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The Chalice (Luna Vampire Series)

Page 15

by Christine Asher

  Not good, I hadn't realized my activities could bring dear old daddy in our direction. Damn. "Okay, I see your point. And, maybe, well, maybe I messed up. Either way, I'll discuss stuff with you guys first next time." Stopping to survey the pair, I was relieved to see their tension easing. "Consequences aside, we have to deal with this. And, seeing that it's dark now, let's use the car to drive into Kansas City. Once there, we can get a hotel and reevaluate things. We can dump the car in another part of town and the city's large enough that, if we check in under a fake name, we'll be able to hide for several days."

  "I like that idea," Amelia agreed, smiling tenuously. "Room service food sounds wonderful."

  Lucien nodded. "Yes, it'll work. I think we should stay in the Missouri side of the city, assuming that the person behind the assassination attempt isn't from sector three. It'll make finding you more of a challenge, since the other vamps will need to obtain Lord Eric's permission in order to enter his territory."

  "Unless they discover where I am and hunt me down without it," I interjected skeptically. "C'mon, why would they abide by the rules in this instance when they blatantly broke them in the king's own home?"

  "Trespassing on another vampire's lands is an overt act," Lucien reasoned. "Moreover, it's grounds for war. On the other hand, sending a human to assassinate you can be hidden and the punishment's likely to only result in the death of the assassin. You're correct, though, whoever is after you might ignore traditional vampire protocol."

  "Whatever, I guess Missouri's fine with me. Truthfully, I don't care where we stay as long as it's not this torturous icebox." For real, the ditch sucked. Despite being back for less than an hour, my lumbar area was already beginning to throb.

  Once they'd both agreed, we slowly crawled from the culvert into the starlit night. I'd parked the car on a gravel road a short hike away, hoping it'd be less conspicuous than the shoulder of the interstate. Schlepping along, each of us were absorbed in our own wordless uncertainty, until the shiny black paint job and the dark tinted windows came into view.

  "Nice ride," Amelia mused in an effort at breaking the awkward silence.

  "Yeah," Lucien quipped, curling his lips into a sneer. "I hope it doesn't have LoJack."

  "Oh, quit being so negative!" Totally annoyed by his attitude, I resentfully punched at the remote on the key ring and unlocked the doors. "Get in, I'm driving."

  "Sorry," he replied in a slightly brighter tone as he marched around to ride shotgun.

  Abstaining from our squabble, Amelia quietly arranged herself in the back seat, immediately noticing the briefcase. "Is this the cash?" she asked, tapping her fingers on the top of its leather exterior.

  Slamming my door shut, I glanced at her through the rearview mirror. "Yep, you can count it while we drive, if you want."

  "Okay, that way we'll know what your life's worth," she chided. However, when I didn't reply, she nervously added, "Just trying to make light of the situation, sorry." Then she popped open the briefcase's latch and started counting.

  As we drove, the only sound came from the shuffling of money. Sadly, I'd figured we'd be having a ball by this point. I'd solved several of our major problems. And, sure, I get it that they oppose my methods, but they still should've given me a teensy bit of credit. At least I'd acted proactively...

  "You're appreciated and loved," Lucien thought to me, obviously overhearing my private contemplations. He also sent along a vision of him squeezing me into a bear hug.

  "Seriously, you're becoming as bad about invading my mind as, well, uh, the guy I'm not gonna name. Mister sector six," I responded testily. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Lucien's sentiment. Nonetheless, sometimes a girl needs to vent without receiving commentary from the peanut gallery.

  He sniggered faintly. "I apologize, girlie. In the future, I'll attempt to keep my ruminations to myself."

  "So, um, can you hear all my thoughts?"

  "Mostly, although, with effort I can ignore you."

  God, at least I could keep sector six at bay by avoiding speaking or thinking his name. "Is it normally like this between maker and makee?"

  "I've never heard of a connection so intense. It's your power, Luna. It bleeds through our bond."

  Sighing, I slumped forward slightly, not knowing how to respond. Luckily, I didn't really need to because we'd finally reached our destination, the Hyatt Regency at crown center. And, yeah, I chose some posh digs. But why not? I'd just robbed a bank for god's sake. If there ever was a time to live a little...

  "We have eighteen thousand, five hundred and sixty dollars," Amelia announced with a loud snap of the briefcase's hinges.

  "Enough to stay here!" I bubbled, parking us in the loading zone at the main doors. "See, aren't you glad we've got cash? No more sleeping in the cold, no more driving rickety old trucks..."

  "Yes, it's much better," Amelia replied, meeting my eyes in the rearview mirror. "That being said, if Tsedaka catches us, I'll wish we were still in the gutter. I wouldn't trade your life for all the luxuries in the world."

  Lucien leaned over and squeezed my hand. "Neither would I, girlie. Nevertheless, I do agree that this is a welcomed improvement from the drainage ditch."

  "Good. Now, I don't have a driver's license to check in with, but I think I can push the illusion of one into the front desk attendant's head. If not, I'll grease the wheels with a pile of the green stuff." Pausing, I reached into the back seat and grabbed hold of the briefcase. "You guys should wait in the car. If my plan goes wrong, we'll need to blaze out of here."

  "I'd prefer accompanying you," Lucien remarked. "However, they're searching for three of us which means that you going in alone may be the more prudent option. Plus, I'll be capable of monitoring your progress mind to mind and, if anything happens..."

  "Oh, it'll be fine. I can always stop the flow as a backup."

  Then, on the heels of my cohorts hesitantly wishing me luck, I sauntered into the warm lobby. I'd forever dreamed of staying in a fancy schmancy hotel, complete with bellhops and butt-kissing. All things considered, though, I'd never had the money to do it. I can't believe I actually robbed a bank, a freaking bank! Some vampire stuff was pretty damn cool! It'd be a virtually flawless life if not for the eavesdroppers, the blood cravings, and the need to hide from assholes like Tsedaka.

  Fortunately, everything went as expected at the front desk. I told the check-in woman my name was Sandy Smith, nice and normal sounding, supplying her with a vision of my driver's license in corroboration. And, within minutes, she'd handed me keys to the presidential suite and even put my fictitious credit card on file for incidentals.

  I had so much control over the woman that, although I paid, it wasn't a necessity. I could've easily lied to the her about, well, essentially anything, and she would've accepted it as truth. I'd have to watch myself carefully with this ability. It was unfair to steal another person's free will. In emergencies, yes. For fun, no.

  The ramifications of vamp power abuse notwithstanding, my emotions were riding high as I approached the car. "I did it!" I exclaimed as my cohorts jumped out with worry lining their faces. "C'mon guys, no more nail-biting. I landed us a room, easy as pie. Just breathe."

  "I'll find time for that when we're safe," Lucien grumbled. "For the moment, you should go inside with Amelia. I'll lose the car and rejoin you once I'm finished."

  Reluctantly, I handed him a plastic key card, not looking forward to the muddled feelings that would inevitably be caused by our separation. "Are you sure? I could get her settled and come with you?"

  "No, it's best for you to remain in the room," he cautioned, snatching the car keys from my grasp. "They might've distributed your picture. We've got no way of knowing for certain. And quit stressing, girlie, I'll be back in a flash."

  "Well, be careful then," I grunted, trying to act unconcerned as I about-faced and strode toward the hotel's entrance.

  Amelia followed and before I knew it, we'd taken the elevator to the top floor where we
found our extravagant set of rooms. A black baby grand piano was an ostentatious centerpiece to the living area, surrounded by swanky red and gold furniture. Large floor to ceiling windows, providing a spectacular view of the night sky and the city lights, covered the far wall. To the right and left, there were doors leading to bedrooms with fluffy beds, flat screen TV's, and private Jacuzzi tubbed bathrooms. It sorta reminded me of high court except it lacked the goth vampire vibe.

  Collapsing onto my bed, I allowed the soft comforter and hand-embroidered pillows to absorb my weight, closing my eyes in relief. Thank god! I'm gonna sleep good tonight! After a few seconds, I looked up and noticed Amelia's uneasy stance in my doorway. "You can order a snack from room service," I reassured. "You gotta be starving. The woman at the front desk said the menu's over here, on the bedside table."

  Tentatively, she approached and retrieved the menu. Several minutes of studying it later, she picked up the phone that was conveniently positioned beside it. "You want me to order you food as well?"

  Completely ravenous, I readily agreed. Even so, I highly doubted food would satiate the severity of my needs. Sigh. "Um, yeah, a hamburger, a large Mountain Dew, and their most chocolatey dessert. Also, remember to order extra for Lucien. He'll have to eat as well."

  With this in mind, she called in our order and then flopped onto the corner of the bed when she'd finished. "Luna," she mumbled, scrunching her button nose nervously. "I'm unsure how to say this, um, or if I should say this..."

  "Look, I want you to speak openly. I won't be offended, no matter the topic." For real, would I ever understand the girl? Sometimes she'd complain and disagree; other times she'd go all sheepish and scared.

  "Well, I can see how close you and Lucien have become since his change," she began, inspecting me intently with her scared eyes. "And it's to be expected, but you must keep it in perspective." Timidly, she glanced down at her lap. "It's merely that, oh god, I shouldn't." Abruptly halting, she waved her hands emphatically in the air while her freckled cheeks grew bright red.

  "Come on, spit it out," I huffed. Dealing with her apprehensiveness was frustrating as hell. What'd she think I'd do, beat her? As if! I wasn't creepy old Tsedaka.

  "Sorry, Luna, I'm confused because I promised Lord Ad..."

  "Nope, don't say it," I interrupted, not permitting her to finish. "Don't speak his name. I'm not giving him the chance to barge in on me again, not today. And, seeing that we both comprehend who you're referring to, go ahead, continue. Just avoid using his name."

  "Okay, well, I promised, um, him I wouldn't tell you."

  Oh, I liked the sound of this. I was gonna get some dirt. "Listen, you're sworn to me above him, right?"


  "Then I order you to tell me. So, it's not your fault; you have no choice."

  She smiled appreciatively, her tension visibly decreasing. "That does help a bit. Still, I wonder if you'll be upset with me." She paused, making eye contact with me again. "You see, according to the prophecy you are to be Lord, um, his, mate. So, obviously, growing any closer to Lucien will be problematic."

  "What?" Talk about being caught off guard, jesus. "His mate? Like one of those hideous prearranged marriages?"

  "No, it's your destiny. Only the nameless one's closest friends and family are told of the prophecy. You see, Lucien and I were raised within his personal household. Therefore, we were privy to the information."

  Hmm. I remembered mister sector six describing our futures as inextricably intertwined during our telepathic encounter yesterday. At the time, though, I'd blown it off as subterfuge and manipulation. He must've been serious. Damn. "I need more information," I eventually groaned, head spinning at the news. "Explain the prophecy to me."

  "His seer, Michel de Nostredame, envisioned the mating shortly after your birth."

  Michel de Nostredame? Interesting. Tsedaka'd told me his prophet's name was Michel, must be the same guy. Beyond that, he seemed familiar for some other reason. "I think I recognize the name, but I can't quite put my finger where..."

  She giggled daintily, interrupting me. "Oh yes, I'm sure you've heard of him. He's more commonly known as Nostradamus."

  "You're kidding! Nostradamus is his private seer?" No wonder everybody believed the prophecies. He'd predicted all sorts of world events. The gulf wars. 9-11. "Didn't he supposedly die in the 1500s?"

  "Yes and no. It's standard practice for made vampires to publicly fake the deaths of their human lives. You see, Michel was the first vampire Lord, um, the one we can't name, ever turned. Back in the day, Michel practiced medicine and he treated many of Lord, uh, his human slaves for the plague. As payment, the nameless one visited Michel's deathbed..." She faltered, catching hold of my hand as her face grew solemn. "So, uh, now that you're aware of the prophecy, you must realize that he wouldn't have sent the assassin. You should also see that developing more feelings for Lucien is a horrible mistake."

  "You're correct, in some respects. I mean, if mister sector six believes I'm his future mate, he probably wasn't behind my attack. Nonetheless, I still don't trust him." He'd hidden his true intentions, claiming to be around to help for helping's sake alone when he'd actually had ulterior motives. Why lie? It didn't add up. "And, Lucien, well, we're just friends. We've gotten close, but it's not romantic." So far, anyway.

  And, to be honest, I was undecided over whether or not I even wanted more to come of my strange connection with Lucien. Regardless, I certainly liked keeping my options open. A prophecy is simply that, a prediction. It's not reality, yet. My choices are what's gonna shape my future, not a stupid seer's words...

  Chapter 17

  Stretching and yawning, I opened my eyes to see Lucien sound asleep at my side. Last night he'd returned ragged from ditching the car, obviously exhausted from days without blood. After scarfing a handful of fries off the room service cart, he'd collapsed onto my bed, refusing to leave me alone for safety reasons. And I didn't complain. Honestly, I felt more at ease having him nearby.

  I also neglected to bring up my conversation with Amelia regarding the prophecy. He probably already knew anyway; he'd most likely perceived my mixed emotions when I heard of my destiny from her in the first place. Still, I tried to fall asleep as soon as he got back in order to dodge his psychic eavesdropping. I'd rather discuss it with him later, once I finished sifting through everything. Having his thoughts in the mix would just confuse me worse.

  For now, I needed to uncover the truth. I was drawn toward him, similar to crushing on a cute guy. And, of course, I found him attractive. His lips were especially yummy. At the moment, they were slightly parted, as if waiting for a kiss. Compounding the whole mess, was the fact that he seemed to mirror my affections.

  Regardless, I was unsure whether our bond created the feelings or if they were from a real attraction. Also, since he ultimately had to follow all my orders, wouldn't dating him be sort of taking advantage? And what about the prophecy? What if it truly described my destiny? Frustrating, absolutely frustrating.

  And poor, sweet Amelia. Last night, when Lucien arrived, she was already asleep in her own room at the opposite end of the suite. After we finished dinner, the anemic thing almost passed out sitting up. Her body was trembling from fatigue so badly that I basically had to carry her to bed. God, I hoped she felt better today. I needed blood, not crappy human food. Don't get me wrong, normal food tasted freaking awesome. I loved yesterday's hamburger and especially enjoyed the slice of double fudge cake, yet the combination of carbs and protein hardly gave me an energy boost.

  All the feeding stuff totally sucked. Seriously, why didn't the alien beings who created this curse of a genetic modification make it so we could drink bagged blood? Why'd it have to be this complicated? Out of nowhere, my stomach growled and, in turn, Lucien began to stir. Damn, he was waking up. No more private solace, welcome to the fun world of telepathy.

  As if on cue, he slid his hand beneath the layers of crumpled sheets, found my belly, and started t
ickling me playfully. "Jeeze, girlie, your stomach's rumbling louder than a freight train."

  Instantly, I burst into laughter. Giggling up a storm and wriggling away from him, I simultaneously struggled to keep my shirt in place. You see, before bed, I'd abandoned my dirt encrusted jeans and socks, preferring comfort over modesty. And, besides, I worked as a stripper for god's sake. How modest did I actually need to be? Every guy in Topeka Kansas'd seen me naked; it didn't matter if Lucien saw me in a shirt and panties. Big deal. Nonetheless, if Amelia found out, she'd assume it meant he and I were growing closer. And that I'd ignored her advice.

  A few minutes with his tenacious fingers later, I finally gave in and begged for a reprieve. "Can't breathe! For real, I might..."

  "You deserve this, you made too much noise!" he snickered, digging his hands in deeper.

  "No more!" I wailed, cackling harder. "Stop! Please!"

  Immediately, his demeanor sobered and he released me. "Now, why'd you have to go and be such a spoilsport?" he grumped, batting his thickly lashed eyes at me wistfully.

  Although my ribs ached from laughter, I felt awful for inadvertently forcing him to quit. Controlling another person's will was a strange thing. I mean, everybody objects to being tickled. Half the fun's that the tickler's in charge of the onslaught. I hated holding this kind of power over him. "I'm sorry, Lucien, I didn't intend on giving you an order. I only wanted you to ease up a bit."

  A reassuring smile warmed his face. "I'm just teasing, girlie, no worries."

  Apparently, he was unbothered by my control. But me, well, I freaking hated it. Seriously, would I ever adjust to the intricacies of vampire life? Nope, probably not. Sigh. Uncomfortably, I glanced at the heavy green draperies that ensconced the floor to ceiling windows of my room, desperately looking for a change of subject. "So, um, the light that's coming in around the edges isn't hurting you?"


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