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Conflict Page 7

by M. S. Willis

  As soon as his hands were on my shoulders, he shot me the meanest look and pushed me down on the ground. Dust billowed up around me from the force of my fall and my feelings were hurt from the way he was treating me. I couldn’t help it when tears sprang from my eyes. The shock of his actions and the fact that nobody had ever treated me this way were too much for me to handle.

  Buddy crossed his arms over himself and looked down at me with disdain. “See, I knew you would cry. Now, stop being a wimp and get up.”

  I was sobbing harder after he made fun of me. Why was he being so mean all of a sudden? I couldn’t understand why he was shoving me and saying nasty things to me. I never treated him this way. I didn’t get up like he said and I kept crying, hoping Momma or Daddy would come outside and see what was happening.

  Buddy watched me cry for a few more moments before finally reaching down to pull me back to my feet. He looked into my tear soaked eyes and then scowled again before shoving me back down. Once again, I hit the ground with a thud and I started crying even harder.

  “Stop crying and get up, Paige. People will only keep hurting you if you don’t stand up for yourself. I’ll keep pushing you down until you fight back for once. Get up!”

  My mind was racing with ideas of why Buddy was doing this. He had always been so nice to me before. Even when he was annoyed with me, he never treated me so badly. I looked up at Buddy through my lashes and his face still held a nasty scowl. When I didn’t immediately do as he said, he picked me and pushed me down all over again. After I had finally had enough and my tears had run dry, I picked myself up off the ground and shoved my hands into Buddy’s chest as hard as I could.

  “Stop it, Buddy! Get away from me! You’re being mean!” I shot Buddy an irate glare and crossed my arms over my chest. Buddy’s face changed from an angry scowl into one of satisfaction. He reached over to me to brush dust off my clothes and I jerked back out of his reach. “Don’t touch me!”

  Buddy huffed out a breath and his expression softened. “Let me help you get the dirt off, Paige.”

  I stubbornly stayed just out of his reach and I locked my eyes with his in challenge. “Why should I let you help me?!”

  He sighed again and stopped attempting to approach me. “Because you did what you were supposed to do, so I don’t need to push you down anymore.”

  “What?! You’re happy because you made me cry?”

  Buddy looked at me with resignation. “No. I didn’t want to make you cry; I had to make you cry. If I didn’t, then you won’t learn how to stop crying and get yourself back up. If anybody else ever touches you, you have to promise me you will fight back. If they push you down, you get back up. If you can, you get away from them. Never just sit there and cry, Paige. You can’t let people hurt you and you have to promise me you’ll get away or fight back.”

  I was completely confused by what he was saying to me. My mind was muddled as to why Buddy would hurt me and then tell me not to let other people do so. He was right, though. I couldn’t let people push me around.

  My voice was soft as I stated, “I promise, Buddy. I won’t let people push me around. Not even you.”

  With that, Buddy nodded his head and turned to walk back into the building.


  I woke up in the morning to my phone chirping. My mind was still foggy and I couldn’t shake the anger from the dream I had of Buddy. I always remembered him pushing me down, but somehow I had forgotten that particular incident. That was the first time Buddy touched me out of anger and I remember being slightly afraid of him for a few days following that. Eventually we returned to our usual closeness, but that particular day was a strange one for us both. My brain wrestled with why these memories were suddenly flooding my subconscious mind and I decided that maybe it had been something Alex said at dinner; or maybe it was the anger I saw in Daemon when I returned home. Either way, memories that had long been forgotten were reemerging in waves, and my heart was getting battered by the emotions they elicited.

  After untangling myself from the blanket, I reached over to my side table to pick up my continuously chirping phone. The screen flashed a picture of David as he called repeatedly. Hitting the little green button, I brought the phone to my ear.

  “Paige?!” David’s voice was rushed and he sounded slightly annoyed with me.

  I cleared the sleep from my throat and responded. “What is it, David? I was sleeping.”

  David huffed out a breath in annoyance and said, “I’m being released from the hospital today. I need you to send over your errand boy to retrieve me. I don’t like being made to wait. Oh! And make sure he brings a vehicle large enough to carry my ultimate makeover poster, please.”

  I shook my head and smiled. “Uh, yeah. Let me go see if he’s awake and I’ll come with him to pick you up. We’ll probably need to go by the apartment to get some more of your stuff.”

  David was silent for a moment and then responded. “What do you mean ‘see if he’s awake’? Aren’t you two sleeping in the same room? Don’t tell me your still holding on to that stupid roommate demand, Paige. You need to be using that man to your benefit. Seriously, regular sex makes you less bitchy and that’s good for everyone involved.”

  How was I supposed to explain what was going on with Daemon? Up until yesterday, our game had been in good fun, but now it felt like there had been a line drawn between us that neither was willing to cross. I was still angry at him for the way he treated me last night and I wondered what the hell he meant by that statement.

  “I’ll talk to you about what’s going on later, David. We need to catch up when we get some time to ourselves. Let me get up and ready and I’ll be heading over. I’m excited to be getting my ‘roomie’ back. I’ve missed you.”

  David clicked his tongue in appreciation of my words. “Well, of course you missed me, Paige. It’s never a party if I’m not around.” He laughed and continued. “I’m excited to see you again as well, but don’t expect to have the same type of sexual tension with me that you do with your other ‘roomie’. I’m no longer an available man and it would be best for you to remember that.”

  David’s comment made me chuckle. He was always so sure of himself and he was never shy to express it. “Okay, David. I’ll be there soon.”

  We said our goodbyes and I grudgingly pulled myself up and off the mattress. I visited my bathroom and then made my way out into the living room. As soon as I opened my door, I was assaulted by the smell of the delicious coffee goodness being brewed. Daemon must already be up and, although I preferred to avoid him at the moment, I needed to let him know that David was ready for rescue.

  Daemon was standing in the kitchen as I came through the living room. He was leaning against the counter and his head was held in his hands. He must have a hangover from the amount of alcohol he drank the night before. Good. Serves him right for drinking so much he became the ultimate asshole. I’ll admit I owed him an apology for leaving with Alex like I did, but that was no reason for him to have treated me so poorly when I returned home. My mind quickly scanned through the events from the previous evening and I remembered that Daemon was now on full ‘roommate’ status.

  Entering the kitchen, I held my chin up and pulled my shoulders back. I was proud damn it and Daemon wasn’t going to break me down this time. My hand reached out to open the cabinet door for a cup while my head and body were slightly turned, still eyeing Daemon. I had to make sure he wouldn’t start his usual sexual voodoo on me while my back was turned. He was wearing only a pair of pajama pants and I couldn’t help but admire the way the scant daylight coming in through the windows accented the ridges in his stomach. The skin across his chest glowed a golden tan and as usual, the shadows played across him, defining the absolute perfection of his build. He hadn’t yet looked up since I came in the room and I wondered if he was still angry.

  My cup held the perfect mixture of creamer and sugar as I finally poured my coffee. I watched as the powder and crystals dissolved upon c
ontact with the heated liquid. Normally, I wouldn’t pay as much attention to the dissolution process, however I was looking for anything to stare at besides Daemon. The motion of my spoon was creating a whirlpool in the cup. After what must have 100 revolutions around the perimeter of the mug, I rinsed off the spoon and placed it in the sink. This sucked. I’d run out of normal morning activities to avoid speaking to the pissed off Daemon currently standing across the room from me. My mind drifted to David and I resolved to deal with this like a mature adult for his good. He needed rescuing and I was going to make sure that happened. I wouldn’t bring up last night if Daemon didn’t.


  The only sound which followed my greeting was the slurping from me sipping on my coffee. Daemon didn’t move, didn’t speak, and didn’t react in any way. I was at a loss as to what to do. Do I greet him again? Did I speak too quietly the first time? I wasn’t sure. I stood silently waiting for Daemon to respond. After a few moments, he groaned before raking his hand over his face. His eyes were still closed and he placed his hands on the edges of the counters beside him as he stretched out his large frame. I was stunned by his glory. He was no longer hunched over and I had an unobstructed view of his body. If ever there was a perfect man; a man who was the epitome of masculinity and carnal strength, Daemon was it. My adherence to the ‘roommates only’ policy was already coming unglued and the man hadn’t yet voiced a single word. I hoped David could be a buffer for the remainder of my time here; a friendly reminder to maintain my tenacity.

  His beautiful blue eyes finally cracked open and as they met mine, Daemon smirked. “Your mouth is open.”

  What? I was looking at him with a questioning wrinkle between my brows when his words finally sunk in. I slammed my jaw shut and my face must have turned purple from the embarrassment. I could not believe I just literally stared open-jawed at him. There was no gracious way to get out of this. I reverted back to my earlier tactic and rolled my shoulders back while holding my chin up. I was absolutely mortified at that moment, but I wasn’t about to show it.

  “Very funny, Daemon. I was yawning…silently…and for a long time. There’s no reason for you to get a big head over that.”

  He chuckled at my cover. “How are you doing this morning, Damsel? I woke up before you, so I decided to put on a pot of coffee. It’s amusing that you got up right when I started the pot; almost like you are psychically connected to the machine.” He arched a brow and his mouth crooked into a lop-sided grin.

  That would be excellent. I wish my mind really did subconsciously sense coffee preparing within a certain distance around my body. I would never miss that first cup again. I’d be like the coffee burglar wherever I went; always swooping in and swiping the first taste. I had to forcefully free myself of that reverie to remember I had more pressing issues to attend to; mainly, David.

  “Um, no. It wasn’t the coffee that woke me up; David called. He’s being released from the hospital this morning and would like for us to go get him. We’ll probably need to go by the apartment as well so we can pick up his things.”

  Daemon nodded and turned to retrieve a cup from the counter behind him. I felt my jaw drop again as I observed the muscles on his side stretch and flex with his movement. He turned back and my jaw slammed shut. That boyish grin came back over his face and I looked away quickly in shame.

  He sauntered towards me and I kept my gaze trained on my feet. Even hung over, Daemon managed to exude virility. After filling his cup, Daemon placed the coffee pot back on the machine and leaned a hip on the counter as he turned to me.

  “Are we going to talk about last night, Paige?”

  Damn. And here I was trying to be good and not bring it up.

  I shrugged a shoulder at him. “What’s there to discuss? Oh, except maybe that cryptic statement you made to me right before you locked yourself in a bathroom without explanation as to why you were being such a prick to me when I got home.” I arched an eyebrow at him to convey that I had the upper hand in this conversation. Whether or not that was actually true was still up for interpretation, but I wasn’t about to let him know that.

  He looked thoroughly confused by my statement and I wondered if he even remembered our little interlude from last evening. “To what cryptic statement are you referring? I thought I had made myself very clear with you prior to your departure with Alex.”

  My eyebrows shot up when I realized he was talking about early evening. Not late evening when he was drunk Daemon. I could avoid the certain argument that my line of questioning would incite, however, that would require that I find within myself some semblance of tact. Determining that I had none, I went with my curious nature instead.

  “I’m talking about the comment you made that you didn’t teach me something just so that I would allow myself be used. I’d like to know what exactly it is you think you have taught me.”

  Daemon’s body visibly tensed and his face immediately lost all expression. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Damsel. I don’t remember saying that to you.”

  He must have had more to drink last night than I realized. I searched his face for any clue that he was lying in an attempt to avoid this conversation, but there was none. He appeared to honestly have no idea what I was talking about. “Last night, after I got home, you dragged me in your room. Don’t you remember?”

  His head fell into his hand again and he groaned. I stood there dumbfounded that he apparently had no recollection of the events from last night. On one hand, I was relieved to know that his behavior was the result of having too much to drink; on the other, I was irritated that he couldn’t remember treating me like he did. I had to admit to myself that I wanted him to feel some guilt for being an ass.

  Daemon raised his head back up and his eyes locked with mine. Regret and turmoil roiled in those crystal blues. He was obviously struggling with his next words and my breath held while I waited for his response. “Paige, I believe I may have had one too many drinks last night waiting for you to come home. I remember you leaving. I remember being angry and starting to drink; and then I remember waking up.” His inner struggle grew more intense and his voice was stoic and controlled when he spoke again. “Did I hurt you, Paige? Please tell me I didn’t do anything to hurt you.”

  His eyes searched mine and I stood motionless in my shock. A deluge of thoughts flooded my mind and I grasped at them, trying to focus on just one. He didn’t recall what happened. He had absolutely no idea what he did to me last night. Then it dawned on me; he was worried that he had hurt me. Why? Should I be nervous that there was a side to Daemon I didn’t yet know or understand. Alex’s words rang though my head. I didn’t know Daemon as well as I would like. His background was still a mystery and I had become complacent in my investigation. That needed to change. I needed to know who Daemon really was.

  “Why would you think you hurt me? I mean, sure, you hurt my feelings, but nothing physical.” I took a step away to ease some of the discomfort that I was having with this conversation.

  Daemon shook his head slightly and then reached out to grab me by the shoulders and pull me back into him. “I would never physically hurt an unwilling woman, drunk or otherwise, if that’s what you are assuming I meant. It’s just that I have a tendency to get a little more…rough…than you are used to.”

  Unwilling? What the hell did that mean? Why would any woman ever be willing to get hurt? Oh. It dawned on me what he was implying and my cheeks reddened from the sudden realization. The flood of hormones that assaulted my brain at his confession was staggering but I had to find out exactly what he meant. I took a breath and gathered my composure before asking, “You mean, as in sexually, right?”

  He nodded and an uncertain expression played over his features.

  Snap! That was the sound of my adherence to the ‘roommates only’ policy finally releasing. I imagined the roughness of Drunk Daemon combined with the emotion of Sober Daemon and my mouth watered involuntarily. Daemon was expecting
me to be turned off to the idea of being tossed around like a salad, but he had no idea that was exactly what I needed.

  Of all the responses that I could make to that statement, there was only one that managed to escape my lips. “I’d like that.”

  Daemon’s eyebrows shot up at my admission and a twisted grin came over his sculpted lips. His eyes gave away his wanton thoughts and I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth. My legs shook in response to his sudden change in demeanor and I was once again prey to his predator. I watched as his resolve was tossed aside and replaced with a sinful fervor. His tongue peaked out to lick his lips as he readied himself to devour every part of the woman standing before him.

  I was taken by surprise when his strong arms pulled at my lower back, arching my body into him. His lips crashed against mine just before his tongue forced its entrance into my mouth. Daemon wasn’t asking permission at this moment, he was taking what he wanted. I purred at the sensation of his oral caress and a delicious fire ignited within me. The silk fabric between my thighs was instantly drenched and I was panting in anticipation. Daemon’s large hands grasped my hips and he lifted me to place me on the kitchen island. His need was apparent in the tenting of his pants and I reached down to grasp him along his hard length. He growled when I touched him and the sodden wet fabric of my panties was swiftly ripped from my body. I was running on autopilot and all I could do at this moment was lose myself in his heated actions.

  His fingertips dug into the delicate skin of my hips and my nerves screamed at the sensation. My teeth dug into my lips from the force of his kiss and those unbelievable convulsions ravished my body. I was moaning in need when his hand came down to rub at the apex between my thighs. Daemon pulled his mouth from mine and the corners of his lips curled into a satisfactory grin. He enjoyed the effect he obviously had on me and he was never ashamed to watch my body’s reaction to him. The knowledge that his eyes moved over my body excited me and I pushed myself roughly into his touch. He nipped at my lip before running that gloriously hot mouth down my neck. His hands moved away from me and I groaned before realizing he needed them to remove the rest of the offensive cloth between us. He grasped the bottom of my shirt and ripped it upward, not waiting for me to lift my arms. This was the forcible, rough side of Daemon and I submitted to his raw power and dominance.


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