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Jaded: Luke

Page 15

by Hildie McQueen

  When he backed away, she missed his touch. The gratifying view of him undressing almost made up for the raw need that made her squirm.

  First, he kicked off his boots and then his fingers curled under the bottom of his shirt. Inch-by-inch of his tanned flesh was exposed when he pulled the shirt up over his head exposing not only a perfect muscular physique, but also the scars on his left lower side that reminded her of his heroic past.

  When he bent to push his pants down, his darkened gaze met hers and Leah licked her lips in anticipation.

  Damn if the man wasn’t spectacular. She could stare at his nude form for hours.

  The thick rod between his legs caught her attention when he moved toward her, each fluid step with the grace of a dangerous yet beautiful predator.

  When he towered over her standing so close, the heat of his body caressed her. Leah lifted her hands and cupped his jaw. “You are so attractive Luke.”

  His lips curved into a breathtaking smile. “Thanks.” This time when his mouth covered hers, the ever elusive sense of hope beamed and Leah became lost in him.

  Every touch and kiss that followed from his caresses to the way they took from each other became a discovery. The flickering candlelight cast shadows over them, making the room almost magical.

  A storm raged outside while in the confines of her bedroom walls, the lovers joined with a tempest of their own.

  Leah cried out when Luke drove into her, his movements hastened by need. When she shattered, falling from the precipice, his hoarse call mingled with hers.

  They made love again, only this time faster and harder, like a means to an end.

  Neither wanting to be apart, they showered together, a sensual experience as they lathered each other’s bodies.

  It was the most wonderful night Leah could remember and as much as she wanted to know where things would go next, she dreaded the evening to end.

  It shocked her when he slid between the sheets with her after discarding the towel he’d wrapped around his hips.

  She snuggled against him and released a long breath. Words formed and were discarded as Leah tried to formulate how to ask him to stay the night.

  “Care if I spend the night?”

  Joy sprung and she lifted her eyes to him. “I want you to.”

  Within moments his soft snores sounded and Leah couldn’t help but chuckle at how fast he fell asleep. Unlike him, she remained awake enjoying the feel of the large body against hers, the security of his heavy arms, and the hard chest beneath her cheek.

  Leah woke to the sound of dogs barking and the smell of coffee. She sat up realizing Luke was not in bed. After pulling on an oversized t-shirt and underwear, she trudged to the front room. Through the window, she caught sight of Luke. He leaned on the front porch post with a cup of coffee in hand and watched Rosie and Speck as they raced about chasing each other.

  “Good morning,” she said walking out and wrapping her arms around his waist. “You’re up early.”

  His gaze traveled over her face, the warmth in it taking her by surprise. “Figured Speck would need out. Didn’t want him to have an accident.” Luke pressed a kiss to her temple. “Got any breakfast food? I can make you something.”

  Moments later, she sat at the table with a cup of coffee he’d insisted on making for her. Luke moved about the kitchen frying bacon and eggs as bread toasted. It seemed so odd for him to enjoy cooking. Although stoic and of few words, it seemed he was the type that showed affection by doing.

  When she offered to help in any way, he would frown and shake his head. Cute.

  The meal was delicious and after eating, she was finally allowed to help. They washed and dried the dishes and cleaned up the table and counters.

  Leah let the dogs back out leaving the back door open and turned to Luke.

  “I’m going to get dressed and then head to town. What are you doing today?”

  He studied her. “Working at the ranch. Helping Taylor and Tobias.”

  Leah walked to the bedroom with Luke behind her. Needing to ensure they were still on the same page, she wanted to ask him so many questions, yet at the same time, it felt awkward still. So instead, she went to him and pulled him down for a kiss. Luke responded. He pulled her into a tight embrace, his mouth lingering over hers.

  When he cupped her behind, his hardness pressed into her.

  While kissing he guided her back to the bedroom where they made love. It was slow and gentle at first until they both needed to find release, then they raced to completion. Leah lay spent on the bed with Luke sprawled over her.

  Once again, they showered together. It was nice to share the bathroom space as she brushed her wet hair and he brushed his teeth with a new toothbrush she gave him.

  “Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?”

  He met her gaze in the mirror. “Yes.”


  Luke pulled into a parking space and walked across the street to where Leah’s friend Allison stood. He admired the pretty lady, her curls and long skirt blowing in the wind. With her hand shading her sparkling eyes, she smiled at him. “Hello there. How are ya?”

  She looked across the street to an old house that he remembered always being there.

  “Did Leah mention I was moving back to Laurel Creek?” Allison looked to him. “In a couple of weeks, I’ll be here for good.”

  Their relationship was still new and they’d talked about this and that. Mostly getting to know each other. “Yes, she did.”

  “I’m turning my grandmother’s house into a flower shop and living on the top floor.” She motioned to the old house. “It’s been painted and a small kitchen is in the building stages upstairs. Just waiting for contractors today to work on replacing the windows and for displays to be delivered.”

  Luke considered it strange that Leah had not mentioned her own future plans to him yet. Instead, she’d skirted the subject, other than mentioning she planned to keep the house and land after all.

  “I remember your grandmother. She wasn’t very nice.”

  Allison laughed. “Oh I know. That woman scared the crap out of me.” The woman let out a sigh. “I hate that Leah is moving back to Billings just as I’m coming back.”

  The statement caught him off guard. Leah had not mentioned what would happen after the six month sabbatical was up. It was as if she didn’t want to discuss it with him.

  “Her sabbatical is almost up.”

  Unaware he didn’t know Leah’s specific plans, Allison nodded. “I know that, but I was hoping with her loving the ranch so much and then you and know seeing each other, she’d change her mind about going back. She could do consulting and work from here.”

  He shrugged and hoped to look nonchalance. “See you around.” Tightness around his chest made him ponder if perhaps instead of going to the hardware store he should get in his truck and hightail it back to the ranch before something happened. It had been a while since he’d had any kind of flashback or anxiety, but the familiar stirring left no doubt.

  Instead of going to the store, he went to a bench beside it and sat down. He took in long breaths and followed the visualization exercises Dr. Sullivan had given him. Luke repeated calming words in his mind until his breathing slowed and the tightness, although still there, loosened some.

  Heading back to the ranch, he would have preferred to bypass his own and go to Leah’s instead. But decided not to go there until taking time to think things through. Although Leah had professed loving him, they’d not made any plans for the future. Perhaps, she planned to return to her life in Billings and they’d have a long distance relationship.

  There was also the possibility she did not want to stay with him. The thought hurt, but he pushed past it. Although he’d not told her yet, he loved the woman and had hoped for a permanent thing with her. Marriage even.

  Every time he considered it, thought about his future there in Laurel Creek, it included Leah. But he’d not told her, had not asked, afraid it wo
uld be too soon.

  And now she planned to leave.

  To be fair, it was a lot to ask. He still had so much to work through. Although managed for now, there were no guarantees when it came to PTSD. Both he and Leah knew no matter how hard he worked at it, the shit could head south without any kind of notice.

  “Hey man,” Taylor called out when Luke began unloading feed and other supplies. His cousin joined him hauling a large sack over his shoulder. “Lots to do today. Hope you don’t have plans until late.”

  “Nope. I’m here ‘til we’re done.”

  The day was full. Between cleaning the stables, working with the horses and restocking, Luke was glad he didn’t have time to ponder the situation with Leah.

  By the time they staggered back home that evening, the sun was setting and the prospect of showers and bed meant they gobbled up leftovers.

  Luke showered and watched television in bed, barely able to keep his eyes open when his phone dinged. It was Leah.

  He texted a short message letting her know he’d stay home that night. Not only was he too tired to go anywhere, but also the doctor had warned against doing something emotional when exhausted.

  The sci-fi show on the television screen was a good escape and yet his mind kept returning to what Allison had said. Leah planned to leave soon. Why had she not told him?

  Following a knock, Tobias poked his head in. “Hey you asleep?”

  “Nope. What’s up?”

  His twin walked in and shoved his hands into the jeans he wore. A sure sign something bothered his brother. “I think I should go talk to Tori. Her mom got diagnosed with breast cancer.”

  Victoria McBride owned the pizza restaurant in town and was also Tobias’ high school sweetheart. They were not anywhere close to on friendly terms.

  “Not a good idea if you’re only going to end up arguing with her. She doesn’t need that right now.”

  “Yeah. I’m tired of avoiding that place. It’s been over thirty years that we broke up, we should be able to get along without losing our tempers.” Tobias sat on the bed and Luke moved his legs to give him space.

  “Especially since both of you got married to other people after you broke up with her.”

  Tobias met his gaze. “I was gone, wanted her to move on... have a life.” His brother let out a breath. “I made a big mistake marrying someone else. I know that now. I suck.”

  “No argument from me on that,” Luke said with a chuckle. “Leah is leaving.” He had to tell someone, bounce his thoughts off of and all that.

  Tobias’ eyebrows rose. “Really? That sucks.”

  “Yeah. I thought there was something between us... shit. But, what do I know?”

  His brother bent his head in thought. “You need to ask her to stay. If you want her to stay, then ask her. Have you done that?”


  “Why not?”

  They both knew the answer. He was afraid of her reply. It wasn’t fair to ask her to stay with him. His future wasn’t exactly rosy. First of all his plans to start a ranch would mean long hours and with his issues, he’d have to take breaks and step back whenever it was required.

  “Yeah all that, but still. If you love her and she you, then you’ll make it work.” His twin’s lips twitched at having read his thoughts.

  Luke scowled. “I hate when you do that.”

  “Yeah well, it’s not like you don’t do it to me.”

  True enough. Luke knew the underlying reason for Tobias’ resentment toward Tori. He’d never stopped loving her and because of Victoria McBride, his twin brother was ruined for other women. Every single relationship since his relationship to Tori had ended disastrously. His brother had even married a great woman just to prove he was over her. It had not worked.

  “Dude. Talk to Tori. Tell her you’re sorry about her mother. Offer any kind of support we can give and then get away as fast as you can before you end up in an argument.”

  “Yeah, I might do that.” Seeming satisfied with his advice, Tobias stood. “I’m crashing early. I’m beat.”

  “Me too.”



  “I’m glad you came home.”

  Luke let out a breath. “Me too bro.”


  Two days since she’d seen Luke. He’d not come by because of long work days at the ranch. Although Leah understood, she missed him and it hurt her feelings that when she’d offered to bring dinner over he’d declined.

  That they weren’t sure what time they’d be done was a feeble excuse in her opinion. Of course, her thoughts kept revolving around the fact that perhaps he was backing away from her.

  A relationship was so much work. The second-guessing and doubts plagued constantly. She’d wanted to discuss her upcoming final decision as to whether or not to move back to Billings. Her father had relented and offered she return sooner. A part of her had been so relieved that she’d agreed right away. But after telling Allison and hearing it out loud, she’d wondered if it was really what she wanted.

  A long distance relationship with Luke could work. Billings wasn’t so far that she couldn’t be there every weekend. Or if she had too much to do, he could possibly travel there. Were they even at that point yet?

  There were the factors of who would take care of the house and the land, plus now that she’d decided to keep it, what to do as far as ranching or farming.

  She poured hot water into the tea dispenser and waited for the leaves to steep while keeping a watchful eye on Rosie who seemed to be chasing something into some bushes.

  After a few moments, she went to the door and called the dog back.

  Rosie hurried toward her, her snout dirty and tail wagging. Leah couldn’t help but wonder if her dog would miss having roaming freedom.

  With a happy bark, Rosie raced toward the front door leaving a path of dirt and leaves.

  Leah opened the door and went to the front porch as Luke’s truck neared. He brought it to a stop and his gaze met hers.

  The first time she’d met him, he’d been so intimidating. The mental picture formed of the frightening large muscular man stepping out of his truck to talk to her about the fence.

  Now once again her heart quickened as he climbed out of the truck.

  In a black t-shirt, jeans and boots, he looked every bit the Montana cowboy he was. “Hey,” Luke called out before going to the back door of the truck.

  He bent to retrieve something and she caught a glimpse of his well-formed rear.

  When Luke straightened with a large bouquet of flowers, her breath caught. There was vulnerability in his eyes, his eyebrows flat and jaw set, as he walked toward her.

  “Being I’m about to ask for a lot. I wanted to bring you these.”

  She accepted his kiss and studied him. “Sounds serious.” Leah took the flower vase and sniffed them. “They are beautiful. Where on earth did you get them?”

  “A new flower shop in town is about to open. The lady helped me. She said these were your favorite.”

  Allison was very well aware she had a weakness for lilies.

  After placing the flowers in the center of the table, Leah waited for Luke who scratched Rosie’s stomach.

  When he straightened, he took her hand and led her to sit on the couch and lowered next to her. “I guess I may as well just say this.”

  Her stomach tightened at his serious expression. “Whatever it is, spit it out. You’re about to make me throw up.”

  “Will you please stay here? In Laurel Creek. With me?”

  “Oh my God.” Leah threw her arms around his neck and hugged Luke as tears threatened.

  His arms encircled her. In his arms, she found the security she’d yearned for. Luke gave her strength and only with him did everything fall into place.

  When he pulled back, she kissed his lips and sighed. “I wanted to talk to you. I needed to know where I stood. It was hard to make a decision about whether to leave or stay based on our relationship beca
use it’s so new.”

  She couldn’t stop talking. “I want to stay, but didn’t want to pressure you, so I had pretty much decided we could try long distance.”

  “Oh hell no.” Of course his face remained serious and she met his gaze. Luke shook his head. “If you want to move back to Billings, I’ll go with you. I can find a job or something.”

  “You would do that for me?” Leah couldn’t believe that Luke cared enough to give up his plans and follow her. He’d yet to declare how he felt, but from his actions and words at the moment, he showed her more than words ever could.

  His wide shoulders lifted and lowered. “I would do that for you, yes.”

  “I’m so confused.” Leah closed her eyes. “What do you think?”

  They talked for several hours weighing the pros and cons of every alternative. Leah was astonished at how articulate Luke was. She discovered one of his jobs in the Army was project management. He was not only well rounded when it came to planning, but also fair and impartial. He never goaded her decision process by sharing what he planned.

  She knew he wanted to settle in Laurel Creek and that the open spaces, small population and slower lifestyle were better suited for his PTSD. Yet he didn’t bring it up, insisting she concentrate on what she wanted out of her career.

  Finally, after scanning the long lists and crumpled papers they’d written on, Leah sat back with a wide grin. Luke looked from her to the papers in front of her.

  “I’ve made a decision,” Leah declared. “It’s what makes the most sense and what I keep coming back to. The three most important things in my life right now.” She counted off on her fingers. “You, this ranch, and Rosie. I suppose I should also say Allison.” Leah began laughing. “Please don’t tell Allison I picked Rosie over her.”

  The look on Luke’s face was priceless. He blinked rapidly and she could have sworn his eyes were shiny with tears. He stood and rounded the table.

  When his heavy arms enveloped her, Leah leaned back. “I want to stay here with you. I love my life and can’t imagine living anywhere else.”


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