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SEAL of Approval

Page 37

by Lynn Faye

  “Steven, I can’t be around a person who would do that to me. I mean I obviously put a lot of work into my outfit, hair and makeup today and he purposely wanted to make me feel horrible. That’s just not the kind of person I want to work for.”

  I started to walk away just as I heard the front door to the office open and Matthew walk out. My speed picked up and I couldn’t get away from there fast enough.

  “Where’s she going?” Matthew asked Steven.

  “I think she just quit.”

  I slipped into the elevator and pressed the button to close the doors as fast as I could. I didn’t know if Matthew was going to come after me to apologize or if he would care at all that I was devastated by his remarks. All I knew was that I needed to get out of the office as fast as I could. I couldn’t stay there for another moment.

  Quickly I made my way down the stairs and to the subway station. I looked back several times to see if Matthew was there, but I didn’t see him. When I got onto the subway, I finally felt safe enough that I could relax.

  My day had gone from one of the best I had ever had to one of the absolute worst. I had never even tried to dress sexy before at work, not at any job. It was devastating to have been put down by Matthew for my efforts. The thing that hurt the most was that he decided to stand me in front of the whole office. It was like he was purposely belittling me in front of everyone. It was horrible.

  I didn’t officially quit, but I sure thought it was going to be my only way out. I couldn’t face everyone in the office again. They all probably thought I was trying to seduce Matthew or something. Especially with all the time we had spent together alone in his office.

  The way Matthew talked about me in front of everyone; they sure as hell weren’t going to think anything was going on between us. If anything, it made me look like some desperate first-year worker who had a crush on him and he denied me. I felt like such a fool.

  As I got off the train and went to my car, I still felt so overwhelmed by the incident. I wasn’t emotionally ready for Washington; I couldn’t even take an insult without crying. I knew that a girl that cried in the office like I did wasn’t going to make it very far in Washington. Maybe I should go home, I thought.

  “Michaela Wilson?” A man in front of a black SUV said.

  My heart pounded as I looked at him. At first it was from fear, I didn’t want to get kidnaped or something crazy like that. But then I realized he had my name, why did he know my name?

  “Who’s asking?”

  “Mr. Storm sent me to pick you up.”

  “And you are who?”

  “I’m Raymond from Executive Drivers. I’m Mr. Storm’s personal driver while he’s in Washington D.C.”

  “Why did he send you?”

  “I am not sure. He just told me to pick you up from this parking lot near this vehicle and take you to his house for a meeting.”

  “You can tell Mr. Storm he can kiss my ass. I’m not coming to his house for any meetings.”

  Raymond seemed un-phased by my outrage and continued to stand right in front of my car door. I walked right up to him and waited for him to move. He didn’t seem to care that I was there and he certainly didn’t move.

  “Why don’t you just come for a minute and then I can bring you back when you are done?”

  “Why don’t you get out of my way so I can just go home?”

  “I can’t. You see, Mr. Storm gave me strict instructions not to come back until I have you with me.”

  “That sucks for you because I’m not coming with you.”

  I pressed passed Raymond and squeezed into my old broken car. Raymond reluctantly went back to his shiny black SUV and I left for my apartment. It was only about a mile away, but my neighborhood certainly wasn’t one that I wanted to be walking through alone.

  When I pulled into my parking area in front of the apartment, I saw Raymond pulling up right behind me. He parked right behind my car and got out and stood next to the door.

  “I’ll be right here when you’re ready to go,” he said as he rolled down his window.

  I looked at him and at the SUV. Did he really think that little stunt was going to get me to go with him? No way. If I had to, I could walk to the subway in the morning. I wasn’t about to be strong armed by Matthew to come to his house after the way he treated me in front of everyone at work.

  I just turned around and went into the building and up to my apartment. I wasn’t about to let Matthew win this battle. I didn’t care if his meeting with the Arms Committee was the worse meeting in the world. I didn’t deserve to be treated like he had treated me. And I wasn’t going over to his house.

  After making myself dinner, I was about to sit down and read a book when I noticed it was pouring rain outside. I peeked out my window to see if Raymond still had his car parked behind me. I wasn’t going to be able to leave in the morning if he did.

  When I saw that Raymond was still there, and still standing outside in the pouring rain; I felt horrible.

  If Matthew had told him to pick me up and not come back without me, it looked like Raymond was going to do whatever it took to get me to come with him. I hoped the rain would stop soon for him because it was starting to get cold outside.

  As I started to read my book, I saw a flash of lightning as it bolted across the sky. I jumped up and looked out the window again and this time Raymond looked up at me. The look on his face said that there was no way he was moving. No rain, thunder, or lightning was going to stop him from finishing the job he told Matthew he would get done.

  I grabbed my umbrella and ran outside to talk to Raymond.

  “One minute. If I stay for one minute, you will bring me back here?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Raymond said with a smile.

  “Fine, I can’t be responsible for you getting pneumonia.”

  The drive over to Matthew’s house was pretty silent. I didn’t have anything to say really and I came dressed in my pajamas. My old, fluffy, flannel pajamas. I wasn’t about to dress up for Matthew again.

  “Good luck,” Raymond said. “I’ll be right here when you’re done with your one-minute conversation.”

  I had to smile. Both Raymond and I knew the conversation would have to be a little longer than one minute. But I hoped it wouldn’t be too much longer than a few minutes. I was ready to fight back with whatever it was Matthew had to say. His reasoning for calling me out in front of everyone was not of any concern to me. It was wrong and I didn’t like it.

  When I walked in the front door of Matthew’s house, it was a totally different feel than his condo in Chicago. This house was more like a home. I could tell he spent much more time in Washington D.C. than he did in Chicago. There were pictures of his family in the large two story entryway and a huge dining room that looked like it was used often for dinners and meetings.

  Matthew came around the corner from what looked like the kitchen. I was prepared to tell him off. I had all the words at the tip of my tongue and I couldn’t wait to give him a piece of my mind. But when I saw him standing there with his shirt off and only his suit pants on. I melted.

  His bare feet moved toward me and I couldn’t look away from his gaze. I wanted to look away. I wanted to be angry at him. But the way he looked at me with his dark brown eyes, made me wet almost instantly.

  No. I needed to stand my ground.

  “Stop,” I said to him and held my arm out as he got closer to me. “What do you want? Why did you ask for me to come over?”

  I was firm in my questions and unwavering in my voice. He needed to know I was serious and I wasn’t going to be won over by his charms. Or at least I was going to do my best not to be won over.

  “Now, now Kayla. You can put your hand down. I’ll stay right here,” he said from about four feet away from me. He had a mischievous grin on his face and I couldn’t figure out why he seemed so damn happy.

  He had just ruined my reputation at work. Everyone was going to think I was a fool for dressing too se
xy and for coming to talk to him. There was nothing funny about any of it. I was angry and his sexy little grin wasn’t enough to stop my feelings.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  “I wanted to see you.”

  “You wanted to see me? Really? You humiliate me in front of the whole office and send your driver to stalk me. And you just wanted to see me? Matthew, if that’s all you wanted then: you’ve seen me. I’m going to let Raymond take me home now.”

  “No,” Matthew said and he opened the front door and waved at Raymond to leave.

  Raymond stood there for a moment, but then quickly followed his Matthew’s directions. I could have stopped Matthew, I could have said I was leaving, but something came over me and I didn’t move. I let him send Raymond away.

  “Why did you do that? Why did you want to see me? I don’t get it Matthew. You were a total jerk and now you want me to come over here and talk?”

  Matthew stood only a few inches away from me and just looked at me. His penetrating eyes seemed to be trying to apologize, although I wasn’t sure of that. He still had a smirk on his face and I felt like he was about to try and kiss me again. But that wasn’t going to happen!

  I returned his stare with equal intensity and decided I couldn’t be the one to talk anymore. Matthew was going to have to step up and tell me what he wanted to say to me.

  We stood there silently looking at each other. Matthew happy and half smiling and me angry and trying not to smile. I was also trying not to look at his naked chest since he didn’t have his shirt on.

  Matthew turned and went back down the hallway toward the kitchen. I looked at the front window and saw that Raymond was indeed gone. I had no choice but to walk down the hallway after Matthew.

  “Do you want some shrimp?” he said as he stirred the food he had on the stove.

  “No Matthew, I don’t want any shrimp.”

  “Are you going to get over this silliness so we can enjoy our evening?”

  “What? What are you talking about Matthew? You think after the way you called me out like that at work I’m going to want to spend any time with you at all? You’re crazy.”

  “The way I see it, everyone in the office thinks I don’t like you now. It will be pretty damn hard for them to think there is something going on between us, especially Alex.”

  “Is that why you berated me in front of everyone?”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. I didn’t berate you.”

  “Matthew!” I said as I punched his arm playfully.

  The muscles in his arms were firm and certainly didn’t feel much from my lackluster punch.

  “What?” He said boyishly.

  “You seriously made me look like a total fool. Everyone is going to feel bad for me, or think I am actually a fool.”

  “They are going to love you now Kayla. You are officially on their side. Even if we work together on a project, everyone will remember this. You can go back to them and complain about me and your peers will feel so bad for you. I’m a horrible rotten person, they all know that already,” Matthew smiled.

  “You seriously made me so mad!”

  “I know. Man I felt bad too. But I saw how Alex looked at you when you came into my office. I couldn’t have him thinking there was anything compromising going on. By the way, that outfit today. Bam! I was fucking hard as a rock the second I saw you.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Matthew had purposely embarrassed me so everyone in the office would see that he didn’t like me. But he did it because he liked me.

  “I feel like we are in high school,” I laughed.

  “Well, now the cool kid in school wants to take those pajamas off of you and bring you back to my bedroom,” Matthew teased.

  “So you really didn’t think I was dressed like a ho at work today?”

  “Fuck no, you looked amazing. Way to amazing to be around any other guy than me though.”

  Matthew pulled me toward him as he reached for his food and took it off the stove.

  “You should eat,” I said, looking at his meal.

  “I’m going to eat,” he said.

  The look in his eyes made me laugh. He grabbed me and walked me back to his room. It was a large room but I didn’t get much time to look around before Matthew pushed me onto the bed.

  “Matthew, I’m still mad at you,” I said in a stern voice.

  “Good, angry sex is so much fun.”

  “Seriously, you can’t just embarrass me in front of everyone.”

  Matthew crawled up the bed and over me. He held himself atop me and looked down at me with a serious expression. I felt the passion between the two of us and I knew there was no way I could actually stay mad at him.

  “Kayla, I’m terribly sorry that my plan made you feel bad,” Matthew said as he reached for my shirt and pulled it over my head.

  His lips started to move down my body as he continued to talk.

  “I promise I will not embarrass you again,” he said as he unbuckled my pants and pulled them down.

  “If I ever do such a thing again, I give you permission to tie me up and ride me all night long,” he laughed.


  “Seriously, I apologize. Now we are moving on.”

  He said it with sincerity and firmness. I could tell that the conversation was over and I shouldn’t bring it up again. There was a definite level of firmness in his tone. I wasn’t sure I liked it all that much. He shouldn’t get to decide when I moved on from feeling bad about something. But on the other hand, I did like that he apologized to me.

  “You planning on taking those off with your mouth?” I teased him as he kissed my lace panties.


  He growled and grabbed my panties with his teeth and pulled them all the way off of me. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  When we were alone, together, that was when I liked Matthew the most. He wasn’t pretending to be anyone else. We were relaxed together and seemed to have a bond that made us both happy. But I just wasn’t sure that we would be able to have that same bond if we continued to work together. But I wasn’t going to quit just yet. I was willing to give it a try.

  “So at work, I’m supposed to pretend like I don’t like you?” I asked as his lips kissed back up my legs toward my center.

  “Yes… you should hate me at work,” he said through his kisses.

  “Mmmm, yes sir,” I moaned as his tongue started to devour me. “I hate you.”

  My hands moved to his hair and I let my fingers tug on him roughly. It caught him off guard and he looked up at me.

  “Oh, you want to play?” He asked.

  I bit my lip and pushed his head down firmly back to licking me.

  It wasn’t like me to be forceful but I loved the way his lips and tongue felt on my body. I wanted to feel more and more from him. I wanted to feel him on me for hours and hours.

  “Yes, I want to play,” I whispered.

  Instantly, his head popped up and I saw a look in his eyes that said I probably shouldn’t have agreed to whatever it was I had just agreed to.

  He smiled up at me and I watched as he unzipped his pants and reached into his pocket and pulled a condom out to slide onto his cock. My eyes looked at his throbbing body and I spread my legs to let him know I was ready for him.

  The look in his eyes was much more devious than I had seen before.

  Matthew used his hands and spread my legs wide as he lowered himself onto me. He pressed into me and I wrapped my arms around him as his hips started to thrust inside of me. It was sweet and sensual, for about a minute, then his thrust got harder and deeper.

  “Ohhh,” I moaned as I felt my body growing more and more excited.

  “No cumming,” Matthew whispered.

  “What? You can’t stop me from cumming,” I laughed.

  Matthew stopped his thrusts and looked down at me.

  I continued to thrust my hips against him in the hopes of getting the pleasure that I wanted so
dearly. But it wasn’t the same.


  “No cumming,” he whispered.

  “Fine,” I said.

  He thrust hard into me and I felt my body start to tighten almost instantly around him. I did my best to try not to cum. First I thought about work and other boring things, but soon I couldn’t stop myself as the explosion spread throughout my body.

  “Oh, god, yes,” I screamed as he moved inside of me.

  Matthew smiled and continued to thrust as I orgasmed around him. But he didn’t cum, instead he pulled out and flipped me over so my ass was facing him.

  His hand swung down and slapped me ass with a stinging slap.

  “I said not to cum,” Matthew whispered in a husky voice.

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” I laughed.

  I felt his body lean down onto mine and slide into me from behind. He held onto my hips and pulled me roughly back against him so I was at the perfect angle for him. I felt my legs shake from the deep feeling of his cock inside of me.

  As he moved deeper and deeper, his body thrust right up against my g-spot and within minutes I felt my body wanting to cum again. The feeling built up as he moved hard into me, but I didn’t want to cum. He had told me not to.

  “Can I please cum,” I giggled.



  “Don’t cum Kayla or I’ll spank you again.”

  “I can’t help it,” I screamed as my body released against his cock and I felt cum dripping down my inner thighs.

  Without missing a beat, Matthew pulled himself back and slapped my ass two times hard. The stink washed through my body, but it didn’t hurt in the traditional sense. It stung and felt erotic all at the same time.

  “You’re a naughty girl,” Matthew said seriously.

  “I’m sorry,” I laughed as I turned over in the bed.

  Matthew moved his body over mine and continued to move up my body with his legs on either side of me. His cock was only inches away from my face as he pulled his condom off and threw it across the room.

  Then he moved a few inches forward as I opened my mouth and took him in.


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