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Page 2

by Las Vegas Honeymoon (lit)

  “Don’t worry, Dan. I’m sure I’ll think of some way for you to pay me for the room.”

  With that, she walked into the bedroom, leaving a warmth in the air and that big, old hard-on in his pants.

  Chapter 2

  Hours later, Dan and Mary exited the KA theatre. “That was absolutely fantastic,” Mary said.

  “It sure was. I have a confession to make.”

  Mary stopped and swung around to face Dan. The evening had been great so far. She’d come out a couple hundred dollars ahead in her gambling, dinner had been delicious and the conversation interesting. She hoped he wasn’t going to spoil everything by telling her he’d found a room elsewhere, or—worse—that he’d lied earlier and had a wife at home, after all. Her brief experience with men, meaning Ralph, hadn’t exactly inspired confidence that they were the honest gender of the species.

  “And what might that be?”

  “I saw the show last year. But I enjoyed it far more tonight. Must have been the company.” His smile put the flashing lights in the casino to shame. She’d have to use all her willpower to keep her hands off him while he shared the adjoining apartment. His school reputation as the guy with the most notches on his belt had been much more than rumor. What had she been thinking to offer the wolf a place right next door to the lamb?

  She hadn’t been thinking. She’d been enjoying her pity party and the looks of admiration Dan gave her. Now she’d have to watch every word and gesture to be sure she didn’t become a notch on that infamous belt.

  Starting to walk again, she said, “I understand how you could see the show over and over. I don’t think you could pick up everything in one time.”

  “How about a night cap?”

  Surely one glass of wine couldn’t hurt. “That sounds good. And you can continue telling me what you’ve been doing for the past few years. Like, do you still play the field when it comes to dating?” Damn! Where had that come from?

  He seemed amused. She couldn’t ignore the streak of heat racing up her arm when he reached out and took her hand. Lacing their fingers, he said, “What kind of question is that to ask a man?”

  “I just wondered because you, well, everyone thought, in school….”

  He laughed. “Like you, I’ve changed from what I was in high school.”


  He tugged her to a stop. His eyes were serious though his lips turned up in a half smile. “We’re not kids anymore. Kids throw away their time because they don’t know what they want. Now I do. I work hard. I developed a new process for our company, and I pour all my energy into it. I don’t spend much time out of the office, so I don’t date much. I haven’t given much thought to finding someone to love.” He swept the back of his fingers down her cheek. The noise and lights of the casino floor faded to nothing. “You wanted to build a life with someone. I’ve barely considered adding a wife to mine.”

  Her breath hitched. She waited for the sting behind her eyes and tightness in her throat that should accompany her lost dreams of a life with Ralph. By now the tears should have started, but her eyes remained dry. He studied her face, then stared at her mouth. Her lips parted; her tongue darted out to wet them. His eyes darkened, watching.

  “Of course,” he murmured, “there will be some free time during the convention. I’m due for a break.”

  God, she wanted him to kiss her in the worst way.

  How could she be so fickle? Hours ago, she had stood ready to marry another man. Now she could hardly remember what he looked like. All because Dan Higgins, the boy she’d dreamed about throughout school was here before her, so close she could smell his woodsy aftershave. This reality topped any adolescent fantasy. She wanted to feel his lips on hers, his arms around her, his body crushing her into the mattress. Whatever remnants of Ralph remained in her memory, she wanted squelched, and Dan had everything it took to accomplish that. No other man could have made her this crazed.

  Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.

  Instead, he squeezed her hand and they continued to the bar in silence.

  Dan pulled a bar stool close to one she chose. They sat and ordered.

  “You know,” she said, “I always pictured you on Wall Street. But I guess joining Higgins Enterprises made more sense.”

  He snorted a laugh and nodded thanks to the scantily clad waitress when she set the glasses on the table, wine for her, whiskey for him. “If you grew up thinking your father and brother were like gods and they paid no more attention to you than to pat you on the head, you might think twice about joining the company where they were already leaders. For years I felt like the useless, younger addition to the firm.”

  Elbows on the table, she leaned forward. “Why’d you stay? Someone of your brains and talent could have made it anywhere.”

  He reached out and took her hand. His thumb caressed her palm, sending flames of desire through her. “Back then, I still fumed at feeling worthless, while never doing anything to shake their image of me. I took an easy route to avoid work and lived down their image of me.”

  She returned his smile. “And then one day you were finally ready to prove them wrong.”

  Dan chuckled. “I should have known you’d understand. After all, look what you did. Lost your excess weight and made everyone face the beautiful woman you always knew you were.”

  “I didn’t always know I was beautiful. I don’t know it now.”

  “You should ask me, then.”

  At the piercing look he gave her, she gulped her wine. “Don’t say things like that. You know as well as I do that you never gave me a second thought when I was fat.” It still hurt to use that word about herself, but facts were facts.

  “I took you to the prom, didn’t I?”

  He had done that. She’d resigned herself to not attending the major dance of her senior year when suddenly Dan called and asked her to go. She had been afraid to ask why back then, wanting to live the magical evening thinking he liked her. Now she wanted to know. “Why did you take me?”

  “Come on, we were friends. Don’t act like I didn’t know you were alive.” He sat quietly for a brief moment. “I wanted you to feel as special as I thought you were.”

  “So…you did like me?”

  “I can’t believe you didn’t know. You might have been a little overweight, but you were nice. And smart. Lots of kids liked you, but you were too shy to see.”

  Could that have been true? Could her own self-image kept her from knowing others saw her in a different light? Good God. Could her mother have been right all those years?

  “Would you like to go back?” His voice was low and very sexy. The chords skittled through her, striking every nerve like a ball in a pinball machine.

  She finished off her wine. “Okay, yeah, that would be good.” Her insides felt mushy, melted from listening to Dan, thinking about Dan, remembering how she’d felt about Dan years before. Or was it the wine?

  Who cares? You’re on your honeymoon alone. Life doesn’t get much more pathetic.

  Then she glanced at the sexy man cradling her hand. She was the envy of every woman in the room, and there wasn’t a damn thing pathetic about that.

  * * * *

  After returning to the Marco Towers, they parted in the hall and went into their respective rooms. Mary had suggested picking up wine on the way home, and Dan had done so, with little more than a speculative glance in her direction. Now she wondered what he thought of her, and the hint that she’d welcome him in her room, talking about the past. The invitation—even veiled as it was—was brazen, bold, and totally unlike her.

  Unlike the old you. She rushed to the bedroom and slipped out of her dress and bra. Standing in nothing but her bikini panties, she thought of Dan on the other side of the wall and her breathing sped. Years ago, she would have killed to be in this position. Then, as a shy, bookish geek, the popular and friendly Dan Higgins had befriended her. She’d wrapped the memory of her senior prom night in cotton and cradled ever since. Dan a
s a lover was something she’d dreamed of back then, though she had no idea what such a thing entailed.

  But after graduation, she’d gone to college in the north and he’d stayed home in Georgia. They hadn’t written. They weren’t girlfriend and boyfriend, after all.

  When she met Ralph, he’d seemed special, too. Like Dan, he was handsome, charming and popular. He’d taken time to befriend her and made her feel as though only she existed in his world. How wrong she’d been! Maybe she was wrong about Dan, too, but if he wasn’t right for a lifetime anymore, he was at least right for a night.

  She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her panties and pushed them off. Her knee length robe slid over her skin like silk. Sexy described the way she felt, sexy and free to be whatever she wanted to be. This was the chance to live those dreams she’d explored only in the dark of night.

  What happened in Las Vegas stayed in Las Vegas. The commercial message flew into her head. Who would know if she stepped over the line of propriety? Ralph had done so more than once, evidently. This was her turn. Being the cheated instead of the cheater would serve Ralph right. And who better to take revenge with than her first love?

  She paused at the adjoining door. Raising her hand to knock, she held her breath. Before her fist struck the wood, Dan’s did. She swung the door wide, hoping she looked sexy rather than surprised that he’d actually want to spend time with her. He lofted the bottle high with one hand and held two glasses in the other. His tie and jacket were history, and his collar button was undone. Even better, his shoes were off, giving him the look of a late-night friend.

  Of course, he’s still dressed, and you’re standing here in a robe and nothing else. His gaze slid down her body and crawled back up, striking heat every inch of the way. What must he think? She’d overestimated his interest and now presented him a tasty morsel of tart. She blushed warm at her forwardness.

  “I thought you might want some wine before bed.”

  “Wine would be nice.”

  “I like your robe. The color looks good on you.”

  “Thanks. I-I probably should have stayed dressed, but this is comfortable.”

  He slipped past her into the room. His arm brushed her breast, sending a thrill to the tingly area between her thighs. “Speaking for myself, you could have worn a bit less and it would have been just fine.”

  Her cheeks flamed hotter. “I feel naked enough in this.”

  At the table Dan removed the cork from the bottle. Mary left the connecting door open, not wanting Dan to think she was suggesting he stay in her room, though the picture of the two of them in her king size bed set her blood running swift and hot. He poured the wine and handed her a glass. She took it, smiling her thanks. “Let’s sit over here on the sofa.”

  “Sounds good.”

  She sat at the end of the sofa while Dan settled in the middle. He set the bottle on the coffee table. Holding up his glass he said, “To old friends.”

  “Oh, yes.” She gently clinked her glass against his. She sipped. The dryness of the Chablis struck her tongue and she puckered slightly.

  “That’s why I bought Chablis,” he said. “I knew it would make you look like you want to be kissed.”

  “Really.” Mary gathered her wits. This was her chance to flirt and she did so outrageously. Looking up from under her lashes she asked, “Do you think I want to be kissed?”

  “I hope so.”

  Her heart fluttered and took flight.

  “Why are you sitting so far away? This is a big sofa but you don’t have to prove it.”

  “I-I, uh, don’t know. Now that you mention it, I guess I am being a little silly.” She scooted a few inches toward him.

  “Closer.” He took her hand and tugged until their thighs touched. He tapped his glass against hers this time. “To old friends who want to be current friends, too.”

  Mary didn’t think she could breathe, much less sip. And she didn’t. She gulped instead, almost emptying her glass. With a wolfish smile, Dan leaned over and grabbed the bottle. Before she could protest, he filled her glass again.

  “Keep drinking like that, and you’ll be tipsy before you know it.”

  Her head already swam, although she thought it might be from Dan’s arm slipping around her shoulders, and the scent of his mint toothpaste, which she could smell because her nose was mere inches from his face.

  Oh, God, oh, God, she had to stay alert. She wanted Dan with everything in her, but she didn’t want him to think she was a complete pushover. Or a tramp, which he actually might think, considering she’d asked him into her room. No, not just your room, you idiot, your honeymoon suite. Which you should be sharing right now with Ralph.

  Dan nuzzled her hair, brushing his lips across her forehead. Mary tried, but couldn’t picture Ralph. Not his face, not his eye color or hair color.

  Dan squeezed her shoulder and then slid his hand down her arm, sending tingles through her. Mary couldn’t imagine Ralph’s touch. Had he ever made her feel like this? She couldn’t remember. He must have—they were going to be married. Surely passion had spiraled though her with his touch. Then why couldn’t she remember?

  With Dan’s other hand—when had he put down his wine glass?—he tipped her glass against her lips. A drop or two dribbled from the corner of her mouth and he licked them up. Just as he’d described, she puckered. He licked her lips, too, taking away the wine’s dryness and leaving fire in its place. His kiss was light, a small press against her lips. Then another, and another, each harder, more insistent.

  He massaged her mouth with his lips, pushing, licking. He cupped her cheek. His teeth came down on her bottom lip, lightly, just a nip, but enough to make her gasp in shock. He sucked her lip into his mouth for a second, as though to ease whatever hurt he might have caused, and then kissed her for real.

  His tongue roamed the recesses of her mouth, tickling the roof and sending spirals of fire through her when it wrestled with her own. Somehow he disposed of her glass. She clung to his shoulder, but he took her wrist and eased her arm around his neck.

  Her fingers kneaded his nape and then she ran her hand up and into his soft hair. He growled his approval before starting a new assault on her mouth, angling his head and spearing his tongue through her lips.

  Mary’s insides turned to mush. She couldn’t breathe and didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was Dan and the way he made her feel. He turned more toward her. Arching her back brought her breasts into contact with his chest. Her nipples were hard and pointed, begging for contact. She rubbed against him like a cat in heat, not caring what he might think of her. A restless urge pushed her on, a need such as she’d never felt.

  Her left nipple rasped against one of his shirt buttons. Pain and pleasure swept through her. She pushed again, harder, wishing they were skin to skin instead of separated by his shirt and her robe. Dan skimmed his hand up and down her leg, calf to knee. She stretched, opening her thighs. With a soft moan, she kissed him back. Her mind blanked, letting her instincts and body take control. She needed him, she wanted him, more than anything she’d ever wanted.

  For too many years, being with Dan Higgins like this had been Mary’s fantasy. Well, not exactly like this. In her childish dreams she’d wanted him to romance her, bring her roses, and whisper sweet, loving words into her ear. Then he’d lay her down and they’d make slow, sweet love. This mad rush toward physical fulfillment was nothing like the fantasy, really, but she didn’t care. She was with Dan, and he was going to give her all she craved. The fantasy might be different from the reality, but the result would be the same.

  Dan slid his hand to her thigh just as Mary rose to one knee and straddled his lap. He groaned when his fingers reached the point where her panties should have been. He stroked her pussy lips with his finger. She flexed her hips and he dipped into her slick passage. With a slight movement of his head, he took control of her mouth again. She let him, knowing playtime was over and that the real action began now. Could any
thing be better than this?

  He loosened the belt of her robe. Cool air touched her breasts before a warm hand massaged her skin, exciting her nipple. A finger on his other hand spread moisture from her pussy up to her clit. She wiggled, unable to stay still. Tension coiled inside like a watch, wound too tight.

  He pulled away from her mouth. Eyes still closed, she leaned closer, seeking his lips. His kisses stole her breath but she needed them to live.

  “I want to take you to bed, Mary.”

  His ragged breathing barely registered through the fog in her mind. She kissed him, sucking his lower lip and nodding. “I want you to,” she whispered. “Please.”

  “Don’t be confused. If we go through that bedroom door, I’m going to fuck you. All night and into the morning. That’s what I intend and what I’ll do if you let me into your bed. Understand?”

  Barely a day ago, she’d been standing in a white gown, in a respectable church in the outskirts of Atlanta. She’d been about to swear loyalty and a lifetime of love to a man—but not the man beside her. This was to be her wedding night, and she was preparing to have sex with someone she hadn’t married.

  Doubt swept through her just ahead of panic. What was she doing? Ralph was probably worried sick about her. If he isn’t with Zoe, my so-called friend from accounting, or Marnie, my college-friend bridesmaid. Or someone new.

  Go to hell, Ralph. “It’s what I want.”

  She felt herself lifted, and then floated into her bedroom where Dan set her on her feet. He removed his clothes never moving his eyes from her face. Then he pushed the robe off her shoulders. He kissed his way along her jaw, down her neck and to her breast, his mouth hungry and hot.

  Fire followed each placement of his lips as his tongue laved her skin. The air felt cooler after the heat of his open mouth. But when he took her nipple, nibbled it, sucked, and licked, her knees gave out. He caught her, holding her close while he wrenched the bedspread and sheet to the bottom of the bed. Gently, he laid her down and then knelt between her spread legs. His kisses continued from her neck to her breast where he once more feasted, then down her torso. He buried his nose in her pubic hair. Her breath came fast and shallow.


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