Miscegenist Sabishii

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Miscegenist Sabishii Page 11

by Pepper Pace

  Tony’s eyes lit up. “May I see it?”

  She actually smiled. “Certainly, my boy.” Wow, Tony was good at this type of thing. Mrs. Dura had already pretty much dismissed me. Well, I may not be quite the ‘people’ person that

  Tony was but it didn’t mean that I didn’t have heart or didn’t care. I followed them to a sitting room that was very nicely decorated in antique, yet comfortable chairs. On the side table set a black, ugly lamp with a birdhouse sitting on top of the Geisha’s up stretched hands.

  “Wow, that is magnificent.” Tony said with true awe in his voice. I tried to see it through his eyes…and yet all I could see was an ugly lamp. She went around the room and pointed out other antique pieces. Each item, Tony looked on with appreciation and true interest. After fifteen minutes in the room I was getting tired. I sat down in one of the chairs and Mrs. Dura gave me a sharp look.

  “Chile, that chair is not made for big girls. It will collapse on you like matchsticks!” I jumped up and blushed. I saw Tony press his lips together in order to hide that he was two seconds from laughing. I ignored him.

  “I’m sorry. Mrs. Dura, I wanted to come here with Toi so that I could explain why I denied your loan.”

  Tony gave me a dubious look but did not speak.

  The older woman pursed her lips. “Oh, I know why you denied my loan. I’m used to colored girls like you that can’t stand to see another black get ahead. I’ve had to deal with trifling Negroes like yourself all of my life!”

  My mouth fell open. What the fuck?! Even Tony took on a look of shock at her severe words.

  “Mrs. Dura, Miss Mason is not that person. I can assure you that your race had nothing to do with why the loan was denied.”

  “Then why? Why did the whites always give me loans but the one black I come up against denies me?!”

  I couldn’t even speak, I was so outdone. I just walked out of the room and towards the front door. I wasn’t going to apologize to this woman. Let her deal with the consequences of her own ignorance.

  “Nikki!” Tony gripped my arm. “Tell her! You came here to tell her so don’t leave without doing it!”

  Mrs. Dura watched us silently. Reluctantly I turned towards her. I narrowed my eyes.

  “Mrs. Dura, I’m going to be frank with you. Since you were blunt with me, I’m just going to be the same.”

  “Do it. I got my check, at this stage of the game I’ve got what I wanted. You can be as blunt as you want.”

  I didn’t like this woman quite as much as I had three weeks ago. Yet she did remind me of someone I knew; myself.

  “Mrs. Dura. You are seventy-two years old and you look ten years younger than that.” She smirked at me. “But you are still getting older. One day you may not want to live in this big house. Maybe you will face some unfortunate accident that could cause you to move…to a condo or something. I don’t know.” Tony had already closed his eyes in horror at my words.

  “What I’m saying is that if you had to leave this house, sell it, you’d still have the rest of the loan to pay off. If I bought this house I’d buy it for what it is valued at, no more. But what you’re receiving a loan for is more than the value of this house. If you sold it, you’d still be essentially paying off this loan. Bottom line. You would still owe my company over 50,000 dollars even AFTER your house sold. And that is if anyone would buy it…in this economy and with the exterior condition you would have to unload this at a very reduced price.”

  Her eyes flashed at me; both fire and something else. “I’m not going to sale my house, Miss Mason. So that won’t be an issue for me. I intend to live out the rest of my years here.”

  “Great. Then it doesn’t matter if you pay us an extra fifty thousand to do it!” I opened the front door and stormed down the stairs. Damnit, what had I just done? I’d let my anger get in the way and I’d yelled at a customer and basically told her that my company was nothing more than a bunch of crooks. Shit! I was going to be in so much trouble.

  Tony returned to the car about five minutes later. I studied his expression. He’d come here to make things right and instead I’d made them worse. He didn’t get into the car, but came around to the passenger side. I rolled down my window.

  “Babe, congratulations. Mrs. Dura doesn’t want the loan and she wants to talk to you.” I looked up to the doorway to see the older woman standing there watching. I got out of the car and went back into the house. Mrs. Dura took my elbow and led me back inside. This time we went into a kitchen. It was a little dated but seemed very comfortable and was neat and tidy.

  “Your man told me off pretty good.” I flashed Tony a look but his expression remained passive.

  “My man…um-?”

  “I know he’s your man. It’s in the way that you feel being in the same room with each other, even if you don’t think that your face or manner shows it, it really does. But the point is I jumped

  to a conclusion. Sit down.” Tony and I sat on red velvet covered barstools while Mrs. Durdek went into the refrigerator for iced tea.

  “Do you like sweet tea?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” We both replied. She poured us all large glasses of tea and then sat down and watched us.

  “I pride myself on being a smart, educated woman. You know, smart and educated aren’t synonymous. In my life I’ve met many people who were very educated and well versed in their respective fields…but in some cases, they were some of the dumbest-assed people I’ve met!” I hid a smile. “I never wanted to be that person, but I think that I am. Miss Mason, please accept my apology for what I said earlier. In my attempt to pay down my bills, I’ve had several over-sights. I suppose I willfully tried not to see the obvious.

  “Mr. Yakamoto told me that you are a real estate agent. I lied when I said that I wanted to die in this house. I can’t think of anything that I’d despise more…dying in this hellish reminder of a life that I no longer live.”

  I glanced at Tony curiously. “Yes, ma’am. I have a real estate license.”

  “Do you think that you can help me sell this house for enough money to pay off my bills and to get situated in a nice little condo? I’d like to have a yard because I love tending to my flowers and herbs.”

  I smiled. “I would love to help you. This is a beautiful house and with a little work it could sell for enough to pay off your previous loans and your debt and perhaps even enough to place a small down payment on a condo. I actually know of several condos that would give you the space of a single family, as well as a private yard…”

  When Tony and I were back in the car and on our way back to the office I was almost trembling with the thrill of helping instead of hurting someone. I gave Tony a worried look.

  “Mr. Milton is going to be pissed.”

  “Yes. Especially when he finds out that Mrs. Dura is going to file another complaint against the company with the Better Business Bureau for predatory mortgage practices.” There was a strange, peaceful look on his face. He reached out and touched my hand.

  “I’m proud of you Nikki.”

  “I guess this means that I get a lowered evaluation.”

  But it turned out to be worse than that. We got fired.


  When we returned to the office, I went straight to Richard Milton’s office and handed him back the check. I was honest when I informed him that Mrs. Dura had declined our services. I was frank when I mentioned that she would not be removing her report to the BBB but would be, in fact, filing a new one. I never mention Nikki at all in this. He did.

  With a face that was angry and beet red, he glared at me. “It has come to my attention that there has been an indiscretion in the company. Are you and Nikkita Mason involved in a relationship of a romantic nature?”

  “We’re engaged.” I said. That surprised him completely. Evidently he, as well as all of the people in the office, had known that there was something going on between Nikki and I (silly us to think that no one could see that we were completely in love wit
h each other), but I suppose he figured that it was little more than a seedy office affair…like the one that he has been having with my secretary Debbie.

  “As a direct supervisor of Nikkita, the relationship violates company policy. Clearly you are in a position to exercise influence over her pay and awards. I don’t know what you were thinking when you embarked on this misguided fling-”

  “I’m ENGAGED.” I spoke almost casually. “How is that misguided, or a fling?”

  He wasn’t inclined to answer the question. “I have no choice but to terminate yours and Nikkita’s employment with the company.”

  I unbuttoned my jacket. “I see. Well draw up the severance package. I’ll sign the forms in your office. I don’t want them mailed to me. I also request my last check to be received by hand, here in your office and not by mail. How soon will you be able to have these things for me?”

  “Uh…I…” he stammered. “You seemed to be prepared for this.” My lip twisted.

  “I don’t want to work here anymore. I’m not happy doing this job anymore. But I wouldn’t have gotten my severance package if I had quit, now would I?” His face began to move from beet red to pale. “Richard, it was you that challenged me to decide whether I wanted to live on principal or on regrets. When I handed the woman I love a reprimand for something that she didn’t deserve, I realized that I was incapable of living with regrets. So yeah…I’m out of here. Just tell me when I can sign my departure papers.”

  He didn’t answer for a long time. “I’ll have them ready for you tomorrow.” He finally answered. I stood and re-buttoned my jacket.

  “Richard, despite everything, I appreciate the chance you gave me at this company. I’ll be back tomorrow to collect my things.”

  I went to Nikki’s office. She gave me a fearful look knowing that I was going to be meeting with Richard to give him the unfortunate news. I winked at her. “Let’s go, beautiful. We need to start looking for new jobs.”


  I placed my hand on my belly. I was only five months pregnant now but my belly swelled enough for my condition to be unmistakable. When I told my Mom and Daddy they were shocked. They liked Tony, but maybe they thought that I’d move on to a black man. Then Mom said that it was going to be the prettiest baby. And when she said that, it seemed that it was all that anyone could talk about; how pretty a black and Asian child would be.

  I couldn’t bring myself to mention the fact that there was a big chance that the baby would not be Tony’s. If that happened then I could explain then. Still, everyone would think that I was a cheater. Daddy was still looking at me with some concern.

  “You two are unemployed. How are you going to do this?”

  “Daddy, we will get through this. Tony got a huge severance package-”

  “That’s him. What about you?” His statement was true. I got no severance package because I hadn’t been with the company at least a year. I was collecting unemployment and I’d get paid helping Mrs. Dura sell her house, but after that I didn’t know. I told Daddy that Tony’s insurance would be in position for a year after separation and that when we got married I’d be on his policy so that would cover the baby’s birth.

  Daddy just shook his head and didn’t say anything else. Well hell, this wasn’t the dream I’d had either! Thankfully Tony was off playing basketball with his friend’s and couldn’t witness this exchange. He had been slow to put out feelers to other mortgage companies. When I asked him what his plans were, he just got a thoughtful look on his face and responded that it would have to be something he enjoyed. Me, I decided to hold off on looking for a job until after the baby was born. I simply didn’t want to get turned down from a promising company because I was in the last stages of pregnancy.

  I went home, happy to be away from Daddy’s worrisome stare and Mom’s fussing about the baby’s looks. Wu-Tang greeted me happily and I spent a few moments rubbing her soft fur. Tony had given up his condo and had moved in with me. For the present his nicer, but more contemporary furniture was in storage. I loved living with this thoughtful man. He cooked and cleaned up after himself. He was neat and considerate of the fact that he shared a space with me. In turn, I made sure to offer him a place where he could feel was his as well as mine.

  But I wanted a house. I wanted our own home and a place for the baby that didn’t include a crib in our bedroom…of course I needed to be Mrs. Yakamoto first and we were at an impasse on wedding planning. Tony liked doing everything classy and he was talking a boatload of money, which I couldn’t see us spending since we weren’t currently employed. Tony always said for me not to worry about money but how could I not?

  I decided to laid down for a nap until Tony came home and then maybe we’d decide on what to do for dinner. Sometime later I heard someone bamming on the front door. I jumped up almost before I’d completely awakened. But even before I got to the front door I heard Tony arguing with someone. Then I heard a voice that I didn’t ever want to hear again; Dean’s. Oh shit. There was only one reason that he’d be here.

  I opened the door. Tony was wearing basketball shorts and a sweaty t-shirt. He hadn’t showered at the gym or changed. His normally stylish hair lay flatly, almost long enough to touch his shoulders. It hid most of his face—not a bad thing since he was so angry. There was a dark, sinister look in his eyes as he jabbed a finger into Dean’s chest.

  “No! You’re not going in there. You’re not talking to her-”

  Dean’s face was equally twisted and dark. He was easily six feet three inches so he towered over Tony. He was the type of guy that would turn any woman’s head; chocolate skin, goatee, shaved head and a body that was sculptured perfection. He also was a lame excuse for a man. He never paid much attention to me. I wasn’t Nikki, I was the girl he was boning. Or I was that person to makes excuses to form why he didn’t come home when he said he would. He played video games for hours and hours, he always tried to tell me how to manage my life, my finances, he even once told me to get rid of my 401k because people were always trying to go broke saving for the end of their lives when they should be devoting their efforts to enjoying NOW. I think that was the last time that I cared to listen to anything he had to say.

  Dean’s eyes swung to me belly and he suddenly had a horror stricken look on his face. “Jesus…you are pregnant.” His eyes met mine. “Is it mine?” Tony was quiet then and so was I. Dean gave me a look of utter disbelief. “You really wouldn’t have told me, would you?”

  “What are you doing here?” I asked. It was the only thing I could say, although the answer was fairly obvious.

  “I needed to see for myself. Tony says it’s his but I’m asking you. Whose baby is this?!”

  I gave Tony a perplexed look. How had we gotten here, like this?

  I sighed. “Come inside. I think we all need to talk.” Tony did not look happy but he followed us into the house.


  Knowing that I was unemployed didn’t stress me out as much as it would others. I had a fat bank account, a 401k to fall back on and time to decide what career path I wanted to take. Nikki wasn’t quite as relaxed. I’m not sure why she was so stressed, other than that she is just a naturally stressed out individual. Pregnancy and unemployment hasn’t helped. But money is not an issue so I wish she wouldn’t be so anxious.

  She had decided to reveal all news to her family in baby steps. First she told them that we were unemployed and after that died down she announced our engagement and today she is going to tell her people that she is pregnant. I wisely declined to attend that particular revelation because I had told her to tell them immediately. But she claimed to know and understand her parent’s so here we are telling them nearly a month after we’d discovered it.

  Once I stopped being a dumb ass and I let Nikki know that I wanted her AND her baby regardless of who had fathered it, our lives seemed to return to a comfortable routine. Doctor visits, baby shopping, and just more time for us to reunite as a couple. Pregnancy sex is very very g
ood and because of the hormones, she is insatiable.

  I don’t think about the fact that the baby might be born looking like her and Dean instead of me and her. I don’t think of baby names because there may not be a little Iyoki. I just think about holding this little newborn in my arms and knowing that when he or she looks at me, I am the only Daddy that he or she knows.

  I don’t even despise Dean as much as I thought I would. Recently, after going to his place for an online HALO tournament in which he and I were on the same team, Dean came up to me exclaiming how good I’d played for a newbie. We’d had fun and he apologized for how our friendship had declined. I was one step away from telling him not to apologize to me but to Nikki before I realized that I didn’t want this fool even knowing that there was a baby that might be his. I couldn’t stop thinking that he might be stuck in my life forever…or for the next eighteen years. So I shook his hand and told him that it was water under the bridge.

  Having that change of attitude toward each other somewhat rekindled our friendship. And though he and I aren’t as tight as the other guys and I are, we are cool. At least until Jay got that phone call from his mother during our weekly basketball game at the rec center.


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