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Done For (Their Sub Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Linzi Basset


  “Shh. Untie her legs, please,” he requested and as soon as they were loose, he pressed his hard thigh into the V of her legs. He tilted her hips so that she was riding his leg. “I can feel your heat through my jeans, love. You are, as Sam said, one hot little sub. Do you want to come, my pet?” He asked with a deep tone that soothed the ache in her loins.

  “Yes! Please.”

  “Hm, well, ride my leg, love. Let me see how much you want me to make you come.”

  “No! I want you to fuck me! I don’t want—”

  The sharp look in his eyes silenced her. He exuded confidence, commanding the space surrounding her; not to mention her peaked nipples and her clenching pussy. And all it took was that one glacial look.

  Mitch guided her leg high up over his hip. He pressed his hardening cock against her soft pussy and clit.

  “Is that what you want? My cock inside your clenching pussy?”

  “Only if it’s what you want, but I honestly have to admit it makes me tremble, just thinking of how you would feel inside me.” Shona had to dig deep to find control over her emotions even as the sensations he was eliciting with his rough jeans against her softness threw her high onto a cloud of expectant bliss.

  The pleased glint in his eyes made the effort worthwhile and she instinctively knew that was what he was looking for. Her strength, to accept his control and the power he had over her body and emotions.

  But, damnit. How does he expect me to keep this up? Oh lord, that feels so good.

  “Hm, I’m still waiting for you to show me how much,” he reminded her with an evil grin and pressed his muscled thigh into her crotch.

  Shona gasped, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t resist orbiting her hips and riding him—hard, bucking like a wild filly. She was desperate for a release and with a sob she wrapped her leg around his to gain better leverage.

  “I’m so close! Ohhhh,” she moaned, aware that Mitch was watching her and noticed how her eyes rolled back in their sockets as heat exploded in her chest, rolling downward like a tsunami, preparing her for the hard climax she knew was imminent.

  He didn’t speak, only shifted her little to drag her leg higher over his hip and pressed harder into her. Shona ground her clit against his thigh with a soft whimper. Mitch was enthralled by the expressions on her face. He clamped his hands around her hips and guided her movements against his leg. Her whimpering metamorphosed into despair, echoing around them in a combination of moans and cries.

  “Please, my Master,” she begged in a needy whisper, burying her face in his throat.

  Mitch smiled, delighted that the words ‘my Master’ had fallen so naturally from her lips. He doubted she even realized she’d used them.

  Shona flung her head back. Her body weight rested on her pussy riding his leg. Suddenly, she was on fire. She drove her clit desperately against his hard, muscular leg, feeling the warm pressure building to a painful intensity in her loins.

  And then . . . he was gone.

  “NOOO!” Her scream echoed through the room. Her body shook as she felt the immediate need to climax ebb away slowly, to continue in a painful throb in her lower body.

  “I told you. You’ll only get to climax when I fuck you.”

  “Then fuck me! Damn you, please fuck me!” She’d forgotten her decision to be strong. To show him she could give in to him and withstand his control.

  Mitch went down on his haunches and caressed her labia. She gasped and wailed when he pulled her nether lips apart. He gently pushed his tongue deep inside her, lapping and sucking at her juices. He twirled his tongue around her clit in a tantalizing expression of lust before straightening and turning away.

  She stared at him in shock.

  He’s walking away! How can he not feel what I feel? How can he not want to fuck me as much as I want him to?

  “No. Your pussy isn’t used to so much cock and I want it to remember the feel of mine when I finally fuck you. Untie her, Sam and then take her home.”

  At the door, he turned to bark out the final order, “You will not climax, Shona. When I come to you, I will know if you’ve brought yourself off. Make no mistake, my pet. If you do, it means you failed this test and we will walk away.”

  For the first time, Shona’s mind was blank as she watched him leave.

  * * * * * * * *

  “You’re kidding right? Shona, when have you become so irresponsible? You allowed them to fuck you bareback! How do you know they won’t give you some decease for fuck sake, woman?”

  “Calm down, Chloe. Mitch told me they never had sex without protection and—”

  “And you blindly believed him? Tell me, missy, what are you gonna do if you fall pregnant? Huh? What then?”

  Shona snorted while she tackled the cork of the wine bottle she was battling with. She couldn’t steady her trembling hands. Nor, the constant throb in her lower body.

  “You know I’m on the pill, Chloe and besides, I believed him.”

  “Ah, the pill, of course, is one hundred percent effective? I just don’t—you believed him? Why is that? Because he’s Diana’s brother-in-law or because you know him so well?”

  Shona pressed her lips together. She poured them each a glass of Pinot Noir and handing one to Chloe, walked to the back porch to sink into a patio chair.

  She sighed when she noticed Chloe’s mutinous expression. She wouldn’t let up until Shona said something to make her relax.

  “Mitch is . . . different from any of them. More compelling. He exudes confidence and has this power that just makes me want to please him. It’s the strangest feeling. One, I’ve been trying to explain to myself. I don’t know, Chloe, how he does it to me.”

  “More compelling, more power. Damnit, Shona, he’s a Dom. Obviously he has those qualities. To me, it sounds like you’re completely bowled over. You’ve gone and fallen for him, haven’t you? Just like Diana, you fell in love in a blink of an eye.”

  Shona gulped some wine to find a way to gather her startled thoughts.

  In love? With Mitch? And what about Sam and Jason?

  “Love? I don’t know, Chloe, but I do know he makes me . . . well . . . they make me feel things I’ve only dreamt of. Physically and emotionally. I never imagined that I would submit to this extent to any man. And yet, with Mitch, it comes naturally. I don’t force it; it’s a feeling deep inside me that needs to be fed. You know? Almost like a dragon that’d been asleep for centuries and only just woken up.”

  “Are you listening to yourself, Shona? All I hear is Mitch. How do the other two factor in what you feel?”

  “They do. In some weird way, he filters all his feelings and emotions through them.”

  “Yeah! And that’s what worries me. Is it real? What they make you feel or is it your reaction to Mitch’s compelling nature? Because of what you’ve told me, the woman who committed suicide, couldn’t differentiate. And you’ve said it, Shona. Mitch made it very clear; there is no relationship with just him. It’s all three of them, or nothing.”

  “I’m aware of that, Chloe, but it’s irrelevant anyway.”

  “It is?” Chloe stared at her friend. Concern was sharply etched in the frown that sliced her forehead in two.

  “Yeah. I’d already decided before I went to their penthouse that I’m only going to enjoy some hot sex and then walk away. They live in Tucson, on a farm near Diana’s and if I hook up with them, they expect me to go with them.”

  “You’d give up the bright lights of San Francisco for a farm? Hahaha . . . that’s a joke,” Chloe laughed, relieved when Shona joined in. Yet, her drooping shoulders and bleak eyes told a different story.

  Damnit! I’m gonna lose another friend to a group of Doms.

  “So, what’s the next step? Ah wait, you haven’t fucked him yet. That bastard,” she exclaimed as she remembered the last part of Shona’s tale. “He made them fuck you both ways and still denied you an orgasm? You’ve masturbated since, right? You took
care of—” Her eyes widened at Shona’s expression. “You haven’t? Well, that’s just stupid. Go, grab your Lovehoney mini wand and get to it. I’ll avail myself of some more of this lovely wine.”

  She refilled their glasses and sat back with her feet on the low patio table. Shona didn’t move. Chloe spread her hands in question. Shona squirmed in her seat, trying to find the words to explain her stupidity. She had called herself all sorts of fool over the past two days.

  “I . . . can’t.”

  “You can’t? Why the fuck not?” Chloe sat up to pin her with a disbelieving look.

  “I . . . he . . . shit, Chloe! Because he told me not to climax. That’s why.”

  “Yeah, sure he did, but my dear friend, he’s not here and I won’t tell, I promise. My lips are sealed.”

  “He will know.”

  “He will know?” Chloe repeated after her, flabbergasted. “How?”

  Shona’s hands fluttered in negation. “How the hell should I know? I have no idea how a Dom’s mind works, Chloe. Diana still doesn’t and she’d been with them for months.”

  “So, how does it matter if he does know?”

  “He said it would mean I failed the test and they’ll walk away.”

  Chloe stared at her. The implication of what she’d just admitted wasn’t lost on her, but clearly it was on Shona.

  “And? You just said you’ve decided to walk away.”

  “Yeah, but damn it, Chloe, I haven’t fucked him yet and it’s the one thing I’ve been aching to do since the day I met him.”

  “Ah, that’s the crux of the matter. So, you’re telling me, you are gonna withhold climaxing until he comes to you and fucks you? It’s been two days. Have you heard from him?”

  Shona shook her head. She’d expected Mitch to walk through her door the very next day, but he hadn’t even phoned.

  “Bastard is playing a game with you. Another test. Shona, be careful of this man. He’s dangerous and I wouldn’t want to see your spirit doused by your craving and desire to do everything . . . change, to become what he wants you to.”

  “He doesn’t expect anything but complete sexual submission, Chloe. To him—as the alpha male in the trio.”

  “Alpha male? He’s part of a pack now? Don’t tell me they’re fucking werewolves on top of everything, Shona!”

  Shona peeled with laughter, the first time since she’d met the three men in the restaurant.

  “Pfft, I’m glad you find it so amusing. I worry for you, Shona.”

  “He’s the most powerful of them all, that’s all. Sam and Jason follow his lead, in the dungeon and the moment they are in Dom mode. Don’t get me wrong, they have similar qualities as Kade, but Mitch . . . he’s all powerful and it’s that I want to feed on. I want him to control me through them. I love how vulnerable and powerful it makes me feel at the same time. To know that I am the one who gives it to him. Because, I just realized it now, Chloe—it’s me who drives him. That’s what he wanted me to understand. Although I will always desire and crave his touch, I will accept that he feeds off my reaction to the other two, at his command.” Shona could feel the excitement surging through her at the realization. “And that will make our union, when it eventually happens, so much sweeter.”

  “Ah, fuck. I hate Tucson, Shona!”

  Shona looked at her friend. Chloe had known before she did. Shona had subconsciously made the decision, long before now. If she passed Mitch’s test and they asked her to become theirs, she dreaded her response. Because suddenly, her entire life loomed in a completely different direction she’d ever envisioned it to be.

  “Let’s drink, Chloe. It’s become too much of a doom and gloom afternoon.”

  “You said it, girl. Well, bottoms up. Cheers!”

  Chloe directed their discussion to more general topics and soon their laughter and cheers echoed joyously over the tranquil afternoon.

  Chapter Ten

  “No wonder I have a splitting headache,” Shona mumbled as she threw the three empty bottles of wine she and Chloe had demolished the previous evening in the trash.

  It wasn’t just the hangover from overindulgence in wine that had her head splitting—no, it was also the constant thoughts of Mitch and his conspicuous absence that kept hounding her.

  She sat down at her desk in her study facing the ocean. They were working on a new line for the upcoming season and it was time for her to make some headway with her designs. She made a valiant effort to push thoughts of him to the back of her mind.

  By midday, she had achieved nothing, apart from scattering the floor with a myriad of crumpled up pieces of paper. Nothing she drew met the standard she was aiming for. And she knew why.

  “Mitch Cooper. Damn you for making me feel like this.” she said aloud in the quiet room. “Aagh!” she cried and kicking back her chair, she stomped to the kitchen.

  She stared at the contents of her fridge and slammed it shut. It was useless. She had no appetite. And the fridge never had any answers.

  “Fuck this. I’m going to him. I don’t care about the dynamics of a Dom/sub. I want him and he has to decide whether he wants me too. If I’m not good enough for the three of them, I want to know now. He’s not going to keep me hanging on a thread any longer.”

  Her mind made up, she grabbed her car keys and headed for the door. She yanked it open and froze—as did the man who had just lifted his hand to knock.

  “Going somewhere?” He drawled in that deep voice that caused all her womanly bits to tingle. His lips curved when she squared her shoulders and looked down her nose at him.

  “Yes. To you.”

  “I told you I will come to you, Shona,” he reminded her with a wide grin when she stomped her foot in vexation.

  “Gmph. You took your own sweet time getting here. Did you forget where I live? Did you have to employ another PI to find it for you?”

  He was grinning now. Shona was confused. He looked nothing like the controlling Dom from two days ago. He appeared relaxed and didn’t bother hiding his pleasure at her reaction.

  “We did all the investigation ourselves, love.”

  “Really? What do you want from me? A star on your forehead?”

  “You seem a bit angry, love. Anything I can do to soothe you?”

  Shona narrowed her eyes. “Do not, and I repeat, do not patronize me, Mitch Cooper.” She made a big show of peeking around his shoulder. “Where are your cohorts? Surely you wouldn’t be here to torture me further without them?”

  He laughed! The goddamn man actually laughed in her face. He looked sideways and waved. Her gaze followed his and she emitted a soft moan. Her neighbor was watching with avid interest from her porch.

  “You better come in. I love that old lady to bits but she’s as nosy as they come.”

  She turned and walked to the kitchen, throwing her keys on the counter; she leaned back against it and watched him follow her inside.

  “Nice, cozy little place you have here. Do you own it?”

  “Yes.” Shona didn’t understand the change in him. She’d expected to find the overbearing Dom to arrive on her doorstep, order her to strip and fuck her blind. And yet, here they were, in her kitchen, making small talk.

  Oh no. Was he here to tell me off? That they don’t want me?

  Her expression must have portrayed her thoughts because he smiled gently.

  “Don’t bark at the wrong tree, love. Those two will have my balls if I go back without you.”

  “Without me? What are you talking about?” She sighed when he just continued to look at her. “What are you doing here, Mitch? Are you here to check if I followed your orders?”

  He stepped closer to cup her cheeks in his hands. “You have, Shona.”

  “Oh, pfft! How would you know?”

  “Because I can smell you and I can see it in your eyes—the desperation, the need to find a release and of course, to fuck me.”

  “Ah, yes! There he is. The sadistic Dom, the bastard, who has made me suffer
for two days. Two fucking days, Mitch! How could you do that to me? When you know!”

  His body became as taught as a bow, his eyes darkened as he looked into hers.

  “When I know what, my pet?”

  A tiny sob escaped her lips. “When you know how much I want you. And I do, more than just to be fucked blind and lose myself in your control. I want to soothe your aches and pains, those deep inside your soul and I want to look into your eyes and see how much you want me too. I want to be surrounded by Sam and Jason, watching you, knowing that my reaction to you, through them, makes you proud of me.”

  His eyes brightened, his lips spread in the most beautiful smile she’d ever seen.

  “Yes, my Master, I get it now,” she whispered against his lips. “I want to give myself to you, knowing that you will always keep me safe and treasure my desire to please you, with more than just my body. I want to offer you my trust, my passion, my lust and . . . my love. I will come to love Sam and Jason too. Because without them, I know I can never bring you to fulfillment, but with them, oh my love, we will soar.”

  Shona shrieked when she was caught in his arms suddenly. He carried her down the hallway. She didn’t question his knowledge of her house when he found the bedroom without any directions. Not when he disposed of their clothes like a magician. One moment they were dressed, the next he was lowering their naked bodies to the bed.

  “Yes, sweet Shona, you get it. And now, my love, let’s seal your beautiful promise,” he murmured at her throat, nibbling and kissing the soft skin, finding all the spots that made her moan and wriggle in his arms. She froze and gazed at him questioningly, remembering his order in the dungeon that she wasn’t allowed to move while the other two teased her.

  “Never hide your reactions from me when we’re alone like this, love. Go wild; break free of everything you’ve ever been told about making love. I want to see every sensation you feel. I want to watch your body go out of control and baby, right now, you’re about to lose all of it.”


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