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SEAL of Approval

Page 56

by Lynn Faye

  “I’ll compromise with you. How about you just tell me about what’s going to happen tomorrow. Let me be prepared for tomorrow at least,” I said as I turned around in Matthew’s arms.


  Matthew leaned in and stopped about an inch away from my lips. I couldn’t resist and I moved my lips to touch his. We kissed softly and slowly like we were a young couple in love. I wasn’t sure that was exactly what we were. But I did have feelings for Matthew, lots of them. Unfortunately, they ranged from fear to loathing to loving and I wasn’t exactly sure which order they were coming in.

  His hands held onto my waist and he gently moved his hips against mine. I felt the fire inside me start to ignite as I thought about how good our bodies always felt when they were together. It made me want to stop being angry and just get naked right there in the kitchen.

  “Tell me who you were just talking to,” I said as I reached my hands down and unbuckled his pants.

  My fingers slid into his boxers and I felt his smooth, hard, muscle as it throbbed with excitement for me. I loved the way his body was always hard for me. There was no denying that I aroused Matthew, no denying that at all. Every time we were together Matthew’s cock was hard and wanted to be inside of me. That did give me a bit of confidence about how he felt about me. There was no way to hide if you were aroused by someone, especially for a man like Matthew.

  “He’s a reporter. I hired him to leak information about Masson slowly to other news sources. But he was also working with Masson, who had hired him to leak dirt about me.”

  Matthew reached for my pants and unbuttoned them as he talked. He slid them down to my ankles along with my panties. I took a deep breath in as he blew his warm breath toward my center as he bent over. His mouth was only a few inches away from me and I wanted to open up and let his tongue touch me.

  “I haven’t heard any dirt leaked about you,” I said as I tried to control my breath.

  “That’s because the guy is working for me. He’s taking Masson’s money, but there won’t be one single story about me out there,” Matthew said as he stood up and started to unbutton my blouse. “Anything else you want to know?”

  I was having a hard time thinking straight and I was sure there were plenty of other things I wanted to ask him. I couldn’t think of any of them. The mysterious man had been solved so for the moment I was going to enjoy myself.

  My hands moved to his pants and I pressed them down to the floor and let my mouth graze his throbbing hard cock. I couldn’t resist a quick lick of his soft skin.

  “There was one other thing,” I whispered as I gave his member a sweet little kiss.

  Matthew took his shirt off and stood there looking down at me. His breath labored with anticipation. But I wasn’t ready to ask my next question, I actually didn’t know if I really wanted to ask it at all. Things had changed since I saw Masson talking to the same man and I believed Matthew when he said the guy was a reporter. Maybe my other questions could wait.

  “Anything. Kayla, I’ll be honest with you. Ask me anything.”

  I felt the sincerity in his tone and I did think of one other question I wanted to ask him. But I decided to wait for a few minutes and let the anticipation build up. I really did love playing with Matthew.

  I slid to my knees and wrapped my lips around him. The sound of his breath releasing in relief was delightful.

  His arms braced against the counter as I moved my mouth up and down his hardness. I loved how excited he was for me. There was no doubt Matthew loved fucking me, as I did him. When we were together, I didn’t think about our age difference or even our jobs. All I thought about was how his body and mine fit together so perfectly. I had never been with a man as many times as I had been with Matthew. It felt so natural when we were together.

  “Kayla,” he whispered.

  But I didn’t stop to answer him. Instead, I moved my lips quicker to entice him closer to explosion. I wanted to see that desperate look in his eyes as he waited for his body to release. That was when I would ask my question. Only in that moment would I get the answer that was most truthful from Matthew.

  Faster and harder I sucked on him, letting his body build up the excitement. My eyes didn’t look up at him; I stayed focused on the job in front of me. Harder…harder…long strokes until I felt his body release the beginnings of his explosion. That was when I stood up and slid between Matthew and the counter.

  “Girl, you are going to kill me,” Matthew said as he started to kiss my neck.

  His mouth vigorously sucked on my neck as his body pressed against me. I could tell he wanted to slide inside of me so bad he could hardly stand it. But he did stand it, he waited and he kissed me. He resisted his urge to thrust inside of me and instead tried to be sweet to me.

  I lifted myself up onto the counter and spread my legs for him. I wanted him to see how wet with desire I was for him. I wanted him to see just how badly I wanted to have his body inside of mine.

  Matthew looked at me with longing that I couldn’t have even hoped for. His eyes looked at my wetness and then back up to my lips.

  “I said anything. Ask me anything and I will answer you,” Matthew said as he moved closer to me and let his hands rest on my thighs.

  His thumb moved toward my wet center and I tried not to flinch as he started to massage my clit. It felt so delightful that I had to pull my hips away slightly so I could get the question out that I wanted to ask him.

  “Did you kill the Vice President?” I asked.

  Matthew looked into my eyes for a brief moment and I saw what I thought was shock cross his face. Then he looked down and Matthew didn’t look up from my pussy again, but he did answer me.


  Within a second his cock slid inside of me and I wrapped my arms around his neck to hold onto him. His thrusts were hard and he seemed to be playing rougher than when we first started to mess around. I figured the accusation of being a murderer had probably made him angry, but I did believe him when he said he didn’t do it. There was nothing about Matthew that seemed like someone who could commit murder and I instantly regretted asking the question.

  His body thrust into me hard and I screamed out with the delight that he delivered to me. I moved in and tried to kiss him, but this time he pulled away. Instead, he sucked on my neck and I felt the strength of his mouth close to my vein.

  His body only took a few thrusts before he held onto my hips tightly and I felt my body rumble with orgasm. As I screamed out in delight, Matthew released his last thrusting effort and then quickly pulled away from me. I felt the anger in his movements and was instantly sorry I had accused him of murder.

  Matthew went straight to the bathroom and shut the door to take a shower. I hated that I had made him feel so awful. I didn’t think anything I could have said would hurt Matthew. He just wasn’t the kind of guy that got hurt by words, or so I thought.

  I cleaned up and slid into some sweat pants and into bed to watch a movie. I was happy we had decided to stay in. At least, we could cuddle and watch an old movie and I knew soon Matthew would forgive me for the question I asked.

  Matthew took a long time in the bathroom and when the door finally opened, I could tell he wasn’t planning on spending the night. He looked mad, or sad, I couldn’t tell which one it was.

  He made his way back out to the living room and was putting his suit back on when I came out of the bedroom.

  “You’re leaving?” I asked.

  “Yes, tomorrow is a big day. I’ll see you at work,” Matthew gave me a kiss on the forehead and then grabbed his things and left.

  I stood in total shock as he closed the door. That was not the reaction I had expected from him at all. His feelings had been hurt, that was for sure, but I thought we could have talked about it. I hated that he had just left angry without talking and letting things get smoothed over.

  I would have been up all night thinking about him and what I had said, but I was exhausted from staying
up the previous night. After Matthew left, I turned the lights off and slid into bed. I was too tired to process what had just happened. I needed sleep.

  When my alarm went off in the morning, I felt less rested than I had hoped for. My body was sore and tired. I flipped the television on to catch up on the local news and see if there were any stories about Senator Masson. It was going to be juicy when Matthew’s secret information got released to the press. I couldn’t wait to see what dirt he had found on Masson.

  But as I stared at the news scroll I realized there was much more dirt on Senator Masson than I could have ever imagined. The breaking news story was that Senator George Masson was with the Vice President the night he was murdered.

  The newscaster didn’t want to speculate if George Masson was going to be charged with murder and did report that he was just a person of interest. It was huge. The fact that George Masson had been with the Vice President but hadn’t come forward and said he was there, that showed the world that he was not trustworthy at all. But more than that, I had to wonder if Masson had been involved in the murder. Surely he would have come forward and said he was there with the Vice President when everyone was looking for him.

  I watched the news diligently as I got ready for work. There were all kinds of stories going around that talked about the brothel the men had been at, the scene where the Vice President had been murdered. The speculation seemed to look more at why Masson hadn’t come forward with the information earlier, but not too many news outlets actually accused Masson of being involved in the murder. Most of them left it at the two men were at the brothel together and then Masson returned to Washington D.C. and the Vice President did not.

  I knew something was going to come out that would make it impossible for Masson to become the Vice President, but I didn’t think murder would be part of it. I had to think that Matthew was going to keep that part of things quiet until I told him how George Masson had treated me in the elevator.

  There was a knock at more door that scared me to death. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I was surprised when I looked out the peep hole and saw Matthew standing there.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I asked as I opened the door.

  “Grab your things,” he said as he pointed to his watch. “We need to go somewhere right now.”

  Something was odd about Matthew. He wasn’t looking me in the eyes and I didn’t like that at all.

  “I’m sorry for what I said last night,” I said as I grabbed my purse and followed him down the hallway.

  Matthew didn’t respond. We rode the elevator in silence down to the lobby and I followed him to the SUV waiting out front.

  “Raymond, I’m going to drive us. Do you mind?” Matthew said as he went around to the driver’s side door and opened it for Raymond to get out.

  “Sure thing boss,” he said as he looked at me and shrugged his shoulders.

  I got into the passenger side and looked out at Raymond as we drove away. It was clear Raymond had no idea what was going on either.

  We continued to sit in silence as Matthew drove us out of town. It was really easy to get out of town in the morning because all the traffic was coming into town. I wanted to ask Matthew where we were going, but decided to just wait. He didn’t seem like he was in the mood for questions.

  We drove about ten miles north of the city and then Matthew got off the interstate and followed a county road out into a residential neighborhood. It didn’t look like the kind of place Matthew would normal hang out, but again I didn’t question him.

  He continued to drive down a road that turned from pavement into gravel and I got my first sense of uneasiness. There was no explanation I could think of that we would need to be that far out in the country. There was no one around. I couldn’t see any houses and I couldn’t see any other cars.

  We continued down the gravel road until we got to another road that turned into some trees. The wooded road made my heart start to pound. Suddenly I questioned everything that had happened between Matthew and I.

  I felt like I was in a scene from a movie and I was being taken to an isolated location to be murdered. I had believed Matthew when he said he wasn’t involved in the Vice President’s murder, I had believed him up until the very moment he turned down the wooded road.

  “What are we doing Matthew?” I finally asked nervously.

  Storm Breaks Loose

  The Billionaire President -

  A Dark Alpha Billionaire Romance

  Sarah Brooks

  Copyright © 2015 by Sarah Brooks

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Facebook: Sarah Brooks


  Everything was about to move at a very fast pace and Kayla was going to have to get on board. Whether she liked it or not, we needed to decide things as soon as possible.

  “What are we doing Matthew?” she asked me as I pulled down a side road.

  “We need to talk,” I said.

  Kayla looked nervous and I wanted to calm her fears, but I had something planned that I thought she was really going to enjoy. Life had put her into my lap and now life was pushing things forward faster than I thought. But I knew I had to take this step if I wanted to assure my political future.

  “Um, why are we in the middle of the woods?” she asked as she nervously looked around.

  It made me laugh how nervous she was. Did she think I was going to murder her or something like that? We were simply driving out to one of my favorite spots in the area. It was where I went when I needed to get away from everyone and things. It was where I intended to tell Kayla something very important.

  “Just relax, we are almost there,” I said as I reached over and tried to hold her hand.

  She pulled back from me at first, but I didn’t accept that. We were going to have this conversation whether she liked it or not. My plan was intricate and I had so many more steps to take before I reached its conclusion and Kayla was coming with me on this journey. There was no way around it. I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  As we came up over the hill, the trees thinned and we could see the beautiful view of the lake. I drive down close to it and put the vehicle in park as I got out and walked around to her door.

  “Why are we here Matthew?” she asked as she looked around.

  “It’s beautiful here isn’t it?” I said. “Come with me, I want to take you somewhere.”

  I held out my hand for her to grab so I could walk with her. The path that led to my favorite spot was just about a quarter of a mile long and I needed to bring Kayla up there. The top of the hill that overlooked the lake on one side and Washington D.C. on the other was the epitome of what I felt like my life was at that moment.

  On one side I had the politics of Washington D.C. with all of its back stabbing and political agendas. Then on the other side of my life I had this beautiful oasis with Kayla. I felt like I was standing at the top of that hill and had to choose a side. But I couldn’t choose a side, there had to be a compromise that is what Kayla and I were going to talk about.

  “Matthew, I don’t know what you are doing, but I don’t want to be out here. Can we please just go back?” Kayla said as she stood next to the vehicle.

  “Nope,” I said as I lifted her up over my shoulder and started to carry her down the path to my favorite spot.

  “Matthew!” Kayla screamed. “Stop it. What are you doing?”

  “I’m taking you somewhere. If you’re not going to walk on your own, I’ll carry you.”

  She continued to fight with me as I carried her all the way up the hill to the spot at the top. I didn’t care that I was in my suit and dress shoes. We had to have this conversation before we went to the White House later that morning. Everything between us needed to be decided so I could tal
k with the President before he made his announcement.

  The news I had received was that the President had made his decision and was going to appoint me as his Vice President. It was going to be announced later that day but first I had to meet with him to discuss the specifics that morning.

  I couldn’t discuss my future with the President until I had figured out my future with Kayla. She was now intertwined with me and I had to be clear on where we were before I made such a big leap in my political career.

  “Matthew Storm, if you don’t put me down right now I’m going to poke my fingers in your eyeballs,” Kayla screamed.

  Laughter thrust out of my body and I couldn’t keep it together another moment. Kayla was such a firecracker. She was so full of energy I could hardly keep a straight face as long as I had.

  “Okay, okay, I’m putting you down,” I said as I placed her on the ground near the picnic table that overlooked both the city and the lake. “Now, can you calm down a little?” I said as I continued to laugh at her outrageousness.

  “No, I’m not going to calm down. I have no idea what we are doing out here in the middle of nowhere but I think we could have had this conversation at my apartment. There is no need for us to be out here.”

  “I think there is a reason to be out here,” I said.

  “What Matthew? Why on earth would we need to drive out to the middle of nowhere just to have a conversation?”

  “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  Kayla was so wrapped up in being angry at me that she hadn’t looked around at all. When she finally calmed down enough to look around, she seemed really confused as to why I had brought her there.

  “Yes, it’s pretty,” she said as she looked around.

  I got down on one knee and pulled out the light blue box from Tiffany’s Jewelry store as I waited for her to turn around.

  “Michaela Wilson, will you marry me?”


  “What? No!” I said as I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back up to the standing position. “I thought you were bringing me out here to kill me.”


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