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Safe Haven

Page 17

by Red Phoenix

  “I left you.”

  “Because you love me.”

  I shake my head.

  She just smiles and leans forward, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.

  That simple kiss unravels me—nothing could keep me from kissing her back. The passionate feelings from the night before ignites as I grasp the back of her neck and kiss her more deeply. Candy melts into my embrace, her lips soft and supple. When she makes a mewing sound, I am completely undone.

  “I need you, Captain.”

  Her words chip away at the last of my resolve, but I gather my senses and fight against it. “We shouldn’t. You should go.”

  Candy’s smile widens. She is unlike any other woman I’ve ever known. Her sureness in the face of my outward opposition is inspiring.

  “Let’s finish what we started,” she murmurs alluringly, looking down at the floor as she waits for my answer.

  She has left it up to me to decide, but she must know what that kiss has done to me. I’m unable to walk away from her now.


  Candy gazes up, her eyes luminous with desire. I kiss her again, lifting her up in my arms and carrying her to my bedroom. Although I have a great need for her, I undress her slowly, wanting to make love to her body, rather than just claim it.

  “Oh, Captain,” she moans as I settle between her legs and begin licking and teasing her clit. Everything about her body is alluring. Her tiny frame, her taste, those perky nipples, and that playful smile. I feel as if she was specially designed for me as I explore her body—kissing, licking, and teasing her with my mouth.

  Soon, however, she begs me to take her. After last night’s encounter, I have no power to resist those wishes. I reach over to my nightstand for a condom.

  “Let me,” she says, taking the package from me. With a seductive smile, she rips it open with her teeth. I take satisfaction in watching her slowly slip the rubber sheath down over my cock.

  I hold her tiny body in my arms and kiss her deeply as I push my cock against her wet opening. There is no full and sudden thrust.

  No, I make slow, passionate love to this extraordinary woman.

  She stares up at me with a look I haven’t seen before—the feeling it evokes is so strong tears well up in my eye. I have never been so affected.

  Rather than using my cock for our mutual pleasure, I bond with Candy in a way I have never bonded with another soul.

  Afterward, Candy lays her head on my chest, making a purring sound. “I never knew I could feel this way again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I feel safe and cherished like I did with Ethan.”

  I smile, grateful I can provide her that comfort. “I’m glad your first love showered you with the love and care you deserve.”

  She looks up at me. “What was your first love like, Captain?”

  “It didn’t end well, but it was sweet while it lasted.”

  “What happened?” Candy asks, sounding concerned.

  I shrug, keeping my answer short. “Dear John letter.”

  “No!” she protests. “That’s so heartless.”

  I stroke her soft hair. There was a time when those memories hurt, but I’ve been through too much since to feel any pain about it now. “I only hope she found what she was looking for.”

  “You are far kinder than I am,” Candy confesses.

  “Not so. I’m just a lot older, and age tends to give a person a different perspective.”

  Candy lays her head back down on my chest, sighing contentedly. “I love you.”

  The minute the words escape her lips, I feel a twisting in my gut. Not because I don’t feel the same way, but because I cannot voice those feelings to her.

  I know if I were to make that mistake, Candy would grab on to it, sacrificing her future for me. I cannot let her do that. I smile down at Candy, continuing to stroke her hair as I imagine her as a mother and, much later, playing with her grandchildren.

  That is her future—not mine.

  She runs her fingers over my arm in a gentle caress, then turns my hand to stare at my wrist. Curious, she takes a closer look. “All this time, I thought this was some kind of birthmark.” She smiles up at me. “But it’s a cluster of grapes.”

  I look at the tattoo on my wrist and feel a stab of pain. I take a moment before replying. “It’s in honor of a buddy.”

  Candy caresses the area with her finger. “He must have been important to you.”

  “He and I went through a lot together,” I answer in a strained voice.

  “What was his name?”

  I pull my hand away. “No.”

  Candy looks at me with compassion. “It’s okay. I understand if you don’t want to talk. You’re safe with me.”

  Her last words echo in my head as we lie there in silence. Finally, I share, “A part of me died that day.”

  She nods. “I felt like I died the day Ethan was killed.”

  “In some ways…we did. You and I became different people because of the losses we’ve suffered.”

  “It’s one of the reasons we fit together so perfectly.” She takes my hand and kisses it. “You’re my safe haven.”

  Candy is dangerous. She makes it far too easy to forget the barriers that separate us.

  We lie there in silence, comforted by each other’s presence.



  “I know you’re convinced that if we were born at different times, it would make a difference. But you’re wrong. We’re perfect for each other right now—just as we are.”

  “But why would you want an ugly cuss like me?”

  Candy laughs softly, caressing my scarred cheek. “I love this face. There’s nothing ugly about it.”

  She kisses me softly on the lips.

  Damn, she makes resisting her impossible.

  “I am not looking for forever, Captain. I just want your love now.”

  I have thought of nothing else but Candy and our conversation.

  I hear the sound of her voice and smell her sweet scent at odd times when I am alone during the day. It’s as if we are already connected, and it seems foolish to keep her at a distance when we both know what we want.

  After finally making the decision, I head to a jewelry designer I met through Celestia, Marquis Gray’s submissive.

  The jewelry designer sits me down and asks me to explain the piece I want made.

  “It is an unusual request,” I warn him.

  “Not an issue,” he assures me. “We have many clients from the BDSM community.”

  “Excellent. Then I would like you to make a delicate patent leather collar studded with diamonds and a gold heart locket engraved with this message on the front and back.” I slip a piece of paper with the details to him.

  Looking at the paper, he replies with a smile, “This must be a very cherished pet. Is this a Christmas gift?”

  “No, it is not.”

  He nods and asks, “What color for the collar?”

  “Pink. I’ll also need a gold chain leash with a black leather handle.”

  “Not pink to match the collar?”

  I chuckle. “The collar is for her to wear. The leash is for me to use—so, no pink.”

  “Fair enough. I should be able to have this ready within three weeks.”

  I leave the jewelry shop feeling the exuberance of a young kid of eighteen. Candy has changed my entire outlook on life. I’ve spent years living in my head, tormented by those I could not save.

  It served no purpose—even then, I knew it.

  However, it wasn’t until Candy burst into my life that I could see a new path and was able to focus on my life. I am not blind to the insurmountable barrier of time that stands between us. A force that cannot be altered. We are two people born out of sync by thirty-six years, but Candy only sees us and I am beginning to, as well.

  I accept that this is temporary. There will come a time when I will have to set her free to live her l
ife. Even though it will hurt like hell to let her go, I will do so with a full heart.


  Just her name brings a smile to my lips, and I am a man not used to smiling.

  Candy claims I am her safe haven but, in truth, she is mine.

  I’ve dressed in my formal military uniform for the occasion. I tuck the box with her collar inside my suit jacket before I button up and look at the mirror. It has been a long time since I’ve donned this uniform.

  It carries with it both pride for my country and sorrow for those lost under my command. Today, however, I will add a new memory—the intimacy of a private collaring ceremony—for just the two of us.

  I feel anxious on the drive there, and doubly so as I walk up to her apartment door. Even though this is something we both desire, I hesitate for a second before knocking.

  I stand back and clasp my hands behind my back as I wait.

  A woman in her forties answers the door. I can see hints of Candy’s features in her face and suspect this must be her mother.

  “Oh, wow…” she replies, her gaze darting up to my injured face and settling on my eyepatch. She quickly looks away and blushes. “Are you here for a donation?”

  I smile awkwardly, unsure how to respond.

  The door opens wider and I’m met by a man who must be Candy’s father, also significantly younger than I.

  “We already gave, but we’re always willing to help out Toys for Tots.” He reaches into his pants and whips out his wallet, handing me several bills.

  He’s confused me for a Marine, so I explain as I try to give the money back to him, “No. That’s not why I’m here.”

  He holds up his hands. “Don’t worry about it. Whatever charity you represent, we support you and the military one hundred percent. Thank you for your service.”

  His wife echoes, “Yes, thank you for your service.” I can tell she finds my face disturbing because she can’t bear to look at me now.

  “I don’t want to appear rude, but we’re surprising our daughter. She doesn’t know we’ve come to celebrate the holidays with her,” Candy’s father explains, looking at his watch. “She’s due any minute.”

  My gut lurches and tightens as I stare at Candy’s parents, facing the cold reality of our age difference. I was mistaken to think that collaring their young daughter was the right thing to do. I’ve been deluding myself…

  “I will be on my way then,” I mumble, nodding to them both.

  “Merry Christmas,” Mrs. Cox calls out before quickly shutting the door.

  I rush out of the building, not wanting Candy to see me here. As I pass by a bell ringer for the Salvation Army, I quickly stuff the cash her father gave me into the slot of the red pot.

  “Thank you, sir, and happy holidays!” the old woman calls out cheerily as I hurry on.

  I berate myself for being such a fool.

  Candy has her whole life ahead of her. It’s not right to complicate it with a relationship that’s doomed from the start.

  I get back into my vehicle and speed off, but not before I see Candy stopped at the light in front of me, both of us waiting on opposite sides of the street for it to change. She’s bouncing in her seat, moving to the beat of an old Christmas song blasting from her car.

  I choke up, seeing how youthful and carefree she is when she thinks no one is watching.

  I don’t want to be the one to quell that carefree spirit. I can’t do that to her.

  I love Candy—therefore, I must let her go.

  As the light turns green, we start toward each other. She’s oblivious to me, belting out the lyrics of the song on the radio.

  I look at Candy one last time as we pass.

  Goodbye, my pet.

  I hope you enjoyed Safe Haven!

  Coming next is—Destined to Dominate, the conclusion of Captain’s Duet.

  Click here to read the next book!

  Love has no boundaries…

  Candy is not about to let Captain go.

  Find out what happens when true love collides with selfless sacrifice.

  Sparks are about to fly in the heartfelt conclusion

  to Captain and Candy’s story.


  (Release Date – August 21, 2018)

  Or, if you are new to Brie and the gang, you can begin the journey with the 1st Box Set of

  Brie’s Submission which is FREE!

  Click here to read the 1st box set


  Destined to Dominate (Captain’s Duet) the 2nd book of Captain’s story

  Available for Preorder

  Reviews mean the world to me!

  I truly appreciate you taking the time to review Safe Haven.

  If you could leave a review on both Goodreads and the site where you purchased this eBook from, I would be so grateful. Sincerely, ~Red

  Don’t miss the background stories behind the characters you read about in Safe Haven.

  You can begin the journey with the 1st Box Set of Brie’s Submission which is FREE!

  1-Click here for your FREE box set

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  Over Two Million readers have enjoyed Red’s stories

  Red Phoenix – USA Today Bestselling Author

  Winner of 8 Readers’ Choice Awards

  Hey Everyone!

  I’m Red Phoenix, an author who also happens to be a submissive in real life. I wrote the Brie’s Submission series because I wanted people everywhere to know just how much fun BDSM can be.

  There is a huge cast of characters who are part of Brie’s journey. The further you read into the story the more you learn about each one. I hope you grow to love Brie and the gang as much as I do.

  They’ve become like family.

  When I’m not writing, you can find me online with readers.

  I heart my fans! ~Red

  To find out more visit my Website

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  Why Captain and Candy first?

  These two started off as side characters who quickly became fan favorites. I wanted to give you the backstory behind both these extraordinary characters in a way I’ve never done before.

  Thank you, Anthony!

  This is the man with the vision. He suggested I continue the Brie world by writing about characters within it. This duet was born from our conversation last year.

  As far as the book itself,

  I dedicate Safe Haven to the real-life heroes who, like Captain, willingly sacrifice themselves to protect our great country.

  I also dedicate this book to submissives like Candy.

  Subs who, because of inexperience, find themselves in questionable situations. Always trust your instincts, educate and protect yourself – Be safe.

  My dear fans, I hope you loved diving deeper into Captain and Candy’s story as much as I did writing it. I can’t wait for you to read the next one!

  But I won’t lie, I was intimidated at first.

  I wanted to do Captain justice as a serviceman in the U.S. Army. Although I buried myself in a ton of personal research concerning the military, I depended on and am extremely grateful for the help of generous people who offered their knowledge and experience:

  Top Griz (who combed the entire story pointing out issues and offering solutions), Master Brian (who provided his personal experience with a live fire exercise), and Aaron & Jennifer Precht who provided important background knowledge concerning the Army.

  Big thanks go to my incredible editor, Karen, as well as my proofer Jennifer B, and betas Becki W, Marilyn C, and
Kathy O. This is a better book because of your influence.

  I want to also thank my kids, Jon and Jessica. Your creativity, hard work, and dedication toward marketing this book has been amazing. So proud to be your mama!

  Special kudos to my friend and fan, Brenda H, who does a ton of work behind the scenes. Thank you, thank you, thank you! What would I do without you?

  I also want to give a special shout out to Kennia L – I’ve loved the hours spent chit-chatting at the pier about each book as they released. Thanks for continually spreading the love of Brie far and wide.

  Last, but not least, I want to thank MrRed.

  He continues to be my greatest supporter, encourager, and the inspiration for all my work. The depth of my love for him only increases with time.

  Red Phoenix is the author of:

  Brie’s Submission Series:

  Teach Me #1

  Love Me #2

  Catch Me #3

  Try Me #4

  Protect Me #5

  Hold Me #6

  Surprise Me #7

  Trust Me #8

  Claim Me #9

  Enchant Me #10

  A Cowboy’s Heart #11

  Breathe with Me #12

  Her Russian Knight #13

  Under His Protection #14

  Her Russian Returns #15

  In Sir’s Arms #16

  Bound by Love #17

  *You can also purchase the AUDIO BOOK Versions

  Also part of the Submissive Training Center world:

  Captain’s Duet

  Safe Haven

  Destined to Dominate

  Other Books by Red Phoenix

  Blissfully Undone

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  (Snowy Fun—Two people find themselves snowbound in a cabin where hidden love can flourish, taking one couple on a sensual journey into ménage à trois)

  His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

  * Available in eBook and paperback

  Audio Book: His Scottish Pet: Dom of the Ages

  (Scottish Dom—A sexy Dom escapes to Scotland in the late 1400s. He encounters a waif who has the potential to free him from his tragic curse)


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