with you about U of I.”

  “Mr. Masson, you know Mr. Storm?” I said in an effort to get the two men to talk.

  “Yes, it’s nice to see you again Matthew.”

  “You too George.”

  The two seemed to know each other very well and I suspected there was some history between the two of them and that was why Senator Masson didn’t want to return any of Matthews calls.

  But we were all sitting together now and that was all that mattered. I needed to do something to get them to talk. Otherwise, it was going to be a really long and silence lunch.

  “Oh, hey, I see one of my friends. I’ll be right back,” I said as I took off down the hallway.

  Of course, I didn’t actually have any friends there in D.C. yet, but it was a good way of getting out of the way s
o the big boys could talk. I didn’t need to be in on their conversation. I knew that I could get Matthew to discuss it later if I had to.

  For over an hour, I peaked around the corner and watched the two men as they animatedly discussed whatever it is that had been the issue between them. I knew that Matthew wanted on the Arms Committee, but I couldn’t figure out why the two of them seemed to argue so much during their conversation.

  Every time I was just about to come back to the table, one of the two of them would scream at the other and I sulked back away. I didn’t want to get caught in the middle of any of that.

  Finally, as Senator Masson got up and shook Matthew’s hand, I made my way back over to the two of them.

  “Wow, I’m so sorry that took so long. You know how us girls get when we start talking,” I said to Senator Masson.

  “You are forgiven,” he said as he shook my hand. “I hope we can discuss our old school someday soon.

  Senator Masson turned and walked away, without even saying goodbye to Matthew. I cringed as I turned toward him. Assuming that the meeting had gone horribly.

  “I’m sorry your meeting didn’t go well.”

  “What? It was fantastic. Exactly how I wanted it to go,” Matthew said as he took a step close to me. “Let’s get back to the office. I need to thank you.”

  The look in his eyes was hard and tough, I knew if I agreed to go into his office again we would be fucking all afternoon long. I didn’t have the luxury of pissing off my coworkers, though, so I had to refuse.

  “I can’t.”

  “What do you mean?” Matthew said with a strange look on his face.

  “I mean, I have other plans for my afternoon.”

  His look was priceless, but only very brief. He wanted to know what I was doing with my afternoon, I could tell. But I wasn’t about to give up every detail of my life just because he wanted to know. I wasn’t his. I didn’t belong to him and I could spend my evenings however I wanted to.

  “Come with me,” he said in a stern voice.

  Matthew grabbed my wrist firmly and pulled me out of the lunch room. His grip was tight around my wrist, but it didn’t hurt me.

  I had no idea where he was taking me, but I knew I didn’t want to deal with his anger at all. His eyes looked at me full of agitation and I felt like the second we got to a spot where we could be alone, that was when I was going to see the real Matthew.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My office,” he said firmly.

  “Matthew, I said I can’t stay around this afternoon. I have plans.”

  “Cancel them.”

  His words hung in the air and I didn’t feel like I should argue with him at that moment. When we got to his office, I would have the privacy we needed to have the conversation about what he could and couldn’t control about my life.


  “Take off your clothes,” Matthew says right as he closed his office door.

  “No, everyone is still here and like I said before; I have other things to do this afternoon.”

  Matthew didn’t seem fazed at all by my dismissal of him. In fact, he seemed amused that I denied him.

  “Ok, then I’ll take them off,” Matthew said as he stood behind me.

  His breath was on my neck and I felt the tingling sensation that usually happened when I was near Matthew. I knew I should have left the room right at that moment, yet my body wanted to feel the touch of his lips on my neck.

  “Is it ok if I take your clothes off now?” Matthew asked.

  He stepped up against my back and I felt his cock press against me. Matthew wrapped his hands around my both and let them move up my blouse to the top button.

  Everything inside me wanted to feel Matthew. I hated myself for not being able to resist him. I wished I could be stronger. I wish I could have said no.

  Slowly I shook my head yes and leaned back into his body. He easily supported me and I rested my head against his chest.

  “Now, the next time I tell you to take off your clothes, I think you should do it yourself and not make me do all the work.”

  His voice whispered in my ear and I couldn’t help but think I would much rather have him taking my clothes off than doing it myself. Perhaps I should always refuse his demands so I could get him to do all the work, I thought to myself.

  “What if I like you taking my clothes off?”

  “Mmm, I like to undress you, Kayla.

  His hands continued to explore the buttons on my shirt and then take off everything else I had on. Once he had me naked, Matthew stood back and looked at me.

  My hands wrapped around my breasts and I felt so embarrassed as he stared at me. Never had I been naked and so exposed to a man before. Standing there in the middle of his office, the afternoon light shining in; I wanted to run and hide.

  “Matthew, what are you doing?” I laughed.

  “I’m remembering every curve of your body.”

  “Can I put my clothes back on now?”

  “Oh, hell no.”

  Matthew started to take off his suit and moved toward me. Our eyes looked deeply into one another and I felt like I would melt right there in his office. The way Matthew looked at me was so filled with lust that I didn’t know what to do with myself.

  I tried looking back at him, but he was so intense that I eventually had to look away. I also tried to not look at him at all, but his gaze demanded me to return my look toward him at least once.

  My breathing accelerated as I watched Matthew get naked.

  His body had muscles in every spot you could have them. The ridges of his stomach showed off an eight-pack instead of a six-pack. His pectoral muscles and arms were perfectly sculpted, and his legs had a definition to them that I was sure professional bodybuilders would be jealous of.

  Matthew reached into his pants and pulled out a condom and put it right onto his raging cock.

  I had to laugh a little, he was confident in himself. He knew I was going to give into him. Matthew knew I wouldn’t be able to resist him; not for one minute.

  “Come here,” Matthew said as he sat down in one of the chairs near his door.

  “No, someone will hear us.”

  “Don’t tell me no. Come here.”

  I looked at him sitting there and decided I didn’t want to tell him no. I wanted to be there with him. I wanted to feel him inside of me.

  After taking a few steps toward him, Matthew reached for me and pulled me right in front of him. He reached down and spread my legs and had me walk over him so one leg was on either side of the chair.

  He licked his fingers and then rubbed them onto me before he pulled me down on top of his raging cock.

  This time, Matthew wasn’t sweet. He grabbed my hips and thrust himself deep into me. This time, it wasn’t about my pleasure. Instead, it was about him getting what he wanted. And I was alright with that.

  I latched onto him and held on tight as our bodies moved together quickly. Thrust after thrust I felt him deliver his body inside of mine.

  “Oh, yes,” I said as we moved together.


  “I can’t help it. You’re fucking me right now.”

  “Shhh,” he said again but then started to thrust even harder into me.

  “Matthew, oh God. Yes,” I said louder than I wanted to.

  Knock. Knock. Knock.

  “Matthew, I need to meet with you for a minute before I leave,” Alex said from just outside the door.

  Instead of stopping, Matthew continued to thrust inside of me and I couldn’t make a noise. I knew Alex was right there, so I put my mouth on Matthew’s chest and gently bit down on him as he fucked me.

  Soon my body was going crazy and I felt the nerve endings exploding all over the place.

  “Shit,” Matthew said as I accidently bit him during my orgasm.

  “Matthew, I’m going to come in there now. What’s going on? Are you alright?” Alex said.


; The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah J. Brooks

  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah Brooks


  “Matthew, open this door or I’ll unlock it myself,” Alex said firmly.

  “I’m fine, Alex. Don’t bother me. Go home.”

  “Fine, but tomorrow we need to talk.”

  “Of course.”

  There was no way I was about to give up my moment with Kayla to talk to Alex. He should have known better than to try and interrupt me. I don’t care if I’m making the biggest mistake in the world, he shouldn’t be interrupting me.

  “He seemed to really want to talk to you,” Kayla said as she sat on top of me with my cock still inside of her.

  “Sometimes people just have to wait.”

  Her soft skin next to mine drove me absolutely insane. I knew Alex was right and I should stay away from Kayla. Hell, I had even told myself that I was going to stay away from her. But I couldn’t do it.

  Anytime her sweet little ass was near me all I could think about was sliding inside of her. I would get rid of her, but the way she worked over Senator Masson made me think she was going to be a really good asset to have around.

  I had never been around a woman who could use her female power so easily as Kayla could. It was the innocent nature in her face that made people so unsuspecting. I knew I could use that in my favor. I knew Kayla was going to be my key to moving ahead in D.C.

  “I should get going too, I have some plans tonight,” Kayla said as she went to get her clothes back on.

  “Fine, but you need to stop making plans. I’m going to need you available,” I said with a smile.

  “Oh, you think I should keep my schedule open for you?”

  “And your legs.”

  Kayla laughed but continued to get dressed. I wasn’t sure what she had going on that night and I really didn’t care. As long as she was available for me to play with the next day.

  “Alright, Matthew, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


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