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SEAL of Approval

Page 47

by Lynn Faye

  I jumped up and grabbed some scarves from my closet and pushed Matthew back onto the bed as I started to tie his wrists to the headboard. I smiled with delight at the trepidation in his eyes and couldn’t help but think of how fun it was to have him immobilized on my bed.

  “You’re mine to keep forever,” I teased as I straddled his body and looked down at him.

  Slowly I slid him inside of me and watched his face as he relished in the delight of my body on top of him.

  “Oh, you had me in Chicago,” Matthew said under his breath.

  I smiled at the idea that I had really won him over in Chicago and how delightful it was to have him so happy to be there with me. His demeanor was opened and more casual than before and I couldn’t wait to see what the next stop was for us.

  Slowly I moved on top of him as his arms, immobilized by the fabric around them, were pinned above his head. He seemed to enjoy the new position we were in and I enjoyed it as well. My body throbbed with excitement as I rocked on top of his hardness.

  The moans we emitted were easily audible to my neighbors and I had to remember to be nice to them the next time I saw them after keeping them up late that night. Matthew had his eyes closed and I felt the urgency he had to explode, but he held off and waited until he felt my body tighten around him. Only then did he finally let himself release and give in to the powerful release that he had been holding onto.

  My body fell onto his in exhaustion but I lifted up for a moment to untie his hands from my headboard. As he wrapped them around me and pulled me close to him I thought I heard an audible release of tension leave his body.

  As we fell asleep that night, we were both extremely content and relaxed; more relaxed than I had ever been with Matthew. I felt like whatever it was between us was absolutely perfect and I couldn’t have asked for a better moment in time.

  I did want to keep things with Matthew going and more than ever now that he was being nice again. The nice Matthew that I had in bed was exactly who I wanted in my life.


  The day of the Speaker of the House vote, Matthew was still at my apartment when we got up and went to work together. We had spent the entire previous day in bed together and lounging around my apartment like an old married couple. Our comfort level together had grown and the privacy my new apartment allowed us was perfect.

  “Are you nervous?” I asked as we left the building to walk over to the Capital.

  “Nope, he’s getting voted in for sure.”

  The confidence in his voice was unwavering and I also became pretty positive that Senator Masson was going to win the position. Senator Masson and I hadn’t even spoken since the day we got intimate in his office and he stole Alex away from Matthew. I felt like there was so much more to the story but there was no way either Matthew or George were going to fill me in on anything.

  “I’ll catch up to you later, I’ve got to run and grab office supplies from downstairs,” I said as we entered the building.

  I knew Matthew didn’t like for us both to arrive at the same time and I didn’t want to push that aspect either. It was better for me to have the established distance at work too; but I was really happy that he wasn’t so grumpy and agitated the last few days. Work would be great if he was in the same kind of mood he had been during the weekend.

  Matthew made his way to the main voting floor just in time to join the voting, although it was pretty obvious he wanted Senator Masson as the House Speaker. I hoped his plan would work and that the other Senators would feel the same way he did.

  I visited with Renee from the copy room for a while and then grabbed our supplies and made my way back up to my office. As I walked in, everyone was around the television and watching the voting. Even though the office didn’t know why or how badly Matthew wanted George Masson to be the speaker; it was still an exciting moment in Washington politics.

  “How are the votes coming?” I asked.

  “Masson is going to get it for sure,” Steven said.

  “Good, he’s a good man,” Sarah chimed in.

  I wasn’t about to add my opinion one way or the other. I was just happy that the chaos would be over for a little bit and we could relax. Matthew could let Senator Masson do his new job and then Matthew could move forward with his plan to be in the White House someday.

  “Did you hear that Vice President Howard hasn’t been heard of for a few days?” Sarah said over her shoulder at me.

  “No? I just saw him at that White House dinner on Saturday. That’s really weird.”

  “Yeah, I guess his wife said he never came home from the party.”

  “Super weird. Maybe he’s off with his mistress or something,” I laughed.

  Everyone laughed as well. It wasn’t very unusual at all that one of the Senators were getting in trouble with their mistresses, but it would be very weird to have the Vice President getting in the same kind of trouble.

  We watched as the final votes came in and Senator Masson was voted in as the Senate Speaker of the House. He seemed really excited when he heard he had won and I instantly wondered why. If he really hadn’t wanted the position why would he be so excited when he got it?

  As we all went back to work I continued to try and process what was going on with Matthew’s real plan. It was becoming more and more clear to me that he had a different agenda than he was letting me in on. It was fine with me, I didn’t need to know everything, but I wanted to know the end game and something about what was going on with Senator Masson did not feel right.

  The office door swung open quickly and we all turned to look and see who it was coming in so fast. It was Matthew. He didn’t look at any of us and instead went straight to his office and slammed the door.

  “What was that about?” I asked Steven.

  “No idea, but I wouldn’t bother him.”

  “I’m the assistant; I’m supposed to support him right? I’m supposed to be the one that helps out when things get crazy. I think I should go in.”

  Steven just shook his head at me as I stood up and went into Matthew’s office.

  “What’s up?” I said calmly as I shut the door behind me.

  “Nothing,” Matthew said as he calmed down enough to look up at me. There was that old distant look again, but I didn’t want to believe it.

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “Nope. Go ahead and get back to work.”

  He wasn’t rude about it, but he was pretty dismissive. I had no idea what was going on, but it was clear that Matthew had no intention of letting me in on the secret at that moment anyways.

  “So what’s up?” Steven asked as I returned to my desk.

  “I’m not sure. He was flipping through his cell phone and didn’t seem interested in talking at all.”

  The phone rang and as the secretary answered it I saw her stand up. Her face was pale and she looked back at me and motioned for me to come up there.

  “Who is it?” I asked.

  “It’s the President. He said for the Senator to get over to the White House right away.”

  “What for?”

  “I don’t know?” She answered.

  “Is he still on the phone?” I asked as I pointed to the receiver in her hand.

  “Oh, no,” she hung up the phone. “I just forgot to move after I talked to him. Do you want to tell him or should it?”

  “Well, I guess I can tell him,” I reluctantly said as I turned to look at Matthews’s door. “It’s my job right?”


  The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah Brooks

  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah Brooks


  “Mr. President,” I said as I walked into the oval office.

  The President had summoned me because his Vice President had disappeared. The plan behind this was bigger than me and I was simply there to offer the necessary support to the President. Although I certainly had my own plan for what was coming ahead of us.

  “As I’m sure you have heard, Vice President Howard has not been heard from since the party on Saturday,” the President said in an unemotional tone. “Of course I have every available police officer on the case and trying to figure out where he is or what happened to him.”

  The President spoke as if I had no idea what was going on, or perhaps he spoke as if his office was bugged; either way I was happy to go along with the game.

  “I’m sorry sir, is there anything I can do to help?”

  “Yes, Senator Masson is the head of the Senate Arms Committee and I just received word of some improper money handling. You’re friends with Senator Masson; do you think he had anything to do with it?’

  “Mr. President, I have learned that my opinion on people isn’t always correct. I would encourage you to complete the normal due process.”

  “The problem is we don’t have time. If the Vice President isn’t found, I need to start the process of filling that position. I can’t choose someone who is marred by an investigation.”

  “I understand.”

  I wasn’t about to delve any deeper into the implications of our conversation. I knew the plan just as well as the President did. We were just playing the game like we needed to in order to ensure neither of us were found out.

  “Amber, please get the advisors together and have them here as soon as possible,” the President said into his intercom.

  Amber, the Presidents assistant, came into the office after a brief ten minutes. She held a stack of papers in her hands for the President to go over.

  “Mr. President, I’ve got a call out to everyone. They should be here shortly. Is there anything else I can do?”

  “That will be all for now.”

  “Mr. President, feel free to call me at any time if I can offer any further assistance,” I said as I followed Amber out of the office.

  I wasn’t about to overstay my welcome with the President. He needed to come to the conclusion that I was the best Vice President he had available to him. We had discussed big plans for the country and he knew I had his best interest in mind. Or at least I made sure that was what he believed.

  What the President didn’t know was that I wanted his position, not the Vice Presidency; although I might have to settle for the VP.

  I made my way straight back to my office and to Kayla. I needed to stick with her as much as possible over the next week to ensure my alibi was strong and there wasn’t a question of my motives. My involvement in the Vice President’s disappearance had to be absolutely nothing, I had to be seen as the only good replacement.

  “What did he want?” Kayla said as I walked in the door.

  It was after six at night so everyone else had gone home for the day. It was a relief to have a few minutes alone in the office so we could gather ourselves for the next step of my plan.

  “It sounds like the Vice President is really missing. Maybe something bad happened to him, maybe he’s just off with his mistress; I’m not sure, but the President is freaking out.”

  “That’s crazy and with Senator Masson just winning the House Speaker position he would move into VP, right?”

  “That’s the way it normally works.”

  “Well, I have some bad news as well. My father has become ill and I’m going to have to head back to Illinois to be with him,” Kayla said as I saw tears start to form in her eyes.

  This wouldn’t work at all for me. I needed her next to me in the following week to ensure I had an alibi at all times. I was sorry that her father was ill, but I couldn’t spare her at the moment.

  “Your mother is there, she can take care of him right?”

  “She is, but he’s very sick. He had a stroke and is having trouble breathing, I’m going to have to find a flight back or take the bus or something. I need to get home.”

  Even the callous jerk that I was; I couldn’t stop her from going home to see her father if he was that ill. I would have to work out a new plan. Perhaps even a better plan than staying in Washington D.C.

  “I’ll take you back. I have a private jet available, we could leave tonight.”

  The look of shock on her face was rather delightful. I could tell just how much she was worried about her father and it actually made me feel good to think I was doing something that would help her.

  “You can’t leave Washington right now.”

  “I can, we don’t have any votes this week. It’s a good week to go. If something comes up, I can certainly fly back as needed.”

  Kayla wrapped her arms around me and started to kiss me repeatedly.

  “Oh, thank you so much, Matthew. I’m going to call my mother right now and tell her. When do you think we can leave?”

  “Kayla, we can leave this second if you’d like. We will swing by our homes and get some clothes and I’ll call to have the jet get ready. We can be by your father’s side in less than five hours.”

  “Holy Shit! I’m not going to call my mother at all, let’s just surprise her,” Kayla said as she kissed me again.

  It felt oddly good to be seen as the guy who was saving the day for a change. Typically I was the guy that ruined everything. But I knew the truth and I was about to ruin everything for Kayla, she was just collateral damage. At least that was what I kept telling myself as I moved forward with my plan.


  My father hadn’t been well for a very long time. It wasn’t a surprise when my mother called me to tell me he was in the hospital, but it still had me very emotional. I was close to my mother and loved her so much; my father had been much harder to be close to over the years.

  He had gone from an angry work-a-holic to an angry retired man. There just wasn’t anything that would make him happy. He refused to take care of his health and consistently required hospitalizations. He still smoked cigarettes and my mother and I had thought lung cancer would be what would eventually get him. Instead it appeared his blood vessels, which had been damaged by forty years of smoking, had finally given up.

  My mother seemed calm on the phone at least, that was a blessing. Typically she was a ball of nerves as she tried to do everything right and never upset my father. Unfortunately, it was impossible not to upset him sooner or later.

  I had asked my mother why she didn’t leave him, why would she stay with a man that had such violent mood swings? Her answer was one of a martyr, or perhaps just a sad woman; she didn’t want to abandon him.

  I remembered the day I left for college. I remembered telling myself that I would never let a man ruin my life like my father had done to my mother. She had dropped all her dreams to help him reach his. Now where was she? She was sitting in a hospital room waiting for him to die so she could finally live the life she wanted to live. It was horribly sad.

  It was a novel idea to stay with a mentally ill man who was dangerous purely because she didn’t want to abandon him, but after working with Matthew Storm I sort of understood where she was coming from. Of course, Matthew wasn’t abusive or anything like that, but I understood the concept of loving someone despite their faults. My father’s faults had been more than I thought my mother should have to endure, but it was her life and her decision. For me, I had pulled away from all interactions with my father after my first year of college.

  It was on Christmas break, my first year of college, that my father lost his temper and slapped me. His anger wasn’t even toward anything I could remember, perhaps something to do with the meal preparations or holiday events. It wasn’t the first time I thought my father would hit me…but it was the first time he actually did it. But whatever his reason; I never forgave him and limited my interactions to my mother only for the last several
years. But if he was going to die, I wanted to at least say goodbye. I wanted the closure.

  “This is amazing,” I said to Matthew as we boarded the private charter jet.

  “It is pretty cool to fly this way.”

  “Thank you again so much, I would have hated myself forever if I hadn’t at least gone home to say my goodbyes to my father.”

  “Do you think he will die?”

  “Is it horrible that I’m alright with him not making it? That’s horrible right?”

  “Kayla, I don’t know about your past, but what I do know is that anger that lives in your soul is the worst kind.”

  His words were actually very insightful for not knowing or understanding my family situation. I wondered if he had experienced some anger toward his own father. I had read some tabloid things about a feud between the two of them and I hadn’t really heard him talk about his family ever. But I figured it wasn’t the best time to open that wound.

  “Thanks,” I said as I cuddled next to him on the couch.

  “Mr. Storm, we will be taking off shortly and the flight should last two and a half hours. Can I get you two something to drink?” the male steward asked.

  “Vodka Sours,” Matthew said with a smile.

  “Yes, that sounds perfect,” I added.

  As we took off and drank our vodka’s, I couldn’t help but be grateful that Matthew and I had met. It had only been a few short months before that we had run into each other on the streets of Illinois and now we were on our way back there.

  “I need to tell you something,” I said to Matthew as I climbed onto his lap and straddled him.

  The steward was up near the cockpit area with the curtain closed for privacy. I kept looking back over that way to make sure he wasn’t going to pop the curtain open and come back out.

  “Yes ma’am, what would you like to tell me? I’m awesome, the best boyfriend in the world. You can’t live without me?” Matthew said as he smiled the cheesiest smile I had ever seen.

  “Did you say, boyfriend?”

  “I’m caving in. There’s no one I’d rather spend my time with. I’m officially using the B word.”


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