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SEAL of Approval

Page 44

by Lynn Faye

  “Thanks,” I said as we came to my door.

  “No problem.”

  “Have a good night Gene,” I said and quickly closed the door behind me.

  I turned and looked through the peephole to see if he continued to stand outside or if he was going to leave. To my relief, he only waited for a moment and then turned and made his way back to the elevators.

  Gene was a nice guy, but I had plenty going on in my life and certainly didn’t need to complicate things by getting involved with another man. Two Senators in my love life was more than enough. Although, I didn’t have any plans to continue a relationship with George Masson. After the day we had had together I really hoped Matthew wouldn’t want me to continue to flirt with the man. No matter how good he was at eating pussy, I didn’t want to be left alone with him again.

  My first stop was to check out my phone and to my surprise there were over a dozen text messages on there. My heart sank as I started to read through them.

  First I looked at Matthew’s messages.

  “Are we good? What’s going on?”

  “Kayla, answer me.”

  “Don’t ignore me. I’m coming over there.”

  After reading the last message, I looked around my apartment thinking that Matthew was there somewhere or something like that. But he wasn’t. Then I went back and read the last message.

  “Since you don’t want to answer your door, I’m leaving Raymond outside your apartment until you get home safely.”

  Shit! Raymond had probably been outside when I got home with Gene.

  I ran to the balcony and looked down to see if I could see the SUV that Raymond typically drove when Matthew sent him to my house. I didn’t see it anywhere, but that didn’t mean a thing. Raymond could have been driving a different vehicle or he could have left after he saw me get out of the cab with Gene.

  I cringed at the thought of Raymond telling Matthew I had come home with a guy. Not only would Matthew have seen me leave the lunch with Senator Masson, but he would also have heard that I came home with some hot young stud.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “I’m alright. Just went out drinking and dancing with friends,” I text to Matthew.

  It was 4:30 am though and I suspected a drunk text from me at that hour probably wasn’t going to be any better than the eight hours that I had not replied to his messages.

  “We will talk tomorrow. Drink some orange juice and take a Tylenol.”

  Wow, that was a quick response for 4:30 am. I wondered if he had stayed up all night or if he was just an early riser.


  I didn’t know what else to say. I was way too exhausted to have a full conversation. But I felt that he was going to want to talk to me more than just a couple text messages. He obviously cared about my well being. He didn’t seem made or anything, just told me to take care of myself. Perhaps I had been worried for no reason at all?

  My tiredness won out in the end and I drifted off to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

  I slept blissfully wonderful for a whole six hours and didn’t wake up until close to 11:00 am. And when I woke up it was to my phone’s ringer which I shut off as I swiped the answer call button.

  “Jesus Christ Kayla. Get your ass in here. Matthew is flipping out on everyone and he said if you weren’t here by noon he was going to fire you.”

  “I’m sick. Just tell him I’m sick,” I muttered into the phone.

  Matthew seriously couldn’t fire me over one day of being sick. He knew I had been up all night. He knew earlier in the morning when I responded to his text. Over his text messages, he seemed fine with me sleeping and feeling better. Sure he knew I had been out all night drinking, but that wasn’t anything new in Washington D.C. and I wasn’t the first aid to miss work.

  “That’s not going to cut it, Kayla, you need to just come in,” Steven said in a voice that was filled with desperation. “Show your face and I’ll make sure you get out of here as soon as possible.”

  “Steven, let him fire me. I’m not coming in. I’m sick. People are allowed to get sick. He’s just going to have to deal with hit.”

  As I hung up the phone, I instantly regretted what I had said. I didn’t want to get fired, I had come all the way to Washington D.C. in order to follow my dreams and work in politics. I rolled out of bed and threw myself into the shower in an attempt the wash off the pain of my hangover.

  Within twenty minutes I walked into the office. My wet hair dripped down my sweatshirt and I went straight to the coffee pot and poured myself a very large cup. I had changed my mind, I didn’t want to get fired and curiosity had me wondering what the heck was going on that Matthew was so angry about.

  It was close to noon by then and I couldn’t understand what was so urgent that I had to be at work. The world wasn’t coming to an end. There were no big meetings planned for the day. There was nothing at all going on.

  Then I heard him. Matthew, in his office, screaming at whoever was unlucky enough to be on the phone with him. Everyone in the office stopped what we were doing and looked at each other.

  “Why is he so pissed off?” I asked.

  “Not sure. He’s been like that all morning.”

  “Where’s Alex?”

  “Not sure, he hasn’t been in all morning. Senator Storm asked for you when he arrived and I said you weren’t in yet. Then after I called you and you said you weren’t coming in, he threatened to fire you. Then threatened to fire me if I didn’t get you in here. Can you at least go tell him you’re here? I don’t want to get fired.”

  I felt bad for Steven. I suspected Matthew was pissed at me for leaving him at lunch the day before and not answering his messages during the evening. But I couldn’t exactly figure out why he was willing to throw such a public display of his anger.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea to go talk to him now,” I said as we continued to listen to Matthew screaming on the telephone.

  We couldn’t really understand what was being said, but there was a definite tone of anger coming from his office. The last thing I wanted to do was walk right into the middle of that anger storm.

  “Alright, I’ll just send him and email and tell him you’re here,” Steven said.

  Before I could stop him, Steven had clicked on his keyboard and sent off his email. I held my breath and waited for something, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was waiting for. But maybe I thought there would be some sort of wild explosion when he read the email? But there was nothing.


  Nothing continued on for at least thirty minutes. Matthew’s office was quiet; the rest of us pretended to work and for that brief bit of time I thought things were going to be just fine.

  There was definitely a silence before the storm. The tension in the room could have been cut with a knife and I couldn’t help but think there were only a few minutes of quiet left. Soon Matthew would come out and start yelling at us all, or worse; start yelling just at me.

  “Michaela!” Matthew bellowed from his office.

  I froze and looked straight at Steven. I had hoped for some sort of support, perhaps even an offer to come with me to Matthew’s office. But no such thing. Matthew was a scary man to all who worked for him. He held their future in his hands and not Steven or anyone else in the office was about to stand up for me.

  Slowly I stood and made my way toward his office. I tried to straighten my sweatshirt and wet hair as I walked to the open door of his office. My heart pounded with the unknown anger that I saw in Matthew’s eyes.

  “Close the door,” he said calmly from the other side of his desk.

  I closed the door and then walked slowly up to his desk and stood there. Matthew kept his back to me and I watched as he seemed to be trying to calm himself. He had taken three slow and deliberate breaths before he spoke.

  “You are young. I understand this and made accommodations for this, but you do not know what is best. Your stupid and immature actions of yesterd
ay have cost me greatly.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, but I wasn’t about to interrupt him. The anger that was inside of him soaked out of his tailored suit and I could tell that with one wrong word he would swing around and I would regret my actions.

  “Senator Masson has poached Alex from me and is running a campaign among the other Senators to get me into the House Speaker position.”

  Again, I stood silent. I didn’t understand why that was a bad thing. Matthew had just finished telling Senator Masson about the power that the position held. Why wouldn’t Matthew want to hold that power for himself?

  But I knew better than to talk. I could tell that Matthew had much more to say and I would just wait until I could tell that he was done. There was no way I was about to interrupt him. I highly doubted he wanted to hear anything I had to say. In that moment, it appeared that Matthew had plenty of his own to say.

  “I can’t figure out if I want to fire you or throw you over my knee and spank your ass,” Matthew said as he finally turned around.

  The fire and anger that were in his eyes made them light up. His intense gaze erotically enticed me and I wanted him more than I had ever wanted him before. I didn’t understand a single thing behind why he was so damn angry, except that losing his assistant to Masson. But even that didn’t seem like that great of a loss, Alex wasn’t the greatest assistant in the world.

  It was the passion in his eyes that drew me in. The passion and fire that only a man of power could have. I wanted to feel that power and I knew just how to win him over. If Matthew wanted to have power over me, I could do that. I could give him exactly what he wanted.

  I fell to my knees and looked up at him from the other side of his desk. I didn’t speak. I just stayed there and watched his eyes as they looked down at me. I knew he needed to be in charge. I knew it the day I met him and I knew it in that moment.

  There was a need inside of Matthew that had to be fulfilled by power. The power he had over helping me the night we met, the power he had over his constituents, and the power he thought he had over me in that moment; they all energized him.

  Somewhere in him was a sweet kind man who wanted to love and kiss me, but the other man came out much more often. Like a protector to Matthew, his dominant side wanted to show me that he was in charge and I shouldn’t try to be in charge at all.

  My eyes stayed locked on his as he walked around his desk and stood in front of me. I didn’t move. I stayed on my knees and my eyes and his continued in their dance of power. My hands found themselves on his pants and as they unbuckled him, I saw a brief glimpse of a smile at the corners of Matthews’ mouth.

  I continued and slid his pants down and pulled his cock out into my hand, all the while my eyes stayed locked with his. My hands moved deliberately and soon I moved my mouth to take over the job. Finally, I broke eye contact with him and closed my eyes to welcome him into me. But Matthew didn’t like that, he pulled on my hair briefly to motion for me to open my eyes and look back up at him.

  He liked to watch me as I sucked on him. I saw the pleasure in his eyes. The anger and agitation with me were gone and instead I saw pleasure forming under his deep brown eyes. I really didn’t know what he thought I had done that had made Alex leave him, but I apologized.

  On my knees, with his cock buried deep in my throat, I apologized. My actions were my apology and I was happy to offer it to Matthew. I was happy to be there with him and hoped that my offer of forgiveness was exactly what he needed to release his anger.

  I thought Matthew would explode quickly inside of me, but he had much different plans. Instead, he pulled me up and pushed me over the side of his desk. I obediently stayed still as he pulled my pants down and left my ass exposed to him.

  “I’m going to spank you now,” Matthew said calmly.

  Then I felt the large hand of his as it smacked down hard against my ass. The pain felt pleasure filled and I moaned out. I had never been spanked before and didn’t even know it was something I liked until that very moment.

  “No moaning,” Matthew demanded.

  Another swat came down hard against me and I knew the sound of the slap had to have radiated out of his office and into the workroom just outside the doors.

  “I didn’t lock the door, Matthew,” I said quietly.

  “No one would dare come in,” he said matter-of-factly.

  One more deep, hard slap came down to my ass and I felt myself thrust back toward him. I wanted to feel him inside of me. I needed the pain to be released in pleasure as quickly as possible.

  Matthew answered my movement as I felt his hard cock pressed against my ass. It made me pause for a moment as I wondered if he would actually fuck me in the ass right there in his office.

  Slowly the pressure of his cock pressed against my ass and I felt my body oblige to his call and let him in. My body pressed back against him and I slowed my breathing to concentrate on my movement with him.

  Matthew pressed into me firmly and reached down to grab my hair. Gently he pulled me up to him and wrapped his arms around me and under my sweatshirt. He cupped my breasts in his hands and held my body firm against him. His muscular arms were powerful and I didn’t fight him. I liked the feelings of pleasure he gave me. I loved it and urged him to give me more and more.

  The slow thrusts of his cock into my backside had my body on fire and ready to explode. But it was his fingers as the twisted and pinched my nipples that really sent me over the edge and I moved my ass hard against him.

  The feeling of pleasure and sensations were new everywhere in my body and I couldn’t stop myself as I moaned with the newness of the sensations. Matthew didn’t stop my moans. Instead, he thrust harder against me and squeezed my nipples harder with his fingers.

  “You will listen in the future?” He asked into my ear.

  I shook my head yes, but that wasn’t good enough for Matthew. He thrust deep into me and squeezed my nipples again. He wanted to hear the words. He wanted to hear me tell him I would obey him. I did the best I could.

  “Yes, I’ll listen,” I moaned.

  “We can make it to the White House Kayla, but you have to be smart about things. You have to listen to my plans. Don’t get distracted by interns and losers.”

  Ahhh, now it made sense to me. Matthew thought I had brought a man home with me from the club. He thought I had fucked Gene and that was why I didn’t show up to work. Matthew was jealous.

  I smiled briefly at the thought of Matthew actually caring about me. Of course, he wouldn’t admit it; but he cared what I did and who I did it with and that was why he was angry with me.

  I felt my body as all the new sensations came together in one fantastic explosion of pleasure. Matthew held onto me and leaned me over his desk while he thrust his pleasure into me and grunted a moan of his own pleasure.

  My legs were weak as I lay on his desk and Matthew dressed me and then picked me up and carried me to the couch. I couldn’t keep my eyes opened for another second. The exhaustion of my night of drinking combined with the lack of sleep and sexual exertion were all too much for me.


  Slowly I felt my body come back to life and I opened my heavy eyes. It was dark in the office and it took a moment for my eyes to adjust and for me to realize where I was.

  I sat up and looked around the office to see if Matthew was there. It was obviously late in the day as the window was dark and I could see the lights of the city around.

  My eyes strained to look around the room, but it was no use I had to get up and find a light in order to see anything. I swung my legs over onto the ground, but instead of feeling the firm carpet below me, I felt the bump of a body.

  “Ouch,” Matthew exclaimed.

  “Sorry, I can’t see a thing in here.”

  “That’s how people normally sleep, in the dark.”

  “What time is it?” I asked as I pulled my legs back up onto the couch.

  “It’s about three o’clock,” Mat
thew said after he looked at his phone on the table.

  “Why are you sleeping on the ground?”

  Matthew got up and flipped the lamp on next to the couch then climbed next to me. He pulled my feet up onto his lap and very sweetly started to rub them. I felt utterly confused. This was the same man who had been unshakably angry at me only a few hours before. Now he sat with me on the couch and gently touched my toes, I was confused.

  “I wasn’t about to leave you here alone and you were exhausted and wouldn’t wake up.”

  “I didn’t sleep much last night.”

  “I know, Raymond said you came home really late. I had him looking for you when you didn’t answer me. I was worried. I’m glad you got home safely, though.”

  The thought of totally ignoring the fact that Gene had come back to the apartment complex with me was firmly on my mind. It really wasn’t any of Matthew’s business. We weren’t dating. He wasn’t my boyfriend. Therefore he should wield any control over who I did or didn’t sleep with. But I hated the thought of Matthew thinking I had been with another man. I felt guilty enough for what had happened with Senator Masson, I couldn’t leave another item on my conscience.

  “You know that guy I came home with just lives in the same complex. He didn’t come home to my apartment with me,” I said quietly.

  I couldn’t bring myself to look at Matthew as I disclosed that information though because I felt like he would see right through me and realize there was more to the story. Because there was more to what had happened the day before, so much more.

  Like I felt Senator Masson had stolen Alex because of me and what had happened between us after lunch. Surely he must have had the plan to poach Alex for a long time, but I felt something changed after George had won what he wanted from me. Well, not everything he wanted; I had been able to prevent him from getting me totally.

  “Kayla, we are a team. I need you and that means we need to communicate. No more George Masson and no more random guys from bars. Please.”


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