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Big Bad

Page 2

by Lillian Jacobs

  Red stiffened, as the encounter was beginning to get out of hand. This is what my mother warned me about. But she only mentioned men! Not wolves!

  Her chest was illuminated in the moonlight and Fen licked them with its massive tongue. It was so colossal that it could engulf an entire breast in one motion, drenching it in saliva and endowing it with a shiny and slippery coating.

  “Oh, God,” Red moaned, looking up at the starry sky, grappling tightly onto Fen’s rough fur. Fen merely grunted and panted as he attempted to grasp onto her breasts, failing in the process and leaving bloody scratches behind as a memento. The mixture of pain from his claws and the cathartic massage of his hungry tongue confused her as she was not sure how she was supposed to feel, yet her body reacted with wet and warm release. How can I be turned on at such a moment? What sort of wickedness has befallen me this night? Red outlined his bulky arms that seemed to bulge out further than she thought possible. Fen grunted and rubbed his erect member against her leg. And I thought his tongue was big! What I am feeling now is surely the substance of legend!

  Fen easily tore off the rest of her clothing and pressed his cold nose against her bare skin. Red had forgotten the cold as his fur had made her so warm that she was sweating. Fen lapped at her nipples and she moaned through her bright red lips. He moved down her body further, tracing his nose down her belly, sniffing every inch until her legs opened for him without hesitation or thought.

  The first lick of his colossal tongue sent shivers up her spine causing her to back to arch, pointing her breasts towards the night sky. Her moans echoed throughout the forest, blending into the chirps of the crickets and the hoots of the owls. When he lifted his tongue from her core, it was as though a bucket of saliva dripped down from it onto her shaved and swollen lips.

  “Don’t stop, Fen,” she whispered, running her hands over its furry head, petting him tenderly.

  He began to lap at it like a dog, tasting her sweet juices and she felt his rough, yet velvety texture bathing her most sensitive area. Red whimpered as the powerful sensation exploded into every nerve throughout her entire body.

  “That’s a good boy,” she said and then rolled her eyes, embarrassed for herself.

  His hot breath warmed her being as his tongue began to show incredible control and flexibility. It was so long that it was able to twist around and maneuver itself within and around her lady lips.

  “You have two red hoods, my dear,” he growled. His tongue moved up and down quickly before penetrating her a few inches.

  “Oh, God. What are you doing to me?” she breathed out, her legs gyrating uncontrollably.

  Fen moved his giant tongue further within her until she felt it had completely filled her up. It felt slimy and moved like a worm or a snake, the waves and squirms of its movements sending her to new heights of ecstasy.

  “Your tongue feels like it’s alive inside of me,” she moaned.

  “You’re delicious,” he growled.

  Fen then stuck the rest of his tongue within her and she yelled out into the night. He moved his tongue in every possible way within her, as it molded its shape to fit within her perfectly. Her juices began to gush onto the base of his tongue and leaked down his throat. His razor blade teeth closed down onto her stomach but did not pierce her skin. Fen’s snout was so long that it rested between her breasts, which she pushed together so that they rubbed against its sides. Fen thought: I could eat her whole right now. She tastes incredible. How easy it would be to close my mouth entirely. Patience, Fen. You desire both the girl and the grandmother both. Besides, why not enjoy this eager and foolish young thing in more ways than one. It’s not every day such an opportunity arises. When you have received release, you may do with her what you like.

  Fen did not neglect the rest of her body; he lathered and massaged her with his tongue from head to toe. She felt as though her entire body was encased within a glistening, liquid shell comprised of her sweat and Fen’s saliva.

  He could eat me whole if he so choose. The danger of the situation was not lost on her, yet she only became wetter at the thought. Fen ran his teeth gently across her skin and softly delivered love bites along her thighs. She bit her lip and tightly shut her eyes, letting the pain and pleasure blend into one until all that was left was pure sensation.

  Fen began to hump her leg furiously, and she pushed him off, laughing.

  “What is wrong?” he asked.

  “Turn over,” she said and attempted to guide him onto his back.

  “To be turned over like that is a sign of submission,” he said authoritatively and with a hint of anger. “That position places me in a vulnerable spot.” Red knew this to be true, as her father had told her often of this while rubbing the belly of the small dogs in the village.

  “Do you trust me?” she asked, mirroring the same question that he had once asked her. His red eyes appeared to recognize this, and softened in acknowledgement.

  He turned on his back and his arms and legs sprawled out in four directions. Red pounced on him and began to rub and scratch his stomach furiously. Growls of pleasure caused his body to rumble and she placed her head on his chest to feel the vibrations. Red then rubbed her face all along his warm stomach and then his chest, feeling his coarse hairs against her cheeks. Her head moved up and down while lying on his chest as he breathed in and out. She listened for his heartbeat and once she heard it, she was surprised that he was completely calm. She felt it would be a challenge to excite him.

  Red took his giant member in her hand – it was much larger than a baseball bat. She began to stroke it up and down slowly and then quickly and then slowly once more. Fen began panting and whimpering in pleasure as she used her little, soft hand to massage his hardness while using her other hand to rub his belly.

  The beast turned over suddenly, using its nose to nudge her onto her back and mounted her until only her face was not covered by his fur. Red felt as though she would be crushed from the incredible weight. Fen reached her opening and the incredible wetness signaled that she wanted him inside of her. He pushed it within and she screamed as it was too large. Red could not believe it was physically possible for such an object to fit. Fen began to pump her again and again, thrusting harder and harder until Red was stretched more than she could imagine. She screamed, shrieked, and moaned, completely lost in a world of primal sensation.

  Fen growled in pleasure as his tempo increased. He flared his teeth, roared, and glared at her with his red eyes, amazed at Red’s angelic face as it contorted in uncontrollable pleasure, her mouth opened awkwardly and her eyes shut tight.

  Red herself felt like an animal at that moment, and no reasonable thought or logic could withstand the primal urges that had exploded in her loins. I have never felt so free from the bonds of life.

  Fen began to pump furiously until Red felt the splash of his climax. He reached his head back and howled at the moon. A chorus of howls from different parts of the forest joined him.

  Chapter 2

  The Huntsman

  Unsettling dreams of a red mist haunted Red’s sleep and she awoke in the night with a sweat-drenched forehead. She felt the body of a man cuddled up next to her. At first, she was confused, as she had met no man that night – she had met a wolf. Perhaps he is a werewolf. The other girls will be so jealous. His face was not visible, as it was very dark, but she did notice a tattoo on his body that appeared to be a wolf bound in chains, struggling to be free. The man reached out and brushed against her arm, giving her goose bumps, and wrapped around her body. Red fell asleep, cradled in his embrace.

  Red awoke the next morning in a bed of flowers. Her body was covered in scratches and tattered clothes and she felt an aching sensation between her legs. She was alone. Was it only a dream? Where is Fen? Where is the wolf? If it was not a dream, then I have escaped unscathed. The wolf was no danger after all.

  Red remembered that she still had to visit her grandmother and started walking once more after wrapping herself in he
r cape and picking up her basket. She did not notice the fresh wolf tracks beneath her feet that traversed the same path.

  She raised her eyes, and when she saw the sunbeams dancing here and there through the trees, and pretty flowers growing everywhere, she remembered what the wolf had said about enjoying the beauty of the forest and she thought: Suppose I take grandmother fresh roses; that would please her too. It is so early in the day that I shall still get there in good time; and so she ran to look for flowers. And whenever she had picked one, she fancied that she saw a still prettier one farther on, and ran after it, and so got deeper and deeper into the wood.

  Meanwhile the wolf ran straight to the grandmother's house and knocked at the door.

  “Who is there?”

  “Red Riding Hood,” replied the wolf. “She is bringing cake and wine; open the door.”

  “Lift the latch,” called out the grandmother, “I am too weak, and cannot get up.”

  The wolf lifted the latch, the door sprang open, and without saying a word he went straight to the grandmother's bed, and devoured her whole. Then he put on her clothes, dressed himself in her cap and laid himself in bed and drew the curtains.

  Red Riding Hood, however, had been running about picking flowers, and when she had gathered so many that she could carry no more, she remembered her grandmother, and set out on the way to her.

  She was surprised to find the cottage door standing open, and when she went into the room, she had such a strange feeling that she said to herself: Oh dear! How uneasy I feel today, and at other times I like being with grandmother so much. Something seems wrong. She called out: “Good morning,” but received no answer; so she went to the bed and drew back the curtains. There lay her grandmother with her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange.

  “Oh! grandmother,” she said, “what big ears you have!”

  “The better to hear you with, my child,” was the reply.

  “But, grandmother, what big eyes you have!” she said.

  “The better to see you with, my dear.”

  “But, grandmother, what large hands you have!”

  “The better to hug you with.”

  Red looked down and saw a great bulge.

  “Oh! But, grandmother, what a terrible, big cock you have!”

  “The better to fuck you with!”

  And scarcely had the wolf said this, than with one bound he was out of bed and swallowed up Red Riding Hood.

  When the wolf had appeased his appetite, he lay down again in the bed, fell asleep and began to snore very loud.

  Eric the Huntsman was outside the cottage, as he was sent by Red’s mother to find out why she hadn’t come home last night. He thought: How the old woman is snoring! So he went through the front door into her room, and when he came to her bed, he saw that the wolf was lying in it.

  “I am not surprised to find you here, you old sinner!” he said. “I have long sought you!”

  “You’ll regret finding me when I’m through with you.”

  “I’ve faced far worse than a transvestite wolf.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re too late, the deed is done.”

  “Where is she? Where is Red?”

  The wolf could tell that she meant something to him.

  “She was delicious. Even before I devoured her, she let me taste her juices as an appetizer. I knew at that moment the main course would be divine.”

  Then just as Eric was going to swing his sword at him, it occurred to him that the wolf might have devoured them whole, and that they might still be saved. He knocked the wolf out with the hilt of this sword. Then he sliced open the stomach of the passed out wolf.

  When he had made his first incision, he saw a red hood, and then he sliced it open even more, and Red sprang out, crying.

  “Ah, how frightened I have been! How dark it was inside the wolf.”

  After that the aged grandmother came out alive also, but scarcely able to breathe. Red, however, quickly fetched great stones with which they filled the wolf's belly, and when he awoke, he wanted to run away, but the stones were so heavy that he collapsed and fell into a ravine.

  Then all three were delighted. Eric and the grandmother ate the cake and drank the wine which Red had brought. The grandmother felt revived after the feast and thanked Eric for his help. Red thought to herself: As long as I live, I will never by myself leave the path, to run into the wood, nor feel helpless ever again.

  Eric walked Red back to the village that night.

  “This was a big day, wasn’t it? I’m glad that you are safe, Red.”

  “Because of you,” she smiled.

  Before returning home, Red stopped by Eric’s cottage so that he could bandage her wounds. Red felt shaken up by the events and was very quiet.

  “An experience like that is incredibly traumatizing. Are you sure that you are okay?”

  She nodded her head and looked away as he rubbed lotion on her bleeding wounds.

  “You’re going to be bruising up,” he said, gently holding her arm. “Though your injuries are not serious.”

  “If only my non-physical wounds would heal as fast,” she whispered.

  Eric paused and then spoke. “The wolf said that you and he –” he stumbled for the right words. “That the two of you…that he and you…that you and he...”

  “That is a lie.”

  Eric looked down and saw the bruises and grass stains on her knees. Red caught him looking and blushed.

  “I wish I could have stopped him. To stop what he did to me and my grandmother.”

  “You wanted him,” he said spitefully. “You lusted after him.”

  “I did not,” she said angrily.

  “And now look what happened,” Eric said, wondering how she could have chosen such an evil creature over him, after he had tried so hard to look after her well-being. “It’s the same old story: Girl meets wolf, wolf eats girl. If you had been with me, you would have been safe. If you are with me now, you will always be safe.”

  Red visualized the horrific moment in her head and wiped away tears.

  “I really don’t want anything or anyone right now, actually.”

  “I’m sorry,” Eric said, attempting to put his arm around her before changing his mind and standing up.

  “Please…don’t go. I can’t be alone right now,” Red whispered.

  Eric sat down and put his arm around her shoulder. She hugged him and they sat like that for a few minutes. She felt tears in her eyes and her body shook as she pictured the wolf’s red eyes. She lay down and he cuddled next to her. He held her and they lay in silence. Red felt his strong arms wrapped around her, protecting her, granting her warmth and security, and she felt safe for the first time since the incident.

  “I just feel so violated. I shouldn’t have trusted him.”

  You lied to me, Fen. I thought we had something special. I thought I had power over something wild and dominant.

  “Everything’s okay now. You don’t have to worry anymore. You’re safe.”

  “I want to forget what happened.”

  “You will…don’t think about it.”

  Images of the wolf’s jaw and teeth surrounding and closing in on her relentlessly bombarded her head.

  Red’s lips brushed lightly against Eric’s upper back. She could not resist forming a small kiss on his neck. Eric began to slowly twirl her black hair.

  “I need you to help make me forget.”

  “What do you mean?” he said, hesitantly.

  Red kept quiet and softly stroked his hair. He then delicately put his mouth on Red’s and she parted her lips and pressed herself against him. She felt anxiety leak from her body at the tender caress of his lips. She needed to get away from thinking – to reach some non-thinking primal and instinctual state to escape from the pain. Eric used great care and caution in his touch, running his fingers up and down her back, and she shivered at the tingling sensation.

  Red felt the curvatures of his muscula
r arms, wanting to be pulled into his entire being to take shelter. Eric teased her nipples outside of her clothes, and she rolled over, and took off her shirt. He gave her a questioning look, and she assented for him to continue with a smile. He took her breast into his mouth, and she moaned softly. Realizing her fragile state, Eric was very deliberate and slow – watching for any sign that she was afraid or uncomfortable.

  “Your heart is racing,” she said, feeling his chest.

  “That’s because of you,” he replied.

  For a moment, she pondered the delicacy of life before deciding to just focus on the present – as that was all that there really was. She was very lucky as Eric was incredibly handsome and proceeded to explore his broad shoulders and rippling muscles that had been sculpted from years of hunting. She reached down to feel his bulge and began to stroke it gently. It’s not very big compared to Fen.

  Eric kissed her angel white thighs, moving his tongue up and down her soft skin, closer and closer to her core. He moved his mouth to her wet and swollen lips and she let him explore freely. Red felt pulsating bursts of pleasure flow throughout her body as his tongue maneuvered around hungrily, delving deeper and deeper. Each gentle kiss and touch was perfectly placed. His tongue flicked and teased her until it found the round and sensitive point that sent her soaring. Eric began to furiously suck on it, igniting a sudden explosion deep within her loins. A guttural moan escaped from Red’s mouth and her eyes rolled back as she writhed beneath him. He slowed his movements but kept her on the edge of arousal before quickening his pace again before climax claimed her once more.

  Eric brought himself to eye level with Red, their tongues teasing each other as he guided himself into her welcoming body. He leaned forward, feeling the tightness encase his member lovingly. Eric cherished the moment – it was one he had long desired. He could hardly believe that she was now completely wide open to him at the moment, in total surrender. Red herself was overwhelmed with sensation instead of thought. She groaned as his hands fondled her breasts while driving into him with firm and forceful thrusts. Her moans grew higher and louder as he pierced her again and again until she felt like a dam ready to burst. Eric grunted incoherently and grabbed her hips, pushing himself into her until she felt he could go no deeper. Red exploded in pleasure and for a moment forgot about everything that had happened that day. Eric growled and yelled out like a primal beast – she looked up and in a red haze saw the giant head of a wolf, its fangs like knives, with saliva dripping from its mouth onto her body. She screamed out, climaxing once more, stronger than she ever had before.


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