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Safe Haven

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

“Captain Walker,” he says, looking at me with a serious expression, “I don’t know if you are open to the idea or not, but I would like to invite you to a BDSM club we frequent. You would only come as an observer, but I think you will find what you need there.”

  I scoff harshly, “And what do I need?”


  It feels as if I have been hit in the chest, having given up hope of that long ago.

  “You will find acceptance on a level you do not normally find,” Ena assures me.

  I respectfully decline the offer. However, Gallant is a stubborn man and persists. “Come with me once. See what’s possible. If you don’t care for it, I will never ask again.”

  The idea of having a woman desire my touch is a powerful incentive. Although skeptical, I eventually agree to it.

  “Excellent. We’ll pick you up at seven.”


  “You always did tell your men that putting things off is for the undecided. Are you undecided?”

  I’m slightly irritated to have my words used against me, but I stand behind their truth and answer, “Seven it is, then.”

  I find The Haven to be an interesting experience. The club itself has a large gathering area in the middle with a crowd of people milling about. Along the peripheral walls are numerous alcoves, each with its own theme and equipment.

  What I find most surprising is the openness with which these people express their sexuality. It is unlike anything I’ve seen before. Many of the women are either naked or dressed in clothes meant to entice.

  More notably, they all seem confident in their own skin—which I find highly attractive. I can’t help but be turned on, having been alone for so long, and my libido only intensifies when some of the women I pass return my gaze with interest rather than disgust.

  As I watch the different scenes play out in each of the alcoves, I find that bondage appeals to me. Yet, there seems to be something missing.

  I do not find the whipping and impact sessions erotic, although I appreciate the passionate cries coming from the submissives receiving the attention—their obvious enjoyment is quite stimulating.

  However, it isn’t until I see a couple playing out what Gallant informs me is pony play that I begin to get interested. The submissive is dressed in an elaborate costume, with a long tail flowing down her shapely ass and a black leather corset that accentuates her curves. She wears a bit in her mouth, with a harness and blinders. When the Dom places a large plume of feathers on her head as decoration, she instantly transforms into a beautiful show horse.

  Her Dom connects a lead to the harness and starts her moving around him in a circle, directing her gait with clicks of his tongue. He treats her like a treasured pet, and I find the dynamic between them exciting.

  Gallant notices my interest and informs me, “There are many different types of pet play, from puppy and kitten, to fox, bunny, and even cow.”

  I’m slightly unnerved to discover that this is where my interests lie, but I am encouraged by the fact that others share this kink.

  “It makes perfect sense to me,” Gallant says, picking up on my discomfort. “You were always supportive and nurturing toward the men under your charge. Those traits don’t disappear simply because you’re no longer part of the Army.”

  I watch the submissive proudly prancing in front of her owner, intent on pleasing him as he lightly smacks her with a riding crop to pick up her gait. The way she delights in him rewarding her with praise stirs something profound in me.

  I leave The Haven having been deeply affected by the night’s events. For the first time since that day on the battlefield, I feel a spark of life.

  In the weeks that follow, I visit Gallant after hours and he teaches me how to be a Dominant. Never in a million years would I have ever dreamed this would be the direction my life would take, but I am grateful for his expertise and natural teaching ability.

  There comes a point when he claims I’m ready to scene on my own and mentions that he has a student in mind for my first solo experience. “Her name is Brianna Bennett. She’s the top student in my class and I’m certain you two would be a good match for each other. Miss Bennet will benefit from an introduction to pet play in preparation for the curriculum we have set for next week.”

  I’m concerned and ask, “This is not a kink of hers?”

  “She cannot say until she experiences it. You must understand, as staff at the Submissive Training Center, we seek to challenge our students so they will have a wealth of experiences to draw from.”

  “What about my physical condition?” I ask, needing to be blunt. “I am unwilling to couple with a woman who finds me repulsive.”

  Gallant smiles. “Miss Bennett responds to a man’s Dominant nature far more than his looks. That became apparent to the trainers the first day of class. As I said before, I believe this would be a good opportunity for you both.”

  However, I am not convinced and tell him, “It is one thing to contemplate scening on my own, but quite another to actually go through with it.”

  Gallant clasps me on the shoulder. “Agreed. And that time has come, Captain.”

  I go to the Submissive Training Center, prepared to bid for a woman who is voluntarily gifting her submission to another while gaining nothing other than the experience.

  I glance over at Gallant, who has come to witness the auction. He nods his head confidently; still certain we make a good match.

  I have taken a few precautions for our first meeting, needing to assure myself that this is what Miss Bennett truly wants. I cannot endure a look of revulsion nor do I want her to suffer if my appearance proves too much for her.

  To start, I have her blindfolded before the auction begins.

  After a spirited bidding war, I go to collect her from the stage. Without saying a word, I lead her down the hallway to the room Gallant has reserved. As we walk together, I take the opportunity to look her over. She’s comely, with nice curves and long brown hair. Although I prefer blondes, I find her exceptionally attractive.

  I take her to the room and leave her there, shutting the door behind me. Inside I have left instructions for her to follow, as well as an outfit I have chosen for the evening.

  Heading to the bar at the hotel where I’ve reserved a room, I sit and wait in the corner. Twenty minutes later, Miss Bennett enters the barroom wearing the little black dress and the red rose tucked into her hair, just as I have instructed.

  She looks exquisite in that dress and men at the bar take notice as she takes a seat. The bartender has been instructed to give her my gift, and he hands her the small box.

  I watch with interest as Miss Bennett opens it and takes out the delicate silver chain. She reads the note inside, which states she is to wear the bracelet signifying her acceptance of the chain that binds her to me for the evening.

  I watch with satisfaction as she puts it on her wrist. She looks around, wondering if I am there.

  I continue to wait.

  Soon, an attractive man approaches and begins talking to her. I move closer, wanting to hear what’s being said between them.

  “The flower is a nice touch,” the man states.

  Brie touches the rose in her hair and replies, “It is beautiful. Thank you.”

  I know by her answer that she thinks he is her Dom, and I wonder how this will play out.

  “What should I call you?” she asks him.

  The man grins, telling her his name and asking her if she wants to leave.

  She agrees shyly, still unaware she is talking to the wrong man.

  It’s obvious the guy can’t believe his luck and is anxious to fuck her when he says, “Don’t bother finishing that drink.”

  I move in when I see her start to stand and place my hand on her shoulder, commanding her to remain seated.

  I feel her tremble under my hand.

  The man puffs out his chest. “Look, buddy. You get your hands off the girl. She’s coming with me.”

/>   “No, she is not. Ask her.”

  Worried that he is about to lose her to me, the man tells Brie, “Give me the word and I’ll be happy to deck this guy.”

  I am encouraged when she replies, “I’m sorry…this man is my blind date.”

  “This freak is your date?” he growls angrily.

  I expect Miss Bennett to turn around, wanting to see what I look like based on his response, but she tells him firmly, “It would be best if you leave now.”

  “I concur,” I tell him with a smirk. “Your presence is not welcomed. Please leave.”

  The man cannot believe he’s about to lose this beautiful woman to the likes of me and cries out in disbelief, “You can’t be serious! You’d rather go out with this sideshow act than me?”

  Brie bows her head, ignoring him.

  I take her hand and guide her out of the bar, feeling great satisfaction as I listen to the man cursing behind me.

  Miss Bennett instantly apologizes, her eyes still cast down.

  “I found it amusing, or I wouldn’t have let it continue,” I tell her. I turn Brie, so she is facing me, and command, “Look at me.”

  I wait to see a hint of revulsion on her face and am ready to end the evening, sparing us both a miserable night.

  Her gaze slowly travels from my torso up to my face, and I watch as she studies the severe scars on my face with curiosity.

  Before she can ask, I tell her, “Injury. You will not speak of it.”

  She accepts my answer and asks, “What shall I call you?”

  “What my men did. Captain.”

  “Yes, Captain,” she replies, smiling warmly.

  Gallant was correct. She appears to be a good fit, so I guide her to the elevator and tell her as we wait, “The cretin was correct. The flower is a nice touch. You look lovely, pet.”

  Her smile widens, and she thanks me for the clothes and bracelet.

  Wanting to be clear on how the night will play out, I explain, “I like my pets to wear a reminder of their position.”

  “It is beautifully effective, Captain.”

  Her answer pleases me.

  I walk her into the hotel room and immediately take charge, unzipping her dress and watching it slip from her body and down to the floor. It leaves her wearing only stockings, shoes and a bra. I’m impatient to see her naked chest and remove the bra next. Her breasts are full and inviting and, as her Master, I have the liberty of playing with them until she is wet with need.

  I kiss her shoulder lightly before kneeling to attach a metal cuff to her ankle. “You will remain chained to the bed for the duration of our time together.”

  I take off my shirt and am aware of her stare as she takes in the many shrapnel scars that cover my chest. I am unprepared when she asks, “May I kiss them, Captain?”

  Not emotionally equipped for such a request, I respond defensively, telling her I would have preferred the blonde at the auction. It is unkind, but the reaction comes out of shock. I refuse to be vulnerable with this girl.

  She doesn’t get upset. Instead, she replies in a solemn tone, “I have found that the outer shell doesn’t matter much.”

  I choke up, surprised to have this young woman remind me what I already know to be true—and I feel ashamed. “Touché.”

  I pat my knee and tell her to kneel at my feet.

  I spend the evening petting her hair and handfeeding her from my plate, enjoying the freedom to pamper the young woman in this way. Eventually, however, my need to possess her body wins out.

  Being a long time since slipping my cock into a woman, I do not hold back, pounding her long and hard until she orgasms.

  She enjoys the roughness of my unbridled passion, crying out, “O Captain, my Captain!” as I come. I give her a well-deserved slap on the ass for being so cheeky after I climax, then lie on top of her and feel the welcomed caress of her pussy as she comes around my cock after being thoroughly fucked.

  Afterward, I roll off and lie beside her.

  I have not felt like a man in a long time and I am grateful to this beautiful submissive. Her honest joy in bringing me pleasure has opened me up enough to be vulnerable to her.

  “You may lick them,” I tell her quietly.

  She smiles as she gets on all fours and tenderly ministers to each scar. The gesture is overwhelming, and I say nothing, but I covet the healing power of her gentle caresses.

  When she leaves to go back to the Training Center for debriefing with her peers, I get out the evaluation form and fill it out while my feelings are still fresh.

  Trusted her instincts in lieu of her Master’s wishes. In my case, it was exactly what I needed. Truly a beauty in mind and spirit.

  After my encounter with Miss Bennett, I begin exploring my dominant needs more seriously at The Haven. I find that the power exchange between a Dominant and a submissive is highly addictive.

  Since the dynamic does not require an emotional connection, I do not have to concern myself with the unwanted strings that come with commitment. It is a mutually safe environment for both parties involved. As my reputation grows, I find more and more subs asking to scene with me, despite my looks and age.

  When Gallant calls a few months later with another auction, I tell him with all honesty that I’m not interested. “I’m doing well enough on my own.”

  “But, Captain, this wouldn’t be for your benefit. The girl needs you.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “Her fantasy is one she’s never experienced herself, but it is the reason she sought out BDSM to begin with.”

  “And that is?”

  “I cannot share with you unless you intend to bid for her.”

  “Surely, you could ask other Doms with far more experience than me.”

  “I could, but she’s a special case. She needs someone with your nurturing and supportive nature.”

  “I think you’re giving me more credit than I deserve.”

  “Once you read her fantasy, I know you will agree,” he insists.

  When I remain unconvinced, he asks me, “Is it the auction price?”

  “No,” I laugh. “I have plenty in the bank. Remember, I don’t have a family to support, and I’m a man with simple needs.”

  Even though I doubt I am the right man, Gallant is not someone to ask frivolously, so I agree to attend the auction and make a bid for his sake. However, I do not plan to win.

  Once I receive the girl’s fantasy from the Training Center, I understand why Gallant has been so adamant. The scene she’s written in her fantasy journal is one I am destined to play out. As I read about her desires on the page, I already have in mind how I will set up the initial meeting…

  On the day of the auction, I stand in the back and look over the other Doms in attendance while a slip of a girl wearing a blindfold is escorted onto the stage.

  She looks so fragile up there that I begin to have doubts.

  “Miss Cox is twenty, currently working as a waitress in LA, but plans to continue her bachelor’s degree in marketing. Her trainers describe her as shy but pliable.”

  I see her lick her lips nervously, and a profound need to protect this woman overtakes me as I watch the other Doms stare at her with lust. I do not know their intentions, but I am certain of mine, so I start with a high bid.

  The bidding quickly escalates as a muscle-bound Dom decides he must have her. I will not allow it and raise my bid to nine hundred, looking over at him with a confident smile.

  He increases his bid by another hundred, but I immediately follow suit and he shakes his head, unable to match it.

  “Going once…going twice…sold to the man in the back.”

  The losing Dom glares at me as I make my way to the stage. As I pass by, he says under his breath, “She deserves better than you.”

  I look at him and say nothing. While he may be right, I’m certain I am a hell of a better match for her than he is.

  I walk up the stairs to the stage, looking at her more closely a
s I approach. She has an elfin quality about her—petite, with gossamer hair, pink lips, and an air of innocence I find charming. I lead her off the stage with my hand resting on her back, guiding her to the private room.

  Just as I had with Miss Bennett, I leave her there and shut the door. There, she will find a card with a set of instructions, along with the outfit I have picked out for her to wear.

  I prefer starting these auction encounters this way, since I am unfamiliar with the submissives. It allows me to observe them while they don’t know I’m watching.

  I leave the Center, holding her gift in my hand. Now, it’s up to Miss Cox to decide how the rest of this evening will go…

  First Auction


  I feel nervous when I hear the door shut behind me.

  Wondering if the Dom who won the auction will return, I wait for several minutes before finally untying my blindfold.

  I squeal with joy when I see a beautiful floral dress and pretty pink shoes laid out for me. Whoever this mystery Dom is, he has a romantic heart.

  I notice an envelope with my name on it, and I pick it up to read the contents.

  Get dressed for me and take the cab that is waiting for you outside.

  You are to enter the pet store and wait for me by the kittens for sale.

  I can barely contain my excitement, charmed by the idea of meeting him at a pet shop to begin our time together. After I get dressed in the adorable outfit, the cabbie takes me to a pet shop across town.

  I walk into the shop and head directly to the penned area where the kittens are playing on a multi-layered cat structure. I love watching them, and I giggle when one of the kittens takes a flying leap but misses, tumbling to the ground.

  From behind me, I hear a low chuckle. “He has an ambitious spirit.”

  I know it must be my mystery Dom and turn around slowly. The older gentleman wears an eyepatch and half his face is scarred, but my breath actually catches when our eyes meet. The intensity of his gaze captivates me, and I am reminded of Ethan.

  “Miss Cox?”

  I smile. “Mystery Dom?”

  He nods. The intense green of his good eye is a color I have never seen before, and I can’t stop staring.


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